Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 123: v2 Chapter 122: A rewarding, high-level building that can research extraordinary powers (…

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ps: The New Year is finally over. In the future, I will guarantee two updates every day, but I will try my best to achieve three or more every day. Thank you for your subscription and rewards. I love you~






While Li Cha was thinking about it, the rotten cavalry in front had all climbed up.

The white warg was already wrapped in blood-colored bandages, but its huge size still made it particularly conspicuous, and the half-orc lord sitting behind him became more and more fierce.

He kept the recruitment of heroes in his mind, and made up his mind that he must try it in the future, and only then did he take back the thoughts he had spread.

He looked at the first hero recruited from the corpse in front of him.

Open the properties panel.

Barr Sharptooth

hero unit

[Level]: Level 5

[Potential]: D-level

[Skill]: Decaying Body (D-level, immune to poison, plague, curse, strength increased by 50%, can devour the body of non-undead life to recover the injury after injury)

Siamese symbiosis (special, has become a unit with the mount, inseparable.)

Crazy Bite (D-level, when biting the enemy, 200% of the strength can be exploded, causing armor-piercing damage)

Corrosive saliva (d-level, saliva is highly poisonous and virus, which can corrode thick armor and infect enemies, causing diseased death.)

Extreme Charge (D-level, when launching an attack, it can instantly increase the charge speed by 300% within 30 seconds.)

[Hero Talent]: When commanding a cavalry unit, increase the running speed of all cavalry by 20%.

[Racial Talent]: As long as one of the mount and the knight can survive, both can recover their injuries.

[Bound-Mummy]: The number of mummies exceeds 50, the strength increases by 30%, and the speed increases by 30% (activated)

[Introduction]: A mummified hero born from a corpse.

D-class hero?

The potential of recruiting is one level lower than that of the half-orc lord.

But the point is that this thing is obtained without money, and it may be mass-produced in the future... Li Cha feels very happy when he thinks of this.

Gaunt's skill, divine skill...

I didn't expect that a temporary approach could have such an effect.

Extremely satisfied.

Baal Sharpclaw, the newly born hero, saluted Gaunt, and drove the Warg, who was wrapped tightly in blood-colored bandages, to Richard, and saluted his chest.

"Great Master, Bart Talon sends you his best regards."

Although this guy was recruited by Gaunt, the ownership of Bart still belongs to Richard.

Gaunt could not command without his orders.

Nodding his head, he looked at the rotten cavalry.

The potential of these troops recruited under the feeding of magic and hundreds of wolf cavalry has reached a rare 1 star, a total of 29!

This time, it was a real bloodbath.

Brilliant-level units were obtained by him risking his life.

It's a completely different experience from these scumbags.

Transfer command of the Rotten Cavalry to Barna.

"You will be in charge of commanding this cavalry in the future."

"Great Master, thank you for your trust... I will defend your will with my soul!"

He waved his hand and asked the other party to go down and organize the army.

After sorting out the scene, Li Cha took a deep look at the spectacle-like annular sand dunes.

This ruin also contains amazing wealth, and he will come again.

With a wave of his hand, the sand dunes tens of meters high collapsed, splashing dust all over the sky.

Completely bury the nine bronze doors.

It is impossible for outsiders to find it without a detailed map.

He has already marked it on the system map, and there will be no embarrassing things that he can't find.

"Return to the territory..."

Sooner or later, he will open all the nine bronze doors.

Without nostalgia, he turned and left with the army.

This time the harvest has been enough, and then we have to return to the territory to digest and convert all these harvests into the power of Dusk City.

Moreover, the troops in the territory have been refreshed a few days ago, and after returning those troops, the power in his hands can be strengthened.

More importantly, the large-scale copy at the end of the month is about to open.

He didn't have time to delay, he had to prepare for the expedition dungeon.

He has also been looking forward to colliding with those lord players.

I wonder what their expressions will be when they see a brilliant 2-star heavy swordsman?

In the army, only one person was in a very different mood.

Hina looked at the figure sitting on the shoulders of the heavy sword warrior, her thoughts were complicated.

A few days ago, the lord who still needed the protection of the army has now grown into a powerful existence that can destroy hundreds of wolf cavalry at the wave of his hand.

Even she has a strong sense that if she fights with the opponent, she will definitely die.

The catastrophe-like power made her feel suffocated.

But then, there was a strong excitement in his heart.

Perhaps this young man whose growth speed can be described as a miracle can really lift the seal in her body...

The loss in his heart that he had found nothing in the ruins was swept away, and his eyes returned to perseverance.

She will not back down until the seal that has plagued the Krina for hundreds of thousands of years is lifted.

May 25, noon.

The residents of Dusk City who were busy suddenly looked at the entrance in surprise.

"The Lord is back!!"

An exclamation made the entire territory boil.

This expedition to the oasis is the longest period of time that Richard has left the territory in history.

He is the soul of Dusk City, and when he is absent, the entire territory seems to be missing something.

At this time, the master of this land finally returned.

"Lord Lord, good day..."

"grown ups......"

"Congratulations on your return..."

The moment they entered the territory, the surrounding residents bowed their chests in excitement.

The smile and joy on his face are not at all false, it is a joy that comes from the heart.

Hina looked at the territory in front of her curiously.

Contrary to what she imagined, this territory is not large, and it is obviously just getting started.

But what touched her the most was the smiles on the faces of the residents of the territory at the moment... There seemed to be light in their eyes, and this place seemed to be full of hope and future.

She thought of Oasis City. After seeing her, the residents were respectful, but more fearful and alienated.

It was the first time she saw that the residents of the territory could be so joyful from their hearts.

She had never seen such an atmosphere even in the Krina.

This really different.

He took a deep look at the figure with deep eyes that was the focus of everyone.

As for the refugees who were sent to Dusk City a few days ago, this was the first time I saw the lord who had sent them back to this territory.

Really like those old residents said, deeply loved.

After the popular sentiment has risen to 90, the attraction of Dusk City to outsiders has increased a lot.

Those refugees have been in Dusk City for several days, and are rapidly integrating into the environment under the propaganda of other residents.

It seemed that the city had a special charm that gave them extra peace of mind.

"Lord Richard, your territory seems a little different..."

After the crowd saluted, Li Cha suddenly heard a burst of emotion coming from his side.

Turning around, he smiled at Hina, who was full of fierce aura like a veteran of a hundred battles.

The other party fought side by side with him for a few days, and the relationship has risen to closeness and is no longer so unfamiliar.

However, there is still a long way to go to command each other like Gaunt and Gray.

"Every city has its own soul. The soul of the city of dusk may be more special, and you need to understand it carefully."

"There won't be too much fighting in these two days."

"There are a lot of vacancies in the lord's mansion. I will have two rooms packed out. You can live here with peace of mind."

"There is a blacksmith shop over there. Andel is in charge of the work. She is the best blacksmith in Dusk City. You can seek her advice if you need weapons, but she is currently researching and upgrading the attack of the scorpion warrior. Maybe I don't have much time..."

After the introduction, Hina's expression relaxed a lot, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Lord Richard, I'll just walk by myself, I don't need to trouble you..."

Said a little squeamishly.

"The honey you gave me last this here?"

Li Cha laughed dumbly and pointed to the outside.

"There is an agricultural planting area, and the agriculture of Dusk City is concentrated here..."

Xina said and looked in the direction of Sha Zaolin, her eyes lit up immediately.

The indescribable exaggerated taste of the honey that Richard gave her a few days ago made her remember deeply.

She bet it was the best dessert she had ever eaten in her life.

"Can I apply to you to see it?"

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Li Cha nodded slightly, pointed at a bandaged mummy, and asked the other party to leave with Xina.

Sure enough, no one can escape the taste of desert crown honey...

When Hina went to the jujube forest to watch the bees in high spirits, Karoo came excitedly.

"Lord Richard..."

After seeing that Li Cha was intact, the gray-haired old man let out a sigh of relief.

The pressure in his heart these days was swept away, and his wrinkled face relaxed at this moment.

The spirit of the whole person suddenly changed.

Richard reached out and patted the other person's shoulder, and also saw that Karoo must be under great pressure during this time.

"Thank you for your hard work, I'll give you a vacation these two days, take a good rest..."

"My lord, it is an honor to serve you..."

During the reception, Li Cha returned to the lord's mansion after a few days.

The 30 heavy sword fighters brought back stayed in the open space outside the mansion, allowing the residents to visit with excited shouting.

Richard sat on the chair in the center of the hall and didn't remember to do anything else. After drinking two sips of warm tea, he looked at Karoo.

"Did the demographics from the oasis come out?"

"There are 560 people in total, and our original 340 residents are exactly 1,000 people."

Carew added another sentence.

"There are also 30 Long Arm Peers and 20 Desert Goblins, for a total of 1050 people."

The population finally crossed the 1,000 mark.

Not easy.

Richard sighed for a long time, getting a few people in the desert would kill him.

And the upgrade of the territory must have enough population, which makes him almost lose his temper.

"Have those residents settled down?"

"There is still a small gap in the house..."

Li Cha felt that his thoughts were not clear enough, and his tone was a little darker.

"Kalu, from the beginning to the end, report in detail the progress of all aspects of the territory in the past few days."

Carew stood up, his eyes solemn.

"Yes, Mr. Richard."

"The first is construction, we have built 30 new residential houses, all of which have been completed."

"Some of the residents who have joined the territory live in these residential houses, but the primary house can only live in 10 people, so many can only stay in the barracks and the open space outside."

"If we upgrade those 30 homes to mid-level homes, then we can meet the current needs."

"But this requires your strength."

The gods gave the lord the ability to quickly upgrade the territory, which is unparalleled power.

He can only wait until Richard returns.

"Secondly, the stables and the brewery have all been built."

"At present, relevant talents have been selected from residents to join them."

"However, there are currently no livestock such as horses and camels in the stables and cannot be used for the time being."

"The brewery currently lacks wine recipes and production materials, and the food workshop currently lacks R&D talents...all need to be replenished."

Li Cha frowned.

Good guy, what do you really want...

"Where's the sand jujube forest?"

A smile appeared on Karu's face.

"The jujube forest has gradually matured and can be picked in a few days. The estimated output is 80,000 units, which can provide us with a large amount of raw materials."

"At that time, we can use the jujube to make fruit wine, and we can also make food such as candied dates, which can greatly alleviate our needs."

"And the desert crown bee is affected by the flowering period, and we have only the minimum yield of honey from three broods of bees, a total of 35 units."

"Perhaps there is not enough pollen, and there is no sign of split brooding yet."

"In addition, the flame dragon rabbit has begun to shed its hair, and it is expected that the harvested hair can be used to make a blanket."

"The 42 young rabbits have grown to half the size of the adult flame dragon rabbits. The desert goblins predict that they will enter estrus next month, and it will not be long before new cubs are born."

"Eight adult flame dragon rabbits will be bred again next month, with five adult females and 30 female cubs."

"The number of flaming dragon rabbits in each litter is between 8 and 12, and their calving time is also about a month."

"It is estimated that by mid-August, we will be able to harvest hundreds of young rabbits..."

Why are these guys so rare?

Seeming to see Richard's question, Carew continued.

"After the flame dragon rabbit breeds to a certain number of ethnic groups, it will reduce its fertility and will not reproduce indefinitely..."

Li Cha nodded and could only sigh that the world is huge and full of wonders.

It can grow from cubs to maturity in more than a month, and can continue to reproduce seamlessly.

This thing can only be said that it is worthy of being a solar charging's amazing.

"Protective measures must be taken, the flame dragon and rabbit are of great importance, and there must be no mistakes."

"Yes, my lord."


After another ten minutes of reporting, Li Cha also asked various questions.

After he finished asking, he had an intuitive understanding of the current situation of the territory.

Without him leaving, development stalled.

This city deep in the desert is growing rapidly.

The big housekeeper Karoo did a very good job.

After finishing the trivial government affairs, under Karoo's reminder, Richard walked out of the lord's mansion and came to the residence of the residents.

There are 30 primary houses and 10 intermediate houses in front.

The comparison between the upgraded house and the unupgraded house is still very obvious.

Glancing at the property panel, there are still more than 100,000 resources.

To upgrade the primary residence to the intermediate residence, it requires 500 wood and 500 gold coins.

30 seats are 15,000, 15,000, a total of 30,000 units of resources.

Not much.

After letting people call out all the residents, choose to upgrade directly.

After a burst of yellow sand shrouded the buildings in front of them, 30 primary residences were upgraded to intermediate residences under the exclamations of the new residents.

With the original ten buildings, the 40 middle-class residences can accommodate 1,200 people.

At this time, there were only 1,000 people in Dusk City, which fully met the demand.

After upgrading the residential house, Richard did not leave in a hurry and opened the territory attribute panel.

city ​​of twilight

[Level]: A first-class town (10,000 units of gold, stone, wood, and iron ore are required to upgrade, and the three buildings are high-level, with 500 residents.)

Territorial upgrades have always been at the back of his planning sequence. In contrast, he prefers to devote resources to military power.

So even if he now has a brilliant class of troops, the territory is still a pitiful first-class town.

However, the player dungeon examines the comprehensive strength of the territory, and the proportion of the territory level in it is unknown.

To be on the safe side, the territory level must be upgraded.

The population in the upgrade conditions has been met, and three advanced buildings are still missing.

At present, only the blacksmith shop is a high-level building in Dusk City, and two upgrades are needed.

After thinking about it, I looked at the food workshop and the brewery...

without hesitation.

It took two hours to upgrade these two buildings from elementary to advanced.

After reaching the advanced building, the attributes of the two buildings have changed dramatically.

It surprised Li Cha.

Brewery (10 spaces)

[Level]: Advanced (Upgrade requires 50,000 units of wood and 50,000 units of stone)

[Characteristics]: The wine produced from it has a 30% taste improvement and is more mellow.

[Research and Development]: You can research and develop high-grade wine that temporarily increases power after drinking (requires hero unit activation).

【Residence Hero】: None

[Characteristics attached to heroes]: None

[Capacity]: Minimum 10 people, maximum 100 people

【Introduction】: Advanced breweries can develop fine wines with extraordinary power.


Food Workshop (10 spaces)

[Level]: Advanced (Upgrade requires 30,000 units of iron ore, 30,000 units of wood, and 30,000 units of stone)

[Characteristics]: The food produced increases the taste by 30%.

[Research and Development]: High-level food that can quickly restore physical strength after consumption can be developed (requires hero unit activation ~ settled heroes]: None

[Characteristics attached to heroes]: None

[Capacity]: Minimum 10 people, maximum 100 people

[Introduction]: Advanced food workshops can already develop foods with extraordinary power.

"It turns out that this is the correct way to open a building!... Advanced buildings can be regarded as buildings!"

In a trance, Li Cha finally understood why other lords were so interested in raising the level of their territory.

The way to upgrade the territory seems to be more in line with orthodoxy in the traditional sense...

He seems to be a long way behind in this regard.

However, Li Cha immediately adjusted his mood.

"What is orthodox and unorthodox...I want it all!"

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