Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 104: v2 Chapter 103: Seal of the Gods, Fearless Warrior

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After the monitor lizard's body was removed, Richard watched with interest the woman who was bound by chains and covered in scars.

The other party has long flaming golden hair, sharp eyes, and the aura on his body carries the ferocity of a veteran of a hundred battles.

Even if he is severely injured, it is not to be underestimated.

"who are you?"

A hoarse voice entered the ear.

Richard didn't answer her question, waved his hand, and the bandaged mummy pressed the three prisoners brought from the territory.

When the three prisoners saw Hina, who was even more embarrassed than themselves, their mood was particularly complicated.

They originally wanted to do meritorious service and bring the residents of Dusk City back to Oasis City.

Unexpectedly, in just three or two days, not only did he not bring him back, he also became a prisoner himself.

What makes them want to cry without tears is that even the newly established oasis city no longer exists, and the owner of the oasis has become a prisoner just like them... This is unfortunate.


Seeing the three prisoners, Hina cheered up and asked in a deep voice.

"Are you the lord of Dusk City?"

Before she dispatched spies, she naturally learned about it in detail.

Dusk City has only a few squads of arms, even if it has developed for more than ten days, how can it be strong?

But what's the matter now?

The combat power displayed by those gargoyles is at least an intermediate class, and the potential is rare and above 2 stars.

The dark gargoyles of these 4 teams alone can deflate Oasis City.

Why can the opponent's army develop so powerfully in ten days?

She couldn't understand the combat power shown by the city of dusk...

Li Cha did not respond. After confirming the identity of the other party, he opened the attribute panel with a little curiosity.

Sheena Krina

hero unit

[Level]: Level 8 (intermediate hero, strength bonus 30%)

[Potential]: Unknown (bloodline is being sealed)

[Occupation]: Fearless Warrior Rare (advanced, strength increased by 50%)

[Status]: Seriously injured (all attributes reduced by 70%)

[Blood]: 500 points (recovery 5 points per second, extra +20 points recovery in serious injury status)

[Skills]: Fearless Heart (A-level, fearless in the heart, immune to all halo pressure, morale never exhausts, immune to mental control skills, immune to instant death skills, all attributes increase by 70%.)

Krina blood (A-level, powerful blood has extraordinary power, can control the blood in the body to store energy.)

Natural Warrior (A-level, has a natural ability to comprehend combat, constant fighting skills at the master level, at the same time proficient in all weapons, can exert the strongest characteristics of weapons.)

Anger Slashing the Sky (A-level, condensing energy on the weapon, beheading the enemy in front, no cooling time, minimum consumption of 100 points of qi and blood each time, the more qi and blood injected, the higher the damage.) (in the seal)

Destruction (A-level, strengthen the weapon with blood energy, its sharpness is greatly improved, can pierce heavy armor, and cut through the magic shield) (in the seal)

[Heroic Features]: When you are fatally wounded, you will instantly recover 50% of your health, and you can mobilize blood to recover your injuries (in the seal).

[Racial Talent]: The higher the damage, the faster the recovery of blood energy.

[Fetters - Fearless]: Facing the stronger enemy, the more fighting spirit in your heart, the enemy's level is higher by 1 level, the strength is increased by 30%, up to 5 levels.

[Introduction]: A powerful warrior, in her heart, she is fearless.

Good guy, this attribute is too fierce.

Li Cha's heart skipped a beat.

He didn't expect Hina to be so powerful.

Are Krina women so unusual?

But why was the opponent's bloodline sealed and most of his strength limited?

How is this going?

But Rao is so, he is also heartbroken.

The strength of this hero is not inferior to that of Grey Gaunt.

Little girl, I think your face is very suitable for joining Dusk City. Are you interested in going home with me?

Although there is an idea in his heart, there is no strangeness on his face.

Looking at each other, he said slowly.

"Ms. Sheena, I'm curious why these lizardmen attack the oasis..."

Sheena turned her head to the side.

The residents who were captured by the lizardmen were guarded by mummies at this time.

"Lord of Twilight City, let my people go... I will tell you all this information."

Descendants of the Krina tribe, fearless of death.

But she did not want hundreds of innocent residents to be buried with her.

Richard shook his head.

"Ms. Xina, Dusk City needs a large population. These refugees should belong to me, but your appearance interrupted my progress in subduing them."

"Don't worry that I will hurt them. You can ask these guys what they saw in Dusk City. Those residents living in my territory are worse than Oasis City?"

Hina turned her head to look at the three prisoners.

Several people looked at each other, na na speechless.

Although he was caught, he had to admit that the residents living in Dusk City were no worse than Oasis... or even better.

Seeing the expressions of the three people, Hina knew it, and she didn't bother about it, she said directly.

"Some time ago, a terrifying sandstorm swept the desert, and that storm lifted an ancient tomb open.

"I got a piece of parchment out of it that marked the location of a ruin."

Said with a cold look.

"But although I found the location of the ruins, I didn't have the key to enter it.

"The lizardfolk got the key from somewhere...that black staff.

"The black staff can sense the location of the map...and the map cannot sense the black staff.

"A few hours ago, the lizardmen launched an attack on Oasis City for a map...

"The scepter in your hand is the key to the ruins and has the power to freeze space.

"If it wasn't for this scepter, would this lizardman lord want to keep me?"

A proud expression appeared on his face.

Even in such an embarrassing situation, it still gives people a strong persuasion.

Ancient ruins?

Richard wasn't very interested in others, but this particular word caught his eye.

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"Where is that ruin?"

"The map is marked..."

Li Cha glanced behind him, the army was searching, and there would be an answer later.

Not bothering about this, he asked about the topic he was most interested in, which was also the goal of this operation.

"The oasis can accommodate so many people, and it plans to continue to expand... You must have a high yield of resources, treasures, food, and was robbed by the lizardmen?"

Sheena looked at him straightly.

"Human lord, I have to say that you know a lot... That treasure was taken from my clan, and the lizardmen couldn't find it."

Li Cha's heart moved, but he didn't give a shit, just straight to the point.

"I need that resource treasure."

Hina gestured to the chains on her body, her eyes firm.

"I traded that treasure for freedom..."

Let it go, what should you do if you run away, a hero of this level will be tied back to you...

Li Cha hadn't figured out how to deal with Xina, so he simply changed the subject.

"Ms. Sheena, I don't know what brought you to the oasis to establish a territory?"

After speaking, he continued without waiting for many parties to speak.

"Is it that relic, or is it related to the seal in your bloodline?"

After saying this, he only felt a cold killing intent locked on him.

An angry tone.

"Human lord, how do you know the seal?!"

Li Cha raised his brows, is this still a taboo?

After thinking about it, he calmly said.

"I sensed the breath of the seal on you, and your injury made it more obvious..."

Sheena stared at Richard.

Li Cha also looked directly into her eyes and did not retreat at all.

After a long, long time, the confrontation ended.

Hina gave him a deep look, but didn't speak for a long time.

Li Cha has a judgment in his heart.

He really got it right, the other party built the city in the oasis to seal it...

After thinking for a while, he said softly.

"Miss Hina, there is a powerful honey in my territory that can clear up negative states and may bring you some help... It may not be able to break the seal."

Hina's eyes returned to calm, and the old soldier's momentum was revealed again, which was amazingly fierce.

"Human lord, you can't imagine what kind of power the seal possesses..."

"It's not a loss for you to exchange resources and treasures for my freedom."

"And Krina women are the curse of death for men..."

Said with a playful smile.

"Of course, if you're willing to be my love, that's another story..."

Li Cha remembered the legend that the women of the Krina tribe would kill their husbands with their own hands in exchange for power, and he felt chills.

I just want to subdue you, but you want to sleep with me, it's just malicious.

But...I'm not interested in you again, this legend has nothing to do with me.

Such a powerful hero, if he lets go, he can jump up and slap his mouth.

"It's okay to let you go, but where are you going next?"

"Return to the territory? The curse is not resolved?"

These two questions hit the soul directly, and Hina, who had just gotten rid of her emotions, was stunned again.

The hard-earned oasis city was breached in the blink of an eye, and now it has become a prisoner of random slaughter, and even freedom has become a luxury at this moment.

Where can she go now? Inside the Hui clan? Going back so soon, what's the point of her coming out?

Seeing the change in the other party's attitude, Li Cha moved in his heart.

He looked at Hina softly.

"If you don't know where to go, you might as well follow me first. The City of Twilight requires a lot of manual work."

"The city of dusk lives and works in peace and contentment, life is full of hope, you can live for a while."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to join the military, you can do the job you like."

"I promise you that as long as you need it, I will use the power of Dusk City to help you solve the curse."

Leadership, with strong personality charm, has a certain chance to make the field troops surrender.

Features of Dusk City, live and work in peace and contentment, activate 90 people's hearts, and have a special attraction to refugees and heroes.

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At this moment, Li Cha inexplicably gave Xina a strong sense of trust.

It seems that following the other party to that unfamiliar is not an unacceptable thing...

Looking at that handsome face, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes, he spoke slowly.

"Human lord, I know what you're thinking... The hero of the Krina tribe, the warrior that every lord longs for, our prestige resounds throughout the desert!

"But I don't mind.

"If you can help me lift the seal in my body, I am willing to be the blade in your hands!"

He spoke in a solemn tone.

"I found some knowledge about unlocking the seal in that ancient tomb, maybe the ruins can help me, I need to go into it with you to explore..."

After the lizardmen are annihilated, the relic items will naturally become the opponent's loot.

She left the tribe and built the city alone. Everything she did was to break the seal in her body and for the Krina tribe who had been tortured for hundreds of thousands of years.

It was hard to find out this news about the seal, and I couldn't miss it.

Her eyes are firm and her will is unshakable.

If the other party can really lift the seal, let alone take refuge, even if she wants her life and soul.

Everything, for the Krina.

"Ding~ Hill Krina has issued a hero recruitment task to you - lift the curse of the gods in his body and break the bloodline seal.

After the task is completed, she will join you and become your subordinate. "

When Li Cha saw the system prompt, his scalp felt numb.

To lift the curse of the gods in the body?

Xina's bloodline seal was caused by the curse of the gods?

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