Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 117: v2 Chapter 116: Generous loot: Brilliant class

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As long as you open the door of the Arcane Hall warehouse, you may be able to get treasures, dragon eggs, artifacts...

The moment seems to be full of infinite temptations.

Li Cha took two deep breaths to suppress his inner emotions.

When he was the closest to success, he was also the closest to failure. He agreed with this sentence.

Without rushing to act, his eyes retracted from the building engraved with countless magical inscriptions.

He looked at the brilliant-level puppets and the fragments of mummy bodies scattered around.

The battle of one day and two nights was fruitful, but there were also many casualties.

Not only the blood-colored mummies used to explore the way have all become corpses.

The 15 monitor lizard mummies also collided with the brilliant-level heavy-knife fighters, and were turned on to overload, and the blades of 15 revolutions per second were torn apart.

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Even the number of bandaged mummies dropped to 3 squads.

This is the most cost-effective battle in Dusk City, and it still has the ability to deal with physical damage, such as sandification.

If there is no desertification, I am afraid that a brigade of troops will not be enough for these heavy swordsmen to kill.

The brilliant-level arms have reached another strength.

But, it's all worth it.

Seeing the scene where the gems were scattered all over the place after the bodies of the magic puppets shattered everywhere, Li Cha felt better again.

He waved his hand and let the army dismantle all the magic puppets and take out the gems in his chest.

One hundred brilliant-level magic puppets contributed 3,000 units of gems.

In addition to the gems obtained by hunting down the magic golem earlier, the total number of gems in his hand reached an exaggerated 10,000 units.

It's a heart-pounding harvest.

"Is this a relic? This harvest is absolutely incredible... Unfortunately, I didn't pick up a dragon egg on the road, otherwise I would score 100 points."

Richard was in high spirits.

But this is not over, the real harvest is still waiting for him.

He took a deep look at the tall building used to store supplies in the Arcane Hall, a hundred meters away.

The passage to the outside world and the central crystal needed by the fire element lord are all here.

He had a sense of excitement that he was about to open the dragon's treasure trove.

"Take a two-hour break. After the desertification recovers, enter it to explore!"

After giving the order, Richard called in the two A-level heroes who were guarding outside.

"Grey, Gaunt, you will go into it with me to explore, this is the ruins of the Mage Tower."

"Those mages can't really abolish their most powerful point, maybe there is something for you in it."

Anyway, there are desertification, and it is not too late to run when encountering danger.

"As you wish."

After waiting for the army's desertification skills to recover, Richard did not hesitate, waved his hand, and let several bandaged mummies step forward to open the door of the Arcane Hall warehouse.

The 10-meter-high gate was hidden, and the bandaged mummy stepped forward to push it.



The core building of this sub-door is separated left and right.

A thick layer of dust hits my face.

After the dust subsided slightly, I could see the picture in front of me clearly.

At the entrance, it is a messy environment.

The people here seemed to have left in a hurry, and the supplies were scattered all over the place.

Storage racks made of various unknown materials collapsed to the ground, and most of them turned to ashes under the corrosion of time.

Only a few engraved with magic runes are still intact.

From the storage racks that are 20 to 30 meters high, you can vaguely feel how much material this warehouse once stored.

But apart from these storage racks, the house was empty, and there was no magic material everywhere as imagined.

Obviously, this ancient mage tower was taken away when it was evacuated.

Richard couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, didn't these guys know to leave some for him?

"Gray, Gaunt, you lead the team, search all of this building, don't let any corners go!"

"Remember, focus on searching for the central crystal and the passage out of the ruins. Once you encounter an enemy, leave immediately."

"As you wish!"

After the two mummified heroes answered, they filed in with the army...

He didn't rush in and waited quietly at the door.

This kind of thing naturally doesn't need him to do it himself.

It didn't take long for Gray to return to report excitedly.

"Master, we found the central crystal you mentioned..."

Li Cha's spirit was immediately lifted.

Under the leadership of Gray, after bypassing some buildings that obstructed the line of sight, they came to the core area of ​​​​the warehouse.

In an open space inscribed with countless magical runes, there is an altar inscribed in white, with blue magic surging around.

With the altar as the core, the magic power spreads out for several meters, and it contains extremely majestic energy, like a volcano is about to erupt, which is so terrifying that it makes people tremble.

An azure crystal ball inscribed with a mysterious pattern is suspended above the altar.

Countless blue magic power like flowing water surged up from the altar and poured into the crystal ball.

The scene seems to be full of the unique flavor of the fantasy world, mysterious and extraordinary.

Twenty meters in diameter, a layer of transparent magic shield enveloped the altar.

This forbidden area is completely useless to the crystal ball, it is the only exception.

Seeing this miraculous scene, Li Cha was quite excited to open the attribute panel.

Azure Magic Crystal

[Level]: 3 stars

[Characteristics]: The center of the arcane hall controls the interaction of all magical powers, and is the source of energy for all magic circles.

[Introduction]: The Shining Mage Tower was once a treasure made from extremely precious materials. Once the blue magic crystal leaves the Arcane Hall, this area will collapse.

Is this the mission of this trip?

Richard is interested.

Reach out and touch, that layer of magic shield is like water, there is no obstacle, you can easily pass through.

In no hurry to send someone to move the central crystal.

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Turning to look around.

"Look through the hall, don't miss any corner!"

It took so many days to annihilate those brilliant-level magic puppets, so I can't gain anything.

Half an hour later, the entire warehouse was turned upside down, but apart from a few units of gems scattered on the ground, nothing was found.

What makes Li Cha frown even more is that so far, no way to leave the ruins has been found.

In his conversation with the fire element lord just now, he kept an eye out and talked about how to leave the ruins.

The level 18 boss promised to free them and send them away.

Although he has the support of the other party, he prefers to hold the initiative in his hands.

Under his will, even if he didn't find it, the army would touch every corner over and over again, not letting go of any gap.

But there is still no harvest, it seems that the warehouse has really been emptied...

Another two hours passed, and a dark gargoyle inadvertently pressed an inconspicuous magic lamp.


A mechanical sound sounded, and an intact wall in front of him suddenly cracked to both sides.


In an instant, the dust flew up, and a secret hall hidden in it was slowly revealed.

The huge movement immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding troops. After waiting for several hours, Li Cha got the news, and his spirit was lifted.

Finally found it.

There is a kind of excitement when the object of the first love is gone...

Immediately take the army to check the situation.

Before they got close, they found two teams of dark gargoyles guarding the place closely.

Separate the army and look at the scene.

The hidden area was divided into countless small houses, some with empty shelves, and magic runes still flashing around.

"Master, this is the area where precious supplies are stored..."

After a few glances, Gray saw the scattered gems, and said softly.

"But it seems to have been taken away..."

Li Cha raised his brows, "You bring someone in to search it, and don't miss the gems inside."

Gray nodded immediately.

The army entered it and began to search carefully.

But to his disappointment, although the army kept taking out some gems, it failed to find strategic treasures or items such as troop nests.

Other than that, there is no other gain.

Half an hour later, there were 1,000 more gems on Richard's attribute panel, but he still hadn't found the troop nest he wanted.

After another ten minutes, Gray returned and shook his head at Richard.

"Master, I didn't find out..."


Before the voice fell, a dark gargoyle hit a house at the door of the hidden snow area.


A secret door rose from the wall of the passage.

A giant magic puppet appeared from foot to head.

Richard and Grazie turned their heads.

Seeing the two heavy knives in the hands of the magic puppet, his expression suddenly changed.

Brilliant 2 star heavy swordsman, is there any more? ! ! And there are as many as 3 squads!

The power of these terrifying magic puppets is too exaggerated, and they have suffered a lot in the past two days.


With an angry shout, the army immediately entered the highest alert state, ready to start desertification at any time.

Several dark gargoyles stopped directly in front of Richard, ready to carry him to evacuate.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the magic puppet, and once the other party moves, they will burst out with the most powerful attack.

Hina also came quickly, this warrior with powerful fighting skills, brazenly guarded Li Cha's side.

His eyes are as sharp as a blade!

The muscles of the body are tensed to the extreme, and a shocking blow can erupt at any time.



In the air, only the breathing of Richard and Sheena was was terribly silent.

But after dozens of seconds, those magic puppets still did not move.

If it weren't for their new appearance and their powerful aura, the two mummy heroes would have thought that these puppets were abandoned...

In the tense atmosphere, Li Cha seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

Separated the dark gargoyle that blocked the view in front, and opened the attribute panel of those magic puppets.

In the next moment, his breathing became rapid.

Heavy Swordsman

[Level]: Level 9

[Potential]: Brilliant 2 stars

[Status]: During hibernation, you can inject spiritual power to activate the puppet. After binding, you can directly command the magic puppet to fight through the spirit.

[Introduction]: A magic puppet made in a special way. After activation, it can fight for you.

Li Cha's mood instantly soared to the extreme!

It turns out that this is the real gain after opening the ruins...

Brilliant class of 3 squads!

This wave is going to heaven! ! !

He had personally experienced how terrifying these troops were.

That storm-like spiral attack is simply a super killer.

When the two big knives turned frantically at the speed of the helicopter wings, it was a nightmare for melee combat.

After the bandage mummy turns on the desertification, which is immune to 99% of the physical damage, it can be killed by the damage. This magic puppet is so powerful that it can be described as a pervert.

Now, this perverted unit that made him fight hard for two days and one night is about to become his trophy.

Surprises fill every cell.

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