Global Digitization, I Can Increase Everything

Chapter 340: 340:

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I don't know when the relationship between the two of them became so good.

Maybe it's because they both have been in the military, so they have more common topics?

Seeing Lin Yu coming back, Lei Yingji's eyes lit up and she stood up.

She ran in front of Lin Yu, put her hands on her hips, and said proudly, "Stinky boy, do you see anything different about me, sister?!"

Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, looked at Lei Yingji, and found that Lei Yingji's aura was much stronger than before.

It should be several times the original.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Saint level?"

When Lei Yingji saw Lin Yu guessed it, her brows were full of pride: "That's right! How's it going? I'm one step ahead of you to become a saint! Besides, I'm a two-star saint! I believe it won't take long before I can become a **** directly! "

Lin Yu looked at Lei Yingji's smug look, and couldn't help but reminded: "There are still demigods after the saints, not gods directly."

Lei Yingji jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on: "If you want to take care of me, I will become a god! I will become a god!"

Lin Yu patted Lei Yingji's head helplessly: "Sister Yingji, are you still stupid after all?"

Lei Yingji: "..."

She looked at Lin Yu with dangerous eyes, and she opened her mouth and bit Lin Yu's hand.

Lin Yu said speechlessly: "Wow, you lose if you lose, why bite me? Don't bite if you have the ability!"

"I haven't lost yet! I can win!"

Lei Yingji released her mouth.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Then I will start a new eternal trial soon."

"What?! So fast??"

Lei Yingjie's face changed.

Lin Yu said with a smile: "Well, when I went to trouble the cult before, I accidentally killed a few five-star saints and four demigods."

Lei Yingji: "????"

She looked at Lin Yu with a black face full of question marks: "...What?! How many demigods did you kill??! I don't believe it! You must be kidding me!"

Before Lin Yu could speak, Le Yanyan smiled and said, "I believe the master! The master said that if you kill a demigod, you will definitely kill a demigod!"

Lei Yingji had a look of anger and indifference: "Yanyan! If you are made a slave, you are really a slave?! So towards him?!"

Le Yanyan smiled and said, "Of course I believe in the master unconditionally."

"Then how did you say this kid killed a demigod?!"

Lei Yingji was not convinced.

Le Yanyan was stunned for a moment, and then she said firmly, "Although I don't know how the master did it, isn't the master able to do things that others can't?"

Lei Yingji: "..."

The veins on her forehead jumped: "Have you become this guy's fanatical believer?"

Lin Yu rubbed Le Yanyan's head with satisfaction: "Yanyan is still obedient, how does it look like you?"

Lin Yu glanced at Lei Yingji with disgust, and Lei Yingji glared at Lin Yu immediately.

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Lin Yu didn't care either, and said with a smile, "If you don't believe me, just ask the ancestors of the Yan family and the Zuo family. They watched me kill them."

Lei Yingji opened her mouth: "...Are you serious?"

Lin Yu said speechlessly, "When did we lie to you?"

Lei Yingji lost her voice and didn't know how to answer in shock.

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly: "You can even kill a demigod, so how difficult is it for you to do an eternal mission?! The eighth-order eternal mission is impossible for you to kill a demigod, right?"

Lin Yu shrugged: "So I will soon complete the eternal task, and then the law, as you know, I have several laws."

The more Lei Yingji listened to Lin Yu's words, the paler her face became. Then, her eyes lit up, she took Lin Yu's hand with a smile, and said, "Ayu, look, Yanyan is waiting for your favor. It's been a long time, and now Yue'er and the others are not here, a rare opportunity? You don't...hehehe~~"


Le Yanyan blushed pretty, glanced at Lin Yu, and said nothing.

Lin Yu: "???"

He glanced at Lei Yingji in shock: "You can even think of such a way? Be careful that Yue'er comes back to be angry with you."

Lei Yingji couldn't help blushing, and then she was dissatisfied: "Could it be that you still go and talk to Yue'er? The three of us know about this matter, you don't tell me, I don't tell, Yanyan doesn't tell, Don't they know?"

Lin Yu found that this person was not very thick-skinned.

He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "How about you replace Yanyan? I'll let you for a month."

Lei Yingjie's pretty face flushed, she took a few steps back abruptly, and covered her chest: "You really want to do such a thing to me! I, Lei Yingjie, would rather die than give in!"

She stomped her foot: "I've eaten! I'll ignore you!"

Lin Yu smiled and said nothing.

Le Yanyan also smiled and said, "Master, I'll serve you a meal."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble, this is what I should do."

Lin Yu then had dinner with Le Yanyan and Lei Yingji.

After eating, Lin Yu started the eternal trial. Long.

Chapter 345

【Son of Man】

Blue Star is always surrounded by powerful enemies, and has countless battlefields in all realms.

The Blue Star warriors throw their heads and blood for the survival of mankind.

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As an eternal tester, you, as an eighth-order peak, now have the ability to change the situation of the battle!

Don't forget who you are as a human being.

Born to be human, fight for human beings!

Mission goal: To play a decisive role in a large-scale war against foreigners, and to help human warriors win a war.

Lin Yu looked at the mission introduction and was slightly startled, then narrowed his eyes.

This task is not difficult for him.

In fact, with his current strength, the eternal trial will not pose much threat to him.

However, he had never joined the frontal battlefield before.

When he went to the battlefield, he just went to the enemy camp to do things.

Unexpectedly, this time, he was directly asked to help mankind win the battle.

He was still a little excited.

As for war...

Lin Yu glanced at Lei Yingji next to him: "Sister Yingji, are we going to fight the Kong Ming Yao recently?"

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Lei Yingji was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Lin Yu with some doubts: "War? What are you asking about this? Does your trial have something to do with the war?"

Lin Yu nodded: "Well, it has to be a war."

Lei Yingji frowned slightly and said, "Recently, we and Kong Ming Yao are in a cooling-off period, and neither side intends to fight."

Lin Yu nodded: "Okay then, I'll look elsewhere."

Since there is no war, Lin Yu naturally won't force the Kongming Army to fight the Kongming Yao now.

War kills people, especially unprepared wars.

He can't just sacrifice other people for his mission.

He asked, "Then do you know where there will be a war recently?"

Lei Yingji said, "I'll go check it out for you, it won't take long."

"it is good."

Lei Yingji nodded and disappeared.

And because Lin Yu didn't have a goal yet, he naturally sat on the sofa and waited. After Le Yanyan finished washing the dishes, she came over to rub his shoulders obediently.

Not long after, the space fluctuated and Lei Yingji came back.

Seeing that Lin Yu was enjoying Le Yanyan's massage, she laughed angrily: "You are at ease."

Lin Yu smiled and said, "How is it? Did you find it?"

Lei Yingji nodded: "Well, our Blue Star borders many foreign races, and wars of all sizes occur almost every day. The closest to us is the Ice Spirit City. The Ice Spirit City is bordered by the frost troll's frozen soil. The war is going on right now, it just started yesterday, and if you get past it now, it's still too late."

Hearing this, Lin Yu's eyes lit up and he stood up.

"Then I'll go right now."

"Hey, wait, don't you have to get someone to get some documents or something?"

Lei Yingji said, "Otherwise, if you go there, you won't be able to enter the military, right?"

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I didn't say I had to join the military."

The mission introduction did not say how he decided the victory of a war.

Originally, according to the introduction of the eternal mission, I am afraid that he should join the military, and then play a decisive role in commanding and high-level combat power.

But for the current Lin Yu, there is absolutely no need for such trouble.

As long as he killed all the saints of the frost trolls in the past, wouldn't the war be won for sure?

All right.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Lei Yingji was a little stunned.

Before she could react, Lin Yu had already disappeared in place.

Lei Yingji rolled her eyes helplessly, and glanced at Le Yanyan: "Look at him! Don't prepare for anything, just be rash and pass!"

Le Yanyan chuckled and said, "Miss Yingji, with the master's strength, she doesn't need to prepare anything."

Hearing this, Lei Yingji rolled her eyes: "I told you this crazy believer... I also have a problem with my brain."

Le Yanyan smiled and said nothing.


Bingling City is a big city, and the city is guarded by the Ice Family, a family of Frost-type gods, and the Frost Trolls are not weak races even in the heavens and the world, and they are not far behind humans.

Therefore, between the Ice Spirit City and the frozen land, the war between humans and frost trolls is very intense and fierce.

Both sides win each other.

Outside Bingling City, in the depths of the Frost Forest, a dimensional crack about twenty kilometers long lingers.

On the edge of the crack stood an ice-blue giant city, which was the Ice Spirit War City, the outpost of the Ice Spirit City and the frozen ground.

At this moment, outside the Ice Spirit War City, the space fluctuated, and Lin Yu's body appeared......

His eyes swept across the huge dimensional crack, and then looked at the city of war on the side.

The next moment, he walked towards the city of war.

Outside the Ice Spirit War City, the guards are very strict, and there are three teams of Ice Spirit Army patrolling back and forth.

Lin Yu glanced at Bing Lingjun, did not go to register, but walked in directly.

With the strength of the Ice Spirit Army, it is naturally impossible to discover his existence.

Entering Bingling City, Lin Yu found that the atmosphere in the city was very tense, the streets were a bit empty, and the adventurers passing by were in a hurry.

At this moment, Lin Yu saw a group of adventurers hurried over with scars all over their bodies.

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