Get to Know Your Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 7: CH 7

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Chapter 7

Hunting legally (Arc 1)

The Escape 06

“Looking forward to seeing you.” Shen Shuiyin said softly.

The two didn’t speak again after that and walked side by side to the school building, Shen Shuiyin turned around and went into class one, while Xin Lan went back to class three.

The bell rang at 8:00 and somebody left the classroom first.

It was not compulsory to stay in the classroom during the discussion, after all, it is such a big classroom that it would not be good for conversations to be overheard or clues to be seen, so everyone would find their own place.

“Did you guys eat breakfast before you came?”

The others nodded, and Xin Lan rubbed her chin.

“I haven’t eaten yet, why don’t we go to the cafeteria and discuss it while we eat, as it happens I have something to say to you guys.”

Zhou Ming Fang thought of something and silently gripped the corner of her coat.

She was a little scared.

She thought what she would do in case her boy teammates also thought they could break away at any time and steal her clues.

Xin Lan bought soy milk and stir-fried noodles, and two small roasted steamed dumplings.

While Xin Lan was eating, the other teammates were exchanging information.

Zhou Ming Fang said that their girls’ side had been killed by the rules, while Cai Yang, the small glasses, said that there had been a fight in their boys’ dormitory last night.

”A fight? Why?”

Zhou Ming Fang exclaimed softly, then immediately lowered her voice.

Xin Lan listened with interest as she ate her fried noodles, observing the expressions of the crowd.

Both Guo Ming of the Youth Acne and Cai Yang didn’t look too good when they talked about it, and even Chen Zhihong had a sullen look on his face.

“It started out as just the dormitory, three boys were on a team, the other one wasn’t, the three of them wanted to team up to grab the guy’s clue, the guy had a teammate too, and by the time they rushed over the guy had been beaten up pretty badly and the team just got into it.”

“This is not the end of it, some people are muddling through, some want to follow suit and suddenly it’s very chaotic.” Guo Ming followed Cai Yang’s words, still haunted by the sudden mix-up last night.

“Luckily the three of us were on the same side and someone tried to come over and we all kicked off and didn’t look down and rushed back to the dormitory and locked the door.”

The clue fragments are of course important, but they also do remember what they have to do to get the clue fragments, it is to survive, so life is more important.

It was during the legal hunt, the dead are allowed, they dare not stay more.

“Luckily you guys didn’t go out, the clues are all there, right?” Zhou Ming Fang appeared to be relieved and inquired out.

The three of them nodded, and Zhou Ming Fang’s eyes quietly landed on Xin Lan.

Xin Lan is the one who has two fragments, she went out yesterday, so maybe there are more.

“How was it?” Xin Lan took a sip of the soy milk and wiped her mouth with a paper towel from her pocket.

“I don’t know, when we came out at twelve o’clock, nothing happened.”

So it would not be known who actually grabbed it and who did not.

“By the way, didn’t you say you had something you wanted to say to us?” Cai Yang looked at Xin Lan, Zhou Ming Fang knew what Xin Lan was probably going to say and his heart twitched up slightly.

“I plan to quit this team.”

“Why? What’s wrong?” Cai Yang looked puzzled, could it be that Xin Lan felt that they were being rather wimpy by hiding during the hunt?

“I’m going to form my own squad, and see you again as a competitor.” Xin Lan got up and said goodbye to them.

Zhou Ming Fang’s eyes were complex, and Cai Yang wanted to say something but was fiercely suppressed by Chen Zhihong.

Xin Lan went out of the cafeteria and walked in the direction of the teaching building.

“What did you just press me for?”

“This type of good-looking but good for nothing, why keep it, and she is the one who is saying that she wants to go, why are you blocking the way?.” Chen Zhihong said disdainfully, thinking it is certainly holding on to other people chanting, and also formed their own pair, scoff.

“Zhou Ming Fang, you and she are in the same dorm, right?”

Zhou Ming Fang nodded her head.

“Did something happen last night?”

“Xin Lan she …… is very strong.” Zhou Ming Fang relayed what happened last night, especially the beating she gave when she dragged someone off the bed, and the screams coming from the dormitory in the middle of the night, and the piece of meat on the floor.

Zhou Ming Fang said that the other three people are a bit disgusted, Chen Zhihong expression is particularly unattractive, hit in the face quickly, he just said that the other person is worthless.

“You’re not lying to us, are you?” Guo Ming asked with some disbelief.

“Why would I lie to you guys, we are not a team of pairs, what do I have to gain by lying to you guys?”

“If she’s really so capable, how come she didn’t beat someone up when she was dumped by Zou Yun Fei?”

“Maybe the loss of love makes people strong?” Cai Yang asked rhetorically, everyone a moment of silence.

Xin Lan returned to her class straight away. There was a group of people in the class, and when they saw Xin Lan come in, they immediately stopped talking and stared at Xin Lan.

She put her textbooks and pens into her bag, and carried them on her back, and walked out of the classroom.

After she went out, she heard the conversation again, the content was only about clues and rules, Xin Lan didn’t stop her steps and went to the first class.

When Xin Lan went in, Shen Shuiyin and the others were not inside, and the people talking were as guarded as before.

Xin Lan glanced over and there was an empty seat in the class.

In a pile of seats is obviously very abrupt, because the surrounding seats have books on the table, only that one table is clean, there is nothing.

Xin Lan put her bag and books on it, and the table top still had the arrangement sheet posted on it, as did every table.

She sat there and opened her book.

The people around her looked at her a little strangely, and Xin Lan had good hearing and even heard what they said in a lowered voice.

“Isn’t that Xin Lan? How come she came to our class?”

“Is it possible that they are looking for Zou Yunfei? It’s impossible, it’s all broken up.”

“Who knows, after all, this place is so dangerous, it is not impossible for her to come to hug a thigh, yesterday Zou Yunfei won a fight.”

“How many did he take?”

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“Not sure.”

“Damn it …… what to do …… the more he takes the more we don’t have to die.”

“There’s always a way.”

Xin Lan flipped the book over, it seems that the original owner’s fame is quite big.

Zero Nine: Almost the whole year and teachers know that the original owner was dumped harshly, and many others have gone to mock the original owner afterwards.

Xin Lan continues to read the book, if someone is so ungodly in front of her, then simply don’t have that mouth.

The time for class is coming, everyone is coming back one after another.

Shen Shuiyin saw the girl sitting there in her school uniform reading with her head down, combing a ponytail with a curl at the end of her hair, the lines of her side face were exquisite and beautiful, with a lightness of touch.

Xin Lan nodded to her, as a greeting.

A class of people saw her with different reactions, there is a person with the greatest opinion.

Zou Yunfei frowned and looked at Xin Lan sitting there with a disgusted expression.

“Yunfei, at least she is a beautiful woman, do you have to look like that?” Chu Lu looked at Zou Yunfei, and followed his line of sight to look at Xin Lan, and could not help but snicker.

Zou Yunfei carefully glanced at Shen Shuiyin next to him, humming unwilling to mention more.

Chu Lu saw that he did not say anything, and also did not say anything.

The class bell rang and the teacher walked in from outside.

From the original owner’s memory, Xin Lan knew that this was the Language teacher of the first class.

He was a middle-aged man, wearing a leather jacket, with a spirited smile on his face.

In contrast to him, the students at the end of the class were all listless, like wilted cabbages.

No one dared to speak, after all, for fear of being punished by standing in the coffin.

“Students, open your textbooks and turn to lesson six, today we will study Bai Juyi’s ‘Pipa Xing’ together.”

The classroom rang with the sound of flipping books over to the designated side.

“But before the lesson there is one more thing, someone still remembers what I set out to review yesterday?” The teacher’s eyes swept over the crowd and got a dead silence.

“Teacher, it’s reciting ‘The Difficult Road to Shu‘.” Shen Shuiyin opened her mouth, and the teacher nodded in satisfaction.

“Anyone volunteered to get up and recite?”

Everyone wanted to turn to the front to see the contents of the book, but found that the book just seemed to be stuck tightly together, with no way to be turned over.

Shen Shuiyin didn’t move, pondering whether to stand up.

Xin Lan thought of yesterday’s clue and raised her hand.

The rules didn’t seal all the way off, there was still a reward mechanism.

In the classroom indiscipline is punished, then in the classroom good behavior, will be rewarded?

Where can Xin Lan remember “The Difficult Road to Shu”, however she has Zero Nine and a superb memory.

The teacher smiled and locked eyes with her, gesturing for her to get up.

The moment Xin Lan got up, she memorized what Zero Nine had given her in her mind.

The eyes of the crowd gathered on her as Xin Lan looked at her teacher and began to recite in a tone without any ups and downs.

“Yeah (sigh), the danger is high, the difficulty of the Shu Road, harder than going to heaven. The silkworms and fish and eider, the founding of the country how bewildering, you come to forty-eight thousand years, not with the Qin Dynasty, and the people. West when Tai Bai has a road of birds, you can cross the top of the mountain Emei. The earth collapses, the mountain destroys, the brave man dies, and then the sky stairs and rock trestle are linked ………”

“Well done, I do not know if you have studied today to learn it?” The teacher’s eyes were very satisfied, Xin Lan certainly nodded his head.

Zero Nine hurriedly showed her the “Pipa Xing”, Xin Lan swept through it and continued to start reciting it.

“Xunyang River at the head of the night to send guests, maple leaves and diaphanous flowers in autumn, the master dismounted the guest in the boat, raised wine to drink without pipes and strings, drunkenness can not be cheerful tragedy will be farewell, farewell to the vast river dipped moon ………”

Under the eyes of the people’s surprise, Xin Lan sat down.

At the same time, a card fell on her table and made a crisp sound.

Those who did not take their eyes back, naturally saw this scene.

Xin Lan’s hand was attached to the card, and the people next to her couldn’t have time to see what the card looked like.

“All students who study seriously will be rewarded, everyone read the text aloud by themselves first.”

The classroom resounded with the sound of reading, but many people were still looking at Xin Lan, and almost all of them were guessing what Xin Lan was given.

Xin Lan took a glance at the contents of the card and curled the corners of her mouth.

[Skill Card]: You can obtain a clue fragment of a dead person on any given day, and use it silently during the hunt.

It’s a reward, but it’s also limited and not as convenient as the one she obtained last night.

The good thing is that you can choose the time yourself, the bad thing is that it is limited to the deceased.

This dead person, does it mean that the rules kill, or as long as the person is dead as well?


The author has something to say:.

Ding, the cards dropped.

Crowd: I want to grab it!

Sister Lan : [itchy hands] So want to be robbed oh.

zero nine: give everyone here the incense first.


muddling through 浑水摸鱼(húnshuǐmōyú): to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain

haunted 心有余悸(xīnyǒuyújì): to have lingering fears / trepidation remaining after a trauma (idiom)

Bai Juyi’s 白居易 (Bái Jūyì): Bai Juyi (772-846), Tang dynasty poet

 ‘Pipa Xing’ 琵琶行 (Pípa Xíng): Song of the Pipa Player, long poem by Tang poet Bai Juyi

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