Global Digitization, I Can Increase Everything

Chapter 30: 30:

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I want you to get those scouts out and kill them. "


Collins opened his eyes wide, his body trembled slightly, and he was a little scared.

"What? Don't you dare?"

Nahum glanced at him without emotion.


Collins opened his mouth, only to feel that his mouth was full of bitterness, unable to speak.

The scouts of the Dawning Army are definitely second-tier.

He went there as a first-order scout, didn't he die?

"Don't worry, this time, besides you, there are other Anbu members. The task I give you is to kill a Dawning Army scout in person, no matter what method you use."


When Collins heard that he was not alone, he suddenly felt that he could do it again.

The two soon reached the end of the armament office.

Nahum glanced around and didn't notice anything unusual, so he didn't care.

"Everyone gathers."

Nahum spoke and began to assign tasks.


At this moment, Lin Yu, who was hiding at the top of a tall building near the Armament Office, glanced at the Blood Slaughter Fortress in the dark.

"It's almost time."

He stretched out his left hand and snapped his fingers.


The entire Blood Slaughter Fortress seemed to lose its voice for a moment and fell into a dead silence.

The next moment, dazzling flames erupted from all over the fortress, gushing out.

The entire Blood Slaughter Fortress seemed to see gorgeous flowers of flames.

However, these flame flowers are full of deadly threats.

Boom boom boom boom...

A terrifying roar sounded, the mountain peaks trembled, the ground cracked, and the sturdy buildings collapsed one by one.

Blood Slaughter Army, a rat man professional, countless rat people were engulfed by flames and hit by the aftermath.




The dense damage jumped out throughout the blood slaughter fortress.

Unstable Exploding Flame Crystal (b)

special items

After use, a huge explosion is generated, causing 14500 Fire damage in a huge area.

Level: Level 10

When Lin Yu first increased this thing, he directly increased it by 100 without thinking about it.

At level 10, there are special items with such terrifying damage, which is simply a big killer for low-level professionals!

Although it has no effect on high-level powerhouses.

But he didn't know what the mission was at the time. No matter which aspect, he didn't want to be lazy or troublesome.

Now, the efforts of that time have paid off.

Unstable Exploding Flame Crystals are very effective in this mission!

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at the ruins of the **** fortress ravaged by the flames.

A dangerous smile appeared.

"Then, the hunting begins."

With a wave of the staff in his hand, a gloomy and dark door opened.


The sound of hooves sounded, and two tall nightmares stuck their heads out, followed by their bodies...

Nightmare Knight.


"Go, kill the survivors separately."

Lin Yu gave the order.

The two Nightmare Knights galloped apart.

With their strength, there should be no pressure on second-tier professionals.

What's more, the current rat man professional is definitely not as good as before.

Lin Yu looked at the two Nightmare Knights who had gone away, and disappeared on the spot himself.

On the ground floor, the armament depot.

Nahum, who was about to set up a mission, suddenly felt a sudden stagnation in the air, and a huge sense of crisis came.

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He didn't even think about it, he put a defensive shield on himself, and at the same time used various damage reduction skills.

Collins next to him saw that Nahum suddenly added defensive skills to himself, thinking that something had happened.

A jolt of Collins' instinct for avoiding and fleeing.

He threw himself in the shadow of the corner, holding his head to prevent squatting.

He comforted himself in his heart.

I'm just a first-order weak mouse!

Nothing works!

There is something, Lord Nahum and the others are taking care of it.

As soon as it was finished, a terrifying roar sounded.


The eyes were full of flames and magical energy, and the explosive force lifted the ground, as if a **** was angry.

"Ah ah ah!"

A scream appeared, and then stopped abruptly.

Nahum felt the hot and terrifying force impact, instinctively avoided, and moved towards the cover.

A series of injuries jumped out of him.





When he ran to the bunker, his face was pale and he was seriously injured.

"Who is it?!"

Nahum's indifferent face turned into anger and growled to himself.

At this moment, he heard a low whisper.


At the same time as the sound came out, a pitch-black ice arrow shot towards him.

Dark Frostbolt! .

Chapter 39

Nahum's face changed and he planned to avoid it.

At this moment, he felt that his body seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, and there was a momentary pause.

This momentary pause made it too late for him to dodge.

Fortunately, some of his defensive skills have not disappeared.

Dark Frostbolt landed on the black shield.



A damage that is neither high nor low appeared.

At the same time, the strong cold and corrosive aura was released from the Dark Frostbolt, passed through the shield, and landed on Nahum.

The next moment, Nahum's face changed, his body froze in place, and there was ice spreading.

Nahum's luck was not very good, and he encountered the chance of freezing.

However, there was a flash of black light on Nahum's body, and he released the freezing effect and regained his mobility.

He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction from which the attack came.

In the firelight and smoke, Lin Yu, wearing a black robe, stood leisurely.

A dark blue mysterious light flashed above the staff in his hand.

"What?! Humans??"

Nahum's eyes widened in disbelief.

And at the next moment, he had no time to think about it.

Lin Yu waved his staff, and one by one dark blue arcane energy bullets shot out quickly, covering the air and rushing towards him.

Such a terrifying amount made his complexion change dramatically.

What a powerful skill!

He was about to move to dodge, when suddenly the invisible pulling feeling reappeared.

Let his body freeze for a moment.

As the endless dark blue arcane bombs approached, Nahum's face changed drastically and he roared.

"Do not!!"

Just now, in order to survive the previous explosion, he used all his defensive skills.

Now, he is almost a living target!

Although some defensive capabilities have not disappeared, they have become very weak due to the defense reduction of Dark Frostbolt.

As a fragile and injured assassin, facing the current violent attack, his heart has cooled down completely.

Despair and unwillingness appeared in his eyes.

Boom boom boom!

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