Get to Know Your Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 24: CH 24

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The Escape 24

Life is not a movie, it doesn’t need a lot of passionate and sorrowful songs.

Shen Shuiyan had never been so clear-headed, and she had never thought she would be in this situation before.

It was not wrong that she did not want to die, but time waited for no one, and if Xin Lan and she were stuck here, it would not be a good ending either.

“Don’t even think about letting go, don’t you trust me?”

Xin Lan whispered, leaning down, keeping her legs steady and her waist still, and grabbing Shen Shuiyan’s collar with her other hand.

She seized it, then slowly moved back, her veins bulging in her forehead.

Seeing this, Xu Deng let go of the arm she was holding to avoid inconveniencing Xin Lan.

Xin Lan’s face flushed a little red, and after a violent effort, he pulled Shen Shuiyan straight up from underneath.

“Go quickly.”

There were only two stairs left behind, so it would be too late if they didn’t go.

Xu Deng took the lead and ran ahead, while Xin Lan and Shen Shuiyan followed behind.

Shen Shuiyan didn’t have time to tell the truth about how her heart was pounding, but her heart was beating violently.

Little Tiger looked really handsome at that moment!

Shen Shuiyan tried to restrain the smile on her lips, but she found that she could not restrain it at all.

Little Tiger was so sweet to her that no matter what time she was around, she felt so safe.

At the moment when she was about to fall, her heart was indeed hanging in the air, but when she was caught, her heart was at ease.

Even when she asked Little Tiger to let go of her hand, she knew in her heart that she would not be given up by Little Tiger, but she thought that her Little Tiger would be able to pull her out.

It didn’t matter if she was given up, after all, she saw the panic in Xin Lan’s eyes the moment she pulled her out.

Xin Lan was unaware of the mental activity of Shen Shuiyan at her side as she was busy running forward.

As soon as she saw the light source ahead, she knew that the path must have an end.

The three of them passed through the light source in turn, and because of inertia they ran a few steps inside and fell on a pile of soft dolls.

The expressions on all three girls’ faces were a little dull because of the peculiarities of the room.

To say that it is special is to say that there are just a lot of dolls.

It could almost be described as breathtakingly many, no matter if it was on the shelves or the ceiling or in front of the floor, all of them were filled with dolls.

“Even if I’m a girlish girl, I’d be shocked to see this.”

Xu Deng caught her breath, the sheer number of dolls scared her, and they all gave her a bad feeling, giving her a bit of a shiver down her back.

The dolls were big and small, and there were all kinds.

There were expensive BJD imitations, Japanese-style rattan maidens that appeared in all sorts of horror stories, as well as small cloth dolls of monsters, dogs and cats.

No matter what kind of dolls they were, the corners of their mouths were always turned up.

As soon as the three of them entered the room, they were met with a room full of dead things smiling at them, including those accidentally crushed on the floor, all of which were looking at them with smiling eyes.

With the visual effect so horrific, they stood up and barely managed to get the ones on the floor aside to make a place to stand.

“Welcome to my world of dolls.”

A clear girl’s voice rang out in the air, and Xin Lan scanned the room without determining where it was coming from.

“This is a rewarding game, if you find Anna, you will get 30 fragments that are linked together, that’s a good reward, isn’t it?”

The unknown little loli laughed, but it was an unpleasant sound.

“I don’t think so, even if we don’t play the game, we can still get a lot of pieces out.”

Xin Lan said indifferently, “Why do you have to come here to play this game when you can just grab it?

“Don’t you want to play my game?”

This time, Xin Lan and the others saw who was speaking clearly.

To be precise, it wasn’t a person.

It was a BJD doll on the counter, wearing a black yarn hat, a black princess dress with a mouth that opened and closed.

Its posture did not change, but its expression carried a faint sadness.

Shen Shuiyan noticed that all those smiling dolls suddenly had a sad expression.

This discovery gave her a chill at the bottom of her heart. After staring at the dolls’ eyes for a long time, it seemed that she could still feel their eyes turning.

Xin Lan also noticed it without Shen Shuiyan having to say anything.

“If you don’t play my game, then you will be turned into dolls.”

This time, it was a dog puppet on the floor that spoke, its sewn mouth was moving in a frightening manner.

Xin Lan decided that it was probably the same person speaking, as the voice remained the same, and perhaps all the dolls in the room were just her carriers.

“Are you the one who brought us into this game? I mean the school play for four hundred people.”

“Of course not, I’m not that powerful yet, are you playing my doll game or not?”


If you don’t, you’re going to become a doll, of course we are.

It was a forced game, both at the beginning and now.

“I’m off, then. When the hourglass runs out, you must find Anna.”

Suddenly an hourglass appeared on the wall, slowly pouring sand downwards.

Shen Shuiyan watched the hourglass and began to count out of her mouth.

“About four hours.”

Shen Shuiyan withdrew her gaze and concluded.

“Who is Anna? Is it a doll too?”

Xu Deng looked at the room full of dolls, the person didn’t tell them who they were looking for, what Anna was, what she looked like, just a name, how could they find her in this room?

“Anna is a terrible child.”

“That’s right, everyone hates her.”

“She’ s run away, she’ s gone somewhere, you have to get her back!”

“Get it back!”

All the voices in the room startled Xin Lan, and she had a headache looking at the talking dolls.

Xu Deng was so frightened that he took a step to Xin Lan’s side and stayed close to her.

Are these dolls alive?

Shen Shuiyan had sensed that something was wrong with them, so she had prepared herself a little before they started talking, but ‧‧‧‧‧‧ Shen Shuiyan walked between Xu Deng and Xin Lan, and Xu Deng hurriedly moved out of the way.

“Where did it go?” Xin Lan asked.

“I don’t know, I didn’t see it.”

“I saw it talking to the bunny the other night.”

“Not me, not me, I didn’t talk to it.”

The white bunny doll shook its head.

“I thought it was joking when it told me it was leaving the house, but I don’t know where it went!”

The black rabbit fumbled.

“There’s no exit here, how did it get out?”

Shen Shuiyan asked, looking around at the room full of dolls, which looked closed.

“Yes, there is. The door is here.”

Three dots of light floated in mid-air, flickering like fireflies.

“This is the door?”


“Can all of you get out through here?”

“Of course.”

“Then why don’t you go out?”

“There are terrible things in there, and the only way to get out is through there.

“Aren’t you curious?”

“There are scary monsters that will eat us.”

The white rabbit shuddered.

“So why did Anna go out there and find it?”

“Anna is a bad child who ran away, and bad children should be caught and punished!”

The bear was indignant.

“What did Anna do wrong?”

“She hurt Jing Jing’s eye and hid one of Coral’s legs!”

Xin Lan looked at the shelf and there was a doll with one leg, probably Coral, on the shelf.

“What does Anna look like?”

All the dolls were excited by this comment and were talking to each other.

“Anna always said no but loved to cry, Anna was so pretty but loved to be jealous, Anna had round eyes and I really wanted to gouge them out, Anna couldn’t talk anymore and I was so happy, Anna clamoured to leave and one day she disappeared, where did she go, where did she go, bad girl Anna ran away!”

They all started to sing, with the same smiles on their faces that Xin Lan had seen at first.

Xin Lan sulked and listened as the dolls finished their song.

“Go and find it, you guys.”

The little hamster urged.

“Is there a monster at every door?”


“Which door do we go to?”

Shen Shuiyan looked at Xin Lan.

“I’m always out of luck, so you choose.”

“Left, then.”

The three of them held hands and Xin Lan touched the dot of light on the left.

Before she left, she heard the dolls singing a strange song about Anna.

The next moment they appeared in an empty space, surrounded by darkness, with only a little light from the moon to allow them to see clearly.

“What the hell kind of game is this? I thought I’d had enough of this at school, but I didn’t think it would be another game of running around and suddenly something else.”

Xu Deng’s head was spinning, tonight’s surprises were really one after another.

“It’s already happened, let’s discuss what to do first.”

Shen Shuiyan gazed at the moon in the sky, which had a slightly red tinge to it, making it very eerie.

Xin Lan: “The goal is to find Anna, and it’s not always possible to find her here, a probability of one third.”

Shen Shuiyan: “Anna should be a doll in human form.”

Xu Dang: “It’s dangerous here, there are scary monsters.”

Shen Shuiyan: “The dolls have a lot of malice towards Anna, you can hear it in that song.”

Xu Deng: “Because Anna did something wrong? I only remember the first line of the song.”

“Anna is always saying that she can’t but she likes to cry, Anna is good looking but she likes to be jealous, Anna has round eyes and really wants to gouge them out, Anna can’t talk anymore and is so happy, Anna is fighting to leave and one day she’s gone, where did she go, where did she go, bad girl Anna has escaped.”

Shen Shuiyan read the words without emotion, causing goosebumps to rise and a chill to run through Xu Deng’s heart.

“Wait a minute, there’s a contradiction in the lyrics… Why is Anna fighting to leave when she can’t speak?”

“Maybe the situation is exaggerated?”

“Maybe it’s exaggerated, but generally speaking, the hints given by NPCs don’t make such self-contradictory mistakes.”

“Should Anna be a girl because she is good looking? But that doesn’t hold up either. It is possible that Anna is not human, but mostly, because it is a ‘child’, in any case, human or non-human.”

Shen Shuiyan frowned, there were only so many clues she could get hold of, and the place looked so big, how could she find Anna, she only had four hours to find her.

“Anna likes to cry, likes to say ‘no’, is good looking, likes to be jealous, has round eyes, doesn’t talk, maybe has a bit of a grumpy personality, and hides one of the legs of a doll.”

Xin Lan summed up and got some personality traits, the outer appearance only got a single round eye.

“How many things did Anna do to annoy them, to try to gouge its eyes out and be happy knowing it’s mute.”

Xu Deng wailed, unable to resist reciting a song she had only heard twice.

Anna always says no but loves to cry, Anna looks good but loves to be jealous, Anna has round eyes and really wants to gouge them out, Anna can’t talk anymore and is so happy, Anna is clamoring to leave and one day it’s gone, where did it go ‧‧‧‧‧‧

The three of them walked forward, perhaps to the end of the day.

They walked on, and after about a minute or two, there was a wooden door with a red lantern hanging above it and a plaque on top of it.

“Ji something village?”

Xin Lan could barely identify it, but could not see it clearly.

Zero Nine: Jirui Village.

“Jirui Village.”

Xin Lan accepted the good advice.

“This is the only place that’s still Jiri Village?”

Xu Deng twitched as she looked in at the darkness and thought about what the dolls had said about the scary monsters in here. “How are we going to find it without lights?”

Shen Shuiyan was a little worried.

There was only a little moonlight, but it was too limited to see what was going on inside, and who knew what the dangers were if they went in so carelessly, but their time was limited and they could not dawdle in here forever.

“Go in first, if that doesn’t work, we’ll go out again, we can’t delay, time is limited.”

Xin Lan looked back, the dot of light was still flashing there, the door was still there, if they couldn’t find it here, they should just hurry up and exit.

Xin Lan had Zero Nine and Zero Nine had scanning night vision.

Basically, Zero Nine can direct the way as long as there is no spatial extension here.

Zero Nine: End of scanning, a small village, no life forms, you can go straight, it’s a straight road, on both sides are houses, I will remind you when there is a turn off.

Xin Lan took Shen Shuiyan’s hand and walked forward, ready to let Xu Deng come to the other side of her, when she found that Shen Shuiyan had already taken Xu Deng and walked forward together.

It was too dark and Xin Lan did not see that Shen Shuiyan was only pulling Xu Dang’s sleeve.

After following Zero Nine’s directions, Xin Lan walked for a few minutes and came to a junction without finding anything.

Zero Nine: There seems to be no difference between left and right, which way do you want to go?

Xin Lan chose left and turned towards the left.

Shen Shuiyan and Xu Deng had no idea how Xin Lan found his way in the darkness, but it didn’t matter, to Shen Shuiyan the Little Tiger was great, and to Xu Deng this big guy had been tortured, not to mention finding her way.

The road was surprisingly quiet, it was like a dead village.

Suddenly, Zero Nine shouted in Xin Lan’s mind.

Zero Nine: Host, run! There is something big coming towards you, it looks like a human, but it is very tall, even if it is a human, it is dead!

Xin Lan didn’t even think about it, she just walked back.

She was not afraid, but it depends on the situation.

Xin Lan: Are there any small humanoid objects scanned inside?

Zero Nine: No.

Xin Lan walked even faster.

The two teammates were led forward by her. Xu Deng had shorter legs than Xin Lan and Shen Shuiyan, so she had to jog to keep up.

Zero Nine: Watch out!

Xin Lan also sensed the danger and pushed Shen Shuiyan to the side, but in just a second, something slashed at the spot where Shen Shuiyan had just stood, leaving a sound of heavy blows.

Xin Lan tilted her head to see the attacker by the moonlight.

It was a giant of almost two metres, holding a large wooden stick, with a fierce green face and red eyes.


This was not the place to stay, the mission world power was limited and Xin Lan did not want to fight the monster.

Xin Lan was the main force of the run, dragging one of them with one hand, and ran to the entrance of the village with a sprint.

The giant chased after them with a wooden stick, but when he saw Xin Lan and the others at the door, he stopped and started to walk back.

Xu Deng and Shen Shuiyan were both gasping for breath, and Xin Lan wiped the sweat from her forehead and let them walk back.

“Not in there anymore?”

“I don’t think so.”

“That’s right, it’s so dark in here, if I were Anna, I wouldn’t like it either.”

Shen Shuiyan nodded her head.

It was a dark world without any light, and Anna, who loved to cry, was probably very timid.

They went out through the door and returned to a world of dolls.

The dolls were motionless, very quiet, with smiles on their faces, as if they were really inanimate, whereas not long ago, they were talking.

Shen Shuiyan looked at the hourglass; they had just entered without too much of a delay.

“There’s still about three hours and forty minutes left.”

“The one in the middle or the one on the left?”

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Xin Lan tilted her head to look at Shen Shuiyan.

“In the middle.”

Shen Shuiyan did not hesitate.

The three of them entered the second door, which was the opposite of the first one, almost blinded by the stage light.

It was like a live recording of a show, with people singing and dancing on stage and lights flashing in tandem.

The man was singing rock and roll, and Xin Lan was standing so close that she was almost knocked off her feet by the sound waves.

Xin Lan wanted to talk to Shen Shuiyan, but she thought that she could only speak in a loud voice and the other party might not be able to hear her.

She could not see the expression on Shen Shuiyan’s face even though the lights were flashing and they could blind her.

There were many people here, not only on stage, but also the photographer and the lighting crew.

Zero Nine: Scan complete, no life forms.

There was clearly one person on stage and several people walking around, not to mention the audience behind them.

There are no life-forms, which means they are all dead people.

Xin Lan frowned slightly. If the doll was a living person, then it would be easy to find, but the doll was also a dead object with no physical identity, so Zero Nine could not scan it.

Xin Lan: Did you find a smaller object?

Zero Nine: Not in this space, at least.

It would have been easier to know who you were playing against, but now it was a bit confusing not knowing where anyone was.

On stage was a female rocker with wavy curls and a sexy barley skin tone, full of wild beauty.

The whole room was focused on her and Xin Lan intuitively thought that she would have something to offer.

Xin Lan recalled the rhyme more carefully.

Anna always says no but loves to cry, Anna is pretty but loves to be jealous, Anna has round eyes and really wants to gouge them out, Anna can’t talk anymore and is so glad, Anna is fighting to leave and then one day she’s gone, where did she go, where did she go, bad girl Anna has run away.

If Anna can’t speak anymore, then it can’t be identified by a mantra like ‘no’.

The rhyme was so full of malice that Xin Lan was a little suspicious.

But suspicions aside, she still remembered what the key to the game was.

The female rocker on stage finished her song and put down her guitar, while the backing band stopped.

The stage was filled with screams and applause, causing Xin Lan’s ears to ring again.

“Sister Lan, what are we going to do now?”

Xu Deng was confused as to whether they should leave the room or not, but the light was still flickering and there was no sign of an exit to get out.

Before Xin Lan could open her mouth, she felt a flash of light and the three of them were enveloped in a circle of light as the audience on stage let out another cheer.

“Let’s wait and see what happens.”

“Oh look, our three lucky audience members, congratulations on getting a chance to sing, come on stage.”

The female rocker waved at Xin Lan and the others, giving them a big smile.

Xu Deng looked at the two next to her, to go up or not to go up.

“What, you’re not my fans?”

The female rocker straightened up, her smile fading and her eyes narrowing.

A strange and eerie feeling suddenly enveloped them, as their bodies began to chill involuntarily under the spotlight, as if a powerful air-conditioner was blowing on them.

Perhaps, Xin Lan thought, this person was the monster at the door.

She gave a wink and the three men went up to him.

“Now, I’m going to sing you a song called《we will rock you》, so don’t forget to scream if you like it.”

The crowd on stage shook and shouted desperately.

“Anna! Anna! Anna!”

The three of them were shocked… This person’s name was Anna?

But isn’t Anna unable to speak, yet this one can sing and is most likely the monster inside the door, not the Anna they are looking for, but perhaps there is some kind of connection there.

“we’re causing utter devastation ,when we steppin’to the piace‧‧‧‧‧‧”

As the singer sang, she suddenly struck the light between them on Shen Shuiyan’s body.

“and here we go again , hit with the flow again , kict it up the second time around‧‧‧‧‧‧”

The singer whistled and the lights struck back on her.

“Quite a quick response, and you sing quite well.”

Xin Lan complimented, and Shen Shuiyan couldn’t help the corners of her mouth from turning up.

“It’s good that it’s a classic I’ve heard before.”

When the singer reached the climax of the song, the audience was bursting into flames. The crowd was bursting at the seams.

It was shocking to watch, but when Xin Lan thought that these were all dead people, there was nothing to be shocked about.

The light suddenly struck Xu Deng, illuminating the broken glasses and the tearful face of their owner.

“I can’t sing.”

What’s the point of singing in this game when running away and being scared isn’t enough!

Xu Deng, get out of the way!”

Xin Lan sensed something and shouted loudly, Xu Deng immediately moved away from where she was standing without thinking.

The chandelier hit the ground with a thud, scattering the glass in all directions.

Xu Deng was so scared that if the lamp had hit her head, her head would have been blown off.

But apart from Xin Lan and the three of them, the others acted as if they hadn’t seen the accident, and those who were banging drums continued to bang and those who were singing continued to sing.

Xu Deng stood in a different position, looking up at the ceiling from time to time, afraid that something would fall down again.

“If I’d known I’d die if I couldn’t sing one day, I’d have memorised the lyrics.”

Xu Dang said, looking sad.

Xin Lan couldn’t sing this song either, it didn’t exist in her intergalactic days, and her memories of each world had been faded a bit, so she could only find the tune of the song in her original memories, but she couldn’t remember the words either.

But that wasn’t a problem, she still had the system.

Zero Nine had already made up the song and the lyrics were projected in front of her eyes.

As the light hit her, she sang it without panic.

What seems to be a calm situation is actually a crisis, as evidenced by what happened to Xu Deng.

After the chandelier hit her head, the non-singing student was also hit by a high-pressure water cannon that sprayed blood on half of her body when she was a little too late.

Following the water gun incident and the sudden appearance of the knife in the ground, Xin Lan was quick enough to pick her up like a chicken and prevent her from being stabbed through the head with the knife.

Xu Deng was already pale and her eyes were dull.

After all this, the song was finally over.

The audience walked out through the suddenly appearing door and Anna wiped the sweat from her face and put down the instrument she was holding.

“Wait a minute, are you Anna?”

Shen Shuiyan took a step forward and blocked the female rocker’s path.

“You guys actually don’t know my name, you really don’t seem to be my fans.”

The female rocker had an unhappy look on her face, and she looked a bit fierce.

Xin Lan noticed that her eyes were indeed round.

“So, have you ever met a doll called Anna?”

“I am Anna, not some doll.”

Anna said emphatically.

“Anna always says yes and loves to laugh, Anna is ugly and doesn’t like to be jealous, Anna has small eyes and really doesn’t want to gouge them out, it’s sad that Anna is talking again, Anna didn’t want to leave so one day she came back ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

Shen Shuiyan sang this song and saw the different colour on Anna’s face.

“No, it’s not like that.”

Anna interrupted Shen Shuiyan’s singing with a somber expression.

” Anna always says no, but she likes to cry, Anna is pretty but she likes to be jealous, Anna has round eyes that I really want to gouge out, Anna can’t talk anymore and I’m so happy, Anna is fighting to leave and one day has vanished, where did she go, where did she go, she is inside my heart.”

Her voice was not as loud and clear as when she had just sung rock, but rather thin and shrill, like a sudden singing in an empty street, with a human sweetness, especially when she sang the last line, her eyes slightly closed, very enchanted.

“It’s in my heart.”

It seems like a mournful sigh.

“We need to find it.”

“If it’s in me, it’s mine, I’m Anna, and Anna is me.”

Anna smiled cheekily, and for a moment, through the light, Xin Lan saw another face on hers.

A pained, struggling, helpless one that was looking in her direction for help.

It was a beautiful face with round eyes and tears on them.

“So let’s take her away and finish the game, shall we?”

Xin Lan pointed at her and asked Shen Shuiyan.

Shen Shuiyan thought about it, and thought that it was not impossible.

She nodded to Xin Lan, “I’ll leave it to you.

It was time for Xin Lan’s show.

Xu Deng and Shen Shuiyan stepped back so as not to be caught in the crossfire.

Xin Lan took off her coat and threw it into Shen Shuiyan’s arms.

She ruffled her long hair and smoothed out her ponytail.

“Since you’re Anna, we can take you away now.”

Anna tried to walk past her with a shrug.

Xin Lan took her arm and Anna stopped and looked at her.

After five seconds, Xin Lan bent down, dodging the flying knives and tripping Anna to the ground with a sweeping kick, she grabbed her collar and suddenly the instruments were floating in mid-air, smashing in her direction.

Without mercy, Xin Lan held Anna in her hands as a shield, tilting her neck back to avoid the attack, her hands instead clamped on Anna’s arms.

A small sound fell on her ears and as she dealt with the floating object, Xin Lan realised that Anna had left her grip and her arm was in her hand, while the disengaged Anna had become one-armed.

There was no blood on the arm, which made Xin Lan think of a detachable doll.

Shen Shuiyan tossed her jacket towards Xu Lan and rushed forward to grab Anna’s other arm the moment she was free of Xin Lan.

Anna’s strength was so great that Shen Shuiyan was dragged a few steps, but still did not let go.

Xin Lan threw the arm away and tried to attack the back of Anna’s head, but Anna suddenly turned his head.

Not just a twist of the head, but a hundred and eighty degree turn of the head, directly away from her body.

Anna grinned at her and spoke just as Xin Lan’s fist was about to land.

“Do you know what bullying is?”

Xin Lan’s fist stopped just short of her nose, a few millimetres away.

“When two people bully one, it’s called bullying.”

Anna looked at Xin Lan as the severed arm flew back to her and was pieced back together, only it was backwards, one arm forward and one arm back, which looked strange.

“A hundred people bullying one person is called bullying.”

“And do you know what a thousand or ten thousand people bullying one person is called?”

Anna giggled, a deep light in her eyes.

Xin Lan saw that struggling face again, with tears in its eyes, full of helplessness.

“It’s called justice.”

Anna’s smile grew wider, her laughter louder, yet with a touch of mockery.

“Ask it, will it go back? Little Anna, would you like to go back and be bullied again?”

Anna whispered, but her eyes were silently weeping.

“You see, it doesn’t want to.”

Anna wiped the teardrop from her cheek and gazed at the drop, letting it disappear in her fingers.

Xin Lan, however, suddenly laughed a little and looked at Anna with disdain in her eyes.

“Let me add one thing you didn’t say earlier, one person bullying one person is also called bullying.”

Anna’s expression became slightly distorted, as if she had heard some kind of joke from the sky, or as if she had been stepped on.

“That’s called love.”

“Instead of it being bullied by so many people, let me love it, she’s the one who broke through the door.”

“By love, do you mean taking its body?”

The face Xin Lan saw was identical to Anna’s, or rather it was Anna’s face, with round eyes and some hybrid-like features, full of wildly sculpted beauty.

Xin Lan knows that maybe the truth is not what the dolls say it is, but it doesn’t matter what it is to the dolls.

The owner of the dollhouse had given them the task of finding Anna and bringing her back so that they could return to the school from this place.

“What do you know, you don’t know anything!”

The look on Anna’s face began to twist and turn, giving her an eerie sense of horror.

It was as if the radiant person singing on the stage before was not her, just a phantom, but the real her now, ugly and pathetic.

Shen Shuiyan’s eyes really hurt when she looked at it. The body of Anna, who was holding on to her, was facing her, but her head was on Xin Lan’s side and one arm was on the other side, which made it extra creepy, though it looked

better after a long time, like some kind of abstract painting.

Xin Lan didn’t say anything else, what do you know and what don’t you know? It’s not a romantic drama, it’s an escape game.

There was no choice but to grab her head by the hair, as she had no other joints to work with, but her head was the best.

As soon as Xin Lan grabbed and prepared to drag her, Shen Shuiyan let go of her hand so as not to impede the action.

But Xin Lan didn’t expect to be left with a head in her hand as she dragged the person towards the door and the point of light.

It felt like real hair in her hand, and the skull’s eyes were twinkling.

Not far away was the headless woman, but even without her head, her torso was still moving her body around freely, wrenching her other hand back.

She said that Anna was in her heart.

Xin Lan did not feel that she was merely making a love statement and that she was more interested in using Anna than she was in any kind of love at all, and she did not refute what she had just said, so there was a high probability that Anna was really in her heart and soul.

Xin Lan shoved the skull onto the person next to her and hurriedly went after the torso who wanted to leave.

Xu Deng stared at the skull in her arms in confusion, and it smiled at her so coldly that it almost made her laugh out loud.

It was a little too much excitement for her heart to handle.

The torso passed through a small door and ran ahead.

Obviously without her head, the torso stumbled a little, but she ran fast.

Xin Lan chased her into a corridor with marble tiles underneath and black doors on either side.

Torso was running ahead, with Xin Lan in hot pursuit.

It was a good thing she had taken her coat off early in the morning, otherwise it would have been difficult to move.

Xin Lan sprinted and accelerated, catching the torso in front of her.

But as soon as she did, the torso exploded into the air like some kind of explosive. It burst into the air like some kind of explosive, leaving a cloud of smoke in its wake.

Xin Lan’s face changed.

She looked back and saw that the door she had entered through was gone.

She called out to Zero Nine in her mind, who was rapidly analysing the data.

On Shen Shuiyan’s side, when she saw the torso reappear in front of them and Xin Lan was nowhere to be found, she knew they had been trapped.

The moment the torso appeared, the skull in Xu Deng’s hand made a strange movement and kept moving in the direction of the torso, as if it was going to fly back.

Xu Deng was pulling the skull outward with great effort, as if he felt some kind of great suction, and moved her body forward little by little.

Xu Deng’s hand could not bear to let go of the hair, and there were many strands of hair in her hand, and when she looked at it, she saw that a piece of the skull had been torn off.

Shen Shuiyan’s arm was covering the skull’s eyes, and the skull’s mouth was moving and cursing at Xu Deng, who had torn off her hair.

If she hadn’t tried so very hard to move, she wouldn’t have pulled a piece of her hair out of her head.

“If you move that way again, I’ll cut your hair off, it must be hard to grow it back, how ugly would it be if you were bald?”

Shen Shuiyan grabbed Anna’s hair, and Anna struggled less, but her head pounced on it.

In her desperation, Shen Shuiyan let Xu Deng go and picked up a razor blade that Anna had used to attack Xu Deng and Xin Lan, and drew it across her face.

“If you come any closer I’ll cut your face off!”

Even the monster Anna feared the threat, and her torso stiffened in the distance, facing Anai’s head in a distant position.

“Where did you get her.”


Shen Shuiyan’s face was cold, the tip of her knife pressed against Anna’s lips.

“You guess if I try to do so?”

The words were a joke, but the tone was icy.

“If you don’t get her back, we won’t go out either. I’ll cut your tongue first and then your face. How can a big singer sing without her tongue and how can a big star appear on stage without her face?”

“Are you alright, Miss Anna?”

Xu Deng shuddered. The person next to the big shot was indeed a ruthless woman.

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