Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 290: v2 Chapter 272: Qingqiu's pervert, finally can't stand the waves (four thousand...

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Gold points are so precious.

In the last dungeon, he was born and died so many times, and only made a hundred or ten points.

I didn't expect this copy to be obtained in such a direct way.

So comfortable.

If you think about it, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

The 16-level Void Hunter is completely invincible to players at this stage.

Li Cha suppressed his inner excitement.

Turning his head to look at the sharp-edged Hina on Alves' back.

Eyes full of admiration.

This super A-level hero finally burst into his light.

And it's so amazing.

Give him another choice, even if he knows that breaking the seal in his body will be regarded as a mortal enemy by the gods, he will not hesitate.


It slowly floated and landed on Alves' back.

"Xina, you have a good rest first."

The girl looked at the handsome figure in front of her, and her cold eyes immediately showed a bit of warmth.

"Sir, I'm fine."

After the seal is broken, she can mobilize her qi and blood to recover from her injuries.

The injury he had just suffered in the battle has now returned to normal.

Only the almost shattered leather armor showed how tragic the battle just now was.

When the voice fell, he seemed to have thought of something, and turned his head to look at another gathering place of Void Hunters 200 meters away.

His eyes were full of fighting intent.

"My lord, I invite you to fight!"

The tone is sonorous and powerful, full of firmness.

She hadn't encountered such an evenly matched battle for a long, long time, and she had to use all her means to win a successful battle!

The long sword in her hand is thirsting for blood.

The fighting spirit in her heart is singing loudly!

Fearless, fearless!

Look at the girl's hot eyes.

Li Cha nodded slowly.

"I agree."

"But, remember, don't take chances."

"You can use the battlefield as your whetstone, but you must not put yourself in a mortal situation because of it."

Looking at the serious face, Hina warmed her heart and nodded firmly.

"Sir, Xina's life and soul belong to you, no one can take it away without your permission."

Li Cha's mood is a little subtle for a moment...

Subconsciously, he reached out and rubbed the other's head.

The girl's body stiffened, and the edge of her body softened immediately.

Li Cha put a strand of bangs behind his ear, and then withdrew his hand.

He didn't say anything more, leaving enough time for the other party to recover.

His eyes turned to the dark spar piled on the ground in front of him.

These pitch-black spar stones are like agate, and the rich magic power fluctuations seem to be able to drip water, which can make people feel extraordinary at a glance.

Let Alves land on the ground.

Li Cha rolled over, and after getting close, picked up a piece from the ground and checked it carefully in his hand.

The dark crystal is uniform in texture, about the size of a fist, and interestingly, each piece is about the same size.

And it's light, like foam, without much weight.

I opened the properties and took a look, and there was no accident.

Its characteristic is still to enhance life potential.

A thought moves.

The light of yellow sand is surging out, directly covering the dark spar in his hand.

In an instant, wisps of dark light escaped from the dark spar, pouring into the body along his palm.

Li Cha felt that energy sinking directly into his blood vessels, and began to make up for some deficiencies.

After a while, the dark spar turned directly into powder.

And the huge improvement he imagined did not appear, only a trace of feeling.

If it wasn't for his sufficient control over his body, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to notice the changes.

"Is my power strong enough now, this thing too ineffective?"

Richard turned his head to look at the sky.

While frowning and thinking, let a brilliant axe of the dead fall.

Hand the opponent a dark crystal to devour.

The Axe of the Dead did not hesitate, took the dark crystal in his hand and began to devour the energy in it.

Under his gaze, the dark crystal turned to powder in less than a minute.

At the same time, the burning soul fire of the Axe of the Dead was obviously stronger.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha breathed a sigh of relief.

The dark spar is not a small improvement for different arms, and it is not useless.

It seems that it is not that the dark spar is not powerful, but that his potential is too strong.

Thinking of this is a little helpless.

If he wants to increase his potential, the dark spar he needs is probably astronomical.

Hundreds of piles of dark spar of this size are probably just hitting the ground.

After knowing what to do, without hesitation, I put all the dark spar into the system space.

Don't be in a hurry, go back and arrange slowly.

In addition to the two pieces just swallowed, there are 98 pieces left.

In other words, a pile of spar is exactly 100 pieces.

This number corresponds to a squadron of Void Hunters.

After Li Cha cleaned up his trophies, he looked at the tall rocks on the ground, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

No wonder there are so many piles in the distance.

Isn't this the meat in the restaurant? At first glance, it looks like a lot, but there are actually three or five pieces of meat piled on top, and side dishes below.

Thinking of this, he took a careful inventory.

The harvest of capturing this monster stronghold is also quite impressive.

The first is 100 dark spar that can enhance the potential of life. The value of this thing need not be said, it is necessary for cultivating heroes, and the resource that Dusk City is desperately lacking.

Then there are 5,000 ordinary points and 1 gold point. The ordinary points are not bad, but the gold points are too cool.

In addition, in addition to a few being turned into blood by the dragon's breath, the Void Hunter also left dozens of corpses.

These are all troops up to level 14, and they are worth a lot of money no matter what they are used for.

Recovering his scattered thoughts, Richard asked the army to collect the corpses, and then Alves devoured them all.

The trauma that this giant dragon hero has just suffered is not light, and if it is replaced by a normal life, I am afraid that he has already died many times.

The blood-colored power on Alves unfolded, directly turning these corpses into streaks of energy.

The cracked blood-colored bones healed immediately.

When the corpse on the ground disappeared without a trace, his breath returned to its peak again, and even went up to the tower.

Undead life is this point that makes Richard feel comfortable, patient, and easy to recover.

"The whole army listens to the order and continues to attack the next stronghold."

"The Axe of the Dead covers the entire range of attacks, clearing the opponent's vitality, and the bone and blood dragons are interspersed and cleaned."

"Hina, you are in charge of hunting the 16th-level Void Hunter hero, and Gray will assist you..."

After tasting the sweetness, Li Cha directly aimed at the second monster stronghold guarding the dark spar 200 meters away.

The whole army took off and launched the second round of attack directly.

This time, Alves is still taking the lead.

This dragon hero with a wingspan of more than 30 meters, once the dragon's power is opened, the ability to draw hatred is unparalleled.

In an instant, it attracted the attention of most of the Void Hunters.

In the next second, dense appearances appeared around it.

Alves was not afraid, burning **** power, and confronted dozens of Void Hunters head-on.

A perfect interpretation of what meat tan is.

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And its output is equally terrifying-transcendent A Grade dragon breath, enough to make most lives tremble.

"Shattered axe!"


Hundreds of tomahawk direct saturation attacks.


Numerous fragments tore through the void, and those Void Hunters who were too late to dodge were immediately hit hard.

Blood splattered and scattered all over the sky.

The fierce Axe of the Dead immediately pulled the hatred away from Alves.

The Void Hunter's throat roared and roared, and the teleportation disappeared.

The experience of the previous stronghold was repeated at this moment.

But this time is different from the last time, after having sufficient psychological preparation.

Void Hunter's elusive spatial mobility is no longer an intractable problem.

In particular, the 3-second cooldown after teleportation made the Axe of the Dead increase its ferocity.

3 seconds is short, but it is enough for them to have a burst.

Coupled with Gray, a top support with powerful control skills.

The Void Hunter teleported in, not to start a killing spree, but more like delivering food to the door.

The Iron Fist of the City of Twilight slammed into the forehead of the Void Hunter.

When the battle was heating up, a Miaoman figure shot out like lightning.

Bang fell to the ground, and the powerful force made his legs bend slightly.

The body was shrouded in blood, and his eyes were like knives, looking directly at the level 16 Void Hunter of the garrisoned dark spar.

Hina's eyes showed high fighting intent.

"For the city of dusk!"

He held swords in both hands, standing in front of his chest.

call out

Cross kill.

When the level 16 Void Hunter in front saw someone dared to provoke him, he was instantly furious.

A low growl came out of his throat.

The body disappeared at the same time.

The second time she fought an opponent of the same level, Hina has improved significantly.

Legendary combat skills, let the 16th-level enemy experience what it means to be domineering.

From the moment of starting from the beginning, even if the power in the body is stronger than Xina, it is still suppressed.

The ability to move in the void can only be used to escape in the end.


Player Forum.

After the appearance of the dark spar, players fell into excitement and entanglement.

The excitement is that as long as they send troops, it is possible to obtain the dark spar, a treasure that can enhance life potential.

The tangled thing is that the enemy guarding the dark spar is too powerful.

If you are not careful, you may risk your own life.

To attack or not, it is difficult for most players to decide.

However, this entanglement does not exist at all for Cheng Feng, who is almost open.

As a member of the fortress clan, he got a full 20 4-star alchemy bombs in a dungeon last time.

And these alchemy bombs have also been strengthened by a certain boss in the copy.

The power is several times stronger than the ordinary 4-star alchemy bomb, and the explosion range can cover a width of 100 meters.

Not weaker than a 5 star bomb at all.

With this big killer.

Dealing with the Void Hunter who only knows to guard in front of the dark spar mine is simply a dimensional blow.

that's the truth.

He first had a few mechanical puppets seduce the Void Hunters to gather, and then used the Alchemy Cannon to shoot out the 4-star Alchemy bomb in the rear.

One shot can destroy a monster gathering place.

Even Void Hunter heroes as high as level 16 have become ghosts under the muzzle.

Although doing so often destroys part of the dark spar, making him less harvestable.

But he still cares about it?

You can get 5000 points for one shot, what are you doing with those bombs?

Relying on this big killer, within half an hour, he connected 20 ore veins and obtained a full 100,000 points.

Ranked first in the standings.

The smile on Cheng Feng's face hardly faded.

Among the tens of billions of players, take the first place.

Everyone was looking up at him, which made him shudder with excitement.

This is so cool than pretending.

In the excitement, he suddenly thought of a name that made him grit his teeth - Qingqiu.

The last time he participated in the dungeon, he spent it in the shadow of the other party from beginning to end.

It's not that his points are being squeezed...

But in the process of chasing Qingqiu, he was shot to death by the opponent.

Yes, shot to death.

It's like hitting flies.

He will never forget the shame.

If he was killed in battle, he wouldn't hold such a grudge.

When the other party was on his way, he rushed out and was shot dead before he could stop him.

The most important thing is that he was with a girl at the time.

After the girl left the dungeon, the look in his eyes made him want to dig into the cracks in the ground.

Shame! !

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng gritted his teeth and posted a post on the forum.

"Child Qingqiu, I won the first place this time! Last time you earned 100,000 points in more than an hour, this time, I only spent 30 minutes! ! I didn't post this for other reasons, I just wanted to tell you that with your grandfather here, just wait and eat your fart this time! 》

There is the blessing of the first in the points list.

The post immediately elicited a huge response.

Especially when the players opened the rankings and saw that there was no Qingqiu in the top 1000, they were even more excited.

Countless people are commenting below.

"Damn it, it's awesome!! Now you can only kill Void Hunters and capture the player's territory to earn points... 100,000 points, that's 2,000 Void Hunters, this is a brilliant 3-star Arms, the level is as high as level 14, the landlord hangs the sky!"

"Hahaha, I have long been unhappy with that pervert in Qingqiu. Come on, master, even if the cat and the dog are the first this time, don't let that guy in Qingqiu steal it."

"No, what about you guys? What's Qingqiu? It was pure luck that he won the first place last time, and he can be the first every time?? Now there are not even 1,000 people. You are too touting him, right?"

"Grass, this is 100,000 points? It's too perverted..."


This post has become quite lively.

Cheng Feng looked at the dense replies of the players, and the smile on his face was brighter than that of a chrysanthemum.

There is a sense of joy in the heart.

Of course, there were also many players who were quite upset by his appearance, and began to mock him on the forum.

"It's also funny. Now that the dungeon has just started, you just jumped out in such a hurry. Do you really think you can keep the number one spot? Don't even compare yourself to that big guy in Qingqiu, I don't even look down on you."

"What a joke, Qingqiu boss hasn't exerted his strength yet, don't pretend, it's easy to be struck by lightning."


Those who see Qingqiu unhappy are unhappy We scold Qingqiu, what are you talking about?

"Co-work with Qingqiu to feed you dog food? Are you so anxious to protect the master?"

"Yoyo, Qingqiu is very powerful, why didn't I see his name on the leaderboard?"


The other side responded immediately, and a scolding battle was formed within a few rounds.

However, there were not many people who supported Qingqiu, and they were immediately overwhelmed by the huge number of people.

In the end, those who were scolded did not dare to raise their heads.

Without Richard's knowledge, he inexplicably became the center of public opinion again......

Especially players who have experienced the last dungeon see that there is no id Qingqiu on the leaderboard, and their hearts are as refreshing as eating iced watermelon in summer.

That pervert finally couldn't turn over the waves.

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