Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 299: v2 Chapter 281: Space merchant, treasure worth three million points (five thousand…

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Time flies fast in battle.

At 21:00 on August 17, after more than 20 hours of continuous fighting.

Void lickers that came in densely from a distance began to gradually become scarce.

When the time reached 00:00, the system prompt suddenly sounded.

"Ding~ The first wave of monster attacks is over, and the next wave will start after the death arena is over."

"Please extraordinarily lord destroy the dark spar by yourself."

As the lifting voice fell, the remaining space gap gradually returned to silence in Li Cha's sight.

No more Voidlickers gushing out.

At this time, I don't know how many players let out a sigh of relief, with the rejoicing of the rest of their lives on their faces.

They finally got through.

A high-intensity monster siege that lasted all day, destroying the territory of billions of players.

Only by facing this war can we understand the pressure.

When the last Void Licker was corroded into blood by the Bone Blood Dragon, Li Cha's face also showed fatigue.

Three days into the dungeon, he still hasn't closed his eyes.

Under such a high-intensity battle, no matter how tough the spirit is, it will reach its limit.

Returning to Dusk City, landing on the city wall, turning around.

The dark clouds with shimmering light, so that the dim environment will not be completely unclear.

The ground outside the city walls was bloody.

The corpse covered the yellow sand, and the blood caused the sand to clump together.

The picture is creepy.

Look up to see the agricultural area in the distance.

After seeing the scene in front of him, Li Cha's eyelids jumped.

At this time, hundreds of acres of sand barley were trampled in an extremely messy manner, and a large area was poured down in a mess.

That look is enough to raise blood pressure.

The sand jujube forest is even more unbearable, large tracts of trees are directly withered, and the green leaves become dry and yellow.

When those void lickers passed by, the dark aura they carried was like sulfuric acid, which was powerfully corrosive to everything around them.

Environmentally sensitive plants suffer twice as much damage.

The breeding base of the Flame Dragon Rabbit was also moved to the ground by the Void Hunter at this moment, and the walls were scattered everywhere.

Although he was prepared, this scene still hurt Li Cha.

These are the resources that have been accumulated with great difficulty, and I don’t know how much effort has been invested in the process of taking care of them.

It's gone right now.

And there are a few more battles to come.

The rest will probably be destroyed as well.

After the battle starts, it is impossible to have spare energy to take care of this area.

"The agricultural area has to think carefully about how to resettle it."

Richard was lost in thought.

Although it is now possible to buy food from the marketplace.

However, after the population of Dusk City increases in the future, simply buying it from the outside may consume resources that will drag down the finances.

Feeding 2,000 people is a completely different concept than feeding 20,000 or 200,000 people.

If Dusk City grows to 100,000 people, even if it only consumes two or three units of food every day, that day will be two or three million units and two or three million resources.

It is necessary to pay hundreds of millions of units of resources every month.

And will the trading market continue to increase fees in the future?

In the week of natural disasters, food production is reduced, other players raise prices, or even stop selling?

The lifeline industry of agriculture is not under its control, and the consequence is that in the event of an accident, it will definitely pay an unbearably painful price.

In the middle of deep thought, Li Cha suddenly saw a figure on the side walking slowly with his head lowered, carrying a long-handled axe.

The little centaur seemed to be in a particularly low mood, turning a deaf ear to everything around him.

The large blood stains on the opponent's armor also looked quite scary.


Hearing the familiar voice, the little guy raised his head.

Seeing the gentle and worrying eyes in front of him, his nose suddenly became sour, and then he ran straight up, hugged Li Cha fiercely, buried his head in his arms and burst into tears.

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, then with a smile on his face, he touched the little guy's head.

Softly comforting.

"Don't cry, don't cry, darling, with me here, no one can bully you..."

Hearing this, the little guy cried even more.

It wasn't until after a long time that it seemed that he was tired of crying, and the little centaur's voice became quieter.

Sobbing slowly, he left his embrace.

His eyes were red, and he looked at him pitifully.

"Father, I just killed many, many monsters..."

Said, holding on to his robe tightly, as if afraid that he was the only one to rely on to leave.

Li Cha smiled and wiped away the tears on the little centaur's face, admiring it.

"Amelida is strong and I'm relieved."

"It's not your fault, don't worry, those monsters are our enemies, if we don't kill them, they will destroy everything we have."

"In the face of the enemy, you don't need to keep your hands."

"You did a great job, not only helping me, but everyone in Dusk City."

"The residents will be proud of you and proud of you."

Hearing this, the little centaur's eyes lit up.

The voice was small and uncertain.


Seeing the expectant gaze, Li Cha nodded.


These words seemed to be acquitted by the judge, and the little centaurs were immediately given a new life.

The depressed mood instantly rose, and the red eyes curved into crescents.

But after crying for too long, her throat was still gulping uncontrollably.

Li Cha was amused. The child's face was indeed the same as the weather.

Amelida just thought of something at this moment, turned her head dimly and glanced around, and found that the surrounding army was looking at her, especially after Xina was staring at her with a smile.

Ah~ an exclamation came out of his mouth, and he buried his head in Li Cha's arms again.

Ears were blushing.


When Li Cha saw this appearance, he couldn't help laughing.

After comforting the little guy for a while, the other party dared to raise his head, but immediately turned around and left.

The shy dare not look at Hina.

Seeing the disappearing back of the other party, the corners of Li Cha's mouth twitched slightly.

After this episode, the tense mood just now relaxed a lot.

Raising such a little guy is also very interesting.

He turned his head and looked at the girl beside him.

"Xina, you go to rest for a while, there will be a big battle next, you don't need to be so tense."

Hina's fierce aura has also eased at this moment.

Looking at the handsome voice in front of him, he nodded slowly.

"Yes, my lord."

She didn't insist, in the battle just now, she was the main force, taking the lead, charging forward every time.

Even if the physical resilience is called abnormal, the mental consumption is irreparable.

Continue to fight, I'm afraid it will drag down the body.

After Hina left, Li Cha looked at Mu Nai Yin Yingxiong beside him.

"Gray, how about the loss of troops?"

Gray's empty voice sounded.

"Master, a total of 5 teams of Mu Nai Yin guardians, 3 bands of bandage Mu Nai Yin, and two teams of scorpion warriors were killed in this battle."

"Added up, a total of one squadron was killed."

This number seems to be a lot, but compared to the time span of one day and one night of fighting, and the number of legions that hunted and killed the enemy.

capstone novel

These casualties are almost negligible.

Li Cha has a number in mind.

Very satisfied with this.

The towering city wall gave the army defending the city a geographical advantage.

The three hurricane arrow towers at the rear give the army strong fire support.

On the other hand, the quicksand land outside shared enormous pressure.

The defense system he invested in the huge amount of resources has finally seen the effect at this moment.

And the alchemy artillery, the big killer, has not yet been put into battle.

The power of Dusk City is still hidden.

Recovering his scattered thoughts, Li Cha glanced around the city.

Suddenly I saw many residents staring outside through the windows.

Although there is worry and fear in their eyes, they are more eager.

Seeing Li Cha looking at them, one by one immediately became excited.

They don't want to stay in the house all the time, and they also want to contribute to Dusk City.

Even if it is death, it must live and die with the city of dusk.

Gao Minxin, who is above 90, has never been a simple data.

Li Cha understood those eyes.

"Gray, give Carew the order to keep the residents working."

"Tell everyone that even if they die, I can resurrect them without any worries."

"As you wish."

When Gray passed the news on, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers in the residential building.

Get what you want.

In a moment, a large number of residents poured out of the residence and spontaneously gathered on the small square in front of the lord's mansion.

One by one, they looked at the figure on the city wall with their back to them.

That is the ruler of the land, and the leader they trust and worship.

Feeling the hot discussion coming from behind, Li Cha slowly turned around.

Seeing the fiery gazes of nearly 2,000 residents, I felt a little ups and downs in my heart.

These are his people, and with one order, all will fight for him.

In the palm of your hand, you can control countless lives and deaths.

This feeling is enough to amaze the most determined mind.

Power is a man's best coat, this sentence is never false.

The sound resounded through the sky.

"My people."

"What you are in now is another plane."

"We're fighting a protracted war."

"Death, killing, blood... The world is full of darkness."

"Beyond the city walls, there are countless monsters, they attack day and night and fight."

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"Once it can't be resisted, the city of dusk will sink and be destroyed."

"I need your help."

"You need to contribute your own strength to fight for the city of dusk."

With a fanning tone, the morale of the residents below immediately rose.

Clenched fists, held their breath, waiting for their overlord to give orders.

At this moment, even if they are asked to carry weapons to the battlefield, they will not hesitate.

For the city of dusk, they are willing to give everything, they may be afraid, they will be afraid, but they will never back down.

"Kalu will arrange for you to enter the production department later."

"Everyone obeyed the arrangement and performed their duties."

"Remember, in this plane, even if you die, I can resurrect you."


The words fell, and the residents all held their chests and bowed.

Nearly 2,000 people saluted at the same time, and the visual impact was quite strong.

Richard didn't say anything more, turned around and returned to the lord's mansion.

Seeing this, the residents dispersed in an orderly manner with excitement and began to work in the corresponding departments.

Blacksmiths, tailors, breweries, food workshops... an influx of people.

The city has returned to its former hustle and bustle.

And this time, because the enemy could attack at any time, all the residents were very excited.

Even the production efficiency has been greatly improved.

Back at the lord's mansion, Richard did not rush to rest, and came to the corner of the front yard where the troops' nests were placed.

After a unit is killed, you can spend points to revive it.

At that time, the fallen troops will be reborn from the lair.

Opened the attribute panel and took a look. It takes 600 points to resurrect a rare unit.

Twilight City lost a squadron and needed a total of 60,000.

It doesn't look like much, but it takes 20 points to hunt down a rare unit.

For these 60,000 points, you need to hunt down 3,000 rare monsters.

Resurrection required a full 30 times.

In the eyes of ordinary players, this is definitely a bloodbath.

But the rich and powerful Richard didn't care at all.

With a wave of his hand, the army that had just been killed immediately reappeared.

In addition, the death toll of the Bone Blood Dragon has also increased to 10 during the just-cleaning campaign.

These troops that are in the front of the charge are often targeted by the opponent for the first time.

However, each crown arm has 100 points, 30 times is 3000 points, and 10 heads are 30,000.

In this way, once a large-scale death occurs, just spending points to resurrect will take up a large part.

Some players with insufficient strength may not earn enough points to revive the army.

After 90,000 points were consumed, Li Cha glanced at his points.

3.78 million.

The corners of the mouth are raised high.

At least 1.5 million points were contributed by the Quicksands.

The ancient tree of the gods is killing mad.

At this time, the second place in the points rankings has only a little over 1 million points, and the gap is widening.

After all the troops were resurrected, he reopened the troop nest panel in front of him.

The day he entered the dungeon on the 15th was Monday, and eight o'clock in the evening was the time when the unit's lair was refreshed, but he couldn't take it out at that time.

Looking at it at this time, I immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

Sure enough, troops can also be recruited in the copy.

He did not hesitate at the moment, and directly recruited all the refreshed arms.

When he entered the dungeon, he earned 20 million resources from the underground world as a reserve.

Ammunition is plentiful.

The number of troops immediately rose by one section.

Rare Arms—

Mu Nai Yin Guardian 330→360,

Axe of the Dead 330→380

Bandage Mummy 63→84

Scorpion Warrior 71→78

Great Axe Death Knight 177→198

Sand Condensing Archer 350→400

Sand Mage 200→225

Curse the Pharaoh 40→45

Brilliant Arms—

Dark Gargoyle 220→240,

Axe of the Dead 65→70,

Heavy Swordsman 20.

Crown Arms - Bone Blood Dragon 30

A total of 209 rare arms were recruited, each costing 12,000 units of resources and consuming 2.508 million resources.

25 brilliant arms are recruited, each with a unit price of 42,000 and a consumption of 1.05 million.

After a wave of recruitment, there are still more than 16 million of 20 million resources left.

The only pity is that the trading market cannot be used in the dungeon, otherwise the three arms nests can be upgraded to glory.

Shaking his head, he didn't think much of it.

After all the troops are given to the desertification, the newly recruited troops will be stationed on the city wall immediately.

Li Cha was exhausted and rubbed his temples. He had to rest for a while. He didn't sleep for a few days, which caused his state to decline badly.

After instructing the army to guard him strictly, he returned to his room and fell asleep.

He didn't know how long he had slept when a sudden knock on the door woke him up.

Richard Mihu sat up and waved his hand to control the gravel piled in the corner to open the door.

Carew's figure appeared in front of him.

"Lord Richard, we found a special businessman outside..."

Li Cha raised his brows and quickly came to his senses.


This is a copy, where is the merchant?

Could it be that some player is here to pretend?

Karoo nodded solemnly.

"That's right, he said he was a space merchant from another plane..."

"Its strength is terrifying. Ms. Sheena is confronting the other party. Lord Gray asked me to report to you immediately."

Li Cha got out of bed frowning.

Space Merchant?

What's going on?

Is Hina so vigilant?

While thinking about it, the maid outside the house entered the house with hot water and toiletries.

After simply washing his face, he went out with Karoo immediately.

Not far from Dusk City, in the agricultural area that was mostly destroyed, he met the so-called space merchant.

The other party was wearing a long black cloak, and a pair of silver eyes were half hidden under the cloak.

The tip of the tall nose protrudes slightly.

The momentum carries an indescribable mystery.

Even where the other party is, the surrounding space is a little dark.

Gives an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Hina stood not far away with a long sword in her hand, her face dignified to the extreme.

In the sky, Alves was flying in the sky with dozens of bone blood dragons, and the scarlet energy in his throat was condensing, ready to attack at any time.

Gray and Gaunt are eyeing the distance with the Axe of the Dead, and in the event of an accident, they will act as soon as possible.

The sudden appearance of the space merchant made the army of Dusk City feel a great threat.

Highest alert.

It wasn't until Richard arrived that the tense atmosphere eased a little.

Seeing this, Li Cha opened the property panel of the merchant.

After a glance, his face suddenly became solemn.

black robe merchant

Level: 20 (Extraordinary)

Relationship: Friendly

? ? ?

? ? ?

Introduction: Maybe you can buy some special items from his hands. UU Reading

Level 20? !

Where is this boss from?

Li Cha was surprised.

Taking a few deep breaths, he suppressed the inner turmoil.


"Put away your weapons, this strange friend is not our enemy."

The word friendship in each other's relationship cannot be faked.

And if this level 20 transcendence wants to do it, it won't wait until now...

This calmed the atmosphere a bit.

Hearing this, the black-robed businessman hidden in the cloak slowly raised his head and glanced at him.

The pair of silver eyes hidden under the cloak of the other party is unforgettable at a glance.

"Unfamiliar lord, I am a merchant from another world. You can use your points to buy treasures from me."

The other party's voice was somewhat hoarse, using the common language of "Era of Radiance".


Richard caught the key words.

Could this black-robed merchant be an NPC specially arranged by the system to exchange points?

Interested immediately.

"Your Excellency, can you show me the treasure you have?"

The black-robed merchant nodded slowly.

The right hand stretched out, and a dark energy rose up, condensing five black boxes in the air.

"This is the most suitable treasure for your territory."

"The minimum price is 3 million points."

"You can only buy two at a time."

Li Cha's eyes narrowed.

Minimum selling price... 3 million points? !

Looking at the five unremarkable boxes floating in the air, my emotions fluctuated.

What level of treasure is required to be worth 3 million points? !

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