Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 315: v2 Chapter 297: 1 knife second boss, the player who was strongly shocked, he...

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"Ding~ You killed a lord and gained 5,000 points. The current number of hunters is 10, ranking first."

Renee's elven sword cut off the last mechanical puppet.

A familiar system prompt rang in Richard's ear.

Although all the troops were killed, the three top combat powers in their hands swept the entire sky arena with a domineering and unparalleled attitude.

After the Dark Valkyrie was included in the statue of the ancient gods of the past, none of the players encountered next could resist the edge of the City of Twilight.

The audience in the live broadcast room was numb at the moment watching one player after another being pushed horizontally.

Originally thought that after Qingqiu's army was killed, it wouldn't last long.

But who would have thought, this is just the beginning.

He only had three heroes left, but he still beat everyone without the strength to resist.

abnormal! Extremely perverted! !

After the fortress player was knocked over by Richard in front of him, he continued to move towards the west with the floating plaza.

He finally came to the central square where the boss was.

Its diameter is several times larger than that of an ordinary square.

The most eye-catching core position is the statue of the four-winged angel with a long sword in both hands.

The face of the other party is not kind and kind. Instead, it has four sharp fangs, and the muscles and veins on the face are bulging, like countless earthworms squirming on it.

This ferocious face immediately gave people a strong sense of disobedience.

When Richard looked at the statue, around the central square, seven or eight floating squares arrived at the same time.

In some floating squares, one player descended, and some came down with two or three players.

They each occupied a certain direction of the square with their troops, and no one moved rashly.

He looked around cautiously.

The two players who came down from the floating plaza beside Li Cha saw that there were only a few solitary subordinates left, and their eyes were eager to try.

It seems that he wants to eat this fat meat into his stomach.

However, considering that the surrounding players were eyeing them, he held back and did not do anything.

In the live broadcast room, I saw two cowardly guys, and the audience who watched the fun and did not think it was a big deal were disappointed.

"I didn't expect these two guys to be able to hold back..."

"Hey, I'll do it later. When they know that the purpose of their attack is Qingqiu, they don't know what expressions they will show?"


After other players called for not to send points to Qingqiu, the number of people in Richard's live broadcast room dropped from the peak of nearly 6 billion to about 500 million.

It is not as good as the peak, but it is still very lively at the moment.

The audience also had expectations for other players to beat him at first, and even cheered for other players.

But after a few waves of Richard pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, they saw the disbelieving expressions of the players who were overturned by the car.

I like this feeling again.

It's always so comforting to see others unlucky.

And on the forum, because of Richard's terrifying record, a large number of posts began to speculate on the specific strength of these heroes, Xina.

After multiple verifications and comprehensive inferences, the players on the forum finally recognized a fact... The potential of these heroes, Li Cha, is at least A-level!

And this news caused an uproar.

This has caused a huge impact on players who only have one or two C-level or even D-level heroes in the territory.

Just like when I was earning 3,000 a month, I suddenly found out that the guy who graduated with me made 300 million a year.

The whole person is not well.

Three A-level heroes, if you add the fallen dragon heroes, there are 4!

How exaggerated? !

After seeing the news, countless people were shocked and puzzled.

It's not that they haven't encountered high-level heroes, but the difficulty of the recovery task of B-level heroes is very exaggerated.

Often a month may not be able to complete.

They really can't think of how Qingqiu could so easily complete the task of recovering four A-level heroes...

Envy, jealousy and hatred are hard to express the feelings of most people.


Li Cha, who was frowning at the statue of the angel, was awakened by a loud noise.

Looking back, I saw that the floating plaza connected to the central plaza was completely broken at this moment.

The mighty fell into the clouds below.

All players have lost their way out.

And just after the floating plaza collapsed.


A crisp crack sounded in everyone's ears.

The more than 20 players remaining in the square were all heartbroken at this moment.

Looking at the core area...

The shell of that hideous four-winged angel statue burst and fell off inch by inch at this moment.

An indescribable dark aura surged out.

The world seems to have lost its color.

And every inch of the shell of the withered statue shattered, the dark aura it exuded skyrocketed.

As if an abyss beast was breaking out of its shell.

The terrifying coercion is breathtaking.

No one dared to make an action, for fear that the terrifying existence would choose him as a hunting target.

When the hard shell of the statue was completely removed, a four-winged terrifying monster with black wings on its back appeared in front of her eyes.

The other party is 3 meters tall, and a pair of eyes emitting a dim light seems to devour the soul.

Just looking at it, it brings unspeakable horror to people.

The four long and narrow wings fluttered gently, and the body floated in the air, as if a demon **** had just been born into the world.

All the players in the floating square only felt a heavy pressure on their hearts.

It was difficult to breathe.

Corrupted Angel, boss unit, level 15, potential B level, introduction: an evil angel with great power, no one wants to face its blade.

The boss of the Sky Arena has appeared.

In the square, all players felt uneasy and... hot in their hearts at this moment.

"Brothers, listen to me, this boss level is too high, it is impossible for any of us to deal with it alone!"

"And the floating square has collapsed, and no one can escape."

"Now we have only one enemy, and that is the boss in front of us!"

"The only thing we have to do is to join forces to deal with this boss!"

"There is no need for internal consumption!"

At this moment, a steady voice resounded through the sky.

But the central square is too big, and no one knows who is speaking.

However, this remark made the situation begin to stabilize a bit, at least most players agree with this rhetoric.

"Anyway, if you die, you can still be resurrected. At most, if you quit the arena, we will have nothing to lose."

"But if we can push this boss, then we are just making money!"

"And it's still live broadcast outside. It must be more attractive to fight bosses than us to kill each other."

"If more people can watch it, everyone may not be able to get the system's reward points..."

"And if you don't do it, if you let the bosses defeat each of them, everyone will only be unlucky together."

"Brothers, let's attack together!"

Falling down with a somewhat fanning sound, ↑ north, the five players who came together began to command the army to press in.

Seeing this scene, it made other players with various thoughts take action.

I have already accepted most of this rhetoric in my heart.

Killing a player can earn up to 5,000 points. If you kill the boss, the gain is absolutely impossible!

And how fun it is to beat the boss...

After the player's DNA was activated, he immediately turned his attention to the corrupt angel.

One by one, with a big-bang mentality, they commanded the army to approach the central area step by step, targeting the corrupt angels.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha postponed his move.

It was the first time he had seen many players cooperate together, which was somewhat interesting.

Glancing at the time.

In less than 20 minutes, it will be time for the system to count the number of people. If there are less than 10 people, everyone will be promoted immediately.

But want to kill a level 15 boss in more than ten minutes...

These players, okay?

The moment this thought arises, the scattered player army starts to attack.


With an angry shout, the battlefield instantly became hot.

Elves, dwarves, humans, orcs, demons, five race players gathered on the field.

Some have damaged parts of their armies, some are well preserved.

Gathered together, the darkness is overwhelming, and it really has a bit of momentum.

After the Corrupted Angel entered the attack range, he shouted loudly.

All ranged units attack together.

Missing arrows, projectiles, throwing axes, throwing spears... all kinds of messy weapons cut through the sky.

After being hit, the corrupt angel seemed to wake up completely, and the focal distance re-condensed in those dark eyes.

But at this time, it was too late for him to dodge.

If more than one large group of long-range units attacked together, even a giant dragon would lose half of his life.

The armor that looked as thin as a cicada's wings on the corrupt angel actually blocked the intensive attack at this moment.

Although there are various scars, it is only a skin-breaking trauma, which has not caused any substantial impact, and the combat power is still the same.

But these attacks angered the corrupted angel who had just woken up.

With a flutter of wings, the boss instantly disappeared in place.

The next moment, the figure appeared in the player army closest to him.

The black long sword in his hand swayed wildly.

The surrounding troops fell like lambs in large swaths.

No one can stop its edge.

This sudden scene instantly confused people's hearts, and the players who did not have a unified command were a little overwhelmed.

Some of them turned around and attacked with that player.

The other part is hesitant, not knowing whether to advance or retreat. 2 in 1)

The players who had just been ambitious to overthrow the boss immediately turned into a mass of loose sand.

Everyone is aware of the drawbacks, but unfortunately the situation is changing too fast, and it is too late to choose a commander...

You can only fight with your own strength.

And the result was a one-sided slaughter.

In the live broadcast room, seeing the boss slaughtering frantically and the players at a loss, the audience was suddenly speechless.

"I thought it was so awesome. Co-authoring is a group of rabble."

"It's too difficult to kill a powerful boss without a command."

"Where's Qingqiu? Why haven't you taken action yet?"

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The players in the central square don't know that Qingqiu exists, but they do.

At this moment, the guy who has only three or two subordinates, and no one cares about it, is the giant crocodile in this fish pond.

Look at the chaos.

Li Cha's expression was a little weird. He originally wanted to see what wonderful actions other players would have when facing the boss.

But I didn't expect such a scene to appear. There are more than 20 players and more than 3 battalions of troops.

It shattered when touched in battle.

Not even a decent resistance.

Of course, there is a lack of unified command for this reason, but at the root of it, the quality of the army is not enough.

There are no powerful units in front of them that can block the opponent. What is the output of the rear to fight?

Watch swathes of the army get crushed by the raging corrupt angels.

There is a sense of accomplishment in my heart. Only when there is a comparison can I feel the difference.

At this moment, the collapsed situation made this gap naked in front of us.

After all, Dusk City and ordinary players have distanced themselves from each other.

His efforts to expand Dusk City during this period of time have not been in vain!

He turned his head and glanced at Hina, who had returned to her prime, and Renee, who was carrying a body that was somewhat illusory.

"Go all out to hunt down that corrupt angel."

"We only have ten minutes."

I have given you a chance, but you are useless, so let the city of dusk come to an end.

The voice fell.

The two top-level combat powers around him immediately fought fiercely.

Those players who were lucky enough to survive at this time, but were still in chaos, suddenly saw the boss who seemed invincible to them, and were forcibly restrained from their fierceness.

The first to arrive is Renee, the 14th-level ultimate being.

The magic of controlling space gave her unparalleled flexibility.

After crossing the void, he appeared directly in front of the corrupt angel who killed the Quartet.

The right hand grabbed the opponent's neck.

Perhaps there is nothing more embarrassing than this.

The Corrupted Angel's eyes are red, and the anger in his heart can melt steel!

The long sword that can cut through the void slashed forward.

Even the city wall will be cut off!

But Renee ignored the opponent's attack.

The force of the five fingers.


A cold hum resounded through the sky.


Endless black flames erupted with the Corrupted Angel at the center.

Like a huge wave that is ten thousand feet high, violently swept all around.

No enemy or me.

The surrounding army was also devoured.

At the moment when the black flames came, those troops only felt that their souls seemed to be thrown into the furnace of melting steel.

Crying and covering his head with his hands, he fell to the ground, his body twitching uncontrollably.

Then in excruciating pain, he lost his breath.

Magic, soul flame.

The body of the burnt Corrupted Angel trembled, and the severe pain from his soul made him go crazy.

The already distorted face became even more hideous.

what! !

In a low growl.

The long sword swung faster and slashed into Renee's body.

But unexpectedly, his attack went straight through the opponent's body.

Although an exaggerated scar was left, the damage was limited.

Divine body, reduce physical and magic damage by 70%.

The Corrupted Angel attack has not stopped.


A dazzling sword light ripped apart the sky.

At this moment, Renee's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The Corrupted Angel's heart skipped a beat, and at this moment he smelled the breath of death.

threaten! !

what! ! With all his strength, he turned sideways.


In the nick of time, the key will be avoided.

But the terrifying sword light still tore through his waist.

The sturdy armor was directly penetrated, and an exaggerated scar appeared on the abdomen.

The blood splattered like a bursting faucet.

Anger cut the sky.

After the terrifying killer move.

The elven sword in Renee's hand that disappeared reappeared, huh, the sword shattered the sky, and slashed at the corrupt angel with the most violent attitude.

The level 15 boss was nearly rendered unstoppable by a series of intensive combos.

With an unwilling roar of filial piety, he instantly appeared in the army of another player 100 meters away.

The player who hasn't returned to his senses because of the rapid changes on the field, saw this scene, and his scalp suddenly became numb.

Damn, what kind of hatred, what kind of hatred, you want to come to me? !

But he hasn't had time to react yet.

An illusory elf appeared in his sight.

The spatial movement of the Corrupted Angel was childish in Renee's eyes.

The palm grabbed the opponent's neck again.

In those eyes of extreme humiliation and anger.

A dark light erupted from her body, directly swallowing a radius of 100 meters with her as the center.

The troops in the dark light range suddenly felt that their souls were placed in a meat grinder at this moment, and endless pain came.

In an instant, the souls of all the troops shrouded in the dark light were destroyed.

Without exception.

Magic, soul shock.

Releases a powerful soul energy, destroying the souls of all enemies within a radius of 100 meters, consuming 5 points of divine power each time it is cast.

Extreme Chaos


Once again, facing the corrupt angel of magic, he made a hysterical roar of filial piety.

The pain from his soul brought him to the brink of collapse.

The sword in his hand was like a counterattack of a dying beast and began to attack frantically.

At the same time, a gray energy surged from the body, swept away violently towards the surroundings.

The earth burst open under the pressure of that energy.

But no matter how violent the power attacked Renee, it would be weakened by half.

And swapping wounds for wounds is like a joke to this ultimate combat power that can be resurrected.

Wait until the aftermath of the soul shock dissipates.

Renee resisted the desperate attack of the corrupted angel who had fallen into madness, holding her right hand empty, raised it high, and then waved it to the opponent's forehead.

In an instant.

A dark sharp arrow condensed and formed in the empty grip.

At this moment, an unspeakable fear rose in the corrupt angel's heart.

Death is staring at it.

But it's... unavoidable!


The crossbow arrow pierced through the head.

No blood flowed out, but the other party's life aura solidified directly at this moment.

at the same time.

A figure leaped up from the ground.

Like lightning across the sky.

The cross sword in his hand slashed down.


A huge head rose up high.

The blood bloomed the most brilliant flower of death.

The flapping wings of the corrupt angel suddenly stopped, and under everyone's attention, crashed from the air.

Peng ~ that flying head followed closely, hitting the ground with a dull sound.

The scene fell into a deadly silence.

The players who were still alive looked at the illusory elf floating in the air and Hina who had fallen to the ground and stood with a sword.

It was as if he had been hit by an eighteen-magnitude earthquake.


All words can't describe their shock at the moment.

Level 15 bosses, killing them is like killing a dog.

In their gaze, killed by one or two heroes... yes, only two of them!

That's a level 15 boss, boss! ! Not some kind of cat or dog! ! !

And it was killed so quickly, so cleanly, so—shocked!

No procrastination! !

Even many sluggish players suddenly found out after they recovered.

It took less than a minute for those two heroes from the shot to the end of the battle...

Thinking of this, all the remaining players stared at Li Cha.

The face covered by gravel seemed to reveal endless mystery at this moment.

Those deep eyes made them hold their breath.

A question that was so strong that I wanted to know it right away came to my mind.

Who is he? ! ! Why have such powerful subordinates? Why? !


The moment when the corrupt angel was cut off by a sword.

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