Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 139: v2 Chapter 137: The tiger's mouth grabbed the food, and the five great demon corpses were obtained (four thousand eight...

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But unexpectedly, when the two mummies were taking blood, they found a special item from each other.

underwater breathing stone

Grade: Special

Features: Can grant five people the feature of underwater breathing, lasting 12 hours, and cooling for one day.

Introduction: Maybe those who are curious about underwater will like this gadget

Explosive equipment? ?

Li Cha looked at the pale white stone in his hand and was a little surprised.

He thought that being able to dive underwater for a long time was the skill of two players, but he didn't expect to rely on equipment.

Put the underwater breathing stone and the fresh blood into the system space, and the corners of the mouth are slightly raised.

Although the two sand sculpture players were eliminated, they still participated in this A-level mission in the unique way of sending treasures and leaving blood. This wave is not a loss.

I hope to make persistent efforts in the future to create greater glories.

"Master, the underwater army has all arrived..."

Gray's voice interrupted Richard's thoughts. He turned his head to look at the crowded army on the island, and raised his brows.

I can't hide here any longer, not to mention the risks that I will take to complete the A-level mission.

When the battle was decided, a search of the battlefield revealed that the body of a giant dragon was missing, and those terrifying units could lift this lake into the air.

But it is unrealistic to let the dark gargoyle transfer the army, and the warrior with a heavy sword five meters high can't fly at all...

After thinking about it for a while, he saw the sparkling lake surface...

Suddenly, a nasty idea popped into his mind.

"You can't leave from the air, so why not leave from the bottom of the water?"

"The two players both know how to use the lake to avoid dragons and demons..."

"It can condense sand and gravel on the bottom of the water, allowing the army to stand on the platform and leave the water."

When Li Cha thought of this, he couldn't help but laugh.

Sure enough, spellcasters are the most flamboyant professions...

When he thought of it, he did it, and he immediately arranged for the army to re-launch.

And the advantage of the mummy army at this moment is revealed again.

No need to breathe.

As long as the fire of their souls is not extinguished, even if they soak in water for three or two years, they will be fine.

The yellow sand on his body flickered, and the gravel next to the island began to condense frantically.

A huge sand platform appeared underwater.

In order to facilitate control and avoid obstacles, Richard gathered 3 sand platforms.

Each sand platform houses a part of the army.

In order to prevent the army from being washed away by the water, he condensed an arch-shaped fixture on the sand platform, and put his feet into it to stabilize it.

Water itself has strong buoyancy.

With the entire army standing on the sand platform, it wouldn't put too much pressure on him.

After the operation, hundreds of troops dived into the water one by one and were fixed on the sand platform.

Standing on the edge of the island, watching the army diving underwater, Richard laughed.

"I never imagined that my city at dusk also had a navy overnight, and it was a high-end submarine force."

"Another day appoint a desert navy commander to lead the navy of Dusk City."

After the placement was completed, he took out the underwater breathing treasure he got from the two players and put it on his body, and then dived into the water.

The depth of the lake is about 30 meters. Looking around, it is dark and silent, and there is not much sound.

People with claustrophobia come here, only to be scared to death.

The experience of breathing underwater is quite special. He tried to open his mouth, but he did not expect to be able to speak normally.

It's just that the sound becomes a little out of tune after being transmitted through the water.

Li Cha stood on the sand platform at the forefront, and specially gathered a popular underwater seat for himself.

After thinking about it, in order to increase the concealment, a sand platform with aquatic plants was re-condensed above the sand platform.

As a result, looking down from the lake, you can only see a large number of green aquatic plants floating in the water.

For safety, he used sand to condense several sand buckets with bandaged mummies, and placed the mummies in them.

At the same time, the surface is covered with green water plants, creating a camouflage that the water plants are floating on the water.

In the sand bucket, the mummy has one eye exposed and can always observe the situation above and around it.

After layer by layer arrangement, Richard was quite satisfied.

In an environment with dense fog on the lake, unless you dive into the lake to check, it is impossible to find an army that is so secretive.

After perfecting the safety work, Li Cha satisfactorily controlled the sand platform and began to go downstream.

Surfing underwater is simply the most wonderful feeling he has ever experienced in his life. It is not much better than the ignorant summer who was overwhelmed after turning off the lights at the age of eighteen.

From time to time, I can see a few freshwater fishes of one or two meters long swimming by in front of my eyes.

It's a pity that it's not in the sea, otherwise the scene in front of me would be even more magnificent.

After walking at the bottom of the lake for half an hour, from the map, it was more than ten kilometers away from the lake.

Li Cha breathed a sigh of relief that he was not surrounded by the enemy.

Send two dark gargoyles out of the water to explore the surroundings.

It was indeed more than ten kilometers away from the battle zone, and there were no traces of demons and dragons found around.

After the safety information came, Li Cha finally surfaced.

Looking down at the sand platform where a large piece of aquatic plants was hung on the way, I couldn't help but be amused.

The ghost can see that there are so many mummies hidden underneath...

Who said that the ruler of the desert can only be in the desert?

The place where there is gravel under the sky is his home ground.

After thinking about it, he sent Gaunt and Gray to investigate the situation.

Not long after, Gaunt returned to report.

"Master, there is a small island ahead..."

"If you still plan to return to the lake to take out Lord Ferguson's belongings, I suggest leaving the army here."

"After such a long time, perhaps the battle between dragoons and demons is over..."

Li Cha nodded.

If it wasn't for the time limit, he really wanted to wait a day or two before going.

The risk is too great right now, the big devil and the Templar Dragon Knight, neither of which is easy to mess with...

Unfortunately, he only has 6 hours.

"Recall Gray, we'll leave the army here."

As he spoke, the light flashed on his body, which accelerated the speed of the sand table.

After driving less than a kilometer, I saw the small island Gaunt said.

Originally, the mist around the small island, which was much thinner on the river, was particularly dense.

It's a good place to hide.

Richard hid all his troops under the island. For the sake of safety, he left 4 teams of dark gargoyles here, and at the same time let Gray stay behind.

Arms must be commanded by heroes, otherwise in critical situations, accurate judgments cannot be made.

And this adventure Richard has no certainty.

He and Gaunt have the ability to revive, and after a few minutes of death, they are heroes again, and Gray will not be able to.

An A-level hero dies, I don't know how many points it will take to revive...

After arranging all this.

When the magic power was restored to full value, Richard did not hesitate, and dived into the water again with the dark gargoyles of Gaunt's two teams.

Without the pressure brought by the arms, Richard's speed is fully open.

The magic power consumed by dragging this person is completely negligible.

Seven or eight minutes later, he returned to the island he just left.

At this time, the sound of battle on the horizon still hasn't stopped...

Richard asked Gaunt to wait here temporarily. He rode a dark gargoyle and lowered his body to slowly leave the thick fog. The battlefield was again reflected in his sight.

During the time he left, the battle between the great demon and the temple dragon had not stopped, and the battle had reached madness at this time.

The number of both sides has decreased, and no matter how advanced the troops are, it is impossible for them to remain in a stalemate.

He even saw the corpse of a giant dragon smashed across the dilapidated buildings of the village.

It's a pity it's too far away...

Li Cha knew that the battle was about to end.

The moment this thought arises.


The world suddenly changed color.

The next second, a shocking scene appeared on the field.

The demon chariot that the 18th-level demon lord was riding in flew directly into the air.

The three-storey chariot became an air fortress.

A huge magical shield shrouded all around, and its strength was strong enough to resist the dragon's breath.

The Demon Mage above is now the main point of fire.

Those heavy siege weapons were also fully deployed.

A ferocious war machine floating in the air was revealed in front of him.

This scene has great visual impact.

"No wonder the devil always pulls the chariot... I thought it was for pretense. This thing is an air carrier."

On the demon throne made of heads and gems, the 18th-level demon lord stood up at this moment, and the black staff in his hand was exuding endless dark rays of light.


Under the great sound of the blasphemies of the abyss.


Countless thunder erupted in the sky.

The silver dragon danced wildly, and the lightning penetrated the magic shield and smashed on the staff held high by the demon lord.

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The chariot galloped in the thunder, like a creation of the gods.

At the same time, the demon wizard above the chariot frantically mobilized magic power to infuse the demon lord.

The dazzling thunder reflected the ferocious face of the demon lord.

At this moment, it seems to be the **** of thunder and lightning, and the power in its hands is enough to tear the sky and the earth apart.

The Templar Dragoon felt a great threat at this moment and fled frantically.

But the great demon who had been dodging all the time suddenly appeared at this moment regardless of life and death, blocking the Templar Dragoons who wanted to escape.

This sudden scene made Richard feel an unprecedented opportunity.

Before he had time to explain to Gaunt, he rolled over from the dark gargoyle and fell into the water.


The lake water soaked the body, and countless gravels surged up below.

In an instant, a thick sand armor condensed on his body.

Pushed by the gravel, his body rushed forward at high speed in the water, and he approached the shore with a few breaths.

When he left the water, Li Cha's body had turned into countless gravels...

Turning his head and looking around, he saw the dry tree that Ferguson said for the first time. Fortunately, this thing escaped the damage of the dragon's breath.

A broken path came into view at the back.

The body takes off directly.


A huge ray of light flickered in the sky, terrifying energy erupted, and the sky was torn apart.

Because of the angle, he could no longer see the shocking scene of the 18th-level demon lord driving a chariot to fight against the Templar Dragoons.

Having no time to care about other things, he quickly sneaked into the village.

The aftermath of the battle just now wiped out almost all the demons in the village.

After he entered, he was not blocked by the enemy.

Holding the ruby ​​given by Frege, under the guidance of the unique atmosphere, he used the ruins of the broken and collapsed house to cover it up.

Quickly flew to the secret place of the village - the dungeon.

The door to the dungeon has been broken in half, and it seems that it may collapse at any time.

The flames caused by the dragon's breath outside were still burning, and the thick smoke emitted was extremely choking.

Richard felt the heat from the ruby, and immediately jumped into the dungeon.

This almost abandoned building exuded a gloomy and uninhabited for a long time.

He glanced around immediately.

Seven or eight cells appeared in sight, and each was covered with cobwebs.

No crystal bottle was found in front, it should be deep.

Holding the extremely hot ruby, he hurried to the last cell.

A corpse crouched on the ground with a completely stiff body came into view.

The other side was pale and had the same mysterious inscription on his face as Ferguson.

In his hand, he was holding a crystal bottle tightly sealed with an oak stopper.

The golden liquid rippling in it, even if he just glanced at it, the item that made him feel must be expensive.

What surprised him was that there was a conspicuous knife mark on the opponent's wrist.

A dry blood trail flowed down from above, and its direction was the crystal bottle in his hand, but there was no blood in the crystal bottle...

Open the properties panel, unexpectedly nothing is displayed.

But the heat from the ruby ​​is almost hot.

This is it!

Without any hesitation, Li Cha took out the blood from the two players from the system space.

A big pot.

Stepping up, the gravel surged, and he took the crystal bottle from the corpse and prepared to put it into the blood.

But the moment the crystal bottle was released.


The golden liquid in the crystal bottle exudes infinite light.

A powerful breath spewed out of it.

Li Cha's face changed greatly.

Longwei! !

The breath emanating from that crystal bottle is countless times stronger than the dragon's might of the bone blood dragon! !

Is this the blood of a giant dragon? ?

No wonder Ferguson was besieged by Templar dragoons.

With the energy fluctuations emitted by this bottle of dragon blood, it was definitely taken from an extremely powerful dragon.

Those Templar Dragon Knights outside are far inferior!

Li Cha forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart, holding the crystal bottle and wanting to put it directly into the system space.

But the crystal bottle didn't respond to the system space at all.

If it didn't work, he immediately gave up this method and quickly immersed the crystal bottle in blood.

The next moment, that terrifying dragon's might began to subside.

But before he could turn around and leave.


The earth shook.

In the dark dungeon, the light suddenly lit up.

There was a scene in Li Cha's sight that made his scalp tingle.

The dungeon buried in the ground seems to have a window suddenly opened at this moment.

The wall in front was broken and collapsed like a cake being cut. He stood here as if he were standing on a ten-story building looking at the scenery.

Staring out, he saw that the ground in front of him had collapsed for dozens of meters.

Not far away, the demon chariot turned into an air fortress hovered motionless.

The 18th-level demon lord stood on the highest peak, and the magic scepter in his hand was still condensing infinite power.

But the opponent's gaze was not on the Templar Dragoon at the moment, but... turned to him.

But what made Richard's breath stop was the fact that the Templar Dragoons were no longer the only ones facing off against the demon chariot.

A life exuding pure white light, a pair of pure white wings fluttering slowly behind him, and holding the sword of holy light is also watching him.

A name that sent chills down his spine came to mind... Angel! !

The great demon, the demon lord, the templar dragoons, the angels... these top combat powers all stopped at this moment and looked at him.

Or in other words, a crystal bottle soaked in a blood basin.

A chill surged into Li Cha's mind.

Is this the difficulty of an A-level mission? ? ?

Shit, do you want to go too far! !

"The blood of the holy dragon..."

The Templar Dragoon was in a commotion, and his eyes flashed with anger and joy.

"Damn human!!! You can spy on this kind of treasure too?!!"

How dare a human at level six or seven dare to **** food in front of them? ? !

When the two-winged angel heard this, the sword of holy light in his hand radiated infinite light, as if it had become the sun.

He also looked at Li Cha with excitement.

When the demon lord heard the word holy dragon, his eyes widened sharply.

Is there such a treasure here? ! !

"Catch it!!"

The big devil, the Templar Dragoon, went crazy at this moment, and shot at Li Cha at the same time.

But in the next moment, the human beings who seemed to be certain to die suddenly flashed yellow sand on their bodies.


The surrounding rocks and soil turned into yellow sand in an instant.

And that human seems to have fallen off a and fell directly into the gravel.

Sandy land.

Super A skill.

The expressions of several big demons changed, and their bodies suddenly disappeared in place.

A second before the human completely hid in the gravel, the tearing void appeared above him.


The claws are torn apart.

The exposed head, protected by thick armor, was directly blown up and scattered into yellow sand.

"The Curse of Holy Light!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the two-winged angel spit out sacred words.

Under the perception of everyone, a terrifying holy light energy directly penetrated time and space and hit the human being.

But the divine spell failed to leave the opponent behind, and the human sank directly into the ground.

At this moment, dozens of big demons have a kind of anger that is being played.

The sharp claws in their hands carry the energy of the shattering void, and they frantically attack the deserted land, raising the sky full of sand and dust.

But even if they penetrated dozens of meters in an instant, the other party completely disappeared.

The next second, a scene that made them even crazier appeared.

After the death, the corpses of the great demons that fell to the ground suddenly seemed to have fallen into quicksand and disappeared at the same time as the human being.

When the demon lord saw this scene, he only felt anger rushed into his mind from his back.

How dare that human being! ! ! How dare you **** the corpse of the great demon in front of him? ! !

The two-winged angel's face became extremely ugly when he saw this scene.

Because the bodies of two Templar Dragoons disappeared into the gravel at the same time...

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