Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 246: v2 Chapter 234: Repairing the Extraordinary Hunter (3,000 words)

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When Richard returned to Dusk City, it was already night.

The clear moon shone down from the sky, and the moonlight was like water, covering the entire territory.

It looks like a special beauty.

On the square in front of the lord's mansion, the residents after dinner are actively participating in literacy classes to learn new knowledge.

Everyone starts learning from literacy, and the literacy class does not impart much advanced knowledge.

"Age of Radiance" is no better than the modern age of information explosion. As a rare item monopolized by the nobles, how can the lowly commoners be qualified to contact it?

And only the great city of dusk, the great lord can be so kind and generous.

At this time, I can show it so straightforwardly in front of them and let them learn.

The inhabitants who experience the preciousness of knowledge are thirsty.

Without experiencing this special era background, it is impossible to imagine how high the thirst for knowledge of ordinary residents is.

Knowledge, in this world, represents power, represents power, social status, class...represents everything.

Even if they were forced to leave the City of Twilight one day, they would be able to find a job without worrying about food and clothing by virtue of their strong ability to read and write.

Not to mention, the Lord has also promised that those who study well will have the opportunity to be focused on training.

These residents, who had never been able to find a way to study before, got this opportunity, and the efforts they showed made Li Cha feel quite emotional.

And this policy has far exceeded his imagination for the cohesion of the people.

Among these residents, some people really worship him as a god, and almost have to build a church for him.

Looking at the crowded square, Richard quietly dismissed the army without disturbing the residents who were in class.

After quietly taking Emerida back to the lord's mansion, under the surprised eyes of the maid, two people were arranged to take care of the boss who had turned into a five- or six-year-old girl.

After a sumptuous dinner, Amelida's eyes were almost closed, and she was yawning so sleepily.

But the little centaur still took Li Cha's hand and was reluctant to let go, and said nervously.

"Father, you won't leave me, will you?"

Li Cha watched squatting on the carpet and looked at his figure with a full face.

There is something subtle inside.

What's so amazing about being a dad?

Looking at a figure who trusts him without reservation, looking at himself eagerly, it feels really different.

Touched each other's head.

"Amelida, go to sleep obediently~ I'll take you to pick honey tomorrow morning."

The little centaur's eyes lit up immediately, and he pursed his lips, as if he was tasting the taste he had tasted before.

"Father, is it the sweet and sweet one that I ate today?"

Richard smiled.

"Of course."

In anticipation of picking honey tomorrow, Amelida reluctantly went upstairs to rest accompanied by the maid.

Karoo, who was called next to him, saw this scene, but he didn't feel as strong a sense of disobedience as other heroes who had seen Emerida as powerful as the **** of war.

Although Amelida looks fifteen or sixteen years old.

However, there are still many doubts.

"Lord Richard, how did Miss Amelida become your daughter?"

Richard shrugged, leaned comfortably on the soft armchair, and recounted what happened today.

The last way.

"I guess the collapse of the Land of Rules not only caused Emerida to lose all her power, but also damaged her soul to a certain extent and lost most of her memory."

"So their memory and thinking levels are only those of five or six-year-old children."

Carew nodded thoughtfully.

After thinking for a moment, he hesitated and said.

"My lord, I suggest that if you have a way to restore Miss Amelida's memory, there is no need to worry."

"How to say?"

"We can let Miss Amelida live in Twilight City for a while to establish a relationship..."

Richard shook his head.

"Whether it can be restored or not, it's useless to think about it. Judging from Emerida's current state, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

It's not really a bad thing for Amelida if she can never regain her previous memories.

At least, the other party can start over.

In the Land of Broken Rules, passed from demigod power to level 15 and was also driven by a level 12 murloc lord.

Thinking about this long time spanning hundreds of thousands of years, it will never be a happy experience.

Now that the place where the rules are broken has collapsed, it is not a bad thing for the other party to return to a carefree childhood.

How many people dream of going back to their childhood...

Carew nodded without saying much in this regard.

He believed that Richard had more numbers than him.

"Lord Richard, the gray dwarves are already looking for alchemy apprentices to make alchemy bombs. Your Excellency Brown proposed to me the idea of ​​building an alchemy workshop."

"We don't have the blueprints at the moment, but Lord Browne says he knows how to build and doesn't need blueprints."

Richard raised a bit of interest.

"Did you agree?"

"It's up to you to decide,"

"Let him list the required resources and start construction tomorrow. On the 15th of next month, the territory will experience an unprecedented war..."

Li Cha said the dungeon task in general.

"So, we need to prepare sufficient war materials in the fastest way during this period."

Carew immediately sensed the urgency of the matter.

"My lord, to defend against the enemy's attack, it is more important to build the city wall now."

"There will also be targeted construction of fortifications."

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"Especially the placement of the alchemy artillery."

"Alchemy artillery has a huge effect on the defending side of the city. If it is arranged, it can cause a major blow to the enemy."

"The artillery fire needs to be able to cover all around the territory, and not be able to face only one direction alone."

"Our defenses aren't even structured yet..."

Karoo's words pointed directly at the biggest problem of Dusk City right now - empty power, but no defense system.

Treating the enemy like this now relies on the hard power of the army.

It is far from exerting the geographical advantage that should be possessed in the battle of defending the city.

In the final analysis, the core problem is that there is no city wall.

All other arrangements, without the soft underbelly of the city wall, will hardly be effective.

Li Cha also had a headache.

"I already know about this problem, and I will find a way to solve it."

Building a city wall requires blueprints, but he only found architectural blueprints for ordinary city walls in the market.

Even if the number is small, the price basically starts at 300,000 units of resources, which is a sky-high price.

Recruiting troops has spent all his savings, and he doesn't have enough resources to buy now, so he can only wait.

I didn't tangle too much on this, and changed the question to discuss.

"Any progress in the brewery and food workshop these two days?"

The two B-level heroes transformed by the Hero Cards have been taking over the two buildings for a while, but he has not heard any good news.

Karoo shook his head with a wry smile.

"Sir, the time required for research and development will not be short, especially since this is their first independent research and development, I'm afraid it will take some time to wait patiently."

Li Cha has a certain idea in his mind. I'm afraid that before the dungeon is opened, he can't expect any benefits from these two projects.

He didn't think much about it, he was already mentally prepared, I'm afraid this thing requires long-term investment to see the output.

"You go down and call Andre."

"Yes, my lord."

Not long after Carew left, Andelle hurriedly entered the hall.

"Good night, my lord."

After the salute, the girl looked at him with interest.

"I heard that you brought back a very beautiful centaur daughter. Where is Miss Amelida?"

Li Cha could not laugh or cry.

"Amelida went upstairs to sleep."

The girl is more emotional.

"My lord, how do centaurs sleep? Do they sleep in beds too?"

"Naturally, it's impossible for a centaur to sleep in a bed. I asked the maid to take a few blankets and put them on the ground..."

Li Cha said and waved his hand to stop the gossip girl and talked about business.

"You'll know when you see it for yourself. Now, let's talk about repairing the extraordinary hunter."

Said with a thought.

The huge body of the extraordinary hunter with a height of 15 meters appeared directly in the hall.

Almost touched the high ceiling.

After the fierce battle with Emerida, the use time of the extraordinary hunter at this time has dropped to 20 minutes.

The armor shattered more and more seriously.

If it is not repaired, Richard is very skeptical that he can continue to fight for the second time.

If this big killer collapsed like this, the loss would be huge.

This is his strongest trump card at the moment, bar none.

After Andel raised her head and looked at it for a few times, her brows furrowed.

"My lord, can Mithril also repair the Transcendent Hunter?"

Richard shook his No, it can be repaired, but the speed of the extraordinary hunter devouring mithril is too slow. "

As he spoke, he took out a piece of mithril from the system space and placed it at the feet of the extraordinary hunter.

Under the girl's gaze, the extraordinary hunter burst into a faint light, covering the ore.

Then, at an exceptionally slow pace, it began to devour the mithril in the ore.

It looks like a snail crawling, enough to make the most patient impatient.

Hina looked at the ore thoughtfully.

"There are a lot of impurities in the mithril ore. Maybe refining it into pure mithril will speed up the swallowing speed. Mr. Richard, let me try it."

Richard nodded.

"That's the idea of ​​calling you here."

He seemed to think of something, and continued.

"How is the forging of the dragon hunting crossbow?"

A little pride appeared on Andelle's face.

"Lord Richard, the first dragon-hunting crossbow will be forged tomorrow! You will never be disappointed."

Li Cha was in a better mood.

"Yes, well done, Sheena, you never let me down."

"Accelerate the forging speed and strive to forge more before August 15th."

"The City of Twilight lacks a powerful heavy crossbow now."

The Dragon Hunting Crossbow is a blueprint he got from the treasury of the Crimson Council, and the level is as high as 4 stars.

Incomparably strong.

In his defense plan, the alchemy artillery with large caliber and high damage is responsible for clearing the ground enemies, while the dragon-hunting crossbow is responsible for sniping enemy heroes.

Two-pronged approach.

There are still more than 20 days left, and he will raise the defense of Dusk City to the extreme.

At this time, he was already looking forward to the arrival of the copy.

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