Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 141: v2 Chapter 139: Huge harvest, mythical item (4,400 words 2

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The gravel condensed into an impermeable ball, which fixed the blood basin and crystal bottle in it.

Li Cha sensed the corpses of five great demons in the depths of the earth, and gradually regained his calm.

At this time, he is not completely out of danger. Opening champagne in the midfield is a big no-no.

He took a deep breath, suppressed his inner emotions, and continued to manipulate the gravel to wrap the body in the direction where the mummy was hidden downstream.

There is sand and gravel below, and there is a barrier of lake water above, and there is heavy fog on the lake.

After turning on Sandification, you can be immune to magic detection and enemy locking. This is a feature that Richard discovered during the few days of training with Sheena.

Even face-to-face, Xina couldn't use the power of blood to lock Li Cha, and could only fight with brute force.

Sheena is not yet a member of Dusk City and cannot follow him into the dungeon.

After resurrection, all skills have been refreshed.

In order to prevent accidents, Li Cha immediately turned on the desertification to keep himself in the safest state.

At this time, the gravel spread around every corner and formed a powerful protective shield.

Under several layers of protection, the Templar Dragoons in the sky flew over Richard's head several times without being able to detect his location.

They speculated that Richard might have escaped from the river and never left the banks of the river.

And finding an unknown target in a river that is two or three hundred meters wide and unpredictable in length is simply immeasurable.

But what gave them confidence was that the curse of the Holy Light had already taken effect, and the other party's soul had died at this time.

As long as they wander around and wait until the blood energy dissipates, they will definitely find the blood of the holy dragon.

The Curse of Light of the Two-Winged Angels gave them strong confidence.

But because of this, Richard obtained the space to escape the danger calmly.

Walking in the gravel of the earth is not fast, even if he can control the gravel.

Especially when he was still dragging 5 big demon corpses.

And in order not to make his goal too obvious, he could only slow down.

It took a full hour for Richard to return to the place where the mummy army was hidden.

Emerging from the bottom of the lake.

Immediately call out Gray.

"Let's go downstream immediately to meet Ferguson! Templar Dragoons and Two-Winged Angels may come after him at any time."

"Follow your orders!"

Gray was supposed to be late, but he didn't find any trace of Gaunt, so he couldn't help but hesitate.

"Master, do you need to wait for Gaunt's resurrection?"

Li Cha shook his head.

"Gaunt is not dead yet, and his soul phylactery hasn't moved yet."

"Leave first, you can't wait."


In a hurry, he didn't want to face the terrifying existence of a two-winged angel.

Li Cha dived back into the water, and this time he drove the sand platform in the water more carefully and went downstream.

And the Templar Dragoon was still waiting for the blood to disappear, and the blood of the holy dragon exuded aura, and he did not dare to stay away from the area where he felt the spell of the Holy Light took effect.

I'm afraid the big devil will be ahead of them.

In this way, Richard controlled the sand table at the bottom of the river and slowly got out of the patrol range of the Templar Dragoons.

100 kilometers away, where five rivers meet.

When marching in the water until the sun went down, Richard found a safe bend in the river and released the remaining four teams of dark gargoyles.

Let him investigate the surroundings.

With the reconnaissance army in the air, and away from the terrifying lake at this time, the mood immediately relaxed a lot.

This time it was too exciting.

The process of escaping from the joint attack of angels and demon lords, and snatching the bodies of five great demons and two giant dragons, was simple.

The only pity is that the corpse of the giant dragon he hid at the bottom of the lake does not know whether it will be discovered by the other party.

But it's impossible to go back now. You can only wait for a while, and then return after the disturbance here subsides.

After walking for another half an hour, when only the sky was full of colorful clouds, the place where the five rivers marked on the system map converged finally arrived.

After the surrounding was washed by the rapids, a huge lake was formed.

At first glance, it was vast and mighty, and it was many times bigger than the upstream lake.

Li Cha frowned. Just as he was about to send a dark gargoyle to investigate, the ruby ​​in his arms immediately radiated warmth.

guide him.

Feeling relieved, he waved his hand and handed the gem to Gray, and asked him to explore with a few dark gargoyles.

In less than ten minutes, Gray returned to report and found Ferguson.

Only then did Li Cha feel at ease. With a wave of his hand, all the mummies surfaced from the water.

Only the sand platform at the bottom remained, as if the army were riding down the sand platform all the way down the river.

The trick of hiding soldiers underwater can have incredible effects at critical moments.

There is no need to reveal this trump card.

Under the guidance of Gray, Richard brought the army to the island in the center of the lake.

The moment he stepped on the ground, a pale figure appeared in front of him.

Vice President of the Scarlet Council, level 19 hero, Ferguson.

The other party was wearing a black robe and was around 45 years old.

Thin body and weak breath.

There was an aura of ruin on his body, like an old man who was about to die.

What attracts people's attention are the two rows of inscriptions on the opponent's forehead that exude a magical atmosphere, adding countless mystery to them.

A pair of blue eyes are as sharp as swords, even if the opponent is about to stand still, it still makes people feel a sense of oppression.

That is the unique temperament of high-level heroes.

Open the Properties panel.


hero unit

Level: 19

Status: dying

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?

Good guy, level 19 hero, stronger than the demon lord.

Unfortunately, the word "near death" caused the opponent to lose most of his strength.

"Your Excellency Richard, I sensed the breath of the crystal bottle... You, brought it back?!"

Ferguson's trembling tone carried a strong surprise.

Richard shrugged.

"Lord Ferguson, if you know that there are level 18 demon lords, dozens of level 18 great demons and level 19 templar dragoons above that village, plus an extremely powerful two-winged angel, perhaps you should ask me about my losses first. "

Ferguson laughed.

"Don't worry, the reward that should be given to you will definitely not be less!"

But he was so excited that he coughed violently after laughing a few times. His face became paler and paler, as if he might lose his breath at any time.

This made Richard's heart skip a beat for a while, but don't giggle when he didn't give him a quest reward... that would be **** up.

Fortunately, after taking a few quick breaths, Ferguson recovered.

"Your Excellency Richard, take out the crystal bottle, I need him to restore his strength..."

Richard waved his hand, and a spherical ball made of gravel flew out of the water and hovered in front of him.

The next moment, the gravel fell, and the tightly wrapped blood basin was revealed.

Seeing the crystal bottle soaked in the blood basin, Ferguson's breathing immediately became rapid.

Richard took out the crystal bottle and slowly handed it over.

The tone is solemn.

"Your Excellency Ferguson, I have fulfilled my promise."

The contract signed by the two parties has been witnessed by the **** of death - he needs to get this item back, and he must not enrich himself.

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And Ferguson needs to ensure his safety and pay for it. Anyone who violates the contract will be taken away by the **** of death.

But even if there is no contract, since what he has promised will be fulfilled no matter what.

A man promises a lot of money, this is his bottom line.

Aware of Richard's seriousness, Ferguson was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

She took a deep look at him with serious eyes.

"Your Excellency Richard, thank you for your help."

After speaking, he slowly bowed to him, and then solemnly took the crystal bottle.

This ordinary scene seems to have an extra meaning at this moment.

Ferguson picked up the crystal bottle and put it in front of his eyes to observe carefully. The golden liquid slowly flowed in it, giving people a feeling of the Holy Spirit.

"Li Cha, do you know what's inside?"

"The blood of the holy dragon, after I got it, the dragon's might in it caught the attention of demons and angels."

"For this treasure, they even let go of attacking each other, and at the same time shot at me..."

Richard's tone was calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

Ferguson looked up and stared into his eyes... not lying.

He also thought that what Richard had said before about being besieged was just a rhetoric of wanting to get extra rewards.

But now it seems that the other party has really escaped from the attacks of demons and angels.

This little guy, it's not easy.

And the other party didn't act rashly when he knew the preciousness of this treasure. Perhaps it was mainly because of the contract, but even the small seal on the bottle mouth was never opened.

Obviously, the other party really kept his promise, and he didn't have any peeping heart for this item that could cause the devil and the angel to scramble.

In his heart, he looked at the other party again.

"That's right, this is the blood of the holy dragon, the treasure we got at a price that outsiders can't imagine."

"And this, can reverse the situation of the Battle of Sanctuary City!"

These words made Li Cha's eyes open.

He really got involved in an undercurrent mission.

Now it is the collision of the eight camps!

Angels, dragons, demons, such top-level troops all appear in several squads...

To reverse the situation of the Battle of Sanctuary City, what kind of confidence do you need to be able to say this?

"You have the power of the desert. Originally, I planned to give you two corresponding skills as a reward, but your sincerity touched me..."

Ferguson said, and slowly opened the cap of the crystal bottle, Bo~ made a crisp sound, and a faint dragon's might escaped.

He very carefully poured out two drops of golden holy dragon blood from it and placed it in the palm of his hand.

The two drops of golden blood turned into a small water ball and rolled in his hand, and there was no sign of it getting on his hand.

When Ferguson put the cap back on, a scarlet glow emanated from him.

One drop of golden blood slowly melted into his palm.

The next second, Ferguson's momentum was like a dragon breaking free from its shackles and began to soar.

The terrifying atmosphere made the mummy army in the rear agitated.

Li Cha even felt like a massive boulder was being pressed against his chest, and it became difficult to breathe.

For a moment, the dying state on the opponent's attribute panel turned into a serious injury—all attributes were reduced by 50%.

Although it is still far from complete recovery, a lot of combat power has been recovered, and it is no longer the state of the candle in the wind just now.

When the breath subsided, Ferguson, who had slowed down, let out a long breath.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly stretched out his right hand, and the drop of the golden holy dragon's blood glowed brightly at this moment.

"The blood of the holy dragon has been cursed by us. If the contact with the curse is not broken, it will immediately die..."

"Fortunately, you are not greedy, otherwise you will take the initiative to see the great **** before death takes away your soul."

"This drop of holy dragon blood has been lifted from the curse by me."

"I appreciate your behavior. This is an extra reward for you."

"After you reach level 15, using the blood of the holy dragon can activate the power of blood in your body and strengthen one of your skills to the extreme."

Li Cha was heartbroken.

This is a treasure that allows demon lords and angels to put down their hatred and fight for it together!

Maybe this is the real reward of this A-level mission?

Or, the original mission reward is A-level hero, but because this mission exceeds the difficulty of A-level, so you get additional rewards?

Taking a deep breath, he took out an empty glass bottle intended to contain Desert Crown Honey from the system space, and carefully placed it inside.

Blood of the Holy Dragon

Rank: Myth

Feature: Available after level 15, it can activate the potential in the bloodline and improve one of its own skills to the extreme.

Introduction: The blood taken from the heart of the holy dragon is a supreme treasure, but it is best not to let the dragon discover its breath, otherwise you may experience the feeling of being hostile and hunted by the dragons of the whole world.


There was a strong excitement in Li Cha's heart, this wave was going to heaven.

To strengthen a skill to the extreme? His skills have reached the exaggerated Transcendent A Grade, what is the next level?

He didn't know that the official website of "Era of Radiance" did not describe the higher skill level.

But no matter how you say it, the level of myth is enough to explain everything.

The only pity is that it can only be used after reaching level 15.

Level 15...he remembered what the fire element lord said, and then go to him at level 15. The boss of the fire element plane obviously has new tasks waiting for him.

Taking back his scattered thoughts, these things are still too far away, and now he is still some distance away from level 10.

After taking the blood of the holy dragon into the system space, Li Cha showed a bright smile.

"Your Excellency Ferguson, thank you for your generosity, but I am also very interested in the two skills you have studied yourself..."

Ferguson was stunned for a moment, then he laughed, this time with a particularly loud voice.

"You little guy, you are too similar to me when I was young, too similar... As long as you seize the opportunity, you will never suffer."

It was difficult for him to restrain his smile.

At this time, the lost treasure had been returned to his hands, and Richard also let him appreciate it.

In a good mood, I am not stingy.

With a wave of his hand, the majestic power surged in his hand, and a scarlet light enveloped him.

"Close your eyes and experience the power I impart to you..."

Li Cha only felt a special energy pouring into his body, UU reading www. At the same time, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Ding~ Ferguson is teaching you skills, do you accept it?"

It took some thought. After choosing to accept it, he closed his eyes immediately.

next moment.

A lot of information and images popped up in my mind.

He struggled to digest.

It wasn't until after a long time that the power emanating from Ferguson dissipated, and a reminder sounded in Richard's ear.

"Ding~ You have acquired a special skill - danger perception, hidden power."

Li Cha opened his eyes and felt the new power in his body, and he was in a good mood.

Immediately open the Properties panel.

threat perception

hidden power

Good guy, no wonder Ferguson was able to escape from the Templar Dragoons. The combination of these two skills is simply magical.

Among them, the hidden power is even more domineering, which can erase people from perception and sight.

If it's used in a bath... ugh, if it's used on an army, then it can hide a group of troops directly and use it for ambush.

The corners of Li Cha's mouth were raised high.

This wave of adventure is not a loss.

Not only got 5 big demon corpses, but also got a drop of mythical-level holy dragon blood, and finally got two extremely practical special skills.

And as long as you **** Ferguson back to the Temple City, you can also get a dragon crystal, which can transform the bone blood dragon into an A-level hero...

For a time, Ferguson became an inexhaustible treasure in his eyes.

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