Getting Hard (Rise of a Tank)

Chapter 140: 137 – Thorny And Hard

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“You are a youngling,” Bawu said. “Growth spurts are common.”

“Must be when I reached level twenty.” Looking down at my body, I chuckled, noting that my gear had adjusted to my new size. One-size fits all armor. Very convenient.

“I have elixirs infused with bone-growth hormones,” Bawu continued. “Worry not, for your muscles will adapt to longer bones accordingly in a few weeks…”

I wasn’t listening to her. I was busy admiring my longer tusks and horns. Like human noses that were always in our field of vision but automatically ignored by our brains, I could see my tusks and horns but didn’t immediately notice their length. Growing longer and harder—the way of Herald Stone!

“…for helping this old lady clean her home, your reward will be—”

“You’re talking about rewards?” The word got my attention. I rubbed my hands together; I felt obligated to do it. “Please, no bone-growth hormones.”

“I have my spare things to give such a helpful youngling like you.”

[ Received: (25) Frigid Yew Salve, (30) Nam-Go Poison Bottle, Ocadule Link Shard: Arcane Poison Empowerment ]

“Giving away stuff you don’t want as the reward again?” I said. “A common trait between your two personas, I see.”

More Nam-Go bottles and salves that I could make myself. Very underwhelming. Would’ve been better if Bawu gave me other kinds of poisons for convenient [Cleansing Flames] stacking. I had to look for ways to do it other than poison. Perhaps Clement sold food buffs with negative effects.

I hoped this Link Shard was worth the trouble of cleaning up the Blight outbreak.

“Hang on… a Relic Link Shard?” My eyes widened as I reexamined the new shard in my inventory. “Thank you so much, ever-generous Bawu! You’re the best! Has anyone ever told you that? Now, I did.”

Lvl. 1 Arcane Poison Empowerment (Link): Arcane Brewers, armed with ancient knowledge, could enhance the power of Skill Shards, imbuing them with enchanted Poison. Increase the level of one (1) damage-dealing linked Skill Shard by one (1). All linked Skill Shard gain (15%) of their non-Poison damage as extra Poison Damage—casting cost of the linked Skill Shard will increase by (7%).

This was the first Link Shard I had seen that added a level to its supported Shard. I was sure there were others, but they must be rare because I hadn’t seen any at the auction house. I’d imagine most players would hold on to their level-modifying Link Shards rather than sell them—they were essentially free Lesser Skill Points. Why would anyone say no to more LSPs?

Best to link [Arcane Poison Empowerment] to [Greater Pyro Shell]. It had not only one but two more useful effects that synergized well with my barrier skill.

A supported [Greater Pyro Shell] would gain Poison damage that scaled with its formula. Furthermore, the increased casting cost—likely meant as a penalty to balance the buffs—was actually a buff to [Greater Pyro Shell]. The ‘life’ of the shell depended on the amount of Ancestral Shroud used to cast it; more AS translated to a thicker shell. More protection, at the same time, more damage.

Call animal protection services! So many birds getting hit by a single stone!

There was the issue of replenishing AS, but it wouldn’t be too bothersome. The important thing was that my unboxlike mind found a benefit where others would only see a downside. I’d have to check how many free levels a maxed [Arcane Poison Empowerment] would give.

After reading the description of [Arcane Poison Empowerment], my eyes wandered over my inventory. The equipment dropped by the Blighted Vinereavers caught my attention; they were a couple of slots left of my new Link Shard. I didn’t get to examine them earlier because the disrespectful explosion caused me to faint.

Blighted Crown of Vinereaver’s Revenge {2} | Item Level: 20
Relic | Heavy-Armor | Helmet

  212 Armor
  135 Retribution Damage (Poison)
  5% All Retribution Damage
  Requires: 43 Might, 55 Vigor
  +65 Retribution Damage (Neutral)
  +43 Vigor
  +26 Health Per Second

Blighted Tendrils of Vinereaver’s Revenge | Item Level: 20
Relic | Heavy-Armor | Hands

  198 Armor
  125 Retribution Damage (Poison)
  4% All Retribution Damage
  Requires: 41 Might, 52 Vigor
  +30 Might
  +375 Health
  +22 Health per Second

[Blighted Vinereaver’s Revenge] Set Bonuses:
(2 pieces) + 105 Retribution Damage (Neutral), +5% Armor
(3 pieces) 50% of (Might + Vigor) added as Retribution Damage (Earth), +5% Armor
(4 pieces) +25% Neutral Retribution, +25% Earth Retribution, 25% Poison Retribution, +450 Health
(5 pieces) Blight Cloud: Inflict 37% of all Retribution Damage to enemies in a small area around you per second.

“Thorny meatballs from outer space!” I exclaimed. “Relic set items? Those stubborn weeds realized they should give me the goods for all the trouble they caused.”

Kezo had said Jensen farmed Mon-Aleh for a set that he used until level forty. Kezo also mentioned that Jensen ran a retri-tank build for a time. This was what it was. Kezo was talking about the same items, though the pieces I found were Blighted versions.

Jensen must’ve played a retri-tank for easier leveling past the game's early stages, switching to a more conventional tank build later.

I had thought of doing the same, using more of a tanky DPS build for grinding at low levels. But I resolved to stick with my plan and slog through the game as a tank. My party mates were higher-leveled than me, and so were other Mardukryon players. I had to be very tanky to join them in doing PvE content.

In comparison, Jensen and his friends had similar levels—they progressed together, dealing with the same difficulty of quests and dungeons.

More importantly, I had to test my Plaguetank build early, work out its problems and weaknesses, improve and polish it, and become well-versed in using it for mid to late game. That was my template for making a non-meta build work. A non-meta build was always weaker than meta ones; otherwise, they’d be meta too. To compete with the meta, the non-meta player should be an expert in their chosen rogue strategy.

Just from the reaction of Eclairs, my Plaguetank idea was way out there in the non-meta boondocks. Nonetheless, I could feel in my unboxlike balls that there was a future here. It was a gamble… but also an investment.

For an investment to pay big in the future, I had to start early. I should start now. I couldn’t let myself be tempted by the easier life of a DPSer.

That didn’t mean I was saying no to the Vinereaver’s Revenge items.

Retribution would be very helpful in leveling. It was also one of the ways my Plaguetank build spread ailments. If my hunch was correct, the final set bonus of Vinereaver’s Revenge might be an efficient way to spread poisons. Problem was that five pieces were needed for it.

Could the Blighted set be combined with the normal version? How could a player complete the set dropped by a one-time boss? I wondered if Kezo had Jensen’s beginner items. Those might’ve been sold a long time ago.

“What of your other task, dear youngling?” Bawu asked, breaking me out of theory-crafting mode.

“I have the Toxic Goops and Blighted Vinreaver Essence here!” I gave the ingredients to her Mandrake Borple attendants.

“Those I sorely need to complete my experiment.”

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“As your student, can I ask what you’ll use them for? You have shown me those six big guys you’re… uh… giving a makeover. I hope they’re still just six. Are these ingredients related to them?”

“In a way, yes,” Bawu replied. “The six you refer to are the prototypes of a greater generation of children that will be born after the completion of my great labors!”

I raised a brow at that. She was going to make more of those colossal mutants. Better ones, from the sound of it. Did that mean she’d need more Mardukryons as test subjects?

“Rejoice, for our family will be bigger than ever!” Bawu croaked, raising her hands. “Soon. Soon you’ll get to know them, my dear student. Curiosity is a valuable trait, but wait until everything is ready.”

I’d eventually find out, I supposed. Hopefully, it wouldn’t come to bite me in the ass. Rewards first before I tried to pry her some more.

“Brewer Bawu, I have collected the ingredients in your allotted time,” I said. “Can you please tell me the location of the Saurians and those other creatures?” I knew Bawu’s two sides partly shared their memories. Maybe I should come back later for Evil Grandma Bawu. “You—well, it was still you—promised to tell me where you got them.”

“Is that what you want first?” Bawu said. “Eager to find test subjects for yourself? I haven’t forgotten about our agreement, hardworking youngling.”

I breathed a sigh of relief.

[ Received: Piece of the Tattered Map ]

I jolted in surprise. “What the—? You had a piece all along?”

This piece of the [Tattered Map] wasn’t connected to the two I currently had—the first given by Chief Nogras and the second from the Mud Golem. The new area that lit up was far east of the Cliff Walls, closer to the center of the map. Probably another couple of pieces to get there and connect the places I had unlocked—my next order of business after reaching the other side of the tunnels.

“Who tore up the map in the first place?” I asked.

“Relish gathering exotic test subjects for your experiments, my dear student,” Bawu said, not answering my question. There might not be an actual explanation, other than game logic, about why a piece of an important map could end up inside the body of a Mud Golem. “Mind yourself, for beasts might not take too kindly to the invitation to be your test subject.”

“I imagine so,” I said with a derisive snort.

“Though, eventually, after capturing them, they will surely assist in your work.”

“I suppose you’re talking about the forced volunteerism that’s very popular in your laboratories.”

“For the rest of your rewards…”

“More alchemical equipment, I suppose?” I said. “I can buy those at Arakmad’s shop. The Nitrilus Chemical Gloves you gave should be useful. More of that, please.”

“Indeed, giving you basic brewing garb is on my mind. Helpful in your endeavors to further your studies. Another option I present to you, dear youngling. You see, I use many Vinereavers in my experiments and have a collection of items they dropped. Useless to me, but perhaps you might want them.”

This must be the game providing the player with a way to complete the set. “Yes! I need three—”

“Only one.” Bawu held up a single clawed finger. “You can pick only one. However… if you give me more ingredients, then perhaps I can give more.”

“I have!” I eagerly said. “I have plenty extra!”

[Hidden Achievement: Collecting Above and Beyond]

Give an additional five hundred (500) Toxic Goop
and two (2) Blighted Vinereaver Essence to Mad Brewer Bawu.

“Luckily, we collected more—wait. We? My party mates!” I hastily opened the party chat.

This was unbecoming of Herald Stone, forgetting those who made victory possible. And I also couldn’t have collected this many [Toxic Goop] and especially extra [Blighted Vinereaver Essence] without a party. For upon others could I stand tall. What an inconsiderate team member I was!

[Kezodilla: Did we win?]

[Nitana2003: Do we need to go back there?]

[Megantress: Herald! Did I kill it?!!! I tried my best.]

[Kezodilla: Herald? You there?]

Several more messages in the same vein followed in our party chat. They must’ve started messaging me when the generator exploded, and I was forced into the cinematic of sorts, missing the notifications. How long was I knocked out?

They also told me they tried returning to the boss area but found the tunnels from Mon Aleh’s original home blocked. No doubt, the blast closed it.

I replied that both quests were completed and that I was currently talking to Bawu.

[Megantress: We won? Yey!!!]

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