Get to Know Your Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 9: CH 9

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Chapter 9

Hunting legally (Arc 1)

The Escape 09

Xin Lan ran forward, holding the cold hand of Shen Shuiyan in her hand.

Zero Nine: Host, the space dimension has been extended, but it’s not a ghostly wall, you continue to run forward, you can reach the end.

Xin Lan didn’t panic, hearing this made her even more calm, leading Shen Shuiyuan to continue running forward.

Shen Shuiyan, not knowing what the hell was behind her, refrained from turning around and struggled to move her legs, except that unlike Xin Lan, who could jump from the fourth floor unharmed, she was soon gasping for breath and had to rely on Xin Lan’s pull to move forward.

The song seemed to drift away for a long time.

Xin Lan turned back, only to see empty eyes and that smile that was full of malice.

Xin Lan pushed Shen Shuiyan forward, turned and kicked the eyeless ghost in the body, sending him a metre away.

Shen Shuiyan stumbled a little and began to take off her thick coat.

The biting cold wind made her shiver as she took it off, and she couldn’t feel the cold before she swung the garment at the earless ghost, covering her face and also kicking her in the face.

Without stopping, the two immediately continued to run forward.

There was only one road, and there was no other way but to keep moving forward.

Shen Shuiyan ran faster without her cotton jacket in the way.

The song was far away and coming closer, it should have been a cute children’s song, but at this time it was like a death sentence.

Xin Lan saw the staircase of the school building and took Shen Shuiyan into it with three or two steps.

The moment they stepped on it, all sounds disappeared, leaving only the sound of Shen Shuiyan gasping for air.

“It’s safe?” Shen Shuiyan wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked right back out.

There was a blackness as far as the eye could see, and Xin Lan told her to wait, took a step out, saw the blue and white face, and retracted her foot as if nothing had happened.

“It’s still out there.”

“I thought this was a survival game, but I didn’t expect there to be spiritual elements.” Shen Shuiyan wiped her sweat, her eyebrows furrowed in silence.

“I caused this.”

“I followed it voluntarily.”

The wind whistled over and Shen Shuiyan shivered.

She tossed the tissue into a nearby bin and smiled at Xin Lan’s good stamina.

“It’s too cold, let’s go up first.” Xin Lan looked at Shen Shuiyan smiling but with bluish lips and gestured to go to the third floor.

They arrived in class one, which was not quite as nice and warm, but it was better than being out in the wind.

“That might be the punishment I have triggered to come.” The rules gave punishments for any mistakes, and Xin Lan thought she had gone with the intention of entering the no-go zone, so she had been driven out and was not allowed to leave the school building anymore.

But this inability to leave must be temporary.

“Will the punishment go away when the hunt is over?”

“It might, and it definitely will before classes start tomorrow.”

“The rules are too sinister.”

The activity was curtailed to the dormitory and the school building, forcing people to kill each other.

Xin Lan frowned as she watched Shen Shuiyuan stand there shivering unconsciously.

The temperature at night was cold and Shen Shuiyan’s cotton jacket was removed, with only a single long sleeve underneath, so if she stayed here all night, she would definitely get sick.

Xin Lan unzipped her own feather jacket and waved at Shen Shuiyan.

Shen Shuiyan pointed at herself and was a little surprised.

But she did not resist and walked over.

Xin Lan sat cross-legged on the floor with a book cushioning her, and Shen Shuiyan pressed herself into her arms. Xin Lan gathered her clothes together and put her arms around Shen Shuiyan’s waist, transferring her warmth over.

The beauty’s waist that entered her hands was so thin that Xin Lan couldn’t help but tighten it.

Xin Lan actually had a concealed attribute of waist control, so deep that she actually didn’t notice it herself.

She just quietly tightened and loosened her arms at the moment, and couldn’t help but tighten them again.

Shen Shuiyan didn’t notice the difference as she leaned on Xin Lan’s shoulder, smelling the scent of her shampoo.

It was clean, warm and soft.

Shen Shuiyan and Xin Lan pressed against each other and felt the suppleness of her chest.

Squeezing each other delivered a wonderful never-before felt sensation.

Her body was so warm …… Shen Shuiyan thought in some daze.

“Did you stay in Zou Yun Fei’s group because of his force value?”

“Well, I do not interact with him much.” In fact Shen Shuiyan didn’t hang out with anyone much, and the two students who normally crossed each other more often were not chosen for this game.

She hadn’t figured out even now why they, of the four hundred people, had been chosen to enter, was it just a random selection of bad luck?

“I’ll go and grab someone from him tomorrow then.” Xin Lan looked like she had thought of something funny and showed a smile.

Zero Nine winced at the look on her face and silently gave that ex-boyfriend a light dose of candlelight.

“Hmm?” Shen Shuiyan was a little puzzled, a guess surfaced in her mind, a little stunned, but it wasn’t impossible when she thought about it.

“I’m better at fighting than him, so you can be on my side, right?”

“I don’t think I’m important to you.” Shen Shuiyan said as she pressed herself against Xin Lan, feeling her heartbeat.

Although Xin Lan had been recruiting her from the start, she really didn’t get the impression that Xin Lan had much of a fancy for her.

“I like to deal with smart people, follow me if you want to live, I will be the winner in the end.” Xin Lan said this with arrogance, but with certainty.

Even if she is the villain every time, and even if she ends up dead, she is the biggest boss who has reckoned with the protagonist countless times, and even if she chooses to forget those memories, what she has honed out one battle at a time is the iron will of a soldier.

Shen Shuiyan leaned on her shoulder, the light in her eyes brightening and fading.

“Why do I think you just want to find a chance to give Zou Yun Fei a beating?” Thinking of their past, Shen Shuiyan couldn’t help but chuckle softly.

In that laughter, it also indicated her answer.

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“That’s one side of the story, I’m not letting him out of the house.” Xin Lan admitted with a big, unconcerned grin.

“Hate him that much?”

“Not really, he’s not worth that much for me to put in my heart, it’s just that people always pay for what they’ve done.” Xin Lan looked out the window into the darkness and remembered those empty eyes.

What would happen if you left your ex-boyfriend out there to play with ghosts?

It felt oh so interesting.

Zero Nine felt like she could just erect a stele to her ex-boyfriend, glancing at the two people hugging each other in a female entertainer posture and continuing to catch up on the drama in silence.

The classroom wall clock made a slight sound as the air quieted down.

She was feeling the warmth and smelling the fragrance of Xin Lan’s body, and Shen Shuiyan had a faint sense of sleep.

She was not sleepy, but her face had a steely coldness in the dark night.

She did not take a sitting position anymore, but lay down, and Shen Shuiyan lay facing her, with one hand on Xin Lan’s body.

The long wait was the most boring, and Zero Nine enthusiastically asked Xin Lan if she wanted to watch the drama with her.

Zero Nine: Host I’ve recently been catching up on ‘The Overbearing President. I am in love with you’, it’s pretty good.

Xin Lan: The …… president?

Zero Nine: We are the system, of course the Big Shot in the system is the Chief – President.

Xin Lan: Rejected, it sounds like dropping intelligence.

Zero Nine: I’m telling you about the plot, this is the history of the promotion of the Unified System!  The story is about a newcomer, who relies on his wisdom to bring in one excellent host after another, jumping through several departments, and finally reaching the top of the unified life, becoming the president and marrying his goddess!

Xin Lan: Let’s watch it together then.

It”s also boring, and Xin Lan watched TV dramas together, and found that those unis acted quite well.

But is the …… System so idle that it has time to make dramas?

To her question, Zero Nine gave a detailed answer.

Zero Nine: When the cumulative tasks as well as the qualification rate reaches a standard, our system is able to choose to retire, some will make movies, and some will also commit to various tasks as NPCs to play.

Xin Lan: Does becoming an NPC give you the memory of being a system?

Zero Nine: Of course not, otherwise it would be easy to interfere with the world.

Xin Lan gets her answer and continues to watch the drama with Zero Nine.

At twelve o’clock, the bell rang, announcing the end of hunting time.

Shen Shuiyan opened her eyes and moved away from Xin Lan’s body.

The sudden loss of warmth made her brow furrow. Xin Lan pulled her clothes back on and, looking at Shen Shuiyan’s appearance, stepped forward and took her hand.

The tenderness in her hand made Shen Shuiyan unable to resist glancing at Xin Lan.

The moonlight outside the window allowed her to see that pretty face clearly, the expression on that face was flat, pulling her outside.

A strange feeling flushed through her heart, very slightly, and Shen Shuiyan thought that it must be because it was too cold outside and Xin Lan’s hands were too warm.

Xin Lan walked outside, and she could not see the two ghosts anymore.

She took a few steps forward, saw Shen Shuiyan’s cotton jacket on the ground and picked it up.

Shen Shuiyan held it in her hands and did not put it on.

She thought of the jacket that had just covered the head of the earless ghost, so she didn’t want to wear it.

Luckily, the dormitory was not far from the school building, so Shen Shuiyan and Xin Lan jogged back, and arrived in no time.

The two of them went up the stairs from the same side, this side of the stairs was closer to Shen Shuiyan’s dormitory.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Shen Shuiyan waved her hand at Xin Lan, who nodded.

The knock on the door rang out in the night, and Shen Shuiyan knocked several times, but no one opened the door for her.

She knocked a few more times, but the person inside the door seemed determined to play dead, but would not open the door.

A cold smile appeared on Shen Shuiyan’s face, and she knocked twice more with great patience.

“Why don’t you go sleep in my dormitory?” Xin Lan didn’t leave from the moment she knocked on the door, and when she saw that Shen Shuiyan’s dormitory didn’t opened the door, she opened her mouth and said.

“Thanks then.”

“It’s nothing.”

Xin Lan knocked on the door and within a moment someone came to open it, first discreetly showing a crack and pulling it open when she saw it was Xin Lan.

Xiaochun glanced curiously at Shen Shuiyan behind Xin Lan and went back to her bed.

Tao Ling also returned, her right hand splinted and her left hand bandaged as she sat on her own bed.

Xin Lan got into bed and undressed. Shen Shuiyan put her cotton jacket on the chair and undressed into Xin Lan’s bed as well, and they both lay under the same covers.

“Before I go to sleep, I have something very important to say to you.” Xin Lan lay down a little further in and looked at Shen Shuiyan seriously.


“Don’t wake me up randomly, I don’t want to wake up tomorrow morning to see you missing an arm or a leg.”

Shen Shuiyan: …………

This is intimidation, right? It’s intimidation, right?


What the author has to say:

The real identity of the school bully has emerged!

If you like Sister Lan, please pick it up, I want to hire an army of water for Sister Lan, as follows: Sister Lan is the most handsome Little Wu is the most offensive (this article is 50 cents) hahahahaha hiccups!


as if nothing had happened. 若无其事 (ruòwúqíshì): as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly / nonchalantly

kill each other. 自相残杀 (zìxiāngcánshā): to massacre one another (idiom); internecine strife

force 武力 (wǔlì): military force

stele 碑 (bēi): A stele, or occasionally stela, when derived from Latin, is a stone or wooden slab, generally taller than it is wide, erected in the ancient world as a monument. The surface of the stele often has text, ornamentation, or both. These may be inscribed, carved in relief, or painted. Stelae were created for many reasons

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