Gladiatrix System


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This is the first time somebody has ever hugged me.

My ultimate crush, my betrothed, and my Gladiatrix Raynevere. She was the first one to give me intimate warmth. This is no accident nor incidental either. This is a genuine hug coming from her.


She did not react. She just kept her face dipped on my chest. Her grasp became tighter but it didn’t hurt. I felt more warmth from her as her fingers clawed on my back.

“Elzane. I’m conflicted.” Raynevere muttered.

“Conflicted? About what?” I asked.

“About my…” Raynevere paused and shook her head. “No, It’s nothing. I don’t want to trouble you more than I already have.”

“I-I’m all ears. I’ll listen to what you have to say.”

Raynevere kept silent for a moment, but she then whispered. “I just don’t know what to do. I wanted to keep you safe so I’m pushing you away, but I can’t. I know I will not win without you. And you are well aware that I am just using you, but you kept on going with my flow.”

“Well, that’s our contract. Help me get the Ultimate Grail of the Battle Fiesta, and I will help you back.” I answered.

“Aren’t you too hardworking just for a championship cup?” Raynevere asked.

I was taken by surprise by that question. Yeah, I just realized that I’m pouring too much effort to become the Battle Fiesta Champion. I just dreamt of participating in the Battle Fiesta, and being a champion is a big super lucky bonus. But deep inside, it’s not that simple.

I’m still clinging to hope that Raynevere might accept my feelings, no matter how impossible it may be. That is why I’m trusting Master Siferas’ words that even Raynevere cannot understand her own heart. Why is she even hugging me out of the blue in the first place?

“Elzane?” Raynevere asked.

I am still thinking of answers inside my mind, so that might have made Raynevere uncomfortable. So she was the one to change the topic.

“Ahaha, it’s really weird to call you without honorifics, Mister Elzane,” Raynevere muttered.

“N-No, it’s quite alright. You’re too polite to me. You can call me whatever you want.”

“Should I call you honey then?” Raynevere said.

“W-What!?” I choked my breath.

“Kidding. I’ll just call you Elzane from now on.” Raynevere said. “You can call me Rayne if you want. My friends call me that.”

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Raynevere finally pulled out from me and checked on my face. Her eyes are red as if she just cried but too briefly that I never noticed that she shed her tears. Did she weep on my chest without me knowing?

“I-I’m sorry if I weirded you out, Elzane. I would ask you to stay the night with me but that will be too much. I’ll just get something and escort you back to your house.”

Raynevere opened the glass door to her condo unit, and I tailed her immediately. The condo unit is neat and seemed to be well maintained with modern minimalistic designs and beige paint. The furniture is classic and simple.

Raynevere opened her fridge and withdrew a huge box of cake. She happily hummed as she gladly gave it to me.

“Here, it’s a chocolate cake I baked. I’m sure your whole family will enjoy it! I heard your father likes sweets!” Raynevere said.

“I’m not really into sweets. But I will eat it wholly if you wanted.” I said.

“No! Make sure you give them their share! I’ll bake more for you if you wanted, so make sure they have to taste-test it!” Raynevere said.

“Yes, Ma’am.” I saluted.

“Good! Now let’s get going and I’ll escort you back to your house! It’s almost midnight already!” Raynevere said.


As soon as we went back to the outdoor balcony, I activated the Equip Card: Striker Wing to materialize her favorite high-tech boosters. We went back into the air and for about five minutes, we reached our destination which is my house.

When we finally landed, she waved her hand to me.

“Good night Elzane! See you tomorrow!”

“See you tomorrow too, Rayne. A-And have a sweet dream!”

“I’ll certainly have a sweet dream if you visit me at my place next time!” Raynevere blushed with a smile. Then she flapped her cybernetic wings and boosted towards the starry dark skies.

I was left dumbfounded. Raynevere is certainly going aggressive with her teasing remarks. Even though everything we’ve been doing is somewhat a lie, I can’t help but think of her.

After five seconds, I decided to go inside my house. I’m quite full, but I wanted to taste-test Raynevere’s chocolate cake. I prepared a small plate for myself to have a midnight snack and carried it to my room.

As soon I had my first bite, my tongue was filled with the cake's rich flavor. It’s not too sweet, not bitter, and it’s soft and creamy that melts in my mouth. I hate desserts, but I can make an exception. This will be my favorite dessert from now on.

I immediately went to bed after that. I’m too tired to have a shower. I also don’t want to brush my teeth. I know it’s harmful to eat sweets before sleeping, but I don’t mind getting my teeth ruined if it’s because of Raynevere’s chocolate cake.

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