Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 282: v2 Chapter 264: Plunder the underground world, get rich in one wave (4,200 words)

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Bloodhoof City, an unknown tavern, the air is filled with the stench of alcohol and sweat.

Dozens of underground beings who were drinking and chatting didn't care about the bad air around them.

Looking around, half-snake people, dungeon barbarians, halflings, lizardmen, tauren... all kinds of strange races can be seen here.

A tauren with scars all over his face and blood-colored eyes picked up the bowl on the table and gurgled it. He drank the sour liquor in one mouthful.


With a bit of blush on his face, under the stimulation of alcohol, he suddenly stood up and said loudly to the two companions in the same seat.

"Have you heard? The gray dwarves' bounty for the surface lord has increased from 10 million units of food to 15 million units!"

Saying that, her eyes turned even redder.

"15 million units! If we can get this, our tribe will not have to worry about it for three years, no, five years!"

Saying that, he slapped the table violently.

The loud sound instantly silenced the lively tavern, and one by one, they looked at the tauren who stood up and looked extraordinarily tall.

Seeing this, the tauren gave a cold drink.

"What are you looking at! Are you not interested? That's 15 million units of food!"

"What a wealth of wealth this is!"

A dwarf curled his lips in disdain upon hearing this, stood up abruptly on the bench, and wiped the food residue from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve.


"You buffaloes must have drank too much and slept in the sewer for a few days, right?"

"The news is bullshit."

Seeing the funny appearance of the dwarf dancing, the surrounding crowd burst into laughter.

The tauren was run down and couldn't get on the stage, so he was extremely annoyed.

"Damn dwarf! What did you say?!"

As he spoke, he picked up the long-handled axe leaning against the wooden table.

The dwarf glanced at him with great disdain.

"Forge City's bounty for surface lords has been raised to 18 million units of food!"

"Your 15 million is out of date!"

This remark immediately made the tavern uproar.

"That's right, I got the news just now that the gray dwarf raised the bounty for that human."

"Above the gods, 18 million units of food, if you give it to me, I can't finish it in my life..."

"The gray dwarves are really rich. Tens of millions of units of food are taken out as soon as they are taken."

"Tsk tsk, the price offered by the gray dwarves is really powerful, but what is even more surprising is the human lord from the surface... The other party is carrying such a high reward, and no one can do anything about him! This is What kind of power?!"

Hearing this, the tauren opened his eyes and said in disbelief.

"The gray dwarf raised the price two days ago, and it has only increased again two days ago? What did the surface human do?"

After the dwarf picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it, he looked proudly at the crowd watching him.

"That human lord, just this morning, plundered the Iron Fort 200 kilometers away from Furnace City!"

"The **** of gnomes is above! It is said that that human stole a lot of resources from Steel Castle."

After speaking, looking at the interested audience, he increased the volume a bit.

"And when the gray dwarves sent their troops to encircle the surface human lords, they were counter-killed by the other side, resulting in a large number of casualties."

"That surface lord faced the 13th-level Iron Castle Lord alone in the battle!"

"In a one-on-one battle, the opponent killed the Lord of Steel Castle!"

After the dwarf finished speaking, he added another sentence.

"By the way, the other party didn't use that powerful mechanical puppet!"

This remark immediately caused a burst of exclamation.

"What?? No mechanical puppets were used?"

"Didn't you say that the surface lord is only level 9? The city lord of the Iron Fort has reached level 13, and his combat power is extremely powerful. How could he be killed by the opponent?"

"Where did you get the news, it must be inaccurate!"

"This is a bit fake! It must be that the city lord of the Iron Fort was besieged and killed by the opponent!"


Hearing the hot discussion, the dwarf was even more excited.

He greatly enjoyed the attention-grabbing gesture.


"This is a message sent to me by a friend of mine in Furnace City!"

"He witnessed that battle with his own eyes. The city lord of the Iron Fort died extremely tragically."

"If it wasn't for this, how could the bounty of the grey dwarves be raised from 15 million to 18 million?!"

"Don't question! How can the human lord become an ally of Bloodhoof City if he is not powerful!"

The surrounding crowd suddenly thought of the various legends left by the human lord during this period, and they immediately started to discuss it.

"Indeed, if it is someone else, this may be nonsense, but that human lord is not an ordinary person..."

"In the past three days, that human lord has attacked 7 cities of the grey dwarves! 7 cities in a row in three days... It's unbelievable!"

"As expected from the surface, killing a level 13 hero with the power of level 9 is incredible."

The more you talk about it, the warmer the atmosphere in the tavern.

Not long after, someone mentioned another thing.

"You said that the surface lord recruited the heroes of our dungeon tribe and brought the news to the surface, is it true or false?"

Several people around responded immediately.

"Of course it's true, otherwise why would the other party specifically ask Bloodhoof City to help spread the news?"

"And the announcements are posted outside the city lord's mansion. As long as there is a plan to join the lord, you can get free housing provided by Bloodhoof City..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, if it weren't for that human lord who was a hero, I would have wanted to see it. That is the surface of the earth. It is rich and rich, and if you just sprinkle some seeds on the ground, you can grow food!"

"And that lord is so powerful, to be ruled by such an existence, isn't it 10,000 times better than living a hard life underground!"

"But, why hasn't the other party come to Bloodhoof City for so many days? It's already the 8th! That lord has been away for a week."

"Isn't he stupid? What is the other party doing these days? Capture the city of the gray dwarves! He has no time to come to Bloodhoof City, if you want to go, just wait, the big man who the gray dwarves can't help will never break his promise. "

In the underground world, the strong are respected.

And the lord from the surface, everything he did during this time is too legendary——

myself from the surface,

is an ally of Bloodhoof City,

Offended the overlord of the underground world - the gray dwarf, and was offered a bounty of nearly 20 million units of food by the other party.

The other party is still a big local tyrant. He has acquired a large number of weapons in Bloodhoof City and scattered millions of units of food.

And the other party also has an extraordinary level mechanical puppet, which is extremely powerful.

All kinds of legends make the halo behind the opponent's back become very eye-catching.

The attention drawn is phenomenal.

In the past two days, many underground lives who have heard relevant news have developed a strong interest in the recruitment order issued by Richard.

A lord who has no ability and no status, even if he issues a recruitment order, it will only lead to ridicule.

But a powerful, wealthy, legendary big man issued a recruiting order, that is to give them a chance.

Different status, even if it is the same thing, the effect is completely different.

Bloodhoof City, the main hall of the city lord's mansion.

More than 20 high-level officials of Bloodhoof City are looking at the sweaty messenger with excitement at the moment.

A gray-haired barbarian hero stood up, with eyes as sharp as falcons.

"Are you sure the message is correct?"

"President Richard really attacked the Iron Fort?"

"Not only did he plunder all the resources inside, but the lord of the Iron Fort was beheaded by President Richard who did not drive a mechanical puppet in one-on-one?"

After the messenger took a few breaths, he said loudly in a fluctuating tone.

"There will never be a mistake. This news has been verified by many parties, and even our people have seen the body of the Lord of Steel Castle..."

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Saying that, he turned his eyes to the front seat, and his eyes were full of excitement, Sel Bloodhoof.

"Lord Ser, the grey dwarf's reward for President Richard has been raised to 18 million units of food."

"And the other party also released news that, at the same price, a reward is offered for the treasure that can kill President Richard."

"Even as long as there are treasures with special effects, they can be exchanged for rewards in the Furnace City."

When the gray-haired barbarian hero heard this, a smile finally appeared on his face.

Turned around and looked at the main seat.

"Lord Ser, as expected of President Richard! This move has shaken the foundation of the gray dwarves."

Serge frowned.

"Although President Richard's victory this time was good, he just robbed resources and didn't occupy the city. It can't be called shaking the foundation of the gray dwarves, right?"

The gray-haired barbarian hero shook his head.

"My lord, the gray dwarves can maintain their status as underground overlords. In addition to their strength, there is another point... that everyone is in awe of the gray dwarves."

"This is the soft power that the gray dwarves have accumulated over the centuries."

"Now, President Richard has broken this awe and stepped on the gray dwarf under his feet with a strong gesture."

"As long as President Richard is fine, their dignity will be gone."

"That's why they offered such a high reward!"

"This is not only to kill the threat of President Richard, but also to preserve the foundation of the gray dwarves!"

Saying that, a bit of excitement appeared on his face.

"President Richard has created an unprecedented opportunity for us. Next, it's our turn to take action!"

Searle had a thoughtful expression on his face when he heard this.

The other party continued.

"After a giant is injured, the surrounding beasts will never think about helping him, but how to share a piece of meat after it dies."

"As long as we can show others, the giant is really going to fall... A pack of wild wolves wouldn't care about eating a single prey."

When Searle heard this, he opened his mouth.

He thought of the figure who came to Bloodhoof City alone, riding an undead dragon.

An inexplicable feeling of joy rose in his heart.

It was definitely the luck of Bloodhoof City to be able to form an ally with the other party at the beginning.

If the other party had chosen a gray dwarf, at this moment, Bloodhoof City would have already become history.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, he said sternly.

"Then act immediately, you can't waste this opportunity."

"First, spread the news that the gray dwarves are tough on the outside and weak on the inside, and at the same time provoke conflicts between the forces around the gray dwarves and them."

"And then send people to attack the other's various mines, and at the same time spread the wealth contained in them."

The gray-haired barbarian hero nodded.

"Yes, one or two times may not be able to shake the gray dwarves, but more often, when their prestige is swept to the ground, it is the day when Bloodhoof City becomes the sole overlord of the underground world."

There was also a smile on Serge's face.

Bloodhoof City has been waiting for this day for too long.

Then he seemed to think of something, and continued.

"In addition, we need to continue to increase efforts to acquire weapons and equipment from other forces."

The last time I traded Bloodhoof City, I made a fortune from it.

He has all tasted the sweetness of it.

Almost took the acquisition as the most important thing to handle.

Another dungeon barbarian hero stood up and said hesitantly.

"Sir Sir, will our weapons department also increase production..."

Searle shook his head.

"The production can be increased, but the higher-level equipment will be retained first, and we need more weapons to meet the next war."

"Earning food is not our purpose, our purpose is to unify the underground world!"

"Yes, sir."

It's not just Bloodhoof talking about this.

Almost all the forces in the underground world are discussing content related to Richard.

The human lords from the surface conquered 7 grey dwarf cities in a row within three days.

After plundering a lot of wealth, he retreated calmly.

The Furious Furnace City offered a sky-high price of 18 million units of food as a reward for the opponent's head, and offered a reward for all kinds of treasures that could deal with the opponent.

This news swept through the underworld like a whirlwind.

Everyone was amazed at the human lord who came from the surface.

This is something that has never happened in the underground world.

That human being from the surface is too powerful!

I don't know how many people are swayed by this.

It is the instinct of all life to worship the strong, and the underground world where the weak eats the strong has deepened this worship.

But just when everyone was waiting for the next move of the surface lord.

The other party suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if the world had evaporated.

However, no one was disappointed by this, but full of curiosity and anticipation.

I don't know what amazing things will be done the next time the other party appears again.

There are not many cities left in the grey dwarves...

The Furnace City sensed the disappearance of the enemy of life and death, and suddenly fell into an unspeakable atmosphere.

The other party was already so crazy this time, so unscrupulously invaded their city.

Could the opponent's next target be... the Furnace City!

When the gray dwarf thought of the terrible consequences, he immediately fell into an unprecedented panic.

They still had absolute confidence before, making that surface human come and go.

But as their cities were plundered one by one, when they couldn't help each other, their inner self-confidence also collapsed quietly.

The gray dwarves never thought that Bloodhoof City didn't make them feel uneasy when they were at their strongest.

Now, he was intimidated to such a point by a human who came from the and even just exceeded level 10.

Li Cha's feat of going to seven cities in a row in three days made his reputation in the underground world skyrocket to an unstoppable level.

There were many more figures who went to Bloodhoof City silently.

Some are going to seek refuge, while others are looking to see if there is a chance to get the reward of the 18 million units of food...

Underground passage.

Li Cha stood in front of the two-way portal, watching the troops that were filing in and returning to Dusk City.

Feeling better than ever.

This conquest of the underground world.

Although it only lasted for three days, the richness of the gains far exceeded his expectations.

Going back this time, Dusk City will definitely usher in another wave of rapid development.

Thinking of this, I subconsciously opened the properties panel.

Ignoring common resources, she happily looked at rare resources.

Gemstones: 25,329 units, 54,320 units of mercury, 12,412 units of sulfur, 32,306 units of crystal

Before he came, in order to deal with the **** of kobolds, he consumed all the rare resources.

But in just three days, he once again had more than 100,000 rare resources.

If it wasn't for a quick solution and there wasn't much time to search, it's possible to double this number.

It really is a murder to spare the golden belt.

The only pity is that this thing is a one-shot deal, no, a few hammers.

It can only be plundered a few times at most, and there will not be a steady stream of leeks harvesting like normal trade.

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