Global Digitization, I Can Increase Everything

Chapter 222: 222:

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"Sure enough, are they being controlled by Kong Ming Yao? It was said that they destroyed half of their war city last time. It seems that they still want to take revenge."

Lin Yu did not touch the shadow walk, and used the dance of the wind again, and the whole person rose into the air......

He followed the path of these ghostly beasts, and soon found a few extremely hidden things in this small mountain range.

All the nether beasts came out of these caves.

But Lin Yu didn't see these things during the day.

Obviously it was hidden by some means.

Lin Yu didn't care either.

He found something at random and got into it.

The next moment, Lin Yu smelled an extremely unpleasant stench.

He looked around. Inside the cave was a passage more than four meters high.

There was still mucus dripping on the inner wall of the channel, and the ground was even more filled with mucus.

Looks a little disgusting.

Although the sense of existence has been eliminated and the shadows are walking, Lin Yu still feels that he should be safe.

He didn't use the wind dance on a large scale in the cave, he just made his body light and jumped from where there was no mucus.

The caves are deep, and the passages have many detours.

Lin Yu has already walked for a few kilometers, and he has not reached the end.

However, he also saw quite a few ghost beasts that seemed to be patrolling.

Lin Yu didn't alert them, just quietly avoided and continued to go deep inside the beast's nest.


When Lin Yu went deep into the beast's nest.

In a cave in the deepest part of the beast's nest.

A four-meter-high, dark-red, barbed Netherworld beast was lying in the center.

Next to it stood an empty ghost mage.

Kong Ming Yao Mage said:

"Mingxue, I'm afraid I can't stay here anymore. Too many kills have been detected by humans."

Netherworld Beast Emperor Mingxue nodded, and a hoarse voice sounded from the beast's mouth:

"Tonight is the last night of hunting, and the new beast nest will be built tomorrow. There, it is enough for me to rise to the peak of the ninth order!"

"very good!"

Kong Ming Yao Mage sneered, his eyes cold and stern:

"Damn human beings, they dared to kill my Kongming Demon genius, and even destroyed half of the Night City! This time, they want their Kongming City to be wiped out!"

There is also a flickering light in Mingxue's eyes:

"It won't take long, give me another two months!"

It paused and continued:

"Netherworld beasts are really fast at the low level, but unfortunately, it is almost impossible to break through from the ninth level to the saint."

Kong Ming Yao Mage showed a smile:

"Don't worry about this, the emperor has invited the God of Blood, and when you complete the task, he will reshape your body for you. It is definitely stronger than your original!"

"Hey, if possible, I still like the original one."

Mingxue said in a hoarse voice.

"Hahaha, then you have to talk to Lord God."

"Forget it, how dare I trouble the gods? I will use whichever he reshapes for me."

Mingxue's huge claws swayed slightly.

"Then I'll leave first, and I'll come back tomorrow to leave with you."


Kong Ming Yao Mage smiled slightly, turned into a phantom, and disappeared in place.


After a long time, Lin Yu stopped at the end of a passage.

There was a gap a few meters away from him, and there should be a hollow inside.

However, even if Lin Yu hadn't walked over to see it, he could still feel the tyrannical and powerful aura!

It was a very strong breath. .

Chapter 192

Lin Yu looked at the hole not far away, squinted his eyes, and the black mist surrounding his body became a little more intense.

Afterwards, he came to the front of the void and turned to look inside.

The next moment, he was in the center of the hollow twenty meters in diameter, and saw a dark red ghost beast that was even more ferocious than an ordinary ghost beast.

It just lay quietly on the spot, and the breath it exudes is still shocking.

Lin Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

The Netherworld Beast King?

He was about to step forward, but at this moment, he paused and thought for a while.

Silently came to a corner in the hollow and stood quietly.

Every once in a while, Netherworld beasts would come in and bring the corpses of some beasts to the Netherworld Beast Emperor.

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Let it feast on itself.

And every time he eats, Lin Yu can feel that its breath is a bit stronger than before.

Time passed, and after a long time, the Netherworld beasts that had gone out began to return one after another, and roars and low roars sounded everywhere in the beast horde.

It became extremely lively.

Lin Yu glanced outside and narrowed his eyes.

Is it daylight outside?

Lin Yu waited for a while, and when the roars outside weakened, he walked out.

It was found that in the small caves of some branches, one by one Nether Beast had fallen asleep.

Only then did Lin Yu go out and place blocks of pitch-black spar in inconspicuous corners.

Dark Riot Crystal(s)

After use, it will trigger a powerful dark storm, causing 10 million dark damage to the target within the range and reducing the target's defense by 17% by 20%.

Use Level: Level 3 Level 10, Main Attribute 30000

Very powerful item.

This was bought by Lin Yu at school, boosted by a B-level dark crystal bomb.

Each one cost 20 million yuan, and he bought 20 of them.

In addition to this, he also bought a frost crystal bomb.

After the amplification, it turned into a Frost riot crystal.

Frost Riot Crystal (s)

After using it, a powerful frozen nova will be activated, causing 10 million dark damage to the target within the range, freezing the target for 3 seconds.

Use Level: Level 3 Level 10, Main Attribute 30000

I also bought twenty of them.

There are all kinds of other special items that will explode, and Lin Yu also bought a lot of them.

In order to prepare for the eternal trial, he spent nearly 100 billion just buying the raw materials.

Not to mention the experience points used up.

Of course, his inventory has also become very rich.

After placing a large wave of bomb crystals in the entire beast tide, Lin Yu went to the lair of the Netherworld Beast Emperor, and placed five crystals of Frost Riot and Dark Riot.


The moment Lin Yu let go of the Frost Riot Crystal and the Dark Riot Crystal, the Netherworld Beast Emperor turned his head and looked over.

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows.

Very keen perception ability.

He didn't even think about it, he snapped his fingers with his left hand, and his body disappeared in place.


Seeing the crystal with powerful power surging on the ground, the Nether Beast King let out a roar.

However, as soon as the roar came out, it was drowned out by the roar.

Outside the Black Iron Mountain, Lin Yu's body emerged.

As soon as his body appeared, there was a strong roar from behind and at his feet.

The ground trembled violently.

The violent vibration began to spread, and it spread far away.

Even the adventurers who were taken out from the edge of the Blue Frost Mountains felt the shock.

Everyone was stunned.

"what happened?!"

"Earthquake? How could there be an earthquake in the Qingshuang Mountains??"


In Hongye Town, the Blue Star enforcer, Tian Yuan and others are exchanging information.

Lin Wu said:

"According to the information we have collected, the target should be to operate within the Black Iron Mountain range."

"Someone has been to the area of ​​​​100 kilometers around Hei Tie Mountain, where the beasts are basically extinct. By the way... I heard from professionals who often roam in the mountains, these three or four months, the Qingshuang Mountains will be destroyed every time. There's a small beast swarm. It's never happened before."

"Through these signs, there may be strong predators in the Qingshuang Mountains. And they are the type that are not picky eaters, and there are still many..."

Speaking of which, they were stunned.

The five looked at each other, their faces stiff.

Then, Tian Yuan slowly opened his mouth and said:

"The Cyan Frost Mountains... It's not far from Kongming City... Some time ago, there were Netherworld beasts attacking Kongming City?!"

"No... not really?!"

Cold sweat broke out on Huang Shanyue's forehead.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Tian Yuan slowly opened his mouth and said:

"The matter is a bit serious, and it may be beyond our scope of handling. I will report to the above and ask for support..."

Before he could speak, Hongye Town suddenly shook.

The whole room shook violently.

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