Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 202: v2 Chapter 194: Divine Soul (5,000 words 2

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"Global Lord: Begin as a Desert Lord (

Fun, fun like never before.

Richard, who was in the cockpit of the Extraordinary Hunter, had already closed his eyes.

Feeling the power brought to him by the extraordinary hunter.

Full of amazement.

The extraordinary hunter is like a part of his body at the moment, and he can clearly perceive the state of every inch of the body.

Control it however you want.

No blockage at all.

Although the damage is too serious, the two most powerful skills cannot be used, and the strongest combat power cannot be exerted.

However, the extraordinary is still extraordinary.

The power of level 20 made him feel an unprecedented experience.

The bipedal dragon whose way is blocked by him not only has a level of 10, but also has a rare potential of 3 stars.

There are more advanced Brilliant-level Wyverns.

But without exception.

No matter how high the opponent's level or strength is.

Beneath the sharp blade of an extraordinary hunter.

Can only be the soul of the dead.

The fingers were replaced with 5 sharp blades with a length of more than two meters, which were even more exaggerated than the swords of the fighters.

And up to level 15, it has extremely terrifying power.

Killing a flying dragon is like killing a chicken!

The two-footed dragon that rushed out of that underground space would be slaughtered by him on the spot.

No power can stop the extraordinary hunter.

Wait until the opponent's controller, the level 13 half-snake hero, appears.

He was only slightly distracted.

The army without air superiority, under the attack of the dark gargoyles, can only be slaughtered unilaterally.

Sure enough, the situation quickly changed.

The other party wants to run away...

But the prey has already appeared, how could he let them go?

The yellow sand covered the passage, completely blocking their escape route.

The swarming Twilight City army broke out at this moment with a powerful fighting force.

The battle went straight to the heat.

But I have to say that even if they lost air dominance and were madly attacked by the sand archers and the axe of the dead, these dungeon soldiers were still fierce.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the level 13 four-armed half-snake man charged with the rest of the army.

Vows to cut a gap from the front.

At this time, the blood-colored mummy, the cannon fodder army, was the first to collide with these half-snake people.

The half-snake army, led by the four-armed, half-snake, erupted in an extremely powerful attack.

The moment the blood-colored mummy came into contact, it was chopped up and exploded, and the difference in strength was too great to compete.

But the role of these cannon fodder is not to fight recklessly, but to drag the enemy.


The body turned into rubble.

Forcibly withstood the half-snake's charge.

At this time, the evil eye in the rear still kept up with the army in front.

That huge eyeball once again gathered magic power.


One after another terrifying death rays penetrated the space with powerful lethality.

Sandy Tian counters physical damage, but cannot be immune to magic.

The unavoidable **** mummy was shot directly.

Bursting out the sky of gravel.

The deaths of these cannon fodder units made the scene even more tragic.

But the craziest one is the four-armed half-snake, a level 13 hero unit.

Four long knives in four arms.

Under the crazy attack, it seemed like a whirlwind was blowing.

No one can stand in front of him.

The blood-colored mummy in front of him will be killed by him in minutes, even if the sandification is turned on.

Although it could not be killed in a short period of time, but with a large number of half-snake people still madly charged outwards like an arrow.

Richard alone suppressed hundreds of flying dragons, and he had no time to worry about the battle outside.

Let the two-footed dragon escape, and it will be more troublesome at that time.

The air force is no better than the ground troops. If they are scattered, they know where they can go.

These are all materials for recruiting the Bone Blood Dragon. Every time he slaughtered one, he felt that he had entered a crown army.

Feel comfortable.

After seeing the madness of the four-armed and half-snake man, he immediately countered.

"Gaunt, Gray, Sheena, cooperate with the skeleton demon to hunt down dungeon heroes!"

Although he can't take it out, his subordinates are not vegetarian.

The order was issued, and the three top heroes who were frantically attacking the enemy immediately focused their attention on the four-armed half-snake who took the lead in the charge.

Hina directly killed the four-armed half-snake man.

The descendants of the Krina tribe slaughtered everywhere on the battlefield.

Its fighting style can be called violent, and wherever it passes, the half-snake man is either cut off with a sword or his body is cut horizontally.

Especially after getting the broken steel long sword given by Li Cha, it made her attack countless times sharper.


Gaunt and Gray also drove the dark gargoyle to fly quickly over the four-armed half-snake man.

Start chanting a mysterious mantra

In an instant, the four-armed half-snake man roared and accelerated the speed of the rush, feeling the danger coming.

If you delay any longer, you will die!

These **** mummies are too hard to deal with!

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat and he turned sideways suddenly.

The space in place was suddenly shattered, and an arm with sharp long claws stabbed out of the space.

The body of white bones, the blue soul flame burns in the empty eye sockets.

Crown Troops, Skeleton Demon.


The four-armed, half-snake man long knife slashed violently on the opponent's claws, while the other arm slashed the knife to another space.

In the next second, the second space burst, and the sharp claws suddenly appeared in the slashing with the long knife.

Beast intuition.

After blocking the attacks of the two enemies, the triangular eyes of the four-armed half-snake man froze.

The remaining two arms swung the knife fiercely.

Thunder Clap.

The Bone Demon wanted to resist, but the blade was too fast.


Under the power of the 13th-level hero, the body was directly cut off.

The bones shattered into slag.

When they realized that something was impossible, they immediately disappeared in place, and when they reappeared, their bodies had returned to normal.

Consume the power of the soul to repair the body.

Powerful talent.

The skeletal demon is not weak, and the four-armed half-snake man has erupted in combat power that is unique to heroic units.

This dungeon hero is very similar to Hina, both are fighting heroes.

It seems that the four long knives can sever the void.

Combined with strong combat skills and a keen sense of danger.

Even if five level 10 crown arms proficient in space power were besieged and killed, they still couldn't help the opponent, and even their bodies were constantly chopped to pieces.

If it is not proficient in space and has strong resilience, I am afraid that 5 bone demons have already been beheaded.

The gap between heroes and troops is now on full display.

After Hina slaughtered from the half-snake people on the other side.

The magic in the hands of Gray and Gaunt has also been condensed to the extreme.

Three heroes are in place.


Sheena, who was covered in blood, snorted coldly and gave the order to attack.

The figure dashed straight up like lightning.

Grey and Gaunt drive the dark gargoyle down a dive.

Gray was the first to do it, and the mysterious spell was recited in his mouth.

In an instant, the four-armed half-snake man below who was frantically resisting the attack of the skeleton demon only felt a powerful impact in his mind, like being bombarded by a giant hammer.

The body suddenly stiffened.

The word of curse, A-level, causes the spirit of the enemy within a diameter of 50 meters to fall into a state of confusion, stagnating in action, and lasts for 10 seconds.

Sensing the slowness of the target, Hina's eyes lit up.

Three points faster, a sword cut off the half-snake who was blocking her way, and rushed across the corpse that was broken in two.

Kill the four-armed half-snake man.

But at the most critical moment, the eyes of the four-armed half-snake man suddenly turned red.

The 3-meter-high body suddenly rose to 4 meters high.

Forced to break free of Gray's control.

The four arms slammed the long knives.

Sonorous ~ Mars radiates in all directions.

Forcibly blocked the fatal blow.

The huge force shook back, and the broken steel long sword in Xina's hand almost came out of her hand.

The body suddenly dipped, avoiding the opponent's follow-up pursuit, and immediately retreated with the help of flexible walking.

The injury in her body has not yet recovered, and the most powerful bloodline power is sealed, far from being able to resist a powerful hero of level 13.

Enraged by the barrage of attacks, the four-armed half-snake wanted to pursue.

But at this moment, a huge blood ball fell from the sky.

directly to the ground.

The face of the four-armed half-snake man changed drastically, and he suddenly dragged a two-armed and half-snake man from the side to block the front.


The blood cells burst with a bang, and countless corrosive energies swept around.


The corpse that became the arms of the meat shield suddenly melted like snow, and a large piece of paste-like liquid appeared.

The unblocked half of the four-armed and half-snake man's body, like it, appeared in large areas of melting.

But he didn't wait for him to react.


A cold drink resounded all around.

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The corpses in and around the hands of the four-armed half-snake seemed to be filled with gunpowder and then set on fire.


burst directly.

A-level skill, Corpse Explosion.

The four-armed, half-snake man whose eyes were blood red, and whose body soared from 3 meters to 4 meters in height, fully endured this terrifying injury.


A heart-wrenching growl came out of his throat.

But what is surprising is that the scarred body of the other party has not collapsed at the moment, but is recovering frantically.

And the momentum is getting more and more fierce.

The opponent used some kind of powerful forbidden technique.

Hina instantly determined the state of the four-armed half-snake man.

His eyes were burning, and the desire to fight in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Back up again.

At this moment, 5 bone demons appeared again in the broken void and attacked and killed at the same time.

The four-armed half-snake man who had fallen into madness turned around abruptly.

The four sharp blades ignited a strange blood-colored flame.

Phew~ It turns like a windmill.

Rotating and slashing directly on the skeleton demon.

The two skeletal demons couldn't escape.

In an instant.

The body shattered, and at the same time, the flames devoured the bone marrow, directly burning the two skeletal demons alive.

The combat power that broke out in the desperate situation of this 13th-level hero has exceeded the limit of these crown arms.

After the remaining 3 skeleton demons could not obtain the victory, they left decisively.

The four-armed half-snake man let out a roar like a beast and killed the blood-colored mummies around him.


The four long knives burning with crimson flames completely ignored the desertification of the blood-colored mummy.

One knife at a time, and all those who come close will be slaughtered!

In a moment, more than one squadron of blood-colored mummies were slaughtered.

When there was a gap around him, those cold **** eyes stared at Hina, who had just been attacking him.

The killing intent instantly condensed into ice.

The body slammed towards Hina.

Speed ​​like lightning.

The breath skyrocketed to the extreme in an instant.

Even in a trance, Hina felt that she was facing an ancient dragon with a wingspan of more than 100 meters.

But her heart is fearless.


Stepping on the ground in one step, the huge force caused a large crack on the ground.

With that power, the body pierced out like an arrow.

The broken steel sword swears to cut everything.

The four-armed half-snake man's steel knife flashed with cold light.

The two sides collided at this moment.

But the body of the four-armed and half-snake man suddenly stiffened for a moment.

The steel knife that blocked and killed Hina shifted slightly.

A fatal flaw was revealed.

Soul Command, A-level, forcibly control the enemy's soul, ordering it to make an action...

The broken steel sword pierced through the sky.

A special force poured out, slashing the head and triggering.


Sheena's body brushed past the four-armed half-snake man.

Bang~ When she landed, a huge head flew up.

The blood was like an exploding faucet, violently splashing more than ten meters high.


The huge body of the four-armed half-snake fell to the ground under inertia.

Three 8th-level heroes of Dusk City, with 5 crown-level units, joined forces to defeat the 13th-level dungeon heroes.

After the most powerful fighting force was hunted down, the already devastated dungeon clan army was immediately plunged into great chaos.

An army that has lost its heroic leadership can only be described as a piece of loose sand.

Under the leadership of three powerful heroes, the number is rapidly decreasing.

Without any worries, Li Cha also accelerated the progress of slaughtering the two-footed flying dragon.

The Extraordinary Hunter now consumes dozens or hundreds of units of rare resources for every extra minute it activates.

The landlord's family can't bear this kind of consumption.

Twenty minutes later, when a half-snake man was pinned under the corpse and gasping for breath, he was stabbed.

A system prompt sounded in Richard's ear.

"Ding~ The army you led wiped out a group of dungeon clan troops led by heroes, and won a small battle. You gained 50,000 experience points."

"Current EXP: Level 9 (750,000/1,000,000

After killing dozens of armies in the dungeon pit, his experience soared to 650,000/1 million at level 9.

After coming back to attack the ancient tree of the gods and the dark temple, there is a lot of experience in the account.

At this time, it is only one step away from level 10.

"However, the higher the level, the lower the experience gained by hunting and killing troops. This is also a big problem."

The sunset in the sky has not yet dissipated, and the cold bright moon has been revealed.

The battlefield that was still very fierce just now is quiet at the moment.

Li Cha could only hear the wind and the sound of his own heartbeat.

In front of him, the corpses of the dungeon clan troops were piled up into a hill.

At the top, the huge body of the four-armed half-snake man without a head is particularly conspicuous.

Richard ignored this, and at this moment he stood beside the corpse of the flying dragon that covered the ground and looked left and right.

These are the trophies that he hunted with his own hands.

I feel very comfortable.

After counting, the body of the two-footed dragon exceeded three squadrons.

The post-war harvest always makes people feel good.

Dusk City's current highest-level unit, the 1-star skeleton blood dragon with the crown, needs to recruit the corpse of a giant dragon or a half-blood dragon.

Even if the loss of recruitment is counted, these hundreds of bipedal dragons can fully recruit several teams of bone blood dragons.

This is a huge gain.

These two-legged flying dragons can completely make up for the loss caused by the opponent's attack on the city of dusk last time, and even have a lot of surplus.

So comfortable.

Li Cha, who was in a good mood, saw Gray, who was searching in the back, returning, and immediately asked.

"Gray, have you found treasures and resources?"

Gray shook his head.

"Master, there are no valuable treasures found here, and the steel knives on the half-snake heroes are just ordinary weapons..."

Richard turned his head and glanced at the four-armed half-snake corpse piled up among the corpses.

Is this guy so poor?

Just as he was about to say something, Gaunt suddenly escorted a caveman with a bent body and an ugly face.

"Master, I found this caveman in a crack."

Li Cha frowned as he looked at the caveman with his back arched, like a deformed human.

These guys are too ugly.

The shivering caveman looked at Richard's displeased expression, feeling that his life was about to end.

Immediately shouted in a trembling voice.

"Great Lord, I beg you to forgive me, I am willing to surrender to the great you..."

After speaking, seeing the other party unmoved, he became anxious.

"Lord Master, I also know where the night elves are being held!"

The common language of the cavemen, with a somewhat eccentric accent, sounded extremely strenuous.

The other party said it several times before Li Cha understood what it meant.

Originally he had no interest, but the name Night Elf made his eyes light up.

"Night Elf?"

"That's right, the great master, that night elf is extremely handsome, and such an existence should be dedicated to the great you!"

Li Cha waved his hand angrily, too lazy to listen to this guy's nonsense.

Quickly let Gray take him to bring that night elf back.

After the other party left, he looked at Gaunt.

"Gaunt, I need you to summon all the corpses of these wyverns into bone blood dragons. UU"

Gaunt hesitated.

"Master, the strength of these two-footed dragons is not enough. I'm afraid that only a few blood dragons can be recruited."

The Birth of the Bone Blood Dragon was recruited from the corpses of the Templar Dragoons, a level 19 class.

These level 10 units are simply incomparable.

Li Cha is no exception. If the Bone Blood Dragon had such a good move, it would not be a crown-level unit.

"Do your best"

Gaunt held his chest.

"As you wish."

After Gaunt went down to prepare, it didn't take long for a fair-skinned night elf to be brought up, bound by chains and wearing close-fitting leather armor.

Li Cha looked up and down a few times. Although the other party was very embarrassed, his delicate face and bumpy figure still gave him a strong visual impact.

Especially the person who was bound, didn't know how to do it, and just happened to bind his chest extremely tight.

And very artistic.

Much like the national quintessence of an island country...full of strong temptations.

Shouldn't the night elves' skin be black, though?

Why so white?

Just wanted to ask.

Suddenly my chest became hot.


Li Cha frowned, reached out and took out an item with a strong dark atmosphere from his arms.

Statue of an ancient god.

At this moment, this special treasure obtained from the Dark Temple is exuding a dark light.

He was in doubt.

The system prompt sounded.

"Ding~ I found a soul that contains divinity. It fits more than 99% with the statue of the ancient gods. Do you accept it?"

Li Cha stared at the fair-skinned night elf with wide eyes.

A soul that contains divinity? ?

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