Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 309: v2 Chapter 291: Boss who fell from the sky - Dark Valkyrie (six thousand...

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The two floating squares are rapidly approaching, and the human player holding the reins of the warhorse is still full of confidence.

At this moment, he has begun to imagine that the opposite player sees the horrifying expression of his iron cavalry.

Facing the cavalry on the open ground, and in a forbidden environment, this is definitely a hellish encounter that no one wants to face.

"Old irons, double-click the last wave of 666, and we will be approaching the enemy immediately!!"

He's still trying to create a dramatic effect that will captivate the audience.

Although he couldn't see the speeches of other players, he could also guess seventy-eighty-eighty... The barrage should be a piece of 666 mixed with words that crushed each other.

Thinking of this, my heart became more and more emotional.

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters...

The moment the floating plaza approached 100 meters, the Mohu enemy on the opposite plaza that seemed to be shrouded in gauze suddenly became clear.

This is... the setting of the sky arena? !

The human player stared wide-eyed and looked at the opposite enemy.

But after seeing the enemy on the opposite side, his confident expression gradually stiffened.

Is that... an undead dragon? !

His eyes began to become uneasy.

Alves, with a wingspan of more than 30 meters, half-folded his wings and stood in the center of the square.

Even though his body was partially covered due to his line of sight, his height of more than 10 meters when he stood upright still made him very eye-catching.

A behemoth that no one can ignore.

in the live room.

The number of viewers has skyrocketed to 1.5 billion.

They witnessed with their own eyes the whole process of the human player's expression changing from full of confidence to uncertainty, and finally to panic.

Every one of them laughed.

"It's so exciting. The face-changing of Sichuan operas I've seen has never been so exciting."

"Hahahaha, it's time to buckle the wave 666..."

"I can't laugh anymore, why don't you rush? rush, I'm optimistic about you young."

"Old irons, the opposite is Qingqiu. Today, I will show you three hundred and sixty-five ways of committing suicide..."


This funny reversal made the live broadcast room very lively.

in the roar of the audience.

The two floating squares collided slowly.

Two 50-meter-long gaps are spliced ​​together tightly.

"Ding~ The floating square has been successfully connected, and you are free to attack the opposite lord - Qingqiu."

The human player sitting on the warhorse heard the reminder in his ear, and at this moment he finally understood who the enemy he was about to face was.

At this moment, he felt inexplicably dry and his hands were shaking unnaturally.

Forcibly suppressing Ji Dong in his heart, he stared at it again.

At the very front, there was a **** flame burning all over his body, like an undead dragon crawling out of the abyss.

The empty eyes of the other party were staring at him in the desert, as if he was looking at a small insect.

Behind this undead dragon, there are 30 smaller units of the same type.

Dozens of huge dragons immediately brought an indescribable sense of oppression.

He rode on a war horse, and he couldn't even attack the opponent's abdomen...

Behind these powerful arms, gargoyles reflecting metallic luster are protecting the undead arms in full-body armor, and the battle axes in their hands are deeply cold.

Compared to Qingqiu's army, the heavy cavalry he was relying on looked like a weak and helpless sheep at the moment.

Before the two sides collided, he already felt an indescribable sense of horror.

But the arrow had to be sent on the string!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he pulled out his cross sword and pointed at the enemy.

Shout out!

"All troops attack!"

The voice fell, and a blue light appeared on the body, covering the entire army.

Although his behavior was full of courage, the audience in the live broadcast room heard the uncontrolled vibrato.

"Hahaha, don't be afraid, this time is coming, the big one is coming!"

"Cavalry company, charge!"

"If you don't come back, then go and never come back."

"High energy in front, 300 iron cavalry bravely died, Qingqiu blood splashed Yuanyanglou."

"Qingqiu, I'm here to send you points, are you ready?"


There was a lot of fun in the live broadcast room.

300 armored heavy cavalry burst out.

The silver bottle was broken, and the water slurry burst.

The iron cavalry collapsed like a mountain, and the swords and guns screamed in the sky.


Horses' hooves stomped on the ground, as if a heavy drum was hammering in his heart.

Once the speed of the cavalry rises, all obstacles ahead seem to be crushed.

In an instant, the 300 iron cavalry passed through the side of the human player with the most ferocity, like a galloping arrow crossing the connection between the two squares.



The posture of the heavy cavalry is unparalleled, and he vows to smash everything!

After the army took off, hope appeared on the faces of the human players in the rear.

still have a chance! !

As long as he can smash these flightless undead dragons in one wave, victory may not belong to him!

After this thought arises, the light radiating from the body becomes more and more brilliant.

The surrounding troops were three points faster.

Just when the iron cavalry was about to collide with the undead army ahead.

Alves, who stood at the forefront like a mountain, let out a low roar of filial piety.

A blood-colored light suddenly appeared in his throat.

Super A Grade Dragon Breath.

At this moment, the 30 skeletal blood dragons in the back also spewed scarlet flames.


Dozens of dragon breaths are like high-pressure muskets, spraying out a distance of tens of meters.

With a strong corrosive death energy, it instantly devoured the heavy cavalry that charged.


The horses focus first.

The hoofs and limbs that were not protected by armor seemed to be thrown into the magma, and they melted into a pool of liquid in just one or two breaths.

During the high-speed charge, the collapse of the warhorse still carried a terrifying inertia. The knight in the rear was caught off guard, the reins in his hands were broken, and he was directly thrown out a distance of more than ten meters.

He hit the ground hard and couldn't get up again.

Knights fight dragons.

This scene is full of fantasy.

But on the field, there was no picture of becoming a knight slaughtering a dragon and being promoted to a dragon slayer.

On the contrary, it is a slaughter knight who is one-sided by the devil.

The charge of the cavalry could not escape the web of death blocked by dozens of tongues of flame.

That's Dragon Breath! The dead dragon is also the top class, and 70% of the damage of this class comes from the dragon's breath.

But the knights in the charge have no way out!

kill! !

in madness.

Even if the iron cavalry of the two squadrons in front were destroyed without touching the enemy, the army charging at high speed in the rear did not retreat.

Stepping on the corpse of his companion, in the gap between the dragon's breath, he finally killed Alves.

Clenching the knight's spear in his hand, the horse galloped like lightning.


A dull sound exploded on the ground.


The ace killer of the cavalry.

With the violent heavy cavalry, Alves kept retreating, and it seemed that he was about to fall at any moment.

The spear in his hand pierced into its blood-colored bones, and large cracks appeared.

The cavalry of the King of Land War finally showed its edge at this moment.

But there was no hope on the face of the human player behind, and a scene that made him extremely desperate appeared.

On Alves, a majestic blood-colored energy burst into flames.


The charging heavy armored cavalry seemed to have entered the water and was wrapped in those blood-colored energies.

Those abilities ignored the armor and penetrated into their bodies along the gaps, directly corroding their bodies.

what! !

In a cry of pain, all the iron cavalry died heroically.

Completely destroyed.

The momentary brilliance of the heavy cavalry did not bring the crown of victory.

The human player, who was full of confidence a few minutes ago, now looks at the army without a life, and his expression turns green and white.

The original confidence was gone.

Yes, there is unspeakable fear.


This is Qingqiu.

Very bitter in the mouth.

In the last arena, he won the first place, and the other players were as weak as lambs under the crushing of heavy cavalry.

He built a strong confidence that he didn't think he was inferior to anyone else.

But reality gave him a big mouth.

In the arena suitable for cavalry fighting in the sky, he lost so tragically.

Not even the strength to fight back.

The tragic record made him understand how big the gap between himself and Qingqiu was.

But he will never admit defeat! Holding the reins, the tip of the sword points to the undead dragon ahead.

"Heavy cavalry, charge!"

With only his cavalry army left on the field, they charged.



But just got close to the Dusk City army.

Alves in front of him kicked a warhorse.

The huge force made the war horse fly out.

The charging human player only saw a heavily armored warhorse descend from the sky.



He was directly smashed into the air by the war horse, fell to the back, and was crushed to death by the war horse with his eyes wide open...

The expected heroic picture of being killed by the dragon's breath during the charge was ruthlessly broken.

Died very sadly.

The tragedy just now turned into a comedy.

Seeing this scene, the live broadcast room immediately burst into joy.

"Hahaha, still want to learn from my large cavalry company? This is too funny."

"Big brother, do you still want to deduct 666 now?"


After some speeches, the audience shifted the topic to Richard.

"Isn't it said that banning the flight will reduce the combat effectiveness of this pervert? Why does it seem that this guy has not been affected at all..."

"How do I feel that after I can't fly, Qingqiu has become more perverted?"


The audience also came back to their senses at this time.

It seems that the situation is completely different from what was expected.

After being banned, why is Qingqiu so perverted?

After all, he was also the number one player in the last arena.

Not to mention that it is difficult to fight the opponent, but you can't win without paying any price, right?

This effortless gesture is too much! !

For a time, the audience looked at the figure whose face was covered by gravel, and could only see a pair of deep eyes.

The mood is very complicated.

Countless words finally turned into one sentence - this pervert! ! !

"Ding~ You hunted a player and got 5000 points."

"The next round of movement is about to start. The default choice is to move to the central area. You can also control the floating square to move north and south, but you cannot leave the central area."

"After the floating plaza you are in is connected to the floating plaza of other lords, it will be automatically destroyed, please pay attention."

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The moment the system prompt sounded, there were 5,000 more points on Richard's panel.

At the same time, the floating plaza where the human player was located rumbled ~ after a loud bang, it collapsed directly and fell into the clouds below.

Li Cha raised his brows, no wonder the other party would attack so actively...

I didn't think about it, rumbling~ The ground suddenly shook.

Then the floating plaza under his feet began to fly towards the west.

The second round of gladiatorial fights is about to start.

After Li Cha decisively turned the army to another direction, he opened the system map and took a look.

The central point where the boss is located is in the west area where he is located.

He needs to pass through the obstacles of several floating squares before he can see the boss.

If he doesn't want to kill the boss, he can also move parallel to the north and south to hunt other players.

Only you can't go back.

Taking back his thoughts, he looked forward.

Since you can't bypass these players, let's push them all.

No one should try to stop him from fighting the boss, even if **** comes.

The floating plaza is gradually approaching the player in the west.

After entering the range of 100 meters.

Li Cha's sight suddenly became clear.

The enemy who was about to face appeared in his eyes... the elf!

To his astonishment, the elf player actually spawned a seven-to-eight-meter tall tree in just twenty or thirty minutes.

And these big trees are not just ordinary trees, but the unique troops of elves——

tree man.

At a glance, there are hundreds of them.

Although it is incomparable to a boss like the ancient tree of God's Sin, it seems to be strong enough.

Above the tree people in the middle, all pointed-eared, green leather armored elves with long bows were staring at him.

Always ready to attack.

The live broadcast room of the elf player was also very lively at this time.

"Although the elves do not have exaggerated damage to the undead caused by priests who believe in the gods of light, the natural camp also has additional damage bonuses to the undead... This time, I am optimistic about this elves."


As the two floating squares approached, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became more and more enthusiastic.

What excites the audience the most is a public information - the natural faction has an additional kill bonus to the undead.

The elves who guard the nature have extreme disgust for all life that violates the law, and the undead are their main targets of hatred.

Its skills often have the characteristic of increasing damage to the undead.

And with the addition of 500 Treant Warriors, Qingqiu was at an absolute disadvantage no matter how you looked at it.

It is not easy to see the hope of winning Qingqiu.

Among the expectations of countless players.

The two floating squares were connected with a bang.

If you don't launch an attack, the floating plaza you are in will be broken.

The attacking side has no other options.

The elf female player took a deep breath and slowly waved the scepter in her hand.

A green magic enveloped everyone.

At this moment, little stars twinkled on the elves and the treants, filling them with inviolable holiness.

After casting the spell, a silver ray of light rose from the elf female player, which strengthened the strength of the surrounding army again.

Seeing this, the barrage immediately heated up.

"This elf girl is so strong, the first one is high-level magic - sanctification, which increases damage to the life of the evil camp by 30%, and the second is the high talent of elves - natural blessing, which increases the damage to the life that violates nature by 35%. . ....Fuck, there is a third magic? This is the moonlight spell, which increases the damage to the undead by 25%... Qingqiu kicked the iron plate this time!"


After the players from the elf camp told the details, the audience in the live broadcast room became more and more excited.

500 treants plus 300 elves, and attribute restraint... Can you finally see Qingqiu being beaten? !

Li Cha looked at the treant army with strong magic fluctuations on the opposite side.

He was slightly interested.

This sprite has something.

But is that all there is to it?

"The whole army presses on."

Dan Mo's voice fell.

Alves at the forefront immediately pressed on with the skeleton blood dragon.

The gargoyle and the Axe of the Dead follow closely behind.

Step by step, without the speed of a cavalry charge, but the feeling of oppression is even more.

Like a monstrous wave coming.

Hard to resist.

Not yet approaching the channel.


An arrow pierced the skull of a skeletal blood dragon in front of him.

The white feathers trembled constantly, making a duangduang sound.

There were cobweb-like cracks around the skull.



This arrow miss seems to be the horn of the attack.

At the same time, the elves on the rest of the tree people loosened the bowstrings in their hands that were taut to the extreme.

take a break~

The sound of arrows breaking through the sky resounded intensively.

After several rounds of magical blessings, the hard bones were no longer able to stop the elf's arrows.

The Bone Blood Dragon felt the sharpness of the arrow for the first time.

Kacha ~ Kacha ~

Every arrow that does not penetrate the skeleton will cause a crack around it.

After several rounds of attacks, the skeletal blood dragon was like an unbroken glass that fell to the ground.

Directly killed 5 heads.

This made the audience in the live broadcast room cry and howl, and they were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

Fortunately, this distance is not too long.

Alves forcibly dashed past the connection point against the opponent's arrow.

The army of tree people facing each other.


The throat suddenly erupted with blood-colored light.

The tree man in front of him who was about to forcibly resist it~ A large area of ​​scorched black appeared on the skin.

The leaves on the trunk were eroded away.

The elf's intensive attack was forced to slow down, gaining breathing space for the skeletal blood dragon behind.

After approaching the attack range, the dragon breath spit out.

Start burning those treants.

The dragon's breath with strong corrosiveness has a powerful killing effect on ordinary life, but when attacking the tree man imposed by the elf magic, there is no expected situation of destruction.

The Axe of the Dead in the back finally reached the front attack point at this time.


Without the slightest hesitation, the long-handled axe roared out.

The shattered battle axe took the storm again.

Those tree people failed to stand firm this time, and fell to the ground one by one.

But the original intention of the elves did not seem to be to let the tree people fight, and they began to use these big trees for mobile shooting.

The super flexibility makes them invisible to the army of Dusk City, and the sharp arrows cannot force the attacking army.

The fallen tree man has also become an obstacle to the army's advancement.

After a while, the number of dead bone blood dragons soared to 10.

The powerful magic damage it comes with is really unusual.

"Lord Richard, I invite you to fight."

Seeing the unfavorable situation in the battle, Xina took the initiative to stand up, her eyes burning.

Li Cha smiled and waved his hand.

"No need to be nervous, it's just for training. It's the first time I've encountered an elves who have mastered so much magic. It's no harm to learn more about them."

If you really want to fight, let Xena Gaunt out together, and the other party can withstand a few rounds of attacks.

Even Hina alone can slaughter the opponent.

He has not dealt with players many times, and it is rare to meet someone who masters so much magic, but it seems that the other party is nothing more than that.

Look at the more than ten skeletal blood dragons that fell on the ground.

After thinking about it, under the watchful eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room.

He slowly took out a black medal and put it on his chest.

Co-authoring, you can improve the combat effectiveness of the army, right?

Such a very simple action, not many people care, but the next second the audience suddenly realized that the situation was wrong.

The undead army, tortured by the elf arrow, suddenly became fierce.

The arrow that can easily shoot through the body of the undead dragon lost, at this moment, it seemed like it was shot on the city wall, Ding Ling's sugar palm rang wildly ~ but could no longer break the defense.

what's going on? ?

In the live broadcast room, a question mark was raised.

Afterwards, it was full of barrages cheering up the elf players, definitely not losing to Qingqiu! This is the most promising one yet! !

Death Elegy Medal, 5 stars, when commanding a undead unit, all attributes are increased by 50%, 3 squads of dead undead units can be resurrected every day, and the death time does not exceed three days.

Richard has never worn this strategic treasure bought from the black-robed merchant.

After equipping it at this moment, the elf on the opposite side immediately felt the feeling of being crushed.

Increase all attributes by 50%, which is simply abnormal!

The lethality of the Bone Blood Dragon's dragon breath skyrocketed, and the shattering of the Axe of the Dead was like a storm, which could clear everything.

In the live broadcast room, those spectators who felt that Qingqiu was about to lose just a moment ago, stunned, watched the army in Twilight City run rampant and pushed them over.

The resistance of the elf, at this moment, is like low and dry weeds trying to block the carriage of the carriage, and it is useless.

Looking at the elf who was caught off guard and madly defeated.

The corners of Li Cha's mouth twitched slightly.

Compared with his background... Looking at the tens of billions of players, it seems that no one has this qualification.

But just as he was about to let the army wipe out the elves.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of horror emerged in my heart.

Meng turned around.

I saw that on the north side of the floating plaza, an illusory floating plaza seemed to come from across the void and was slowly condensing into an entity.

On the edge of the floating plaza, a slender figure in pure black armor, suspended half a meter above the ground, stood out of thin air.

The no-air rules of the Sky Arena seem to be invalid for it.

Li Cha just glanced at the figure and felt an indescribable sense of danger welling up in his heart.

It seems that he has been pushed to the throat by the sharp sword.

The other party is extremely dangerous!

Forcibly suppress the emotions in your heart and look carefully.

That figure was wearing a black hollow withered flower mask that only exposed the eyes, and the light from the golden eyes was like a sharp sword, extremely sharp.

The golden cloak on the back stretches out against the wind, bringing a strong visual impact to people.

That mysterious being was about 1.75 meters, but the sword he was holding was over three meters long.

The narrow, long sword with a somewhat curved arc is filled with a frightening chill, and the space around the sword is distorted.

The momentum on his body is like a volcano about to erupt, with endless destruction in silence.

This sudden appearance is by no means easy to match!

"Ding~ You have encountered the hidden boss of the Sky Arena - the Dark Valkyrie."

"Each arena has hidden bosses, which will appear randomly. If you kill the hidden bosses, the rewards will be greatly increased."

"Please prepare for the battle."

When Li Cha heard the system prompt, he was a little more stable.

Don't be afraid of the enemy's strength, but be afraid of the unknown enemy.

Knowing that the other party was coming, the sense of oppression disappeared immediately.

The word hidden boss intrigued him a lot.

However, the strong danger emanating from the other party made him quickly withdraw his scattered thoughts.

His eyes were more serious than ever.

Open the properties panel.

Dark Valkyrie, boss template, potential A-level, level 15, other attributes? ? ? , Introduction: This is an extremely powerful existence, and no one wants to face the sword in her hand.

Potential A-level boss?

Level up to level 15?

Li Cha immediately thought of the most powerful and domineering ancient tree in the city of dusk.

That one-man-against-one-army boss has exactly the same template and potential as this dark Valkyrie.

But the level of the ancient tree of the gods is two levels lower than the opponent...

Li Cha suddenly felt that encountering a hidden boss was not so fragrant. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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