Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 159: v2 Chapter 154: Domineering Unparalleled (4,000 words, 2

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"Global Lord: Begin as a Desert Lord (

The noise came through the gap in the space, and even if you didn't see it, you could know what the scene was like outside.

Li Cha's eyes gradually became cold, and his breathing gradually slowed down.

Although he has experienced countless battles, big and small.

But like today, he is commanding 5 legions, all of which are above the Brilliant rank, to fight against the whole world.

Definitely the first time.

This is also the biggest battle he has ever encountered.

And he is at the heart of this war, everyone's number one target.

His success will directly determine the direction of the world.

"Grey, take care of our troops."

"Remember, everything is about protecting yourself and minimizing casualties."

In the big scene of the hundreds of troops in the city of dusk, it is like a chestnut in the ocean, and it is inconspicuous.

He arranged a very safe position for the army, and at the same time, he could reap the points at will.

As an army commander, this move is effortless.

"Yes, Master!"

The moment Gray's voice fell.


A long horn sound came through the gap in the space.

The war has begun!

Li Cha's face froze.

"Archer ready!!"


The troops stationed on the city wall pulled the long bows in their hands in unison, and the sound of the bowstrings tightened the atmosphere of the battlefield instantly.

The next second, accompanied by the sound of the horn, the densely packed mechanical puppets passed through the space gap like a water curtain.

These war machines over 5 meters in size are masterpieces of dwarves.

The various ferocious weapons on his body make the scalp tingle at a glance.


A cold hum spread throughout the battlefield.

The archers on the city wall, the array of arrows behind the city wall, the arrow towers of different heights...

At the same time, everyone loosened the bowstrings that were stretched to the extreme.


Reflecting the cold light, the arrow whistled out.

Exaggerated numbers cover the sky.

The city wall is only a hundred meters from the widest point of the gate of space.

The arrows are well within the maximum lethality range.

Ding Ling sugar palm~

Although the first batch of the first group were all mechanical puppets with exaggerated defenses.

But under the saturated attack, the solid body was pierced, and the weak joints were directly broken.

In a few breaths, those killing machines turned into mechanical stumps all over the place.

But this casualty was impossible to stop the offensive of the Templar Empire, and the number of mechanical puppets pouring in from the space gap increased more and more.

In less than ten minutes, the stumps of the mechanical puppets were piled up ahead.

It looks like a dismantling factory of some kind of large-scale machinery, which looks quite visually striking.

But it didn't take long for the attacking enemy to change.

A large number of human warriors and crossbowmen with magical shields began to advance mixed with mechanical puppets.

What is surprising is that those human soldiers have more than a dozen buffs on them.

Those top combat powers above level 14, though inaccessible, strengthen the army in another way.

The will of the plane does not reject this.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha took a deep breath.

The real test begins now...

After the enemy army entered, the mechanical puppet that had just been destroyed on the ground became the best bunker at this moment.

The 5-meter body was enough to cover several people after collapsing.

Covered by the stumps of magical puppets, their crossbowmen kept pulling the trigger to suppress the fire.

The human warriors quickly advanced under the city walls.

The 12-meter-high city wall may not be a height for ordinary people to climb.

But for the first batch of attacks, the level of the elite army is almost 14.

Jumping over is easy.

Those fully-armed human warriors jumped up violently, inserted long knives into the city wall, and then stomped on the city wall.


There were large cracks in the city wall, and the huge reverse thrust made their height rise rapidly.

The archers in the rear were suppressing the influx of troops, and only the most advanced soldiers threatened them.

In just a few breaths, the front of the city wall was full of enemy soldiers.

Too many to kill...

But just when the opponent is about to succeed.

呲la~ The city wall condensed by sand and stone is like a hedgehog blowing its hair, and countless sharp thorns are pierced in an instant.

Soldiers clinging to the city wall to avoid arrow damage were not at all prepared, and the armor covering could resist.

The weak points of the neck, face, and eyes that were not protected by the armor were instantly pierced by the barrel.

Blood splattered, and corpses crashed down.

"Ding~ You killed a brilliant soldier, you got 300 points..."


System-intensive prompts sounded in Richard's ears.

Controlling yellow sand, super A-level can... This blow killed at least seven or eight squadrons of enemies.

"Ding~ Your level has been increased. The current level is level 8, and your magic power limit has been increased to 2000 points."

When the last reminder sounded, a majestic force poured into his body like magma spewing.

The breath instantly returned to its peak state, and all cooling skills were refreshed.

Each upgrade will strengthen the basic attributes. Although it is not displayed, the benefits brought by the upgrade are real.

And the higher the potential, the more exaggerated the improvement obtained.

As the owner of a legendary profession, Li Cha has gained much more promotion than others...

Feeling the surging power in his body, he took a deep breath, and a little excitement rose in his eyes.

Finally upgraded...  

The higher the level, the lower the experience gained from killing low-level units.

Now a group of brilliant-level and even crown-level troops have been slaughtered by him, and the benefits obtained are extremely exaggerated.

For a moment when he was absent-minded, the enemy troops came up again.

Seeing that the other party started to use mechanical puppets to gather a large number of crossbowmen to suppress the soldiers of the city wall, Li Cha frowned.

"Spellcaster Legion, Flame Magic - Fire Coverage!"

The opponent relies on the mechanical puppet to act as a cover, so that the entire range is under attack.

The legion of spellcasters with five squadrons in the rear began to sing magic.

After a moment.

Hundreds of fireballs whizzed away with long flame tails.


The fireball smashed on the ground, splashing flames all over the sky, and the temperature suddenly increased.

The army behind those mechanical puppets was directly enveloped in flames.

Even with the magic shield, under repeated damage, the opponent still tastes the pain.

Once the war begins, it will not end so easily.

The enemy's offensive not only did not slow down because of this, but instead became more and more turbulent.

Under the leadership of hero units, these troops recruited from the lair of advanced units charged without fear.

Elf shooters, dwarf machines, human warriors, church priests... A mixed army began to pour in, replacing the original human army.

The power of the mixed arms formation is obviously stronger than that of a single arm.

The arrows that were deadly just now have been weakened by most of the power at this moment. The priest's healing and courage aura make the warriors charging in front of them extraordinarily heroic.

And the mechanical puppets began to build siege ladders, which made the geographical advantage created by Richard began to be wiped out...

Half an hour after the battle started, the siege ladder of the dwarf mechanical puppet structure was completely formed, and the opponent's army could rush to the city wall after stepping out of the gate of space.

Richard immediately dispatched the archers on the city wall to the rear to form a new arrow formation for projectile attack.

At the same time, using the ability to manipulate sand and gravel, constantly cover the puppet army in front, causing the collapse of the opponent's siege equipment as much as possible.

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But maintaining and repairing the city wall requires a huge amount of magic power, and he can't devote much energy to all this.

At a level of 8, there is no power to dominate the direction of this war of 100,000 people.

Still have to rely on the army of the Scarlet Council to fight head-to-head with the opponent.

"Flame Axe Shattered!"

When a large group of human warriors climbed up from under the city walls.

Li Cha looked at his army.

In melee combat, except for the heavy sword warrior, he has already been included in the hidden weapon card, and only the sand archer and the axe of the dead are left to fight.

The army of Dusk City is unmatched among players.

But it can't compare with the army cultivated by these top NPC forces.

You can only use damage hunting points from ranged units.

The only pity he felt was that the enemies of the army hunters of the Crimson Council were not counted on his head.

Otherwise, with this 50,000 army, he felt that he could rush to level 10 in one wave.


25 battle axes smashed under the city walls.

Countless debris splashed out, covering a diameter of 10 meters, accompanied by a scorching high temperature, covering a diameter of 20 meters.

The human warrior below, even if the level is as high as level 14, is still destroyed under the heavy and superimposed attack...

The battle had been going on for less than an hour, and Richard, who was on the defensive side, had already lost 1 legion in his army.

The light camp's offensive far exceeded his expectations.

It was a rush to kill, regardless of the cost, regardless of casualties.

In addition, the top combat powers outside continue to bless these armies with magic and improve their combat power, making him more and more pressured.

12 o'clock at night.

For the seventh time, the three princesses revealed the breath left by the artifact.

The enemy's offensive has reached its peak.

Almost every second, a large number of troops fell on the battlefield, and life was worthless at this moment.

The city wall is already rotten, if not for his crazy repairs, I am afraid this only line of defense has been broken long ago...

In the third and a half hours of the war.


A large number of armored griffins, dragons and pegasus emerged from the gaps in the space.

Sensing the weakness of the defending army, Oath of Light launched a final offensive.

They couldn't stand the slow progress.

Not only the sky, but Li Cha clearly sensed that a group of strange giant beetles had drilled into the ground through the space gap.

Those giant worms covered with spikes have a depression in their abdomens, and there are human warriors sitting inside.

A special type of unit, the burrower cavalry.

These insect cavalrymen left dozens of passages at the door, and as long as the army behind them entered, they could enter the back of the city wall through the underground passage.

Li Cha's expression became colder.

The opponent is already in the sky, ground, underground, and triple attack.

The army of the Scarlet Council, which had been severely attenuated, began to be madly strangled.

The situation started to spiral out of control...

If he's level 14, he might be able to hold on for a few more hours.

But to keep the city wall from collapsing, a huge amount of magic power was consumed, making him unable to draw out his hands to do more operations.

To face a group of 10~14 level troops, the number of which has already reached 10,000, also feels a little small.

Although Transcendent A Grade can have natural disaster-like damage, it also needs enough magic power to support it.

By the time the fourth at the beginning of the war disappeared, there was no room for recovery.

Richard took a deep breath and clenched the magic crystal that Norse had given him in his hand.

Inside, there are still 80,000 magic points left...

A cold arc hung on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes gradually became wild.

Let everyone witness the coming of a natural disaster.

"Mir, let all troops withdraw from the city walls!"

Mir, who was covered in blood, watched the enemy troops have completely poured in, and knew that their goal of resisting the enemy for 8 hours was impossible.

At this time, Li Cha's order was immediately executed.

With the rest of the army to fight and retreat.

Seeing the army leave quickly, Richard waved his hand, and the three princesses behind him were protected by a chrysalis condensed with gravel.

The army of Dusk City has taken advantage of his free time to take back the hidden soldiers. In such a huge war, those hundreds of people can't afford to splash.

The infinite yellow sand light on his body began to surge.

In an instant.


The broken city wall smashed straight ahead like an avalanche...

"Ding~ You kill an elf warrior (crown level) to get 1000 points."


The prompt to get points in the ear can't be heard at all.

The next second, his eyes turned to the ground.

Deep underground, the burrowing cavalry have opened dozens of roads.

A large number of troops are pouring into it, intending to intercept and kill.

An indifferent arc hung on the corner of his mouth.

The hands pressed down violently.

There was a muffled sound from the ground.

The passages dug by the burrowing worms clicked and collapsed directly.

The thick mud directly buried everyone.

"Ding~ You kill a human heavy armored soldier (brilliant level) to get 300 points"


At this moment, a dozen or so level 14 giant dragons swooped down with extremely hot flames in their throats.

That was enough to melt the steel and burn the dragon's breath.

The target is him.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha smiled slightly.

30,000 points of magic power were directly extracted from the magic crystal.

In an instant.

At this moment, the collapsed city wall on the ground suddenly floated into the air, and a huge sandstorm spun in an instant.

The gravel of the city wall has now become a big killer that covers the sky.

Crazy and violent.

Whoosh~ A demon-like howl sounded in everyone's ears.

The gravel hit them in the face and they felt raw pain.

Ding Ling sugar palm~

The armor made a crisp crashing sound, and the Scarlet Council soldiers fleeing from the distance saw a scene that shocked them.

A giant sandstorm completely enveloped the 100-meter-wide space gap in front of him.

The troops that poured out could not escape even if they struggled.

Only a strong dragon can forcibly break free from the pull of the terrifying wind...

Just when they thought it was over.


Like a dragon's breath that ignites the dry haystacks of autumn.

In an instant, in the sandstorm, a flame that could melt steel ignited.

Covers everyone.

No enemy or me.

Even if the Scarlet Council did not escape the army, it was all swallowed up at this moment.


Countless terrifying roars and screams came through the sandstorm.


All the enemies were smothered alive.

Wind Song, the second-ranked player on the points ranking, became extremely stiff.

He followed the war closely.

But in the blink of an eye, why did this guy's points go from 300,000 to 500,000...

Can anyone tell him what happened? ?

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