Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 221: v2 Chapter 212: Return to Dusk City

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"Global Lord: Begin as a Desert Lord (

In the underground passage, Gaunt, who was instructing the cavemen to widen the cave, suddenly turned his head to look at the entrance of the cave.

next moment.


A blood-red skeleton dragon flew into the cave.

And each of these undead dragons is carrying a wooden box tied with a chain. Judging from its weight, it seems that there are many precious treasures hidden inside.

On the largest skeleton and blood dragon, the figure wearing a golden-edged white robe was particularly conspicuous.

Gaunt saluted respectfully.


Li Cha turned his head to look around, saw that there was no accident, and nodded slightly.

"Gaunt, the construction of the base is temporarily suspended."

"You immediately select 10 commanders from among the cavemen, and let each manage three squadrons of cavemen."

"Also leave the Scarlet Mummy to guard them."

Gaunt did not hesitate at all, and should start selecting suitable candidates later.

He originally wanted to build an underground base in the passage to strengthen his influence on the underground world.

But after capturing the city of the gray dwarves, he found that his ideas seemed a little conservative.

The strength of the gray dwarf was not as exaggerated as he thought.

In other words, the strength of Dusk City is stronger than he expected.

Not to mention the great killer of the extraordinary hunter, just a few A-level heroes and the army of the city of dusk are enough to capture a city with complete guarding power.

In this situation, building an underground base is somewhat unnecessary.

The grey dwarves have already helped him build a ready-made one, and he still doesn't go to live there.

As for security issues, it is possible to build a war fortress on the surface in the later stage to cut off the connection between the surface and the underground, so that the underground world is completely in the hands of the city of dusk.

Before long, Gaunt picked out 10 cavemen.

Richard didn't talk too much. After the other party arranged everything, let all the troops return.

Then go straight to the depths of the passage.

A super dungeon alchemist, Brown, who sits on the back of a bone blood dragon with a few gray dwarf apprentices.

At this time, the mood is very complicated.

He also never imagined that he would experience the feeling of people sitting at home and disaster coming from heaven.

He originally thought that being driven out of the Forge City by that damned gray dwarf chief was bad enough.

Now, he doesn't even have his only residence, and he has to go to a surface territory that he doesn't know what it has.

Heart broken.

But as soon as he saw that heroic figure, he suddenly disappeared.

The **** of the grey dwarves is above.

He wants to live a few more years.

A few gray dwarf apprentices spoke in a low voice with fear and curiosity.

"Lord Brown, what is the surface like? Is it really like the legend that there is food and clean water everywhere?"

"Will we be killed by that human lord?"

"Master Brown..."

Hearing a series of inquiries, Brown pretended to be disdainful to answer and ignored it.

How does he know what the surface looks like? Has he been to...

However, legend has it that the surface is 10,000 times richer than the underground world...

Listening and listening, a sense of anticipation rose in my heart.

I wonder if the human territory called Dusk City will be the same as the legend?

The **** of gray dwarves is above, I hope you can bless your humble believers this time... or I will convert to the **** of blacksmithing in the future!

Because most of them are ground troops, the army moves very slowly.

Seeing this, Richard directly asked Gaunt and Gray to stay and lead the team.

He took the skeletal blood dragon with the boxes of loot from the city of the grey dwarves and returned to the city of dusk first.

After getting used to the extreme speed of flying, it was a torture to let him drive slowly.

"The Lord is back!"

With an exclamation, the entire Dusk City boiled.

When Li Cha heard the cheers from below, the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

Such a long time.

He had already made Dusk City his home.

Every time I go out and come back, I have a special feeling.

This is the territory he established himself, which is particularly fulfilling.

Amid the cheers of the residents below, the skeletal blood dragon slowly landed on the open space in front of the lord's mansion.


One huge box after another made a crisp metal crash.

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Richard finally drove Alves to the ground slowly.

The huge body with a wingspan of more than 30 meters made everyone feel unspeakable pressure.

The dragon's might that he inadvertently escaped even made the residents feel as if a boulder weighing thousands of pounds had been pressed against their chests.

Even breathing became difficult.

But even so, the residents still felt that the dragon was a supporting role.

Their master, their lord, shone in a radiance that no one could hide.

The unique temperament of the superior makes Richard like a star in the dark night, dazzling.

It seems that wherever he is, it is the center of the world.

The domineering Alves became his foil at this moment.

Looking up from the perspective of a resident, there is a blue sky behind Richard, and there are no clouds in the sky.

Below, is the undead dragon burning with blood-colored flames. In the endless blood-colored light, his existence is more and more extraordinary.

This scene is like an ancient fresco that has been handed down on the wall of a certain church.

"Lord Lord..."

"Good day, my lord..."


After the residents came back to their senses, they immediately held their chests and bowed.

The attitude is respectful and humble, and the eyes are full of fire.

Li Cha turned his head and glanced around.

The atmosphere is good, and in this situation, it seems that it is particularly suitable to say a few words.

After thinking about it, he said loudly.

"Our army has just conquered a powerful dungeon."

"Lots of treasure and alchemical artillery seized."

"This is a victory for the army, and a victory for each of us!"

"The army tells everyone with victories time and time again that the glory of the city of dusk is rising."

"My people, remember today and in the future, you will see more brilliance and hear more trumpets of victory!"

"The city of dusk will surely become a bright star in the desert!"

With the atmosphere here, whatever you say is right.

The moment the voice fell, a huge cheer sounded.

Richard didn't say anything more.

Turn over and let the surrounding mummy guardians carry all the boxes brought back by the bone and blood dragon into the lord's mansion.

Looking at the box that only a few people can lift, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

He never imagined that such a big harvest could be obtained in that city...

"Lord Richard..."

A sudden voice behind him interrupted his thoughts.

Turning his head to look, Karoo, with a wrinkled face, was rushing over at this time, and UU read excitedly after the other party saluted.

"Have you found that underground world?"

Li Cha looked at the excited Karoo and was in a good mood.

Briefly told him what happened in the underground world.

Finally, he gestured to a few gray dwarves who had just come off the back of the skeletal blood dragon and were extremely uncomfortable with being watched by the residents like monkeys.

"The gray dwarf with a naturally disabled arm is an alchemist, and he has good skills in alchemical artillery and alchemical bombs."

"You arrange for them."

"In addition, I have established a cooperative relationship with Bloodhoof City, and I will definitely have a long-term trade with them in the future."

"The matter of the food workshop and the brewery, you have to solve it as soon as possible. I need a qualified person to become a hero."

The three hero certificates in his hand have not yet been used, which makes him quite depressed.

In the future, if the city of Dusk wants to gain more benefits from trade, it must have products that can be obtained.

Although there is currently a yellow sand robe, the output of this thing is limited, and the supply of this thing alone will exceed the demand for the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce.

Not to mention other.

This time, Karoo didn't show any more embarrassed expression, but smiled brightly.

"Lord Richard, the two-day seminar and literacy class have achieved very good results. We have selected 5 talents with good talents."

"Maybe our plan can start."

Did the seminar and literacy for all members work?

Li Cha's eyes lit up.

"Call them over, I'll slap my eyes."


ps: I’ve been so busy these past two days that I’m so tired that I want to die. I don’t have much time to write. After finishing this update, it will be two o’clock in the morning.

It should be able to resume normal updates tomorrow, sorry.

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