Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 237: v2 Chapter 225: Murlocs in the desert, I was taken as prey? ? (three…

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Hearing the system prompt, Li Cha's eyes lit up, and he read it a few more times.

A place where the rules are broken.

Legacy of the Battle of the Gods.

It is possible to get treasures that the main plane does not have in it.

Looking up at the lakes floating in mid-air, I was immediately intrigued.

Treasures are good, he likes treasures the most.

With a wave, the army continued to move forward.

The closer you are to those broken lakes, the more amazed you will be.

It can make countless broken lakes connected to the earth fly upside down into the sky, and never fall.

This kind of power is completely beyond his cognition.

Perhaps only in the dungeon, the president of the Crimson Council who took out the Plane Stone from the Collapsing Plane with his bare hands and gave it to him has such power.

It's a pity that the big boss only exists in the copy.

Richard floated up from Alves' back after the army approached to a distance of more than 20 meters.

Controlling the gravel, he slowly came to the front of the shield connecting the heaven and earth.

The right hand stretched out and touched the transparent shield.

Immediately I felt a resistance coming, like pressing on a spring, the harder it was, the greater the pressure.

Can't get in?

Li Cha frowned.

Looking at the mysterious map with instructions constantly coming from his hand, his heart suddenly moved.

Try touching the shield with the map.

In an instant.

The shield fluctuated like water waves, and he immediately penetrated it without any obstruction.


Withdrew his hand, did not enter in a hurry, and silently opened the black gold system.

There are more detailed instructions above.

"Discover the special area - the place where the rules are broken,

Regional Rules Broken Degree: 2 stars

Threat Level: Moderate

Special rule: cannot use space magic

Hint: It is not possible to increase the level of regional rules. "

2 stars, medium risk.

All these are easy to say, only that special rule made him think.

Can't use space magic... Is this related to the formation of space beads?

Looking up at the sky, the broken lakes flew about twenty meters above the ground.

With brute force alone, the giants can't carry them when they come.

This can only be the reason for the spatial rules.

The interest in Li Cha's heart grew even higher.

The weirder the rules, the more special the hidden things must be.

This area is very similar to the easter egg map in other games. Maybe you can touch a few dragon eggs with an artifact.

He turned to look at the army behind him.

"Sand Archers and the Axe of the Dead immediately come down and build a defense line on the spot."

"Alves, you bring all the air force back to Dusk City with the fastest speed, and bring bandage mummies, poisonous scorpion warriors... all the troops above the rare level!"

The order was issued, and the dark gargoyle immediately put down the two arms, and then followed Alves back to the city of dusk.

Flying at full speed, it only took two and a half hours to return to Dusk City.

Immediately afterwards, Alves summoned the army and humped all the ground troops.

Even the exaggerated magic puppets such as the heavy sword warriors, with the bones and blood dragons, still transported them.

But Rao was so, and it took three full trips to pull all the troops to this place where the rules were broken.

Seeing this, Li Cha couldn't help feeling a little bit, but there was still a lack of transportation.

It is not efficient to rely on flying arms to transport.

It's okay now, once the battle situation is urgent, it may let the main force act as a carriage.

But to his relief, there are still ten days before the sandworms will hatch.

Those giant beings with a body length of 100 meters may be able to change the current bad traffic conditions in Dusk City.

At that time, a special carriage will be designed for the sandworm, and the giant beast with a body length of 100 meters will pull the carriage.

That movement, thinking about it, is pretty cool.

"In the future, when I develop, I will raise nine sandworms to pull the cart for me."

"Nine bugs pull the cart, just ask who else?"

While thinking about it, Li Cha looked at the D-level cavalry hero—

"Bal, you lead the giant axe death knight to guard here, and when you encounter an enemy, immediately contact me with the secret language crystal."

He didn't want to be blocked by others.

"Yes, Master."

"Gaunt, you lead 5 squads to Dusk City to explore the road first, and immediately retreat when you encounter danger, don't fight."

As a blood lich who has a soul phylactery and can be resurrected, Gaunt is an old pathfinder.

After the order was given, Richard controlled the gravel to put the mysterious map on the shield.

The army moved in smoothly.

After the army had passed, he took back the map.

It seemed like a closed door, and the shield was no longer passable.

But what surprised Li Cha was that after entering the place where the rules were broken, the feeling in the map guiding him forward was still there.

The destination that the map pointed him to was not this area, but a certain location in this area.

"Is it really a navigation?"

While thinking about it, Li Cha immediately adjusted the direction and let the army move towards the area guided by the mysterious map.

At the same time, the dark gargoyles are scattered a great distance, and all possible dangers are strangled in the cradle.

I have to say the mystery of this place where the rules are broken.

Raising his head and looking at the Broken Lake floating above his head, he felt particularly visually impactful.

Especially in those broken lakes, there are still fish surging, which is even more dreamy.

However, in this environment, the sight of the gods is greatly affected.

Not only will it be affected by the broken lake in the sky, but rocks of all sizes on the ground have also become obstacles.

The only good news is that the crevices in the rocks are filled with gravel.

The army of Dusk City is still at its home.

For safety, Richard slowed down the marching speed of the army, and tried to let the dark gargoyle detect everything first.

But in the height of vigilance, he was surprised to find that there was no imaginary enemy around, not even the sound of wind.

The surroundings were so silent that only the footsteps of the army marched forward and his own breathing.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, one hour, two hours.

Richard could not explore how wide this place of chaotic rules was, and the surrounding environment remained unchanged.

Quiet is too weird.

Suddenly, he was refreshed.

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Looking down sharply, the mysterious map in his hand suddenly exuded a faint blue light.

And the feeling of guidance in my mind is getting closer and closer.

They are almost there.

But instead of relaxing, he ordered again.

"Everyone be vigilant, we are coming soon!"

The slightly loose formation of the army immediately began to shrink, and guarded the surrounding with the most serious attitude.

The dark gargoyles in the sky continued to probe the surroundings.

Take precautions to the extreme.

After walking for another ten minutes, Gaunt, who was exploring the road ahead, suddenly sent a message through the secret crystal.

He found a special area.

Li Cha looked at the brighter light of the map in his hand, and his heart settled a little.

Finally found it.

Take the army to speed up to that area.

After ten minutes of walking, Li Cha stopped abruptly.

A very spectacular scene appeared in front of him.

Hundreds of meters away, the surrounding broken lakes disappeared without a trace.

Instead, a huge river was in the air, and he seemed to be in the depths of the sea at this time.

Looking up, you can see the deep blue of the river.

The river flew upside down.

Under the floating river, a transparent shield that was upside down like a bowl isolated the lake.

A huge arched area is formed in the middle.

The river above, flowing around the arch, creates a dazzling view.

But below the river, there are a lot of bloodstains and corpses left.

Those corpses were all two-headed ogres.

Judging from the surrounding battle marks, it seems that he has been dead for a long time.

But surprisingly, those corpses did not rot in the slightest.

It's like being put into a freezer and preserved.

Li Cha's eyes became serious.

His eyes followed the corpse to the central area.

The most special item in this area—

Twelve blue crystals with a diameter of more than three meters and the shape of a warrior's thick shield were suspended on the ground half-human height.

The twelve giant crystals rotate slowly in a clockwise direction.

Through the gaps between each other, you can see a hollow crystal ball the size of a human head and engraved with countless mysterious runes.

That crystal ball exudes a special aura.

Spatial fluctuations.

The power of space is surging.

The mysterious hollow core made Richard feel frightened.

Once the power in it erupts, I am afraid that it can wipe out the surrounding kilometers.

The energy contained in it is many times stronger than that of the magic crystal that he found in the ancient ruins, the core of the Arcane Hall of the Shining Mage Tower, which has been refined by Gaunt into a soul phylactery.

Looking more closely, he suddenly found out.

Outside the twelve huge crystals, there are hundreds of thumb-sized transparent crystals floating.

Space Pearl.

Li Cha's pupils shrank sharply.

This is the loot found on the two-headed ogre.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

Turning his head to look elsewhere, he found no trace of life.

The air was still eerily quiet.


After Gaunt saw Richard, he immediately stepped forward to report.

"We have no enemies around here."

Richard nodded and set his eyes on the special hollow crystal.

no enemies?

Can these treasures be obtained by him so easily?

He never took chances.

Rather than believing that you are the chosen son, it is better to believe in the sword in your hand.

His eyes were cold.

"Army alert! Prepare for battle!"

The order was issued, and the surrounding troops immediately assumed an attacking stance to prevent possible enemies from appearing.

When Li Cha waved his hand, the gravel on the ground condensed into a human figure.

Then it floated up and gradually approached the hollow crystal ball exuding space energy from the air.

After entering the limit of 10 meters.

Li Cha, who was staring at the central area, suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the twelve giant crystals.

I saw that under the reflection of the crystal, in the sky, in the azure blue lake water that had just been silent, suddenly there were countless dense black spots.

Like locusts crossing the border.

An unspeakable crisis came to mind.

He raised his head sharply.

I saw that in the lake above the head, the number could not be counted, the lower body was a fish body, the upper body was a human, and a half-murloc with a special bow and trident appeared in sight.

These half-murloc monsters are not as beautiful as the mermaids in the legend, but have hideous faces, and their eyes have unspeakable viciousness and greed.

Looking at them is like... a hunter who went into the mountains to hunt and saw his prey.

Right now.

A figure with a crown on its head and a body as high as 5 meters, which is countless times stronger than other half-mermen, swam out of the half-merman.

The other half-mermaids immediately backed down, showing extremely humble gestures in their eyes.

The half-murloc man with a crown appeared on top of Richard's head. UU Reading

It passed through the lake, and after looking around for a few times, its hideous face became more and more terrifying.

A sharp voice with anger penetrated the lake and descended.

"The vile ogre lured so few prey in!"

"I'm going to hang him in the water and let the piranhas eat his bones clean!"

Ancient Murloc.

The moment Li Cha heard this.

Inexplicably felt a bit absurd.

Is this mysterious map the bait these murlocs use to fish?

And the two-headed ogres who died on the ground were the result of biting the bait?

The two-headed ogre lord he killed was enslaved by these half-murlocs, acting like a tiger?

And he is now being treated as prey by the other party? !

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