Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 262: v2 Chapter 248: Legendary attribute, the dead pervert of Qingqiu is here again (three...

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When Li Cha heard the system prompt, his expression was a little subtle.


After watching it several times, I suddenly became interested.

Doing legendary deeds can gain legendary status and spread among the aborigines.

And a high degree of legend can attract heroes to take the initiative to join.

It looks pretty good.

Think about it carefully, as a surface human being recognized by the dominant underground overlord in the underground world.

And he took the initiative to invite him to serve as the vice president of the parliament, and the experience is indeed legendary-although the symbolic meaning of this identity is greater than the actual meaning.

While thinking about it, Richard looked directly at the level 15 dungeon hero in front of him and said solemnly.

"Sell, I accept your invitation."

"May the friendship between Dusk City and Bloodhoof be eternal."

The words without the slightest shirk made Cyr Bloodhoof smile brightly.

"President Li Cha, this is the honor of Dusk City!"

If other players know that there is an NPC who is actively begging Richard to be the deputy speaker of their city's parliament, and after he agrees, the other party still looks like he has taken a big advantage, I am afraid it will be more sour than eating a lemon.

At this point in time, except for a very small number of players who can get along, most of them are not even qualified to let senior NPCs take a look.

Player development time is still too short.

"Ding~ You have become the vice president of the Bloodhoof City Council, and the attribute is automatically activated: legendary."

"Ding~ You have been recognized by the dungeon clan as a surface human, and you have gained a very high status, gaining 1 point of legend in the underground world."

"Ding~ Furnace City has offered you a reward of 10 million units of food, setting an unprecedented record in this underground world. Your reputation is widely spread in the underground world, and you have gained 1 point of legendary underworld."

Several consecutive system prompts put Li Cha in a good mood.

But after a few glances, his expression was a little weird.

Being the Chancellor of Bloodhoof City and getting legendary, he understands.

What's the matter with the 10 million unit food bounty offered by Forge City?

Those gray dwarves are willing to pay such a large cost?

The food in the underground world is not the same concept as the food on the surface.

However, both sides are already mortal enemies, and there is no problem with the other side doing so.

This high bounty gave him an extra legend.

It was a benefit given to him by the grey dwarves.

With strong curiosity, Richard opened the legend panel.

Legendary degree: 2 (famous and limited underground world)

Additional features: Intimidate, intimidate enemies whose legendary degree is lower than yours, make them awe, and have a small chance to attract dungeon heroes to take the initiative to join. When entering an underground world city, the relationship will automatically be upgraded to cold.

This property doesn't look bad.

The point is that he didn't pay anything, it was purely an extra gain for whoring.

And in the future, if you gain more fame, the accompanying attributes can continue to improve.

Maybe one day, he only needs to say his name, and the field troops and heroes will kowtow and worship.

Just like a god, a powerful **** descends on the main plane, and the field troops are afraid to kneel without having to speak to the other party.

This is deterrence.

The only pity is that these two legendary degrees only take effect in the underground world.

After the harvest, the mood is very comfortable, and the eyes of Serge are more and more kind.

The underground world really has inexhaustible gold mines.

In a harmonious atmosphere, the two entered the City Lord's Mansion together.

In the hall, sit opposite each other.

After being polite for a few minutes, Richard brought the topic back to business.

"Has anything happened to the gray dwarf during this time?"

Searle's face turned cold.

"Since those lowly lives were scared away by you last time, you have never dared to invade Bloodhoof City again."

"They even vomited out the territory they occupied."

Said with a bit of emotion in his eyes.

This is the deterrence of top combat power.

After the gray dwarf was frightened, he shrank all his strength in the furnace city, without any arrogance before.

When he said that, he seemed to think of something, and his tone became solemn.

"President Richard, although the gray dwarves were afraid, they didn't give up."

"The Forge City has been looking for a way to deal with you."

"A week ago, they offered a bounty of 10 million units of food for your life."

Speaking of this, Searle seemed to be stabbed in the wound, gnashing his teeth.

"Ten million units of food!! The land occupied by those **** **** is too fertile!!"

Dude, are you so excited?

But why do I feel that you are not worried about me, but greedy for the 10 million units of food?

Li Cha waved his hand.

"This proves that the gray dwarves are guilty and need not worry."

As he spoke, his eyes showed a bit of inquiry.

"I left in a hurry last time, forgot to ask what is the most powerful hole card in Furnace City?"

Searle's expression was obviously wrong, and his tone was low.

"An extremely powerful alchemical weapon, hundreds of times more powerful than alchemical artillery."

"Hundreds of years ago, when Bloodhoof City was at its strongest, Bingfeng once oppressed Furnace City."

"But it failed in the end..."

"My grandfather, a powerful being who was about to become an extraordinary warrior, was buried under that terrifying alchemical weapon."

Seeing the solemn expression on Li Cha's face, Searle took the initiative to comfort him.

"The weapons of the gray dwarves are powerful, but their size is also very exaggerated, and they can only be used to defend the city."

"As long as you don't go to Forge City, there won't be any big problems."

Li Cha nodded, having a spectrum in his heart.

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Sure enough, there are no weak chickens that can dominate the underground.

Immediately curious.

"Bloodhoof City should also have such a weapon, why didn't it use it last time?"

Searle shrugged, helpless.

"When my father hunted the extraordinary black dragon, the weapon was destroyed by the dragon's breath..."

Richard was speechless.

No wonder the grey dwarves were so reckless.

You have no cards left, can you blame your opponent for not talking about martial arts?

Then he asked about the details of the alchemy weapon of the gray dwarf, and Searle answered them one by one.

This underground world has been regarded as forbidden by him, and the discordant voices will be cleaned up in the future.

Furnace City is obviously the biggest obstacle.

After some in-depth understanding, Li Cha knew something.

After keeping this matter in mind, I didn't worry about it too much, and there will be time to solve it later.

I turned my attention to the main purpose of coming to the underground world this time.

"How many weapons have other dungeon forces brought in during this time?"

Searle was instantly refreshed.


"After I spread the news and purchased some equipment with food, it spread around."

"In the past ten days, dozens of caravans from various forces have entered Bloodhoof City."

He didn't expect such a big response, and he was both excited and nervous.

Excitedly, the purchase price he offered to other forces was not high. If he continued to sell it to Richard at the last price, Bloodhoof City could make a fortune.

What's apprehensive is that in order to make more money, he has spent most of the food in his hand.

Not only the income from the last time, but even the food in stock has been consumed by one-third of him.

If Richard fails to come as promised, Bloodhoof City will face unprecedented disaster.

Fortunately, he was right this time.

The other party did not break his promise, and even arrived early.

When Li Cha heard this, he was in a particularly good mood.

Having a good relationship with Bloodhoof City at the beginning, the decision to support the other party was really wise.

He doesn't need to pay anything now, all the work is handed over to Serge, and after the dirty work is done, he can just come and harvest.

Is there anything cooler than this?

This reminded him of the actions of the European nobles in the Blue Star Medieval Age of Navigation in the New World to exchange cheap industrial products for expensive gem furs.

Pure profiteering.

No, he and Bloodhoof are mutually beneficial, can he be the same as those colonists?

Li Cha is righteous.

"Searle, move all the weapons you bought these days out of the warehouse, we'll do the transaction now... or settle with food."

Searle was overjoyed, but thought of something, and hesitantly said.

"President Richard, there are still quite a few caravans in Bloodhoof City that haven't had time to trade with me. Would you like them to come with me..."

Li Cha looked at him meaningfully.

"Sell, those caravans are here to make deals with you."

"I will only buy weapons from you."

Searle was stunned for a moment, and a bit of emotion and admiration suddenly rose in his eyes.

The meaning of these words is very clear - let the profit.

Don't bypass him, let him continue to earn his share.

But this trade involves millions of units of food.

What a huge fortune this is? !

Thinking from another perspective, if it were him, could he give up such a large amount of benefits?

I'm afraid it's hard to do.

Thinking of this, Li Cha's status in his heart rose again.

Having such a wise and generous partner is definitely the blessing of the goddess of luck.

Li Cha suddenly thought of something at this time, and spoke again.

"Sell, we're doing long-term trade. On the caravan's side, you'd better set a price that they can accept and won't feel One-time draining, far less than long-term flow. ."

"And for the first trade, most forces must be very vigilant and did not ship all the goods..."

Searle sighed, held his chest to Richard, and bowed deeply.

"President Li Cha, your mind and vision are admirable."

"Don't worry, they are very satisfied with the price given by Bloodhoof City."

Seeing this, Li Cha didn't say any more.

Everyone has to earn, so that trade can continue for a long time.

Now those dungeon forces are selling eliminated weapons, but can't they forge top weapons for sale in the future?

In the underground world, the most indispensable thing seems to be ore.

As long as the underground world is cultivated, the future will surely bring a steady stream of wealth.

Now that Searle gets a part of the profit, he will definitely open up the market more actively and let more forces participate in trade.

He only needs to harvest once every once in a while.

In this way, giving up part of the benefits is the biggest benefit.

Not long after, in front of the Bloodhoof City warehouse, Li Cha, like last time, began to sell equipment in bundles.

Players on the forum were surprised to find that a large number of cheap damaged equipment suddenly appeared on the market.

A familiar feeling came to mind.

He quickly looked at the seller's ID... The word Qingqiu glowed brightly.

Sure enough it was him!

I don't know how many players grit their teeth.

They already have a deep-rooted memory of this ID.

Not long after, the forum was swiped with a message.

The content is... that dead pervert from Qingqiu is here again! !

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