Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 131: v2 Chapter 130: Enter the copy, **** start (3,600 words)

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"Fuck, my territory's 10 comprehensive scores add up to 100 degrees of prosperity, and it's a full score..."

"Why can't my territory rank among the top 1 million with 1,000 prosperity? There must be a shady story!! I want to complain, I want to report, I want to apply for re-ranking!!"

"I'm sorry, brother, my territorial beliefs and cultural characteristics are all 900 degrees of prosperity, hahahaha, cool, just watch my performance this time..."

"Brother, I took in 9,000 residents and cut 800 degrees of prosperity in terms of population, so I will ask you if you are awesome!!"

"Have you seen the perverts on the leaderboard? Damn, the prosperity of the first-ranked territory has exceeded 6,000! Doesn't this mean that this guy has all six evaluations full?? This pervert!"

"Why is the prosperity of my friend's second-tier town 500, and my second-tier town is only 20??"

"Upstairs, the prosperity of the territorial level should be arranged in order of upgrade. For the same level, the first upgrade is high, and the next upgrade is low..."

"Fuck, I have a rare building, why only give me 300 prosperity points, I'm not convinced!"


In the excitement or grief of countless people, a system prompt rang in the ears of the first one million lords.

"Ding~ The comprehensive strength of your territory has reached the requirements. After five minutes, you can enter the time fragment, please be prepared."

"After entering the time fragment, the forum will not be available, and the dungeon chat channel will be opened, and the lord can communicate in the dungeon chat channel."

"In the time fragment, you can use the forum ID to replace your own information, should you use it?"

Li Cha looked at the system prompt and was slightly taken aback. Is there such a benefit?

No hesitation, just confirm directly.

After the selection is complete, the prompt sounds again.

"Ding~ Please select the army you want to bring into the dungeon."

The next second, a panel appeared in front of Li Cha, on which he could select the troops and heroes to bring into the dungeon.

Without hesitation, I selected all the arms that had already been lined up.

"Ding~ After the army has been selected, whether to enter the time fragment - the prologue of the decisive battle."

The final chapter? Listening to this name is not a copy of some world peace...

Li Cha took a deep breath.


The moment of making a choice.

All he could feel was a dizziness in front of him.

The next second, the whole person's vision suddenly dimmed.

The surrounding environment suddenly changed.

A piece of withered grass appeared in sight, and the withered grass swayed slowly in the breeze.

At the same time, a stench of burning head mixed with the pungent breath of blood rushed into the nasal cavity.

Breathing feels a bit suffocating.

Li Cha subconsciously frowned.

Turn around and look around.

At the sight, the grass and trees were scorched and withered, and some haystacks were still smoking black smoke.

In the grass not far away, a few human corpses with broken armor could be faintly seen, and large tracts of blood left conspicuous traces.

An overwhelming feeling came over him.


Suddenly, a terrifying roar in the distance interrupted Richard's thoughts.

He woke up suddenly and turned his head to look subconsciously.

At the end of the line of sight, under the dark clouds on the horizon.

Dozens of terrifying faces with a wingspan of more than 30 meters swept across the sky, ferocious dragon wings, terrifying breath...

A word emerges.


The tyrannical Longwei made people tremble even if they were thousands of meters away.

Li Cha's breathing subconsciously slowed down a bit, the beginning is a dragon? ?

He felt like things were getting a little too big.

If all high-level arms are rampant, the difficulty of this large-scale copy is far beyond his estimation.

In the blink of an eye, the attribute panel was opened a second before those giant dragons disappeared.

Templar Dragoons

Level: 19

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?

Seeing the other party's attributes, his heart skipped a beat.

Level 19 Dragoons? ! ...He has a saying that I don't know when to say it or not.

The inner vigilance was heightened to the extreme.

Compared with the previous 1-star dungeon, this is obviously a hell-level difficulty.

Li Cha took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

Turning his head and looking around, seeing that the army of Dusk City is still there, his heart is barely settled.

Just as he was about to let the army leave the area first, the system prompt suddenly rang.

"Ding~ In the ancient era, the gods rubbed constantly, and the war between the major factions never stopped."

"Under the arrangement of an undead king, the four factions of hell, abyss, undead, and dungeon formed an alliance—the Covenant of Evil, and planned to attack the capital of the Templar Empire—Templar City.

"The Templar Empire sensed the threat and summoned the allies of the oath of light - the elves, the fortress, the church, and the three camps to fight against the evil covenant together."

"All lords can freely choose to join the Covenant of Evil or the Oath of Light and become a member of the two camps."

"Killing the enemy camp army will get corresponding points."

"1 point for ordinary arms, 10 points for elite arms, 30 points for rare arms, 100 points for rare arms, and 600 points for brilliant arms. Every time you kill an enemy faction lord, you will get 1,000 points."

"Killing the troops of your own camp will not get points."

"The lord can also choose to become a neutral force, not join any faction, and kill all troops can get points, but the points will be halved."

"The score list and the dungeon chat channel will be opened in one hour, please check the lords by yourself.

"At the end of the time fragment, the higher the standings, the richer the rewards. The top 100 will receive additional rewards."

"This time fragment is a free exploration mode. Every choice you make will affect the next encounter. Please explore independently."

The background of this dungeon is directly related to the battle of the gods, no wonder you can see the dragoons when you come out

Li Cha frowned.

In the background of the system introduction, a full eight camps appeared.

He estimated that these factions included at least 90% of the players.

The form is a bit subtle.

"Grey, Gaunt, you're each leading two teams of dark gargoyles exploring around, I need to know where we are now!

Be careful, if you encounter a powerful enemy, leave immediately! "

"Yes, Master!"

After the two heroes should be, they immediately rode on the dark gargoyle and took off, exploring the surroundings.

Richard asked the army to hide and wait quietly.

Ten minutes later, Gray drove the dark gargoyle to the ground and hurriedly turned down.

Reaching out in a direction, the voice is urgent.

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"Master, a large number of demons have appeared in the west, and they are rushing towards us quickly, there are at least a dozen legions!!

There is also an extremely powerful demon hero command, we need to get out of here immediately..."

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More than ten legions?

10 brigades for one legion...More than 100,000 demons?

Richard suddenly felt his scalp tingle.

"Have you found a suitable foothold nearby?"

Gray hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"We found a village next to the river behind the woods in the south, with condescending terrain and large sandy areas...

"But this village has just been attacked by a giant dragon, and the fire from the dragon's breath has just been extinguished."

"And the village is surrounded by water on three sides, and there is only one way out from the front..."

Just been attacked by a dragon?

Li Cha frowned at the thought of the dozens of terrifying dragoons.

But the large sandy terrain is perfect for Dusk City.

Fighting on the sand doubles the combat power of your army.

"Are there any other suitable locations?"

"Master, the demon army is coming from several directions, only this direction can get rid of them the fastest...

Gray's tone quickened a bit.

"Otherwise, we can only go in the direction of the dragoons, but there are a large number of abyss hounds in the demon army, and they will still be caught up..."

"I suggest going to the village. Since the dragoons have left, there must be more important tasks to perform. It is impossible to turn around and attack a small village twice."

When Li Cha heard this, he immediately made a decision.

"All troops withdraw immediately... to that village."

After dispatching two dark gargoyles to call back Gaunt, the army of Dusk City immediately galloped towards the village to the south.

This birth point is really not a good place. There are dragons in front and demons in the back, and the operating space is too small.

After the army marched on the grass for more than 20 minutes, Richard saw a black smokey village built on a low hill by the river, three or four hundred meters away.

Gaunt has returned to the team on the way, at this time two teams of dark gargoyles are entering the village to sweep the danger.

When the army gradually approached the village, Richard was relieved.


Suddenly, a shrill howl shook his heart.

The devil is coming...

The alert dark gargoyle in the sky swooped down.

"Master, a large number of demon hounds have poured in from the south..."

Li Cha frowned, still did not avoid these monsters.

What he was worried about was the army of hundreds of thousands of demons in the rear, and these demon hounds were just appetizers.

Violently waved.

"Immediately enter the village to build a defense line!!"

The army moved three points faster.

After getting closer, he could see the details of the village.

The village was built on a low hill by the river, with only a 60- to 70-meter-long steep **** from the front.

Smoke was still wafting from some of the houses, and the stench of burnt furniture was unpleasant.

To the east of the village → is a large river with a width of nearly 300 meters, but because the water level dropped, a large piece of sand and gravel was exposed from the river.

Richard came to the river bank when the army entered the village.

Looking at the gravel on the riverbed, my heart moved.

The infinite yellow sand light flashes on the body

In an instant.

The gravel in the river seemed to have lost its gravity, floated out of thin air, and condensed into a huge river of gravel in the air.

Super A skills, control the yellow sand.

After Richard reached a certain limit in his control, he waved his hand, and the wet gravel poured directly into the village.


Lots of gravel fell, paving the road with a thick crust...

After several consecutive operations, several huge deep pits were left in the riverbed.

Most of the village is covered with fine sand...

Richard forcibly created a home field suitable for the army of Dusk City to fight.

Every Transcendent A skill has the power of a natural disaster.


A shrill howl is approaching rapidly.

Richard immediately entered the village and looked into the distance from a height.

A large number of demon hounds exuding an evil aura appeared in sight, all black and only slightly smaller than a horse.

During the run, the throat kept sending out a low-pitched roar, and the huge mouth full of razor-like teeth secreted highly toxic mucus, pulling long filaments in the air.

The ferocious appearance is enough to make the heart of a veteran soldier with a strong mind.

At first glance, the number is probably more than 5 squadrons.

"Ready to fight!!"

Li Cha's cold voice made the army of Dusk City immediately tense to the murderous awe.

On the opposite bank of the village river, towering haystacks obscured the view.

At this time, the two players hiding in the grass were shocked for a long time but couldn't recover.

The scene of countless gravels flying upside down into the sky just now made them feel like they were in a dream.

This is nothing short of miraculous!

Is this a move that players can do at this stage? ? Just kidding... This kind of power is nothing more than a hang-up, right? !

After a long time, the two regained their senses, looked at each other, and swallowed together.

The younger one spoke first.

"The third... Then, that guy is really a player? Isn't he an npc? How can a player be so strong?"

The player who was called the third child stammered.

"But, maybe it is... Lao Jiu, didn't you see it? I just found one ID..."

"What ID?"


Lao Jiu was stunned, "Qingqiu? Why does this name sound familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere...

He shook his head and gritted his teeth.

"Forget it, whoever he is, I want to ask now, what should we do with our mission?"

"The other party pointed us to go into that village and take out the quest items."

Lao Jiu got excited as he spoke.

"That npc is definitely the boss of the evil camp. He was besieged by so many dragon knights and escaped. If we hug each other's thighs, this copy will take off..."

"I don't care who that Qingqiu is, I must not let him stop us from completing the task!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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