Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 200: v2 Chapter 192: 4-armed half-snake man (4,400 words 2

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The grey dwarves control a mithril mine...

This news shocked Li Cha.

Broken extraordinary hunter, is there any hope of repair?

Hina's eyes showed a bit of pleading at this time.

"Lord Richard, can I follow you into the underground world? Maybe I can find a way to break the seal in my body in that mysterious area..."

Li Cha looked at her angrily.

"You're so hurt, and you still want to go with us? Let's talk about it when you can get out of bed and walk."

Hina raised her head stubbornly, her eyes firm and unshakable.

"Lord Richard, this may be the most promising one."

"I found out that the gray dwarves control a very special alchemy, which can exchange blood for life."

"Take out the blood of ordinary life, inject the blood of powerful life, and increase strength."

"And those who are exchanged, no matter what exists in the blood, they will be eliminated."

Exchange blood?

Richard suddenly thought of what Jones, the president of the Scarlet Council, had done to the three princesses of the empire in the copy——

Draw out the dragon's blood from the opponent's body and inject it with the blood of the cursed holy dragon.

He also gained dragon power and growth aura from it.

This seems like a good idea.

However, the operation is much more difficult.

He thought of the key - was the opportunity for Xina's hero recruitment mission completed underground?

Seeing that Li Cha didn't refuse any more, he was lost in thought.

Seeing a bit of hope, Hina continued.

"Lord Richard, I can recover most of it in just two days, and it won't affect the army's actions!"

Looking at those resolute eyes that have never been fearless, there is a pitiful plea at this moment.

Li Cha nodded slowly and said solemnly.

"On the 14th, the army will leave on time."

"If you can't recover to a state that satisfies me, then you stay in the territory for this operation."

Sheena breathed a sigh of relief, and a bright smile appeared on her pale face.

"Thank you!"

Richard looked at the girl angrily, reached out and took out two bottles of desert crown honey.

He opened the lid and placed it on the wooden table by the bed, and helped her brew a bowl of honey water for her to drink.

He saw that the girl's breath was getting better again, and he suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Hina, have you been drinking Desert Crown Honey, do you feel sick?"

"I heard that most of the reply products have certain restrictions. Drinking too much in a short period of time will cause energy accumulation, and the effect will be reduced..."

This is what he saw mentioned by a player on the forum. There is an alchemist pharmacist in the other party's territory, and the potions made are limited to drinking.

Excessive consumption can even cause harm.

Hina smiled a little.

"Lord Richard, only alchemy or magic potions have negative effects."

"Honey is a natural recovery product, as long as the body can bear it, there will be no side effects..."

He added another sentence.

"But I heard from the tribe that drinking too much honey seems to make you gain weight."

Li Cha was listening attentively when he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Isn't this turn a bit too big?

You are a veteran who has gone through life and have to worry about your figure?

"Recover well."

Li Cha left the room after exhorting him in tears and laughing.

There is still the mood to worry about these broken things, it seems that there is no major problem.

After going out, he went directly to the backyard of the blacksmith shop.

He stared at the 15-meter-high giant in front of him.

With a thought, he took out a full 10,000 units of gems.

Placed and piled up into a hill.

Mechanical Body (Super A Grade, strength increased by 500%, defense increased by 500%, immune to magic, after the body is damaged, it can devour the corresponding materials to repair itself.)

The automatic repair of swallowing materials is one of Richard's most satisfying skills.

It also allowed him to see the possibility of obtaining a full body extraordinary combat power.

Spiritual power is connected to the ring of control in the hand.

In an instant.

The eyes of the extraordinary hunter suddenly lit up.

At this moment, an unspeakable breath spewed out.

Powerful and majestic.

It's like standing under a mountain that is ten thousand feet high.

Gives a sense of insignificance.

Level 20, extraordinary.

No matter where it is, this level has already stood at the top of the pyramid.

Under his control, a special energy permeated from the extraordinary hunter, directly covering the gems in front of him.

Those gems were like ice and snow meeting the flames and slowly melting.

Then it seemed to lose gravity, floated up out of thin air, and merged into the mechanical body of the extraordinary hunter.

Li Cha could clearly sense it.

Some of the damaged areas of the Paranormal Hunter are recovering quickly.

The body has recovered from a state that is shaky and may collapse at any time to the point where it is glued together.

It is still far from a complete recovery, but at least there is some resilience.

After the gems on the ground were swallowed clean, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Ding~ The extraordinary hunter devoured 10,000 units of gems and repaired part of the body's performance. The current damage level is 75%. The driving and fighting time is 30 minutes. If it exceeds 30 minutes, it will be completely destroyed.

NOTE: High-intensity combat and collisions will reduce driving time. "

Li Cha suddenly became interested when he heard the system prompt.

This is the first time I have seen data on the extent of damage.

The damage of up to 75% made him have to sigh about its durability.

It hasn't fallen apart yet, and it's superb.

However, after the repair, the time for driving and fighting was increased to half an hour, which made him feel a lot more comfortable.

10,000 units of gems are exchanged for half an hour of extraordinary combat power. Although the price is not cheap, if you use it well, it will be a final lore.

At a critical moment, let alone 10,000 gems, even 100,000 can't buy an extraordinary shot.

This level of combat power, for the current City of Twilight, is the level of a nuclear bomb.

Strategic significance cannot be replaced.

This wave is fine.

After thinking about it, for the sake of safety, Richard waved his hand and took out another 20,000 units of gems.

"TX, I want to recharge!"

If you can't beat it, it will be gold. This is the eternal truth.

"Ding~ The extraordinary hunter devoured 10,000 units of gems and repaired part of the body's performance. The current damage level is 70%, and the driving and fighting time is 60 minutes. If it exceeds 60 minutes, it will be completely destroyed.

NOTE: High-intensity combat and collisions will reduce driving time. "

20,000 units of rare resources smashed down, and it increased for another half an hour.

Damage level has dropped from 75% to 70%.

"The higher the repair rate of this thing, the more resources it will cost?"

Li Cha seemed to see a bottomless pit.

But he was willing.

This level of mechanical puppet, even if you spend a high price to buy it, you can't buy it.

The extraordinary power of level 20 can slay dragons.

Ask someone to tell Andre that he took the extraordinary hunter away from the blacksmith shop.

At this time, the girl was still accompanying her father, who was hanged and exposed to the sun, on the edge of the territory.

Jonah Thorin, who was hanged outside the territory for the past two days, has become a landscape of Dusk City. Everyone is happy to watch the excitement.

The guy with muscles in his head was a little ashamed at first, but he got used to it and chatted with his former partner with a smile.

This made Andel both angry and funny, and then she simply asked the other party's forging skills below.

Naturally, there is nothing secret about his daughter.

In this way, Jonah Thorin, who was hanged, began to teach Andel forging skills in a magical way... The picture became very strange.

time flies.

14th, 17:00 pm.

The three heroes returned with the hunting army, and they lined up neatly in front of the lord's mansion.

All newly recruited troops have been upgraded to level 5.

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At the same time, Gaunt and Gray have recruited a total of 24 teams of Scarlet Mummies in the past few days.

Although Richard's original intention was to ask them to recruit cannon fodder, it was beyond his expectations.

The potential of these blood-colored mummies has reached a rare 1 star.

Fighting power is not weak.

This made him quite happy.

That's why he has been thinking about getting both heroes to learn the skill of recruiting mummies.

Prostitutes always make you feel good.

With a wave of his hand, the 24 teams were given the desertification skills of rare arms.

The number of troops in hand soared to 9 squadrons at this time.

Enough to fight a small war.

"Lord Richard."

When Li Cha heard the voice from the rear, he turned his head slightly and looked at Hina, whose eyes were firm and the aura of a veteran of a hundred battles on her body.

Nod slightly.

The girl was able to get out of bed and walk yesterday, and today she has recovered from a serious injury to a minor injury.

Although the combat power has not yet returned to its peak, it has been able to fight.

It is expected to wait another day for the minor injuries on the body to fully recover.

Among them, Hina's powerful blood is the main reason, and the desert crown honey, which has no side effects, is also the key.

In addition to the high-level magic potion gifted by Onik, it took three days to lift a dying hero abruptly.

Li Cha thought about it, and took out the 3-star treasure that was exchanged for points from the system space—the Broken Steel Long Sword.

Its attached feature is extraordinarily domineering - slashing the head, with a 20% chance to directly kill the enemy.

This is the same instant-death skill as Axe of the Dead Soul Execution.

"Xina, half a month ago, the two-footed flying dragon attacked the territory. You defended the city of dusk with your life and made a great contribution."

"Your contribution, the city of dusk will not be forgotten, and I will not forget it."

"Originally, I planned to hold an honor party to honor you, but the military situation is urgent. After I come back, I will hold it for you."

After he finished speaking, he handed the Broken Steel Long Sword over.

"This sword was acquired at a great price. Now, I give it to you."

Xina looked at Li Cha with serious eyes, and felt a little touched in her heart.

"it is my responsibility."

Receiving it with both hands.

Then he pulled the cross sword out of its scabbard, feeling the weight and the sharpness of the blade.

Eyes closed slowly.

When he opened it again, the expression on his face was extremely happy.

"Lord Richard, I feel that this sword is calling me, it has a very special power..."

Li Cha smiled.

"Now, it belongs to you."

After he finished speaking, he didn't grumble any more, and walked to the front of the army that was waiting for him, his eyes were cold.

"Set off!"

With an order, the army immediately turned around and walked out of the territory.

This time, he used the entire army of the territory, vowing to strangle the enemy who has not yet established a foothold.

The 5 acres of destroyed jujube forest was like a slap in the face of Dusk City, reminding him at all times.

After leaving the territory, Richard condensed sand and gravel again to create a desert boat.

He only used this method of transporting troops once and fell in love with it.

In the inconvenient "Ara of Radiance", this method is simply invincible.

He felt that even if he became a transport team captain in the future, he could make a lot of money.

The army of more than 9 squadrons, under the rays of the setting sun, rode the wind and waves away on the desert boat.

The sky is a bone blood dragon, escorted by dark gargoyles.

This picture is full of the flavor of the fantasy world.


"Kadam! What did those damned barbarians say?!"

Serpent's tongue resounded through the dark cave.

One is three meters tall and has four arms.

The half-snake man, whose lower body is a snake body and whose upper body is a human body, looked at his subordinates indifferently.


The rock wall overhead seeped cold water droplets in the small puddles on the ground, making a crisp sound.

Inexplicably, the atmosphere became cold.

The two-armed half-snake man in front lowered his head, his tone somewhat cold.

"The great master, the lord of Bloodhoof... wants us to surrender."

These words were like the flames igniting gunpowder, which instantly angered the four-armed and half-snake man.

"It's not enough that their war with the gray dwarves completely destroyed our territory, and they want us to take refuge in them?!"

"We have three squadrons of Wyverns!! We have a powerful army!!"

"We will never surrender to anyone!!"

"Those **** dungeon barbarians are absolutely impossible to make us bow our heads!"

The cold voice carried endless anger.

The two-armed half-snake lowered his head and let his anger pour out.

After venting for a long time, the four-armed and half-snake talent gradually calmed down.

"Apart from these, what other requirements did Bloodhoof City make?"

"The other party also proposed that we should pay tribute to the captured night elves in exchange for the protection of Bloodhoof City..."

The four-armed and half-snake man did not get angry this time, and there was a sneer on his face.

"The target of Bloodhoof City, I'm afraid it has always been the night elves we imprisoned!"

The other party did not understand.

"Why is a night elf so taken seriously?"

The four-armed and half-snake man looked at his confidant and said slowly.

"Blood of Shadows..."

The double-armed half-snake man suddenly breathed rapidly.

"There is a bloodline with enormous power in the legend, and it can even make the evil gods be moved by it?!"

"But how did it appear on the night elves?!"

The four-armed and half-snake man said solemnly.

"It is said that in ancient times, when the underground world was still the cage of the gods, the evil spirits imprisoned by the gods were tortured day and night.

During this process, a large amount of divine power escaped and penetrated into other beings, forming this special bloodline. "

"Anyone can get..."

As he spoke, his eyes became cold.

"Maybe it's not just those damned barbarians, the **** of the grey dwarves are also spying on us!"

"They have mastered the alchemy technology of using the blood of other life to strengthen themselves, how could they miss the blood of shadows?!"

"If it wasn't for the fact that these two forces were not sure about the purity of that night elf bloodline, they would have launched an attack long ago."

The double-armed half-snake man heard this kind of secret, and his scalp suddenly became numb.

The temptation of Shadowblood is too great.

Its effect is several times stronger than the blood of a giant dragon, and even just a small sip can greatly increase one's strength and potential.

If this lets the outside world know the specific situation, it will be exterminated.

Without enough strength, it is impossible to hold this treasure.

"Master, how should we respond to Bloodhoof City next?"

In the underground world, strength is king after all.

Even if they know the other party's plan, what can they do?

The four-armed half-snake sneered.

"Bloodhoof City's inquiry is nothing more than a test, hold off first, they will not be able to draw troops from the pressure of the gray dwarves for a while."

Said and looked up at the top of the When our fort is built, we don't need to pay attention to them... Who would have thought that we have found a passage to the rich surface world. "

His tone was a little hot.

"Even above the most barren desert on the surface, there are far more prey than the underground world! We will no longer worry about food!"

After the voice fell, he seemed to have thought of something, and those long and narrow eyes showed a bit of satisfaction.

"Not to mention that there is a weak but extremely rich territory in the desert not far away."

"When the fort is built, it's all ours..."





ps: There is only one chapter today. I have no time for the first two days. I will try to write more tomorrow.

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