Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 187: v2 Chapter 180: Break into the temple and face the evil **** (5,000 words 2)

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"Sand archers, charge a strong bow!"

Richard could feel that after the mysterious existence in the Dark Temple had forcibly increased the power of the nine Ankham guards, he was weakened a lot.

But the other party is recovering quickly and must not be dragged on.


In the sky, after a squadron of sand-condensing archers charged up, the arrows pierced through the sky.

The twisted Ankham guard below was immediately enveloped by arrows.


The arrow penetrated the opponent's body with a tyrannical attitude.

But what is surprising is that the bodies of these monsters are like mud.

After being pierced, it returned to normal immediately.

was not damaged.

The sudden attack angered the nine Ankham guards.

They raised their heads sharply, and those dark eyes burst into endless light.


Only the broken fleshy wings of the skeleton left behind, as if supported by a layer of transparent film, with a violent airflow, lifted into the air.

Li Cha's heart jumped as he watched the other party slaughter towards the dark gargoyle.

"The dark gargoyle immediately retreated and avoided confronting the opponent head-on!"

The Ningsha Archer shoots arrows as he retreats, as if the video is accelerating, and the attack speed skyrockets.

Rapid fire, within 10 seconds, shoot 30 arrows in a row, cool down for 5 minutes.

But no matter how sharp the arrow pierces the opponent, it cannot cause real damage to those monsters.

Their bodies seem to be deserted to physical damage, completely immune.

Richard's eyes were sharp, watching the phantom chains behind Ankham's guards, like umbilical cords, stretch as they grew taller.

The arrow of the condensed sand archer pierced the phantom without causing any damage.

Obviously it can't be cut off by conventional means.

He keenly sensed that that might be its fatal key weakness.

"Gaunt, Ball of Corruption!"

The voice fell, and Gaunt, who had been prepared for a long time, slammed the blood-colored ball with strong corrosiveness.


The orb of corrosion exploded in mid-air.

Directly shrouded the range of tens of meters in front.

When the strong corrosive magic power was stained on the body of Ankham's guards, it made a sizzling sound.

But in the blink of an eye, it was swallowed by its muddy body.

And the illusory chain connected to the temple behind him was still unaffected, and neither physical nor magical means could cause damage to it.

It seemed that it was just a simple shadow.

Just when Li Cha's face became more solemn, the nine Ankham guards froze and stopped.

The body seemed to be tied to a rubber band and ran to the limit and was pulled back by the elastic force.

His eyes lit up.

There is a limit to the nihilistic chain of the opponent!

It was quickly determined that its diameter range is about 150 meters with the temple as the center.

"Sand archers attacked 100 meters away from the temple, and the phantom chains behind those monsters have a distance limit!"

After the nine divine guards were pulled, they immediately fell towards the ground.

The ground troops are far less responsive than the dark gargoyle.

The army below was under enormous pressure at the moment.

The evil aura pervading the opponent's body rushed straight to the soul, even if the undead life did not know fear, but under that powerful pressure, the fire of the soul was still turbulent.


The arrows are still madly suppressed.

But these Ankham guards with unique bodies did not dodge at all, and the five fingers like butcher knives slammed towards the bandaged mummy ahead.

The bandaged mummies let out a low growl and charged forward with reinforced claws, not knowing what fear was.

Sandification is turned on at the same time.


The waving arm of the Ankham guard directly burst the body of a bandaged mummy in front of him.

But in the blink of an eye, the bandaged mummy was back to normal.

Its sharp claws stabbed into the belly of the **** guard fiercely, but it seemed to be stuck in the mud and failed to achieve results.

The dark eyes of Ankham's guard didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation, and a deep cold light appeared on his body, and he waved his arm again.


The fingers that were sharper than a dagger in front directly pierced the head of the bandaged mummy, and the gravel body was swallowed by the cold energy.

In the next second, its body stiffened violently, and the fire of its soul was directly annihilated.

The bandaged mummy after turning on the desertification is powerfully killed.

And that's just part of the battlefield in miniature.

Nine Ankham guards, like a thick mountain, forcibly blocked the army of Dusk City.

The 14th-level divine guard has the support of the gods behind him, and his explosive strength is extremely exaggerated.

Li Cha looked to the rear, a rare soldier who had been recruited for a few days and had not yet gone through a war - the Kuangsha Mage.

This unit can be selected by him, and it has a very domineering group skill. All the Kuangsha mages can jointly cast spells together—

"Kangsha Mage! Prison!"

The moment the order was given.

The 75 mummy mages in the yellow cloaks suddenly raised the staff of bones in their hands.

In an instant, the gravel on the ground surged up.

A giant prison was formed, forcibly imprisoning the nine divine guards.

Yellow sand prison, condensing yellow sand to form a prison, imprisoning the enemy, can consume magic power to maintain the prison.

Moreover, this is group magic. As long as there is another Kuangsha Mage with magic power, this skill can continue. The more Kuangsha Mage, the more domineering this skill becomes.

Close the door and beat the dog.

The Ankham guards attacked frantically, but the Yellow Sand Prison seemed to be made of mountains and could not be shaken.

"Shattered axe!"


The battle axe in the hands of the Axe of the Dead dropped.

40 battle axes roared.

The battle axe directly hit the opponent's body, and then the shards exploded in the body of the Ankham guard.

Countless fragments shot out.

A large pothole appeared on its body.

Boom~ The flames erupted for the second time, directly covering it.

Taking advantage of the opponent's inability to fight back, Li Cha's eyes became colder.

"Bone blood dragon, bone demon attack!"

In an instant.

The space in front of the Yellow Sand Prison shattered directly, and the pale and tall body of the Skeleton Demon appeared.

Three claws swung like daggers.

Forced to break the shield, forced to break the magic...


Directly pierced through the opponent's abdomen.

When the skeleton demon pulled his hand back, a huge gap appeared.

The Ankham guard roared hysterically from his throat, but he was still unable to break through the confinement of the yellow sand.


At this moment, the skeletal blood dragon flapped its wings and dived down.

A blood-red energy filled his throat.

The dragon breathed out.

Pulling the long blood-colored energy, all the nine divine guards were shrouded in it.

Bloody Breath (A-level, spit out a **** dragon breath with strong corrosiveness, which can cause huge magic damage and corrosive damage)


A sound of concentrated sulfuric acid dripping to the ground sounded.

Thick smoke rose from the body of the Ankham guard.

The series of intensive attacks left these imprisoned monsters with exaggerated scars.

But Li Cha was not too happy, instead his face was solemn.

He could sense that the fire of life on the other side not only did not weaken, but instead became more and more turbulent.

These monsters are simply unkillable.

Physical damage, magic damage, and the instant death feature of the Axe of the Dead are all invalid.

After several rounds of attacks, a large crack suddenly appeared in the prison that imprisoned the Ankham guard.

Under the frantic struggle of the opponent, the magic power of Kuangsha Mage was forcibly exhausted.


The yellow sand splashed all over the sky.

Get out of trouble.

The bodies of these monsters, like mud, returned to normal within a few breaths.

Under the continuous energy of the phantom chain behind the umbilical cord, they have almost infinite power.

The sand archers and the Axe of the Dead are still attacking, but they can no longer stop these crazy monsters.

A skeleton demon attacks and then uses space to move away.

But in the next second, the attacked Ankham guard slammed up and punched.


Space shattered.

The body of the skeletal demon that had just entered the space was directly smashed to pieces.

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forced out.

However, the skeleton demon immediately dragged most of the broken bones and left the space again.

This time, the monsters didn't find any trace of them.

When the skeleton demon reappeared, the broken body had recovered, but the power of the soul was obviously weakened.

"Gray, curse words!"

A faint blue light flashed.

The Ancam guard, who had just resumed action, immediately felt a strong impact in his mind, and his thoughts were instantly confused.

This support hero has no attack skills, but strong control skills can create a lot of opportunities for the army.

Good output is hard to come by, and superb assistance is even more precious.

The army took this opportunity to break out again!

In just 10 seconds, the sand archers, the Axe of the Dead, the Bone Blood Dragon, the Bone Blood Dragon... all the armies that could attack bombarded for several rounds in a row.

The Ankham Guard was almost smashed into a puddle of mud.

But a surprising scene appeared.

When the confinement disappeared, the opponent's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Cha frowned and his eyes became more serious.

A thought moves.

The heavy sword fighters who had been silent all the time in the rear stood on the front row.

A full 3 squads of brilliant troops went directly to the Ankham guards.

These 5-meter-high magic puppets have been imprinted with soul marks by him.

At this moment, these puppets can be manipulated like an instructing arm.

Holding two giant knives as thick as door panels, he slashed directly at these monsters.

The Ancam guards don't care who their enemies are, they just want to destroy these blasphemers!

The two sides fought head-to-head.

Although the number of heavy sword fighters is large, the level of the 9th level is far from the strength of the opponent's level 14.

Instantly suppressed.

Outer armor made of special materials began to burst in large pieces.

The opponent's rotting body is more perverted than the sandification's immunity to physical damage.

After Richard manipulated the heavy sword warrior to entangle with the Ankham guard, his mind moved.

The buckle suddenly stretched out from his wrist, which firmly fixed the handle of the knife.


The body of the heavy swordsman spun like a giant spinning top.

Spiral storm.

In the ruins, this skill once forcibly killed the mummy that turned on the desertification.

Shred everything.

The Ancam guards never thought of this place, and a full 5 were involved in the spiral storm.


The speed of rotation is instantly increased to 15 revolutions per second.


The Ankham guards were surrounded by three squads of heavy swordsmen and were attacked dozens of times per second.

Those monsters wanted to rush out and wave their claws violently, but they seemed to be put into a meat grinder for the first time, and every inch was reduced.

The silt body now turned into real debris.

But a surprising scene appeared.

In the spiral storm, after the shattered body of Ancam's guard was chopped to pieces by the heavy knife, it did not splash, but stuck to the heavy knife like chewing gum.

After a few breaths.


The sound of corrosion came out.

The large sword in the hand of the heavy swordsman, which is thicker than the door panel, has a large amount of rust.

Some rotten bodies stuck on the heavy sword puppet's body even corroded holes around it.

It didn't take long for the bodies of those heavy sword warriors who had corroded key parts of the body to tilt suddenly, swayed directly, and fell to the ground.

Click ~ click ~

The sword slashed on the ground, splashing large swathes of gravel.

Seven or eight heavy sword warriors were directly destroyed.

If it wasn't for Li Cha's discovery in time, I'm afraid that the heavy sword fighters of the three squads would be wiped out by him.

After controlling the heavy sword fighters to withdraw, those broken bodies were attracted to the body of Ankham guards like magnets.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha felt extremely troubled.

The difficulty of these nine divine guards far exceeded his expectations.

I can't spend any more time with these monsters.

The opponent has the power of the evil **** as a support, which is more durable than the ancient tree of the gods.

And the other party also has air-to-air capabilities, and it is almost impossible to consume them to death.

His eyes followed the illusory chains behind the other party and saw the Temple of Darkness.

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

Take your old nest and let me see what arrogance you are taking.

Li Cha was also ruthless.

"Baal, lead the giant axe death knight to charge!"

"Bandage mummies, scorpion warriors, cooperate with Gray to entangle the enemy."

"Gaunt, you take the skeletal demon, the skeletal blood dragon, the axe of the dead and the dark gargoyle without the sand archer to destroy the temple behind!"

Order issued.


The D-rank cavalry hero Baal, who had been prepared for a long time in the rear, immediately charged with the giant axe Death Knight.

Axe Death Knights have a rather powerful feature - the longer they charge, the more terrifying the impact they carry.

The nine Ankham guards looked at the fierce cavalry, and subconsciously wanted to take off to avoid it.

But they haven't waited for their voice control.

Boom~ The power that impacted the soul struck again, and the body stiffened violently.

Words of curse are never absent.

Horse riding camp.

Baal swept through dozens of undead with a giant axe like a gust of wind, and the huge axe slashed on the bodies of these monsters, and the muddy bodies exploded directly.

The warhorse, slammed into it, even if the Ankham guard was 4 meters tall, under the impact of this force, it fell directly backwards.

Trampled by undead horses.

Gaunt seized the opportunity and immediately rushed into the dark temple with the skeleton demon, the axe of the dead, and the heavy knife puppet.

Li Cha stared closely at this scene, ready to issue new orders at any time.

He was still locked by the extremely terrifying aura in the Dark Temple at this moment.

That unknown existence is like a hunter hiding in the dark, and a shocking blow may break out at any time.

He can only maintain patience and hold back his desire to shoot.

Moreover, the army in his hands is not a harmless little white rabbit.

This is an army that has always been sharp enough to pierce the eyes!

But when the army quickly gathered, Li Cha thought of something, manipulated the gravel, and suddenly approached within 100 meters of the Dark Temple.

Just when the threatening aura that was on the back of the awns soared more than tenfold, the light like yellow sand surged on his body.

The yellow sand on the ground condensed directly towards the army below.

In a few blinks of an eye, a sturdy yellow sand battle armor was formed on the army.

Condensing Sand into Armor (Super A Grade, condensing yellow sand to become a battle armor, which can be blessed on oneself or an army within a radius of 100 meters, duration: 10 minutes, minimum consumption of 100 points of magic power, the more magic power consumed, the more condensed battle armor stronger)

All the magic power poured down.

The sand armor on the army is getting thicker and thicker, but at the same time, because of the magic power, it is almost as light as nothing.

Not the slightest burden on the army.

Even the dark gargoyle, which is immune to magic and ineffective at the same time, has battle armor floating on it.

This is the battle armor he condensed on the opponent's body. It does not belong to the gain magic, and it is not directly blessed on the opponent's body. It is equivalent to giving the opponent an extra layer of armor.

It's just that this layer of armor is condensed with gravel.

After all this was done, he immediately evacuated back, avoiding the terrifying death threat.

After Richard left within a range of 200 meters, a large amount of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The moment he approached, he felt as if he had entered the mouth of the abyss behemoth, and every cell was warning him.

At this time, Gray was still forcibly controlling the nine Ankham guards.

Gray also entered the Dark Temple with the army at this moment.

Li Cha condensed his mind and used his mind to control the heavy sword warrior to step into it.

In the next second, an indescribable gloomy and evil aura struck.

Even if he hadn't been there, an unspeakable chill appeared on his back.

Through the sight of the heavy sword warrior, a creepy picture appeared in his perception.

From the outside, this temple seems to occupy a small area, but after entering it, you can find that it is 30 meters high and the hall is more than 200 meters wide.

At this moment, they seemed to have entered the mouth of some kind of giant beast. UU Reading

The shape of the temple is oval, and countless octopus tentacles with sticky liquid wave around.

Even the ceiling is covered with long tentacles.

And each tentacle is covered with a mouth with sharp teeth.

Anyone with an intensive phobia will be swallowed up by fear.

at the end of the line of sight.

A giant statue with a skeleton with a flesh-winged skeleton behind it stands in front of it with its legs together and its body curled up.

The octopus tentacles on the opponent's face are particularly conspicuous.

The terrifying aura emanating from the statue seems like an abyss evil **** who has existed for countless epochs is staring at these intruders.

The source of everything Richard can perceive is this giant statue.

The nine phantom chains, like umbilical cords, connected to Ankham's guards, extended from their tentacles.

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