Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 157: v2 Chapter 152: As an extra harvest, get a level 20 extraordinary hunter (four thousand…

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Li Cha's face was a little ugly at this time.

He felt as if he had been tricked.

Originally thought that the exposure of the third princess would only be an instant thing, but she did not expect that the traces left by the divine weapon in her soul would continue to fluctuate for several minutes.

This made his idea of ​​escaping quickly to fail.

S-level mission, really has no loopholes...

"Nols, leave now!"

The voice fell, and a lot of gravel suddenly floated around, and it was firmly fixed to the mechanical puppet like a chain.

The dwarf hero, driving a level 20 extraordinary hunter below, immediately manipulated this huge mechanical puppet across the sky.


A sonic boom boomed, and a mist of water exploded behind him, quickly disappearing in front of him.

The speed is so fast that several afterimages are continuously pulled out from the rear...

Windsong and a dozen other players, who were riding on a motley griffin, watched Li Cha disappear in front of them, but they couldn't return to their senses for a long time.

He opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't say a word.

Qingqiu... Qingqiu again! !

Why does everything have him? ! !

Isn't he an officer of the Templar Empire? ?

How could it be the one who kidnapped the third princess?

What happened to that level 20 mechanical puppet? !

Why can he stand on each other's shoulders and get shelter from each other? ?

Are NPCs of this level accessible to players now?

That guy...what else is hiding? ! !

Countless doubts filled his mind, almost driving him crazy! !

He still had the idea of ​​stepping on the other's head a minute ago, but at this moment, he only met once, and the other party may not even see him.

That thought was like the flame of a match being splashed down by a large bucket of water and smothered.



A sudden roar interrupted his thoughts. Dozens of Templar Dragoons roared from afar, and the terrifying dragon power erupted recklessly.

The mottled griffin that sat down was suddenly greatly frightened, and began to scream frantically and flee.

Windsong was almost thrown out of the way, grabbing the reins and trying to control the griffin.

But the griffin was frightened and ignored their manipulation at all, swooped down sharply, buried its head on the grass, and shivered.

No matter how he pushed the other party, he would not dare to move.

Frightened by Longwei.

When Feng Song saw this scene, a sense of frustration rose in her heart that could not be concealed.

Damn, the level 20 mechanical puppet that Qingqiu is sitting on can make the temple dragoons unable to catch up.

And he can only sit on the hairy griffin, not to mention fighting the dragon, the opponent will collapse before they get close to these arms.

He took a long sigh.

I no longer have the idea of ​​comparing with the other party in my heart, and I was completely frustrated.

Uninterested waved his hand.

"Let's go, continue to hunt the evil camp..."

"Qingqiu... It's not something we can compare to."

More than a dozen players in the rear, who were all embarrassed by the griffins, fell into silence.

This scene hit them hard.


Run away, run away like crazy.

Li Cha didn't stop for a moment, stood on the shoulders of the extraordinary hunter, and fled in the direction of the gate of the plane at high speed.

And Ferguson disappeared and did not act with them.

Behind the extraordinary hunter, a long line appeared.

Dragons, angels, unicorns, griffins, airships... Almost all the top troops in the Temple City have gathered.

The scene looked extremely large.

Seeing the enemy gradually approaching, Li Cha's face was a little unsightly.

"Nols, speed up!"

"Damn the Templar Empire, just because you want to catch up with Master Knowles? Super Overload... Activate!"


There was a sound of gasoline flashing over.

The speed of the extraordinary killing streak soared several times directly...

A large number of pursuers behind them watched the giant machine pull away.

"Magic Imprisonment!!"

A four-winged angel roared.

"Your Excellency Commander, the opponent's mechanical puppet is immune to magic!"

"What about the human?"

"The speed is too fast, we can't select the target, and the opponent has special energy shrouded in it, which is extremely difficult to identify..."

"Open the space chain and lock it!! Inform the army to open the teleportation array and detour to intercept it!"


It didn't take long for the aura in the third princess' body to be exposed for the first time.

A message on the player forum detonated everyone - the third princess is in Qingqiu's hands.

The players were stunned when they heard the news.

Isn't this guy from the Templar Empire? How did you kidnap the third princess?

This is everyone's first reaction.

The military merit system is still opened by the other party, how is it related to this?

But after coming back to his senses, everyone was in unprecedented anger.

"Qingqiu!! Fuck, this bastard!! Why does everything have him!!"

"You can believe it - that guy in Qingqiu got a level 20 mechanical puppet from somewhere, and he is evading the pursuit of NPCs at the moment."

"Why is this **** everywhere, I'm not convinced, no matter what this time, I'll smash that guy to pieces!!"

"You can't let Qingqiu continue to be such a scourge. If you continue, he will enjoy all the benefits!"

"Yes, we should unite and besiege Qingqiu!"

"Well said, unite and besiege Qingqiu!!"

"Besiege Qingqiu!!"

"Besieged Qingqiu..."

Most players are more complicated with Richard who has been pressing on them.

I admire his strength, but I am unhappy that he has gained so many benefits.

At first, the players were just excited, and then after someone said something about besieging Qingqiu, everyone started copying and pasting in the back.

The entire forum, whether it is the Covenant of Evil or the Oath of Light, has been screened by the word besieging Qingqiu at this moment.

It looks quite spectacular.

It has to be said that it is a miracle to be able to become the enemy of everyone and get a response.

Soon, the siege of Qingqiu became the consensus of all players, and many people began to take the initiative to report his escape route.

Soon, some melon-eating players who had nothing to do began to actively aggregate this information, and opened up several posts to update Li Cha's whereabouts in real time.

Some players even took the initiative to provide information to the NPC, which caused Li Cha to suffer a few losses.

After the information provided by a player was rewarded with a strategic treasure by the NPC, the player's enthusiasm for hunting Richard was completely aroused...

Richard had no time to take care of the forum at this time, so without his knowledge, millions of top players united because of him...

On June 3, at 8:00 sharp, Richard, who tried his best to escape from the enemy's hands, the third princess in his arms showed a second breath.

The chasing army not far from him appeared one after another.

Because there are too many enemies, this time I couldn't escape with the speed like I just did.

Knowles barely broke out of the siege after driving the extraordinary hunter through a **** battle.

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But at the most critical moment, the great demon of the evil camp appeared and cut off their way.

Knowles was forced to activate the life-saving skill of the extraordinary hunter-space teleportation, evacuated to a kilometer away, and continued to flee...

After such a fierce battle, even if the mechanical puppet is up to level 20, there have been large pieces of shattering.

Three hours later, at exactly 11 o'clock, the breath within the princess escaped for the third time.

This time, Richard was not worried about exposure, because he had not escaped the pursuit of the enemy in the past three hours.

If it weren't for the extraordinary hunter who could turn on the overload and forcibly increase the speed by five times, at the same time, the mechanical puppet was really resistant to the extreme, I'm afraid it would have fallen into a tight siege.

However, this is the case. This level 20 war machine is also damaged and may be scrapped at any time.

Chase is too strong.

The pegasus of the elves, the airships of the dwarves, the dragons of the Templar Empire, the sacred griffins of the church, plus the angels on both sides.

This power can make people tremble.

The chasing party was okay, the other party was jealous of the third princess in Li Cha's arms, and did not dare to attack at will.

But the evil faction tasked with hunting him was different.

The great devil of the abyss, the devil prince of hell, the bone dragon of the undead, the black dragon of the dungeon clan, as long as you see him, you will strike first.

Completely rushed to kill the third princess.

It caused him great danger, and most of the shattered scars on the extraordinary hunters were left by them.

Even in the end, the bright camp had to divide a part of its forces to stop the evil camp and prevent the opponent from killing the third princess.

14:00 noon

After the fourth breath was revealed, the mechanical puppet driven by Knowles banged its chest, revealing a huge void.

A big demon figure disappeared in a flash.


The level 20 mechanical puppet finally couldn't hold on anymore.

After barely enduring the long five minutes of breath revealing, the huge figure of the mechanical puppet suddenly disappeared.

In front of him appeared the figure of Knowles, a 19th-level dwarf.

At this time, the opponent was sitting on the abdomen of a 4-meter-tall puppet, and the level of this puppet had also dropped from level 20 to level 19.

Although it is only one level worse, the performance has dropped more than ten times.

Originally, it was able to block the edge of the chasing army, but now it can only escape.

But without the exaggerated speed of the extraordinary hunter, just a few breaths, the figure of the elf unicorn Pegasus appeared in front of him... There was no escape.

But when it is about to enter a desperate situation.

Li Cha suddenly radiated an infinite light of yellow sand.

The next moment, the ground turned to gravel, and he plunged into it with Knowles...

The chasing army was stunned for a moment, and then began to attack frantically.

But after the gravel was emptied, they could no longer find any trace of Richard.

After chasing and killing for several hours, they found nothing, and the other party fled under their noses.

Everyone's faces became extremely ugly, and they felt a great humiliation at this moment.

The players who tracked and reported Qingqiu in real time were also stunned.

"Isn't it... This can be escaped by Qingqiu? Are these NPCs too wasteful??"

"Fuck, Qingqiu is absolutely amazing, I can't figure out why this guy is so perverted? Is there any justice?"

"Don't be discouraged, everyone, since it's an S-level mission, it must not be so easy to complete. Keep looking for it. After you find it, provide the information to the NPC. I don't believe that he can't be killed!"


The chasing army searched around for three full hours, and at 18:00, the fifth breath was revealed.

Only then did they discover that the **** was hiding in a lake.

But when they arrived, a space force surged, and the opponent suddenly went from one side of the map to the other side of the map...

Teleportation Array?

been played!

After the thought arose, the bang~ that teleportation array slammed into a violent explosion.

The surrounding space was completely disturbed.

Directly interrupted the idea of ​​following the other party.

This scene completely caused the anger of these top arms.

One by one, their faces were ashen, their fingers clenched.

"I'm going, why did I suddenly move hundreds of kilometers?? What did Qingqiu do??"

"Teleportation Array... a good way!!"

The player felt a sense of powerlessness when he saw Li Cha, who had escaped from life again.

Is this guy still a person? Why is it still safe to be chased and killed by this intensity?

How many tricks does he hide? ?


"Through this space gap, you enter the dimension plane..."

In a valley, Ferguson and Knowles gestured to the surging space gap in front of them like a water curtain, and their eyes were a bit complicated.

The more than ten hours of dragging in front of them have already exhausted their means.

Powers higher than level 14 cannot enter the dimensional plane, isolating the enemy's top power.

Can earn more breathing time for Richard.

If they have been outside, they can't carry the rest of the time.

But they also know that the real test is next.

Richard must face the enemy alone.

Although there are many means arranged by the Scarlet Council, in front of such a powerful stalker, it is a question whether it can survive two breaths...

In the end, he might just be left to fight alone.

"The power of the third princess has been sealed, and it will not affect you to bring her into it. Under the suppression of the plane, the seal will not be lifted. You don't need to worry."

"Master Jones has already left the Temple City. Although he can't take his hand out yet, as long as this period of time passes, he will immediately control the plane stone and close this space gap."

Li Cha took a deep breath.

"Last 5 breath revelations left... 15 hours."

Said with a smile.

"Ferguson, Knowles...waiting for my return."

The voice fell and he slowly stretched out his hand, which Ferguson squeezed hard.

Knowles was in a hurry when he saw this, and immediately raised his hand and put it on it, but it was a little weird now because of his height.

The two looked at the dwarf and smiled at each other.

it is more than words.

Knowles raised his head with a smile on his face.

At this moment, the relationship between the three took a new level.

"Ding~ Knowles, Ferguson's relationship with you has risen to The relationship in Era of Radiance" is divided into mortal enemy, hatred, strangeness, friendship, intimacy, respect, respect, and worship.

Each level represents a degree.

Although the three have not known each other for a long time, the friendship condensed in the fire of war is always extraordinarily strong.

Li Cha was also in a better mood.

After completing the farewell ceremony, he turned around holding the third princess, intending to enter the dimensional plane.

If you operate it properly, you can waste another opportunity to chase the troops-the enemy finds that they cannot enter the dimensional plane after chasing, and they can only redeploy the army.

But before he could step into it, Knowles stepped in front of him with short steps and handed him a pitch-black iron ring.

This dwarf is a little painful.

"Damn human boy!! I knew you were eyeing my big baby. Although most of it is broken now, it can still be used once or twice..."

"I've erased the brand in it, you can bind to it by dripping blood on it."

"I made this with all my savings!! I won't give that idiot Ferguson if he wants to touch it!"

"The dimensional plane does not allow the existence of power above level 14. Once you use it, it will be completely damaged if you support it for up to 5 minutes... But it can save your life."

"You need it now more than I do."

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, and after reaching out to take it, the system prompt rang.

"Ding~ Knowles (level 19 dwarf hero) gifted you level 20 extraordinary hunter - mechanical puppet (broken), drip blood on the ring of control to bind."

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