Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 121: v2 Chapter 120: Harvest inventory, rich profits, Li Cha shot, I am a natural disaster! …

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Who would have thought that this relic expedition would be so rewarding?

Legendary occupation, these four words are enough to represent everything.

The fire element lord noticed the change in Li Cha's breath and slowly restrained the escaping flame.

The dark crystal floated down and returned to Gaunt's hands.

Then, a red gem that was twice the size of the other fire element cores shattered out of the void and landed in front of Li Cha.

The high-level element language that makes people unforgettable after hearing it once again sounded again.

"My name - Klose Flame, when you hold this fire element core and shout my name, no matter where you are, I will come and I will shoot for you once."

"Young human, you have terrifying potential and talent, I hope you can survive in this world..."

Richard held the red gem in his hand and looked at the fire element lord with burning eyes.

"Lord of Dusk City - Richard, Lord Klose, I accept your friendship."

"Your Excellency will need my assistance in the future. Whether it's a lack of supplies or something else, Dusk City will do its best."

"Trust me, Your Excellency will be pleased with today's actions in the future..."

This fire element core can summon a fire element lord to make one shot, a level 18 boss, how exaggerated.

This is a powerful hole card, enough to deter most of the enemies in the early stage.

But Richard was not satisfied with this, he saw more from it.

If you can maintain a relationship with this level 18 fire element lord, then you may not be able to get more benefits from the other party...

The other party is the lord of the Fire Elemental Plane, which represents too many meanings.

For example, interplanar trade...

Li Cha's words made the fire element lord think seriously.

Finally slowly.

"What I need is not what you can get now. Let's talk about it when you are strong enough."

The corners of Li Cha's mouth twitched slightly.

This is what he wants.

"Your Excellency Klose, I believe that day will not be too far away."

The fire element lord stared at Richard, who was not half timid in the face of his coercion, and suddenly laughed out loud.

"I like your confidence, Richard... I wrote down your name. Come to me when you reach level 15."

"The lord of the fire element has raised his attitude towards you to be close."

The system prompt just sounded.


There was a sudden fall of mountains, the sound of the collapse of the earth, the chills on the back, and a strong breath of death came to my heart...

Li Cha subconsciously turned his head to look at the passage leading to the depths.

I saw countless cracks on the wall scattered like spider webs, and the blue magic inscriptions kept bursting...

The ruins are collapsing! !

The fire element lord also noticed something was wrong and waved his hand.

Countless flames surged.

A sharp cracking sound exploded.

The space in front of Li Cha directly shattered dozens of meters wide, and the space debris splashed out.

The flame energy surged, forcibly smelting the fragments, and condensing the temporary gate of space.

"This door of space leads to the outside world. If you leave this place, it will collapse soon..."

When the fire element lord's voice fell, Li Cha didn't talk nonsense. With a wave of his hand, he immediately let the army pass.

After the army left, when he stepped into the gate of space, he turned his head and took a deep look at the fire element lord who was as hot as the sun.

"Your Excellency Klose, I hope to see you next time."

In the gigantic flame that was fifteen meters high, those hot eyes flickered slightly and nodded.

next second.


The space around the fire element lord suddenly collapsed.

Then endless flames surged from another plane.

The terrifying high temperature instantly vaporized the rock, as if it had entered the interior of the sun.

Fire Elemental Plane!

After the word popped up in Li Cha's mind, the fire element lord waved his hand, and the space around him wrapped him up, forcing him to give him a gift relic.

The image in front of me disappeared.

The last scene of Richard's sight is that the fire element lord merges into the endless flame picture.

Like a legend in a mythical epic.

Great visual impact.

When he regained his senses, nine bronze doors appeared in front of him.

The previously collapsed hill was covered with a layer of fine sand for a few days...

Turning his head to look at the bronze door on the far right, the relief of the chubby mage with a big belly is still on the door.

Nothing seems to happen.

If anyone enters the bronze door at this moment, it will be engulfed by flames immediately.

The Elemental Lord of Fire tore a corner of the Elemental Plane of Fire.

The endless flame poured down with its fury, and the arcane halls had become a sea of ​​pure fire.

Li Cha turned his head and glanced around, the army was all there, and there was no accident.

Immediately relieved.

He didn't expect that the original plan to capture the oasis was to explore the ruins by accident...

And it's still so rich! !

In a good mood, the corners of his mouth are raised.

Start taking stock of this harvest.

The first is that he has acquired a legendary profession that is so powerful that it makes people tremble - the Lord of Yellow Sand.

Rare occupation triggers his lord talent - the advancement obtained after the desert master.

The 6 super-a skills are extremely powerful, and there is no need to say more. The word legend is enough to show everything.

There are still a few days before the large copy will open.

It is of great significance to succeed in changing jobs at this critical moment.

From a lord who can only rely on the protection of the army, he has become a master mage who has powerful strength and can change the situation of war.

The biggest shortcoming of Dusk City has been made up!

In future wars, he can command as he pleases.

He could already imagine in his mind the wonderful expression of the biggest boss when the enemy finally broke through the blockade of the Dusk City army and rushed in front of him to prepare for beheading.

With this harvest alone, the benefits of this wave of expeditions cannot be measured in value.


The second harvest is the brilliant-level magic puppets of the 3 squads-heavy sword warriors.

The physical damage of these powerful magic puppets is almost extreme.

Even the bandaged mummies who opened the desertification can be poured to death, and the violence has reached the level of numbness on the scalp.

The appearance of the heavy sword warrior greatly strengthened the top combat power in his hands.

And he can directly command these magic puppets through the spirit, and the other party can immediately execute the order.

This is invaluable for war.

What's more, at this stage, who can withstand the spiral storm of heavy sword warriors attacking 15 times a second?

The third harvest - dark crystal.

This 3-star treasure is the central crystal of the Arcane Hall!

After being refined by Gaunt into a soul phylactery, he directly possesses 3 powerful skills.

Not only did this A-level hero have one more life, but also its combat effectiveness was exaggeratedly improved, taking a big step towards the magic turret.

As heroes who are absolutely loyal to him, the stronger Gaunt and Grey are, the more joyful he is.

These are all sharp knives fighting for him.

The fourth point, resource harvesting, more than 1000 units of gems and 650 units of fire element core.

Needless to say, the preciousness of gems, he has never had the resources to build the hero altar, and one of them requires a lot of gems.

And recruiting dark gargoyles is also inseparable.

The 650-unit Fire Elemental Core was a big surprise.

These treasures can enchant equipment so that it has magic damage, and can completely strengthen an army.

I just don't know if Andel can use these fire element cores to strengthen the troops.

If you can directly strengthen the troops, then its value will be doubled.

Fifth, two 2-star strategic equipment.

Magic Staff and Mystic Robe.

This is also the first time he has obtained an offensive strategic weapon. The two pieces of equipment together can increase the magic damage by 60%.

And each piece of equipment also comes with a skill - magic enhancement (can be used 5 times a day to increase the strength of the army within a diameter of 100 meters by 30% for 10 minutes.)

Magic Shield (Can be cast 5 times a day, when attacked, it can automatically release a magic shield with strong defense, which lasts for 10 minutes, and will be broken after receiving overload damage.)

Both skills are extremely useful.

The last harvest is the gem that the Fire Elemental Lord specially left for him... This level 18 boss can make a shot.

With the strength of the opponent, it is enough to change the situation at a critical moment.

And the fire element lord also left an introduction... Come to him after level 15.

It takes level 15 to complete, this is obviously a high-level task, there may be a lot of risks, but the benefits are definitely considerable...

Just when Li Cha was in high spirits, the dark gargoyles who were on guard suddenly roared.

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"Enemy attack!!!"

A voice resounding all around interrupted his thoughts.

He turned his head sharply, looking in the direction of the sound.

The next second, his eyes became cold.

On the sandy ground two hundred meters away, a large number of figures riding on Wargs appeared...

Different from the wasteland wolves encountered before, these wolves weighing six or seven hundred kilograms were all rotting and growing with pustules.

It looked like a corpse that had been soaked in a stinky ditch for dozens of days, extremely disgusting.

The rotting warg opened his huge mouth, saliva dripping from his fangs.

The mouth exudes a disgusting stench.

On the wolf's back, the desert orcs with their yellow skin clenched the reins in their hands.

There are fangs that show lips on the left and right of the mouth.

Eyes are extremely vicious - Orc Warg cavalry.

Li Cha glanced around, his eyes fixed on the core position.

Behind a white warg that was two heads taller than the other wargs and weighed more than two tons.

Sitting there was a desert orc leader who was covered in scars and had been blinded by sharp arrows.


View properties.

Warg cavalry, level 5, potential rare 2 stars.

Warg Berserker, level 7, rare potential 3 stars.

The strength of the Orc Warg cavalry is divided into two levels, and the total number is probably more than 7 squadrons.

The dense figures are constantly roaring, which brings great psychological pressure to people.

This is the most ferocious army he has ever encountered, no one.

And in the middle, the orc leader riding a white warg is a heroic unit with a potential of C-level and a level of up to 8.

The desert orc leader also noticed Li Cha, who was guarded by the mummy in the center. Seeing his scrutinizing eyes, the corner of his mouth showed a cruel arc.

He put his right hand on his neck slowly, waved it slightly, and made a throat-cutting motion.

The surrounding Warg cavalry suddenly screamed, and their morale skyrocketed...

Seeing that Li Cha ignored his provocation, the halfling lord snorted coldly and looked at the magic puppets over 5 meters tall.

Fanaticism and greed in his eyes.

Relics! !

Three days ago, a huge earthquake caught his attention. At that time, he was hunting around this sandstorm area, and he immediately led an army when he noticed the strangeness.

After he arrived, he immediately found nine bronze doors as high as mountains.

Ancient Ruins.

He fell into excitement for the first time...but without the key, no matter how he tried, he couldn't get into it.

The person who opened the door has long since disappeared, leaving only a strong breath in the air.

He can only wait outside.

For three full days, he even thought that the other party had already been buried in it... Now, he finally saw the prey that came out first! !

Now, it's all his! ! !

In the desert, the strong can possess everything.

And he is the master of this sandstorm area!

The desert orc lord's sword pointed at the magic golem.

Orcish growl.

"That's the trophy of the Sharptooth Tribe! Kill!!"


With the howl of a Warg, hundreds of Warg cavalry swarmed around.

Those hideous eyes and hunting posture looked extremely intimidating.

Even veterans of hundreds of battles would tremble when they saw this scene.

A dark gargoyle suddenly came to Richard, prostrate on the ground, and seemed to want to lift him up...

Li Cha didn't move, and looked at his attribute panel.

Control the yellow sand (Super A Grade, you can freely control the yellow sand within a radius of 200 meters, the consumption of mana is related to the amount of sand and gravel you control, and the minimum mana is 10 points per second.)

Take control of the sand...

He lowered his head slightly and looked at the gravel covering the instep.

The power hidden in the blood vessels in the body boils like magma.

A yellow sand-like light rose from his body.


The gravel on the ground seemed to be blown up by a storm.

Start to revolve around him constantly.

The gravel obscured his figure in the blink of an eye.

More than ten meters around are shrouded in, like a sandstorm tornado...

Immediately afterwards, there was a scene on the field that made the Orc leader's eyes widen to the extreme.

The human who commanded the mummy army actually floated in the air amid the hurricane blown by countless gravels.

The yellow sand was flying in the sky, and the light of the sun became dim.

The moment the other party appeared, the entire desert cheered for him...

It seems that he is the master of the desert, the master of the yellow sand, and the master of this land.

The half-orc lord suddenly woke up, and an unconcealed fear emerged in his heart.


That human lord is a **** spellcaster! ! !

"kill him!!!"

A hysterical growl from the throat! !

Several squadrons of Warg cavalry were three points faster.

Looking down from the sky, the scene of hundreds of wolves swarming up has great visual impact.

Wolves hunt lions.

In the sandstorm, Li Cha narrowed his eyes slightly.

The power in the bloodline spewed out unscrupulously.

At this moment, he can feel that with himself as the center, within a radius of 200 meters, the entire land of yellow sand is under control.

Every gravel is an extension of his perception, a part of his body.

At this moment, he is the master here...

After the figure flew to a height of 30 meters, it stopped in mid-air surrounded by the sandstorm, and lowered his head slightly.

In the sight, hundreds of wolves have rushed to the front of the army of Dusk City, with the most brutal and bloodthirsty faces on their hideous faces.

The battle... is about to break out!

He raised his head slightly and looked at the orc hero riding a white wolf two hundred meters away.

The next second, the corners of his mouth were raised high, revealing an extremely insolent arc.

The right hand stretched out, and the infinite yellow light burned like a flame at this moment.

Five-finger fist.


The yellow light suddenly escaped at this moment.

In an instant.

On the ground of yellow sand, countless gravels surged up like waves of an angry sea.

A tsunami over the desert.

With Li Cha as the center, the surrounding yellow sand spewed upwards dozens of meters high, and violently surged towards the surrounding in the shape of a ring, setting off a huge wave of wild sand.

This scene is like a disaster.

On the edge of a radius of 200 meters, monstrous sand waves tens of meters high also rose.

Coming back and forth...  

In the midst of the sand and waves, hundreds of Warg cavalry looked at the huge shadow that appeared in front of them, and an unconcealed fear engulfed their hearts.

At this moment, they seem to have become small sampans in the eighteenth-level storm.


The terrifying sand waves were enough to shatter the mountains and collapse the city walls.

Those wargs ran wild, and even wanted to jump from the sand waves.

But all this seems so pale and ridiculous in the face of this natural disaster.

After a few breaths, two sand waves with a height of dozens of meters in front and back slammed together with unparalleled momentum.


An indescribable dull crash sounded.

The sand waves destroyed everything with mighty and invincible force, and the heaven and earth were eclipsed at this moment.

During the turbulence, the earth overturned, and the dust lifted hundreds of meters high, blocking all light.

When the dust gradually recedes, you can see the army of Dusk City as the core.

A ring-shaped giant sand dune with a height of more than 40 meters is formed around it.

And those hundreds of rare and uncommon level Warg cavalry were all buried in it.

In the sky, only the vague figure surrounded by yellow sand remained.

The scene fell into a deadly silence.

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