Gladiatrix System


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Raynevere is not combat-effective in this injured state, so I have to act right away! I drew the Heal Skill Card from my pool of five hand cards and then raised it in the air!

“Activate Skill Card: Hea-”

All of a sudden, I paused. I saw Raynevere spreading her arms at me, and she was shaking her head. Her remaining left eye is still filled with fiery determination for this fight.

She is silently telling me not to waste a Command Card to heal her wounds, which is quite absurd in the state she’s in. Her whole body is severely injured with gigantic claw marks. She won’t be able to see in her damaged right eye, and she won’t be able to move with her ruptured right leg. Moreover, she won’t be able to fire her arrows properly with her right hand.

I suddenly realized what Raynevere was thinking. The enemy Kaiser has already used two trump cards, Omnislash and Cyber Dark Panther. Ryan Radars can only use one more Command Card for this fight.

Meanwhile, I can still use two Command Cards. Raynevere must be thinking that I should use this advantage and not use it to heal her wounds.

I gritted my teeth. I don’t mind losing this tournament and losing the company. I don’t want to see Raynevere like this!

But I have to trust her.

“I… I can still fight.” Raynevere struggled to get up. She managed to stand but her knees are shaking.

“You’re quite persistent, aren’t you?” Himeno Yuusha stood proud.

“I will never give you an opening to attack my Kaiser! I made a promise to protect him no matter the cost!” Raynevere pumped herself up.

“Do not worry, you monster.” Suddenly, Himeno’s crimson eyes made the darkest expression I’d ever seen. “I have waited for a very long time to fight you. I will make sure that you will hit the ground first before I lay my claws on your Kaiser.”

“Why do you hate me so much, Ms. Himeno? Don’t you have something else better to do?” Raynevere asked.

“Hating you is my passion and motivation. I wanted to punish you, hurt you, and almost kill you because of what you did to my father!” Himeno roared.

“What… happened to… your… father?” Raynevere asked as blood continue to drip on her forehead.

“That is right! You ruined his life! You tainted his reputation! You made him his test subject! And you killed him!” Himeno cried. Tears sprinkled away from her eyes.

“I…” Raynevere paused to gulp. “I do not know what you are talking about.”

“Shut up, you monster! You’re playing the oblivious card again! But nothing you say here will matter because I will have my revenge!”

Himeno immediately ran forward to clash again with Raynevere who is barely standing up. The enraged panther revealed her damaged metal claws once more and then lunged toward her target!

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However, Raynevere ducked in the nick of time. She also kicked the ground to move away from her enemy and aimed her bow! With a swift swipe of her fingers, three arrows chased the enemy!

However, those three arrows were deflected by the opponent’s metal claws!

“So you’re just acting that you’re severely injured, huh!?” Himeno shouted.

The Cyber Dark Panther once again lunged forward, readying for a barrage of slash-scratches! Raynevere is not agile at this rate to dodge another wave of claw attacks, so she will certainly get the finishing blow!

However, I got Raynevere’s back. Now that I know she’s just acting to be severely injured, I am guilt-free to activate one of my Command Cards!

I raised my card in the sky and shouted out loud! “Activate Counter Card: Holy Shield!”

A bubble of light coated Raynevere from any damaging attack! Himeno tried to scratch it with her crooked metal claws, but it was to no avail!

“Hraaah! Haaah! Hyaaaah!” Himeno raged, just unleashing a wide series of slash attacks toward the Holy Shield!

Little by little, the bubble of light cracked! She kept on slashing until there was the sound of a shattering glass!

“I caught you! Yaaaah!” Himeno made a stabbing punch with her metal claws toward the gap of the Holy Shield!

However, Raynevere was no longer there!

Instead, the Cyber Elf appeared right on her left side, her bow pointed at her enemy’s chest!

“Haaaah!” Raynevere cried as she unleashed a point-blank arrow toward Himeno’s torso! A huge chunk of armor was blasted away from the Cyber Dark Panther, making it look like Himeno is already back at her base state!

“You impertinent bitch!” Himeno hissed as she readied her arm to slash against the Cyber Elf!

However, Raynevere was fast enough to make a roundhouse kick toward the opponent’s right shoulder!

“Khhh!” Himeno cried once again. This time, she raised her other arm to slash Raynevere to deliver a decisive blow!

Raynevere was about to jump back. However, the enemy Kaiser used his final Command Card for this fight.

“Activate Skill Card: Chain Bind!” Ryan Radars raised his third hologram card.

In this instance, chains materialized from the ground and bound Raynevere’s neck, arms, legs, and waist! She can no longer escape, and a counter-attack will not be feasible either! It was a sure end for Raynevere once the final blow is delivered!

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