Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 107: v2 Chapter 106: Ancient ruins, 9 bronze doors

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The next morning, May 21.

Richard got up early after sleeping all night in the burnt oasis city.

After breakfast, all the dark gargoyles who transported the residents for the night have returned.

Immediately summon everyone and prepare to explore the ancient ruins.

Hina, who was in a state of embarrassment yesterday, after he provided a lot of honey, the scars on her body have disappeared.

A new leather armor makes him look like a cheetah perfectly.

The fierce aura of a veteran of a hundred battles is in stark contrast to that delicate and perfect face.

Holding a long cross sword in his hand, his eyes are as sharp as a falcon.

Sheena is completely different from Andelle's immaturity, and her fierce demeanor can make people tremble.

This is a pure warrior, the battlefield, her home.

"Hina, after entering the ruins, all actions follow orders."

Li Cha looked solemn.

A team can only have one voice.

Sheena is not his subordinate at the moment, and the rules must be clarified.

Xina looked directly into Li Cha's eyes, extremely serious.

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander, I will absolutely carry out your orders!"

"But if I find a treasure that has been unsealed, I beg you to help me..."

Richard nodded slowly.

"I promise you with the glory of the city of dusk, when necessary, do my best!"

The eyes of both sides collided at this moment.

The army pulls out.

Richard continued to ride the dark gargoyle, and after he had a means of transportation, he lost interest in traveling.

Although it is not as cool as the dragon, the appearance of the dark gargoyle is also attractive enough, except for the buttocks, there is nothing wrong with it.

Shortly after leaving the oasis, Richard suddenly thought.

Since Xina happened to have a map leading to the ancient ruins in her hand, and she also built a city in the oasis because of the ruins.

Her hero recruitment mission is to break the seal again...

So will the way to break the seal of the other party is actually in the ruins?

Although this speculation is a bit far-fetched, it makes sense.

In Li Cha's eyes, Hina is like a sharp war knife.

As long as the dust on it is wiped off, it can show a dazzling edge.

And he wants to make this war sword for him, even if it is broken, it must be broken when he is holding the handle of the sword.

Conquering heroes, recruiting troops, acquiring treasures, occupying resources, exploring maps... these are the essence of "Era of Radiance".

In the quiet atmosphere, the army moved quickly towards the goal.

Sheena had been to the ruins before, and Li Cha had synced the map in the parchment to the system map, so she was not afraid of finding the target.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

After going north ↑ for more than 5 hours.


The wind in the desert began to gradually increase.

The gust of wind blew the fine sand on his face, and the beating was painful.

This is a stormy place.

No wonder Hina said that there is no one here, normal people who come to this **** place.

Seeing this, Li Cha scattered the dark gargoyle to investigate the situation from a longer distance.

The further you go, the bigger the wind and sand.

At the back, it's hard to open your eyes.

However, the mummy army did not respond to this, and continued to move forward at a constant speed.

In order not to waste Gaunt's recruiting characteristics, Richard killed several field troops and recruited 3 teams of elite 1-star blood mummies again.

As a result, the number of troops recruited reached 7 and a half squads.

6 Squad Elite 1 Star, 1 Half Squad Rare 2 Star Monitor Lizard Mummy.

After giving these troops desertification, it can play a big role.

After a few more hours of walking against the wind and sand.

When Richard compared the map, he was shocked.


At the same time, Hina, who was riding behind the monitor lizard mummy, signaled the team to reach their destination.

Richard immediately recalled the scattered gargoyles, and then fell to the ground.

Sheena pointed to a prominent sand dune ahead.

"Your Excellency Commander, cross the sand dune in front and you will reach the ruins..."

Richard nodded and asked Gray to take the gargoyle to investigate, and then proceeded after there was no threat.

In the whirring of wind and sand, the army came under a large sand dune.

The sand dune in front of it is more than 200 meters high and stretches for hundreds of meters.

Quite spectacular.

A conspicuous dent was formed in front of it due to the strong wind.

Standing in the depression, the sandstorm is obviously much smaller.

Li Cha looked at the sand dunes in front of him, and his heart moved.

That ancient ruin, buried under the sand dunes? ?

Take out the Obsidian Staff from the system space.

After the staff was exposed to the air, it immediately scorched and glowed.

He is sure.

Not in the wrong place.

He turned his head to look at the mummified hero beside him.

"Gray, Gaunt, you each take two teams of dark gargoyles and all the bandaged mummies to explore around.

I want to be absolutely safe..."

"As you wish!"

The two heroes were also unequivocal, and immediately led the troops away.

Richard was holding an obsidian staff and a map, and the two relics were radiating light at the moment.

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But he was like a stone sculpture, quietly looking at the dunes in front of him, without moving.

There was only the whistling of the wind in the air.

Seeing this scene, Xina raised a bit of admiration in her eyes.

Ordinary people see the temptation of ancient ruins, I'm afraid they can't hold back, the other party does have something special, this kind of heart is rare.

A full half an hour.

It was only after Gray returned to report that he was safe, and sent three teams of **** mummies to be vigilant around him, that Richard was relieved.

Turning to look at Hina.

"Hina, how to open the ruins?"

"Approach the dunes, the ruins will call..."

Richard nodded and handed the two items to Gaunt.

"Leave the soul phylactery and go to open the ruins."

The ruins are full of unknowns, and Gaunt, who can be resurrected, is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

The mummy hero wrapped in blood-colored bandages was not afraid, and after leaving the soul phylactery, he walked to the sand dunes.

The light from the obsidian scepter and the parchment map in his hand gradually brightened.

Gaunt came under the sand dune, feeling something, and slowly placed the two items on the steep sand dune in front of him.

next second.


The yellow sand above the dunes shook, and a large amount of fine sand shook off.

And two items were buried in it.

Gaunt was also forced to retreat by Huang Sha.

Li Cha sensed something was wrong and immediately waved his hand.

"Everyone retreat and leave this valley!!"

The army had just withdrawn not long ago.


The sand dunes more than 200 meters high shook for a while, and the yellow sand attached to them tumbled down like an avalanche.

The dust in the sky flew up and rolled down with a tsunami-like impact, like a natural disaster, which cannot be stopped by human beings.

The scene is extremely spectacular.

The dark gargoyle swooped down immediately, lifting Gaunt into the air before he was buried.

After a few breaths, the depression that was tens of meters deep just now was filled with yellow sand.

After Li Cha counted and confirmed that no one was buried, he was relieved.

Although there is desertification, this life-saving skill does not need to be wasted before entering the ruins.

The dust is too large to see right and left.

After a long time, under the blowing of wind and sand, the field returned to calm.

An astonishing picture appeared in Li Cha's sight.

The two-hundred-meter-high sand dune now looks like a goddess who has taken off her coat, revealing her true body.

It is a huge bronze arch standing in the yellow sand, there are as many as nine in number.

The arch in the middle is as high as 100 meters, and countless magical runes are inscribed on it, shining with bronze light.

The exterior is full of unspeakable mysteries.

On the gate, which is made of unknown materials, there is a white-bearded mage wearing a high-horned mage hat and a luxurious mage robe in relief.

The huge relief is lifelike, and the eyes of the other party are bright as if they were alive.

If it is carved by mortal craftsmen, I am afraid that the time will be calculated in hundreds of years.

On the left and right of the main gate, there are four auxiliary gates with a height of tens of meters. The further out, the lower the height of the auxiliary gates.

These sub-doors are also engraved with mages of different images, which are extraordinary.

This miraculous scene made Li Cha's heart sway.

What kind of power does it take to cast a 100-meter-high gate to show its majesty?

And why did this force become a relic under the dunes?

Seeing this scene, Hina was speechless for a long time.

Nine bronze doors are too domineering.

After a long time, she suddenly saw a familiar object, pointing to the side door on the far right.

"The scepter is over there..."

Richard turned his head to look and found the trace of the Obsidian Staff.

At this time, the system prompt suddenly rang.

"Ding~ You have discovered the ancient ruins - the Bright Mage Tower.

Every ancient ruin contains countless risks and opportunities. You may be able to find a lost artifact or trigger a forbidden spell that has been buried for countless years.

Everything, please explore freely. "

After Li Cha glanced at the prompt, he opened the black gold system.

Sure enough, the information is also displayed on it.

"Bright Mage Tower (Ancient Ruins)

Rating: 3 stars

Threat level of the deputy door: medium, from the left and right to the inside, the danger level gradually increases

Main door threat level: very high

Note: Ruins cannot be upgraded. "

Good guy, 3 star grade ruins!

No wonder it looks so domineering.

Fortunately, the threat of the secondary door is slightly smaller, and the obsidian scepter is the key to the rightmost door among the 9 doors...and the door with the least threat.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed.

"Xina, do you know the information about these bronze doors?"

Sheena shook her head.

"I just learned from the parchment that this mage tower once had special research on seals, and often captured some powerful creatures from other planes and sealed them in the mage tower."

"That's why I plan to come in and find a way to break the seal."

"But the sub-door is safer, we might be able to give it a try... But I will follow your orders in all actions, Your Excellency."

Li Cha nodded, his eyes burning.

"The whole army, ready to enter the ruins..." Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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