Gladiatrix System


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“Miss Raynevere!” I cried out loud as I looked upon my bloodied betrothed.

Her clothes are in complete tatters, and her wounds covered a wide area of her body. Much of her chest and thighs are exposed.

“I-I’m okay!” Raynevere shouted back as she struggled to get up. She’s holding her bleeding left arm, and her knees are shaking.

“Hold still! Activate Skill Card: Heal!” I raised a Command Card and shouted.

Green sparkles flew around Raynevere, and in that instant, her wounds recovered. However, we still have something to do with her damaged clothes that is prone to a wardrobe malfunction!

No, it’s not the time to be perverted. My real problem is our enemy who seemed to cancel out my earlier Command Card, Reflect Shield. Even though the Kaiser Gauntlet I’m using is antique, it should still be able to activate Command Cards. The Command Card Reflect Shield was already activated at that time.

There must be something else that made the Reflect Shield fade away. And there is only one other way to do that.

I clenched my fists and inhaled a lot of air. Then, with the full power of my lungs, I shouted out loud!

“Show yourself, you cowardly Kaiser!”

Raynevere was shocked that I shouted out of the blue. Meanwhile, the lady in the black gown creepily smiled. The enemy lowered her sword as if she agreed to make a quick break in this battle of life and death.

“M-Mister Elzane?” Raynevere tilted her head.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Together with the claps, I heard footsteps with a metallic clang coming from the darkness. Behind the lady in the black dress, a silhouette of a seven-footer humanoid made an appearance. He has a black helmet covering his whole face, and he is wearing a long black trench coat with metallic bracers and sci-fi apparatus.

“Bravo, Elzane Chaldeas. You figured out almost immediately that you have a hidden enemy.” The tall, masked man said with a chilling autotuned voice. Every time he speaks, the lines on his helmet glow red.

“You’re the one who negated my Reflect Shield Command Card earlier,” I muttered.

“That’s right. You’re quite sharp for a Kaiser who had his first battle a few minutes ago.” The masked Kaiser revealed a Counter Negate Command Card in his hand. After a few seconds, the used card disintegrated into dust that mixed with the air.

“You’ve been watching us from the start?” Raynevere asked with a ferocious tone.

“Oh yes. To be precise, I caused all of this!”

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The masked Kaiser spread his arms as if he proudly presented a masterpiece! The ruins of the village, the bloodstains on the road, and the charred remains of the poor people around. That’s what he’s being proud of!

“That’s right! I am the one who summoned the Cyberdemons! I am the one who controlled them with my Gladiatrix System! And I am the one who made the flames of this garbage village! Beautiful, right!?” The masked Kaiser proclaimed.

Raynevere’s existence shook. She bit her lip, trying to suppress the emotions that is ready to burst from her heart. But she could no longer resist. She gave in to her hatred and gave a deathly glare to the masked Kaiser!

“You will pay for this! Justice will be served!” Raynevere cried as she bolted forward, her bow materializing from her hand!

“Miss Ray-” I tried to reach out to her but it was too late.

It is only rational that Raynevere would give in to her anger as her clan has been mercilessly massacred. I don’t think I’ll be able to stop her at this point, and I don’t think we’ll be going out of here without a fight! Our lives are at stake here, so I will just have to fight with her until the end!

I swiped my Kaiser Gauntlet once again and five hologram cards appeared.

“Good! Now we’re fighting!” The lady in the black dress intercepted Raynevere and attacked with her twin blood swords! However, Raynevere blocked the blades with her wooden bow!

“Get out of the way! Yah!” Raynevere kicked the ground to make a somersault over the lady in the black dress and then she fired three consecutive arrows at the enemy’s blind spot!

“Activate Skill Card: Double Damage!” I raised another Command Card! The arrows Raynevere unleashed doubled in size and length. Not only that, those three enlarged arrows will be twice as powerful when it hits!

“Activate Counter Card: Burning Shell!” The masked Kaiser revealed a Command Card, and his Gladiatrix was covered with a fire bubble! That Burning Shell immediately burnt and neutralized the incoming arrows just before the enemy got hit with it!

I smiled. It doesn’t matter if we can’t deal damage to the enemy Gladiatrix. All that matters is that we make a finishing blow to the Kaiser.

In a Gladiator Battle, the Kaiser serves as the heart and the brains while the Gladiators or Gladiatrix serve as the brawn and weapon. Once the Kaiser is taken down, the access to the mystical nanomachines will cease to function. A Gladiatrix without a Kaiser is nothing but a normal human!

“Raynevere! Attack directly!” I cried out loud.

“Got it!” Raynevere bolted forward, kicking off with her fastest speed! At this rate, he will reach the masked Kaiser in a matter of a second!

However, a single second is enough to change the course of the battlefield.

The masked Kaiser revealed a card and calmly muttered. “Activate Skill Card: Laser Snipe.”

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my left chest. When I looked down, I saw a laser tracing back to the enemy Gladiatrix’s glowing index finger.

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