Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 305: v2 Chapter 287: 1. The strength of oneself to beat the 15th level boss, 1 billion...

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Li Cha looked at the demon player in front of him, his expression slightly subtle for a while.

He didn't expect someone to be so upright, good guy, if you want to trick him, you have to use your brain...

The demon player looked at Alves behind him and was about to cry without tears.

Brother, why are you so strong to hide? To know that you are so stubborn, what about me?

"Brother, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Alves' scarlet energy burst out.

all of a sudden.

The tongue of flame was pulled out for tens of meters.

The panic on the demon player's face just rose, and it was too late to react.

The corpse is like plastic melted by high temperature, falling down with mucus, smashing into the mud and splashing a foul-smelling muddy water.

Looking at the demon player who was easily killed, the audience in the live broadcast room was laughing crazy at the moment.

"Fuck, I don't know what to say, and it's not good to offend anyone, but I chose this pervert named Qingqiu..."

"Maybe he still doesn't know who the enemy opposite him is..."

"Hahaha, thank you for this big brother, I am seriously depressed, and suddenly recovered today."

"I've seen all kinds of ways to die, but it's the first time I've seen someone so rushing to die, and I've raised my posture..."


After the joke, the player soon forgot the unlucky demon player and focused on the new boss.

After the huge figure broke through the heavy fog, it slowly revealed its huge body.

Although I can't see it clearly, I can see the other party's information.

The audience can't see the player's information, but can see the level of the monster in the copy.

After seeing it clearly, the barrage exploded immediately.

"I'm not dazzled, level 15 boss, B-level potential? Damn, this is the first time I've seen a boss template unit..."

"Hey~ Qingqiu is in big trouble this time, a top-level unit with a boss template, now there's a good show to watch!"

"Hahaha, finally there is a monster that Qingqiu can't deal with, let's get rid of this pervert, boss give me some strength!"


The audience in the live broadcast room immediately became excited after the initial shock.

Although there is hope that Li Cha can kill the boss and see what treasures he can get, most people still hope that the boss can kill him.

Everyone is a competitor to each other, and players naturally cannot hope that their opponents are doing well.

Seeing the figure crawling out of the thick fog, Li Cha's expression became a little dignified.

The sight gradually became clearer.

It was a life like a slug.

With a body length of more than 40 meters and a diameter of more than 10 meters, it looks incomparably infiltrating with the constant wriggling posture.

Its surface is covered with a sticky, disgusting green liquid, and when crawling in the mud, a long trail will be drawn from the back.

Its mouth is full of sharp thorns, which can easily tear boulders, but its biggest weapon is a mouthpart with a diameter of two meters in the upper jaw.

In midair, after being baptized by the dragon's breath, there was still a wounded demon that was escaping.

The other party just flew to the head of the monster at this time.


A green liquid spurted out of the opponent's mouthparts.


The demon didn't have time to dodge, and his body was corroded directly into potholes, screaming and falling into the mud, losing traces of life in the blink of an eye.

It looked rather spooky.

Corrosive attack.

Li Cha raised his brows, opened the other party's attributes and took a look.

Rotting Insect, Level 15, Boss Unit, Potential Level B, Other Attributes? ? ? , Introduction, the boss who was born in the mud, is full of poison and has powerful attack power.

Level 15 boss.

His eyes immediately became serious.

The strength of the boss template is much higher than that of the hero template.

These are the rules of Shining Era and cannot be changed.

What's more, this is a level 15 boss... Its combat power should not be underestimated.

The perception spread to the extreme, and after no other enemy was found, Li Cha took a deep breath and gradually became excited.

For so long, he hadn't seen a few boss units other than the Ancient of Gods and the Centaur Amireda.

And killing the boss can get special rewards, this is a system prompt.

Rewards or something, he never mind getting more.

Decisive order.

"The whole army is ready to attack, the target - this rotten worm in front of you!"

"Alves, you attract the opponent's attention and create output space for the army."

"Gaunt, lead the Axe of the Dead to attack, pay attention to the opponent's Corrosion Cannon!"

"Hina, you move freely, look for opportunities, and give a fatal blow!"

The voice fell, and the yellow sand on Li Cha's body surging.

In an instant, on his way, the gravel that had been condensed in mid-air suddenly escaped.

A suit of armor was formed directly on the surrounding army.

Even the huge body of the skeleton blood dragon was protected by sand armor in key parts.

Condensed sand into armor, super A skills.

The only pity is that there is too little gravel to maximize the characteristics of this skill.

Armed with the protection of the sand shield, the army immediately went into action.

Alves charged first.

This giant dragon hero does not need any verbal provocation, and the unbridled dragon power is the strongest provocation tool.

Before it got close, it became the first target of the rotten worm.


The huge mouth opened, and the mouthparts in the upper jaw spurted a thick green liquid. Under the terrifying high pressure, the liquid's flying speed was three points faster than the arrow.

Alves' flanks dodged, dodging the corrosive attack.

The mouth also spit out a strong corrosive dragon breath.


The scarlet dragon breath tens of meters long swept down.


The rotten worms were not afraid and attacked forcibly.


Corrosive slime shot into the dragon's breath, and the two sides collided directly.

At this moment, it was as if the gasoline had encountered an open flame.

burst suddenly.


A terrifying air wave surged around.

The double corrosion of dragon breath and mucus instantly enveloped the surroundings.

The silt on the ground was lifted up to dozens of meters high.

Lots of plants corrode into slime.

When the two sides collided, the skeletal blood dragon in the rear had also swooped over the rotten worm.

One after another dragon breath spit out, covering the level 15 boss.

But the thick skin with green slime has exaggerated defensive power, forcibly blocking the damage of the dragon's breath.

Even if it was hit from the front, only dark spots appeared on the skin.


Players watching the live broadcast immediately cheered up when they saw this scene.

"This boss is so tough! It can actually resist the dragon's breath!"

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"So strong? Dragon breath can't hurt this slug..."

"Die Qingqiu, slut!! Don't let me down!!"

"I'm going to cry, it's been a few hours, and I finally see Qingqiu deflated!!"


This is the first time players have seen that there is an existence that can stop those undead dragons in Qingqiu.

They were almost desperate before, and the idea that this guy was invincible was born in their hearts.

At this moment, they finally saw Qingqiu's hope of falling to the altar.

That guy is by no means invincible!

boss, give me some strength!

The expression of Li Cha, who was commanding from the rear, did not change much.

The Bone Blood Dragon's attack was set back as expected, the level 15 boss is so easy to kill, the opponent is not worthy of being called a boss.

"Axe of the Dead, attack!"

The second order is issued.

The axe of the dead, who had never been shot, drove the dark gargoyle sitting down and rushed straight up.


The long-handled axe in his hand roared out with a terrifying aura.

Pooh~ The battle axe penetrated the skin directly.

But compared to that huge body, this attack was like a tickling.

I haven't waited for the player to post a barrage of ridicule.


A crisp sound exploded.

The giant axe that penetrated the skin shattered, pooh~ countless pieces of the battle axe pierced into the skin around.

The thick skin that could withstand the dragon's breath was directly pierced.

The large wounds burst, and its attack effect is better than the dragon's breath.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately swallowed the ridicule and stared at the next scene.

After being hit so badly, there was no blood gushing out of the wound of the rotten worm, but more corrosive mucus appeared.

The boss broke away from Alves' ridicule at this moment, and a roar of filial piety sent out a chilling roar from his throat.

Meng aimed at the Axe of the Dead around him.

puff puff~

The mouthparts on the upper jaw are like machine guns, attacking dozens of times in a row.

Corrosion Cannon.

A large number of dark gargoyles were too late to dodge and were directly hit by the Corrosion Cannon.


Because there is not much gravel on the body, the yellow sand armor that is not thick enough to condense can not withstand this kind of damage, it is corroded and collapsed, and it turns into gravel again.

The opponent's attack was too dense, and several dark gargoyles had not yet escaped from the area.


Another shot of corrosion bombardment hit him.

The body that was immune to magic was directly corroded into large areas of potholes.

Magic immunity is invalid.


The dark gargoyle immediately turned on the invincible sandification of physical resistance, trying to resist this damage.

The Axe of the Dead also uses this powerful life-saving skill at the same time.

However, the corrosive damage caused by the mucus secreted by the internal organs is not physical and magical damage, it is a special type of damage, and desertification is not immune.

Even if the desertification has a strong recovery ability, it cannot save itself in the face of unreasonable corrosion.

The dark gargoyle that was hit fell to the ground together with the Axe of the Dead, and was directly turned into liquid.

The army suffered casualties for the first time in the arena of death...

Li Cha didn't have much expression on his face at the moment, and he didn't even glance at the slain dark gargoyles and the axe of the dead.

At this moment, the spirit is highly concentrated, and he is precisely commanding the army to surround and kill the rotten insects.

As long as you are promoted to the next round, all units can be resurrected.

Even if all of them are killed, as long as this boss is killed, the profit will not be lost.

Others may also consider how to deal with other players without an army, but he doesn't need to... Even if there is no army, no hero, and only him left, he can also push the players with full configuration.

This is the foundation accumulated from countless previous expeditions, which outsiders cannot imagine.

"The axe of the dead of the two squads on the side immediately flew to the northwest to attack, avoiding the area where the opponent's attack was dense..."

"Gaunt, condense the ball of corrosion. When the target opens its mouth, it attacks the mouthparts of the opponent's upper jaw. Even if the opponent's resistance is high and cannot take effect, it can still slow down the attack."

"Alves, continue to dive and attack, attract the hatred of the opponent at low altitude, don't let the opponent's attention be on the Axe of the Dead!"


There is no mutiny and loyalty in the undead army. The execution of the master's orders is an instinct imprinted in the soul.

Li Cha commanded a kind of comfortable feeling, which may be an important reason why he is so obsessed with the undead army.

But Rao is that the army cooperates properly, the attack rhythm is full, the output bursts, and the attack is not smooth.

The two sides fought for about 20 minutes, and he had already killed 4 teams of Axe of the Dead and 1 team of Bone Blood Dragon.

This 15 boss is far more difficult than the level 16 Void Hunter hero who guards the dark spar outside.

The thing that gave him the most headaches was the horrific body of the other party.

The attacks of the Axe of the Dead and the Bone Blood Dragon were already ferocious, but the Rot Worm had withstood these attacks.

What's more, the highly corrosive mouth cannon on the opponent's upper jaw has powerful destructive power, so he has to deal with it carefully.

The meat becomes a dog, and the attack is sharp.

This seems to be a common feature of top combat units.

And these two characteristics are particularly prominent in boss units.

This is the case with the ancient tree of gods, and the same is true for this rotten insect.

It's a pity that the ancient tree of the gods can't be brought, otherwise, if the boss collides with this bug, there will be a very exciting battle.

And this tough boss battle also attracted a large number of players to come and watch.

Richard did not know at this time that the number of players in his live broadcast room had exceeded 4 billion.

accounted for a quarter of the total number of players.

This figure is an exaggeration.

Most of those new viewers were attracted by the forum posts discussing Qingqiu's boss fight.

The purpose of their coming was very simple from the beginning - to see how Qingqiu was hanged and beaten by the boss.

But seeing now, those players only feel their scalp tingling.

Although he hasn't killed that boss yet, Qingqiu's fighting power displayed in the is simply frightening to hear.

"Fuck, who is the boss in the end, how can Qingqiu's army's combat power be so abnormal?!"

"It was a level 15 boss who was pressed and beaten. Who knows what the specific level of Qingqiu's army is?"

"Isn't that giant dragon hero too sluggish? I saw with my own eyes that I was attacked by that bug's corrosion cannon 5 times, and it's still alive and well..."

"This boss has been bombarded by so many troops and still hasn't died. Can this thing really kill you? Thinking about it this way, Qingqiu seems to be more perverted. To be able to step on a boss of this level is simply speechless.. …”


At this time, people in other rooms have already encountered the boss one after another.

But without exception, in front of the level 15 boss, those players were slaughtered like chickens.

Although the maps are different and the bosses are not the same, the strength of the bosses is uniform and strong, and there is no weak chicken.

In other live broadcast rooms, I saw players being slaughtered wantonly, and then I watched Qingqiu press the boss to fight.

The experience brought by that extreme contrast is completely different.

In other live broadcast rooms, there are also some smart players who started to unite with the rest to attack the boss together.

But this often requires twenty or thirty players to unite to barely deal with the boss.

In contrast, other people are either fighting the boss together with dozens of players, or they are chased around by the boss.

Only Qingqiu is unique.

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