Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 166: v2 Chapter 161: arrogant harvest

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Li Cha read it three times before confirming that he was right.

My heart is shaking at this moment.

The Plane Stone...the core of a plane.

Its value simply cannot be described in simple language.

Is this the Plane Stone that Jones just went to get?

Fuck, does this guy want to be so powerful?

Quickly look at the properties below.

Plane Stone

Grade: Special

Features: The cornerstone of the birth of the plane, can carry almost infinite power, maybe you can use it to forge artifacts.

Introduction: When the plane is broken, the plane stone will shatter along with the plane, and only the extremely rare plane stone can remain.

Jones didn't seem to care too much about this and said.

"The plane stone contains a huge amount of energy, and it can also carry the most tyrannical power."

"You will build the mage tower in the future, which can be used as the core of the magic circle."

"Although you can't use it now, you may need it in the future."

Jones' words made Richard fall into silence.

Is this the boss?

Think of a plane stone as the core of the magic circle of the mage tower? ?

This is a treasure that can carry the power of a plane, is it a bit too wasteful to use it as the core...

The beauty is to put this priceless treasure into the system space.

Feeling at ease to the extreme.

The first time I spent the night outside with my first love, I had never been so excited.

S-rank quest rewards are really powerful! !

But the only regret is that this thing is too high-end, he can only keep it for later use.

At that time, maybe a few artifacts can be forged...

Li Cha thought for a while and said solemnly.

"President Jones, thank you for your generosity."

"However, my territory is not strong at present, so top-level items cannot be used temporarily. Does our Scarlet Council have items that are more suitable for me now?"

Jones smirked.

"No wonder Ferguson said your personality resembled his..."

"After you go back, you can enter the warehouse and pick any five items."

Said a little apologetically.

"However, in order to realize our ideals, most of the items accumulated in the past few years have been consumed, and there are not too many precious treasures in the treasury."

Li Cha was elated.

"It's okay, my requirements are not high."

He didn't expect the other party to be so generous, and this wave almost went to his grandma's house.

Jones seemed to sense something at this time, turned his head and glanced at the plane that was nearing the end of destruction.

"Someone from the Templar Empire is chasing after us, let's leave first."

Li Cha glanced at the pitch-black void and found nothing.

Without waiting for him to speak, the dark blue power burst from Jones' body enveloped him.

The surrounding void shattered directly.

The next second, a channel with distorted light appeared in Li Cha's sight.

across space.

In this area, time seems to have lost its meaning.

Richard's perception of the outside world was completely suppressed, and he could only rely on his eyes to observe.

After half an hour, Jones stopped.

He turned around abruptly, his eyes fixed on the sand chrysalis behind him.

"Elder Li Cha, open this sand chrysalis."

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, a little unclear.

Because that sand chrysalis is not the third princess.

Wave your hand to disperse the gravel.

Then revealed the pale golden sandworm egg he obtained in the sandworm lair.

To his surprise.

The ancient sandworm eggs that seemed to be shattered at any time were scorching and glowing just now.

The mysterious pattern above seemed to come alive.

Jones said with a bit of surprise.

"This insecticidal egg is devouring the power of the has the bloodline of the void."

"Void bloodline?"

Li Cha's eyes lit up, although he didn't know what was special about the Void bloodline.

But being so taken seriously by Jones is obviously extraordinary.

This is a super boss who takes out the plane stone from the plane collapse with his bare hands, and his vision is so high.

After a moment of introspection, Jones confirmed his guess.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the surrounding twisted power began to pour into it frantically.

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"The first drop of blood is on the eggshell, and I imprint your spirit in its soul. After it is born, it will absolutely obey your orders."

When Li Cha heard the words, he immediately acted.

He stepped forward and dripped blood on the eggshell.

When the blood seeped into it, a special connection really rose in my heart.

He could feel that a faint life was being nurtured inside, and the other party was dying and seemed to be extinguished at any time.

But what reassured him was that the weak life was rapidly swallowing up the surrounding power and growing rapidly.

"The sandworms in that plane are most likely descendants of the void sandworms."

"Unfortunately, after countless years, without the nourishment of void power, the power has degenerated to freezing point."

"This sandworm egg is produced by a void sandworm with pure blood, and it has the power of void life."

When Jones manipulated the void energy to irrigate the golden eggs, he explained to Richard.

"Void life is a life born outside the plane. Their power is extremely powerful, and they are born to resist the erosion of the void."

"Even extraordinary can't fight against the weakest void life, and the powerful beings can even hunt gods..."

"The farther away from the main plane, the stronger the void life."

"After you have the power to cross the void in the future, remember to be careful of these terrifying existences."

Li Cha nodded to indicate that he had written it down, although he did not know what year he would be able to cross such a terrifying place.

After swallowing a lot of void energy, the breath of the ancient sandworm egg gradually stabilized.

The faint flame of life also began to gradually ignite.

With this big guy doing it, Li Cha waited with great confidence.

This process lasted a long time... In the middle of the process, he was still worried that he would be found by the Templar Empire, but Jones said that they couldn't find it, which dispelled his concerns.

May 6th, 12 noon.

After swallowing countless void energy, the ancient sandworm egg with a weak breath has turned into a pure golden egg that exudes a powerful breath.

The breath of life is burning like a dragon.

At this time, its absorption of the power of the void has finally reached saturation.

After Jones dissipated his strength, a rare look of exhaustion appeared in his eyes.

He looked at Li Cha and smiled.

"The descendant of this void sandworm has devoured enough energy, and when it breaks out of the shell, it will be an extremely powerful existence."

"During this process, I strengthened and combed its bloodline. Now it can not only survive in the void, but also survive on the main plane."

"This time, you have found a treasure."

The corners of Li Cha's mouth grinned, and his heart was extremely excited.

This gain was purely a surprise.

If it weren't for him, in order to prevent mistakes and omissions, he searched carefully in the sandworm's old nest many times, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to find this deeply buried egg.

And if he hadn't completed the S-rank task, Jones would not have been able to help him so hard.

I'm afraid this egg can be used for scrambled eggs with green peppers in a few days.

This loop is followed by loops, and there is no link without it.


"The Void Sandworm will be able to break out of its shell in about a month."

"Remember, don't feed it any food, the power of the void is his food, and he will tear the space to devour himself."

"Once it is given other food, it is easy to weaken the void power in the body when it is young."

Li Cha quickly took note.

"I understand."

After speaking, he looked at the remaining 10 sand chrysalis...

"President Jones, do these sandworm eggs have Void blood?"

Jones was dumbfounded.

"Void blood is not gravel, how can it be seen everywhere, it is already a great luck to get one."

"Then can these sandworms be subdued like just now?"

"Just dripping blood is not enough, you also need to imprint the spiritual imprint..." Jones said and waved his hand.

"You go and drip blood on it, and I will help you."

Li Cha was so moved that he almost cried.

He would like to ask if your Excellency is interested in going to Dusk City to play...

With such a big guy as a backer, he can simply go to heaven.

After all the operations were completed, Li Cha sensed the breath of the remaining 10 sandworm eggs, and smiled happily.

Ordinary sandworms may not have the same potential as void sandworms.

But in his vision, these sandworms are used to transport goods and carry out The value of farming may be greater than that of fighting.

"It's time for us to go back, Ferguson and the others have been waiting..."

There was no impatience in Jones' tone.

Li Cha has made such a great contribution this time, it is totally worthwhile to give him a reward for this delay.

Li Cha nodded without delay.

She continued to wrap the golden worm eggs with sand and gravel, and followed with other worm eggs.

"There's still a month to hatch."

"In the future, raise the Void Sand Worm, and let it go to other planes."

"Isn't it a matter of minutes to open up cross-plane transactions?"

"Hey, thinking about it this way, it seems to be very interesting."

"I seem to have discovered the true value of Void Sandworms..."

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