Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 275: v2 Chapter 258: I am dying, what happened to the earth?

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Chris is excited.

The army of tens of thousands of people outside began to enter this area where the sand was somewhat soft.

They also noticed that the sand under their feet was different, but kobolds were not desert life, so they didn't feel that way.

The army entered layer by layer, directly wrapping the tree man with 10 golden fruits in the center.

The army of kobolds smelled the extremely rich fruit scent, and each and everyone roared excitedly in their throats.

The saliva from the corner of his mouth wet the armor on his chest.

"You lowly bastards, no one can beat me!!!"

The tree man with the center face on the tree trunk was still roaring wildly at the moment.

It seems that the pressure of the tens of thousands of troops has brought him a strong psychological pressure.

The other party was afraid.

Seeing this scene, Chris became more and more certain in his heart.

The only pity is that the level difference between the two sides is too much, he can't check the detailed attributes of the tree man, he can only see a level and a name.

Godly ancient tree.

This name is a bit unusual, no wonder the melee combat is so strong.

Seeing the tens of thousands of legions besieging the ancient tree layer by layer, the archers at the rear took their place.

Chris had a big smile on his face.

wave the order.

"This ancient tree of gods and evil has no means of long-range attack. As long as we use long-range consumption, the opponent will surely die!"

"Melee army, retreat back!"

"Archer ready to shoot!"

Chris directly found out the biggest weakness of the ancient tree of the gods.

Under his order, the surrounding troops began to withdraw, keeping a distance of about 100 meters from the ancient tree of God's Sin.

The kobold archer has a range of 200 meters, which can completely cover the ancient tree of the gods.

Moreover, the opponent's attack target of such a large size is simply a living target.


The moment Chris gave the order with an excited voice.


An indescribable sense of danger came to mind.

At this moment, he seemed to be stared at by an ancient dragon.

Every cell in the body is warning him.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous.

Just when he was in shock.

Suddenly I felt the soft sand under my feet empty.

Looking down, under the weight of the body, the gravel on the ground quickly submerged the instep.

The soft sand just now could no longer support his weight.

An unspeakable fear suddenly rose in his heart.

A word representing death came to mind.

quicksand! ! !

This area is a land of quicksand! !

No wonder the gravel was extra soft when I first stepped in.

He raised his head sharply, and let out a hysterical growl from his throat.

"Everyone evacuate immediately!!"

"There is quicksand in this area!!"

A voice with endless panic echoed in the night sky.

Those kobolds who had just launched the first round of attacks also bowed their heads sharply at this moment, seeing their ankles that were quickly sinking.

Just this one picture directly destroyed their will to resist.

An uncontrollable fear erupted in his heart, and he turned around and ran away wildly.

But now there is no support underfoot.

Every step took a huge amount of force to pull it out of the gravel.

This means that with each step forward you sink deeper.

Struggling is a faster way to the road to death.

In addition, tens of thousands of troops were scattered at the same time, which directly caused huge congestion and chaos.

The scene became uncontrollable.

Right now.

The tree man rooted in the gravel suddenly made a move that sent chills down the backs of all kobolds.

The opponent's 30-meter-high body moved in parallel in the sand.

Yes, parallel movement.

It was as if there were carriages pulling each other under the ground.

And it was extremely fast, rushing directly towards the direction with the most people.

The dozen or so twisted tree trunks thicker than the beams of the house waved wildly.

The whirring sound pierced the eardrums.

In an instant.

The army of kobolds on the ground was like hitting a watermelon with a wooden stick.


No one can resist this terrifying force, and it explodes directly into stump fragments.

The scene was extremely **** and terrifying.

Even if there are kobolds who want to resist, their trivial attack can't even pierce the bark of the ancient tree of gods.

And the surrounding quicksand started to churn like a vortex in the deep sea after the ancient tree of the gods moved.

Control quicksand.

After being placed into this area by Li Cha, the boss has already controlled the surrounding gravel.

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The army of tens of thousands of people can enter this area without falling into it, and it is also controlled by the ancient tree of gods.

When ordinary life faces natural disasters, no matter how much ambition, it will turn into ashes.

Kobolds have never been a strong-willed race, after seeing the situation collapse beyond control.

He even forcibly pushed his companion who was blocking his escape to the ground and ran out on the other side's body.

But the diameter of this quicksand land is a full 10 kilometers.

Under the control of the ancient tree of gods, how could they come as soon as they wanted?

The gravel is surging, and the crazier the kobolds are, the faster they sink.

Chris's hands and feet were cold as he watched the scene of the unscrupulous killing of the ancient tree among the kobolds.

No wonder the player didn't take down this boss, this monster is too strong!

He still doesn't think that this terrifying boss has any connection with the player's territory next to him.

How can current players have the power to conquer such bosses? ?

Watching tens of thousands of troops engulfed by gravel one by one.

There was an indescribable sense of powerlessness in my heart.

Chris let out a long whistle, and the surrounding players who were scared to pee and the two kobold heroes in front suddenly disappeared.

The next second, they appeared outside the land of quicksand.

Just now, I was so excited that I thought I found the treasure, and after a few minutes, I escaped from it in this extremely embarrassed posture.

The contrast between before and after is quite ironic.

Chris looked around, and in his sight, the army of kobolds who were still aggressive just now ran out one by one crying and shouting.

But those quicksands have become a giant whirlpool, constantly turning.

Bury them deeply.

Under the moonlight, the 30-meter-high terrifying boss would kill as many people as possible, giving the kobold army no chance at all.

Just under the watchful eyes of Chris and a few players.

An entire legion's army was swallowed by the quicksand.

In the end, except for a few of them, no one survived.

When the last kobold sank into the quicksand, the ancient tree of the gods slowly returned to its original position.

10 golden fruits hang on the empty canopy like this, and the breath is still attractive.

Around, tens of thousands of troops left no trace, as if nothing had happened.

Chris felt a chill all over his body at this moment.

Looking at the desert in front of him, a strong sense of awe rose in his heart.

Even the thought of never stepping into the desert after completing this mission came into my mind.

This forbidden place of life is too dangerous.


The expressions of the three players around him were also very exciting at the moment.

They are still not reconciled.

This is an army of tens of thousands of people.

It's gone so alive.

They haven't even touched the player's face.

Tired of ah.

But no matter how much they were unconvinced, in front of that terrifying boss, they could only suppress it.

Chris trembled, his voice hoarse.

"Assemble the army and attack that human city!"

"This time, it was just an accident."

"Our mission is to capture that city and enslave that player's soul!"

"As long as we can get the favor of His Majesty Koutour, no matter how big the loss is this time, we can all make it back!!"

He turned around abruptly and left, never looking back at the area.

The boss who waved the trunk to signal the slaughter of the kobold army caused a serious psychological shadow to him.

Wait until there is no one around the land of quicksand.


The skull of a bone-blooded dragon emerged from the Then, another piece of sand collapsed violently, leaving a large gap.


The venomous wasp flapped its wings slightly close to the gap, and began to take a deep breath of the fresh air pouring in from outside.

Above the sky, Li Cha, who did not disperse his hidden power, showed a bright smile that outsiders could not see.

In order to lure the enemy into taking the bait, he buried the skeletal blood dragon and the venomous wasp in the ground.

If the kobolds are attacked by the air force, these two arms will become their nightmares.

Glancing at the 10 golden fruits, I was in a good mood.

No one can resist the temptation to become stronger, this is the nature of life.

And the golden fruit condensed by the ancient tree of God's Sin with the power of the soul can enhance the potential of the bloodline, and it is an irresistible bait for normal life.

Intelligent life is not much different from fish, as long as there is bait, it can be caught.

And this fishing is undoubtedly a model of success.

First control the land of quicksand not to swallow it, wait for all the enemies to approach, and then kill it in one fell swoop.

This wave is simply miserable.

Tens of thousands of corpses, how many venomous wasps can hatch? How much power can be stored for the ancient tree of gods?

And this hunt gave him a great inspiration.

In the future, if we continue to tap the potential of the quicksand land, we may not be able to build this area into a real place of death.


At this moment, the long horn sound interrupted Li Cha's thoughts.

Turn around and look.

Under the moonlight, the army of kobolds launched an attack on the city of dusk



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