Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 280: v2 Chapter 262: Onik: Mr. President, I don't think the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce...

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Seeing that there were no more kobolds on the field, Li Cha suddenly relaxed.

If not, who is willing to face the coercion of the gods?

At this moment, in the sky, a danyue that covered half of the moon just left.

The bright white moon appeared above the sky.

The view from the city at dusk.

The moon the size of a grinding disc was just revealed behind Richard's head.

At this moment, he had the bright moon above his head and his feet on the void.

The bright moonlight poured down, and a layer of silver armor was put on him, making his temperament even more extraordinary.

In the city of dusk, in the dark houses, a large number of residents tightly grasped the window sills and stretched their bodies out as much as possible.

It seems that the only way to see more clearly.

At this moment, they stared at the figure standing across the sky.

His eyes were hot as never before.

"We, defeated the gods..."

There was an indescribable excitement in my heart.

When the scarlet blood mud condensed just now, the figure of the high altar-Kurtu, the **** of kobolds, appeared in everyone's mind.

The other's god's name resounded in their minds along with the evil blasphemies.

It seems to enslave and oppress them.

I don't know how many people felt that overwhelming fear, they almost suffocated.

But now, they have won the final victory.

The hero of all this is the Lord Lord, their ruler, and the only master of this territory.

The other party smashed the image left by the **** of kobolds in their minds with an absolutely strong attitude.

Even if someone stood up at this moment and said that Richard was a god, a large number of residents would believe it.

At this moment, his prestige has risen a lot again.

Just when everyone was in a turbulent mood, Li Cha heard the system prompt ringing in his ears again.

"Ding~ With your mortal body, you repelled the coming of the **** of kobolds and gained 1 legendary degree."

"Ding~ You forcibly defeated the gods under the witness of the residents, your personal charm has been greatly improved, and your leadership skills have been upgraded to an intermediate level."

Leadership: Special skills, intermediate, you have a strong charisma, and at the same time your attraction to the opposite **** is enhanced, you can easily persuade and influence your subordinates, so that your subordinates have strong trust in you, and at the same time have a certain chance to let wild troops and heroes. Actively rely on.

Li Cha was taken aback.

Does this work too?

Quickly opened the prompt and looked at it.

The first one, the legendary degree increased by 1 point...

The current legendary degree is - 1 point (in the underground world, it is increased to 3 points).

The properties haven't changed much.

A smile appeared on Li Cha's face.

The legendary degree obtained by clicking the **** of kobolds is not limited by geographical restrictions like the legendary degree obtained before, but is universal.

And what's even more interesting is that going to the underground world can also superimpose two points of legend in the underground world.

It seems that this property does have a lot of room for development.

In the future, when the piles are high, maybe they can really wave their hands, and some younger brothers will kowtow and bow.

When you are in a good mood, look at the second article.

The leadership skills have been upgraded from elementary to intermediate.

Although the improvement of attributes is not a qualitative change, it is not bad, especially one of them...the attraction to the opposite **** has been improved.

This seems like a lot of fun.

After Li Cha read it several times, he was in high spirits.

Will it become a walking aphrodisiac in the future?

But then again, why is leadership attractive to the opposite sex?

Touched his chin.

"It is the nature of intelligent life to worship the strong, and those with strong leadership often have a higher status in the tribe... It seems reasonable to think so."

Shaking his head, he didn't bother much, and looked at another extra feature - it can attract field troops and heroes to join.

Before, it was only able to attract field troops. After the upgrade, there are more heroes to attract.

This feature is also quite in line with his appetite.

But the problem is that the effect of low-level leadership is too weak.

For so long, he has never seen any troops take the initiative to join him.

Moreover, this attribute coincides with the characteristic of the legendary degree - the attribute that can attract heroes to take refuge.

"I don't know if the superposition of two attributes can have the effect of one plus one being greater than two?"

Richard shook his head, this can only be left to the test of time.

Raise the level later and try again.

I didn't bother about anything else, and after recovering my mind, I was ready to fall.

When he turned his eyes, he suddenly saw that countless residents in the city were at the window at the moment, looking at him with hot eyes.

The emotion in his eyes can almost ignite charcoal at this moment.

All residents witnessed this battle.

Seeing this, Li Cha was moved.


"The people of Dusk City."

"Just now, we defeated a powerful evil **** - the **** of kobolds, the arrival of Kutur!"

"The other party wants to destroy everything we have!"

"But with me in Twilight City, it's not even a kobold **** to intervene!"

"Tonight, victory still belongs to us, to the city of dusk, to each of you!"

"No one can harm our city, no!"

He spoke suddenly in a high-pitched tone.

"Long Live the City of Twilight!"

In such a hot atmosphere, the simple but strongly provocative words caused a huge response in an instant.

The dry gunpowder was ignited at this moment.

The residents who were immersed in the excitement of the victory of the war let out a hysterical cry at this moment.

Crazy, hot.

"Long Live the City of Twilight!!"

"Long Live the City of Twilight!"


At this moment, everyone wants to suppress the previous fear in their hearts and pour out the current excitement and excitement.

The sound is like a huge wave sweeping the world, deafening.

The city walls of Dusk City felt the vibration at this moment.

Victory is always the magic weapon that unites all people.

And the victory obtained by repelling the invaders is even sweeter and more refreshing.

There was pride and pride in everyone's eyes.

Because their lord, in their gaze, defeated the gods!

That is God, the invincible God!

With honor.

Li Cha slowly landed on the city wall amid the thunderous cheers.

Turning his head to look, several heroes who had made great achievements just now fell to his side at the same time.

Gaunt, Gray, Sheena, and the giant dragon hero Alves standing on the city wall, making it seem that the city wall is very low.

After Hina approached, seeing the handsome figure in front of her, her expression suddenly became a little subtle.

At this moment, she felt inexplicably that Li Cha had a special aura that could not be explained clearly.


Her eyes seemed to be attracted by a magnet, and she couldn't bear to look away.

The heart beat faster for no reason.

my lord...

Richard didn't pay attention to anything else, and looked at Gray first.

"Has the casualty statistics been compiled?"

Gray Yaoyao's head.

"Not yet, please wait a moment."

Said to add a sentence.

"We have the geographical advantage of the city wall. If the other party does not have heavy siege equipment, the damage to us is not large, so you don't need to worry."

Although kobolds can climb walls, they do not carry catapults and siege crossbows.

In a regular war, these heavy weapons often cause huge damage, not to say that they can't be used if they can climb the city wall.

However, considering that these armies are led by players, it is not surprising that they do not carry heavy weapons.

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Li Cha nodded, feeling a little better again.

Then he seemed to think of something and continued.

"Have you discovered the existence of the Lord of Divine Grace?"

Several other mummy heroes shook their heads, the battlefield was chaotic, and they didn't pay special attention. Who cares if the enemy is a lord of divine grace.

They only care if they can kill.

Hina took a step forward at this time and said.

"I saw that the breath of the two heroes is somewhat similar to yours..."

Richard raised a bit of interest.

"What about them?"

"I cut off my head, this may have turned into blood..."

Li Cha's mouth twitched.


"You each lead a part of the dark gargoyle and the skeleton blood dragon to go to the surrounding desert to clean up the escaped kobolds."

After a few people left.

Li Cha looked around at the army that was cleaning up the damage, and seemed to think of something, and his body shone with light.

The gravel immediately floated up, wrapping him and flying directly over the agricultural area.

Looking down, the jujube forest after being picked is still green.

The sand veins farther away were heading for ear at this time, and under the blowing of the breeze, waves of wheat were set off.

Inwardly relieved.

Fortunately, the kobold army was busy attacking the city and did not harm the agricultural area.

However, he was still not in a good mood.

This time the enemy did not attack the agricultural area, but next time? What about next time?

In the future, do you always expect the enemy to ignore the agricultural areas?

This is obviously nonsense.

"But how to protect agricultural areas?"

Li Cha couldn't help but have a headache.

If there is excess quicksand, you can seal the surrounding area.

But how can such treasures be obtained casually?

And even if you are surrounded by quicksand, what if you encounter the Air Force? What about enemies who are not afraid of quicksand? Still blind.

Thinking of this, he felt helpless.

This agricultural base that took a lot of hard work to build has now become his heart disease.


A sound of flapping wings interrupted his thoughts.

Turning his head to look, the highly poisonous wasp that just wantonly slaughtered the kobold army was flying again from the horizon to the location of the ancient tree of gods.

It was a pity to see this scene.

The kobolds who just besieged the City of Twilight suffered heavy casualties, but those corpses were spoiled by the **** of kobolds.

From now on, the **** of kobolds will never die with the city of dusk.

This wave has been passed, and the future will not be peaceful.

Thinking of this, my heart sank.

God of kobolds, wait, sooner or later your dog's brain will break.


Onik looked at the city of Solan in the distance and was very excited.

Turning his head to look at the burly Jonah Thorin beside him, he said loudly.

"Jonah, when you come back this time, the president will definitely reward us!!"

Jonah Thorin turned his head and glanced at him when he heard this, sighed and said nothing.

This time, when he went to Dusk City, he brought his daughter back in his arms and let her break through to become a super blacksmith in Solan City.

But I didn't expect so many things happened in the middle.

The territory that seemed weak to him actually had such a powerful potential.

Let Andel be promoted to the super blacksmith in advance...

That human lord is extraordinary.

Although his face has been lost this time, he is still quite relieved.

As long as there is no accident, the activated Sorin bloodline is enough to give Andel a life span of hundreds of years.

"Go on your own, I'm going back to forge weapons."

"Andelle has become a super blacksmith, I must not be surpassed by her! I am a genius of the Solin tribe!"

Onik laughed, this time the big barbarian was restrained by Li Cha, but it made him very happy.

He waved his hand and didn't care, he just found someone to share his inner joy.

After entering Solan City, Onik was excited and returned to the Luanweihua Chamber of Commerce with the fastest speed.

Get off the carriage and head straight to the main hall.

As soon as he approached the door, he couldn't bear the excitement in his heart and shouted as he walked.

"Lord President, Lord President! I came back from the desert, and this time I got back 200 units of Desert Crown Honey!!"

"And also got a special treasure - the crown robe! It can automatically adjust the temperature..."

Onik entered the hall with excitement.

But as soon as he stepped on the threshold, the voice suddenly stopped.

I saw a long table in the center of the wide hall, and on the left and right sides of the long table, two beautiful figures sat opposite each other.

On the left hand is a twenty-six or seven-year-old lady with a beautiful face, but with a bit of majesty between her brows.

She was wearing a purple aristocratic evening dress embroidered with blooming roses, which was extraordinarily luxurious.

On the right is a young girl in her early twenties, full of spiritual energy, and there seem to be stars twinkling in her eyes.

Wearing a silver crown, the temperament is graceful and elegant, and it is indescribably extravagant.

The two were sipping black tea under the service of a maid.

At this moment, they all turned their heads to look at the door.

Onik was shocked when he saw this scene, and immediately held his chest and saluted.

"President Windsor, good day."

As he spoke, he immediately saluted the girl wearing the crown.

"His Royal Highness Chris, Onik's best regards to you."

The lady in the purple evening dress looked at the dusty Onik with a smile on her face.

He didn't care about his rudeness and said softly.

"Onik, you just said, how much Desert Crown Honey did you bring back?"

"200 units!"

Onik's face returned to a smile, and he responded loudly.

"And there are also special products of Dusk City - treasures that can regulate body temperature, crown robes..."

Hearing the word Desert Crown Honey, the eyes of the girl wearing the crown lit up.

"Sister Windsor, desert crown honey is the kind of honey you gave last time?"

The president of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, the lady in the purple evening dress - Windsor, nodded slowly.

"It's the honey from last time."

After answering, he seemed to have thought of something, looked at Onik and asked.

"The sandstorm was so violent half a month ago, is there any problem with that city at dusk?"

This kind of small territory in the desert, on weekdays, she would not even glance at it.

But the other party's desert crown honey was really good, which made her remember it in her heart.

The interest in the eyes of the girl wearing the crown was even stronger.

"Sister Windsor, that territory is in the desert?"

"Yes, and... very weak."

Windsor said, thoughtfully.

"Desert Crown Honey is extremely valuable, but the opponent's territory is too weak to protect this rare resource."

"Onik, we can pay for the other party to relocate to Solan City."

"In this way, the other party is safe, and we can better guarantee the supply of Desert Crown Honey."

After speaking with a bit of confidence and I think that the desert lord will not refuse the invitation of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce. "

Onik's face became serious when he heard this.

"No, President Windsor, with the potential of Dusk City, I don't think we are qualified to relocate Dusk City..."

Windsor was stunned, her eyes narrowed.

"are you serious."

The girl wearing the crown also looked at him curiously.

"The Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce in Solan City, and its power is stronger than some small countries."

"Onik, such strength is not qualified to relocate a territory in the desert?"

After a moment of silence, Onik nodded slowly.


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