Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 325: v2 Chapter 307: The final 1 battle, this battle will be named

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The top of the red mountain.

Richard, who was sitting on Alves' back, looked around.

He swept all the way from below, and nearly a hundred players who were blocking the way were directly crushed by him.

The combat power of Dusk City makes the enemy players feel hopeless.

Especially after several heroes made their full shots, the battle situation was even more one-sided.

How many players can stop the combined attack of Hina, Alves, and Gaunt?

The top of the red mountain is not as rugged as imagined, but a huge square with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters.

The most attractive is the throne in the center of the square, which is made of countless red spar.

The mysterious throne has a simple and simple appearance, as if it is a treasure from the ancient era, and the blood-colored light it emits makes people tremble inexplicably.

Apart from this throne, there are no other buildings.

When Richard looked around, he found that many players had already come to the square.

Because the red mountain peaks are melting rapidly, the players are rushing to the top of the mountain.

But after a large number of players gathered, the scene fell into a strange calm.

Everyone is watching the surrounding enemies vigilantly, and no one dares to act rashly.

For fear that he would lead to hostility from other players.

In the eccentric atmosphere, Rumble ~ Giant added firewood faster again.

There was a constant sound of falling rocks from below.

The speed of the melting of the red peaks has become extraordinarily amazing, and there will be at most an hour before the peaks will sink into the sea of ​​magma.

Aware of this urgent scene, the atmosphere in the square became more and more tense.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also excited.

"Hurry up and do it! The one standing in front of you is Qingqiu, and if you join hands, you can definitely kill that pervert."

"The final battle..."

"Qingqiu, kill it! Destroy all these bastards!"


Compared with the previous battles, this scene of gathering everyone to start a big melee is what the audience wants to see most.

Those who watch the fun will not think it's a big deal.

And the number of viewers who think that Richard can win the final victory is the largest at the moment.

Although many people are still very jealous, but there is no way, he is too strong.

The audience is so powerful that even if they are very unhappy with Li Cha, they have to admit that looking at tens of billions of players, they cannot find a second character who can compare with him.

The strength of other top players is one level, and the strength of Richard is another level.

The two are not on the same level at all.

At this moment, Richard has entered the final battle. In the eyes of most audiences, there is a feeling that players in the king's segment enter the silver segment to fry fish.

As the collapse of the red mountain peaked, the atmosphere became more and more restless, and many players were almost unable to bear it.

If you don't do it again, everyone will be melted in this gladiatorial fight.

At this moment, a suspicious voice sounded in everyone's ears.


Hearing this, the expressions of the players who were just about to move suddenly stiffened.

After entering the arena of death, although players could not watch the live broadcast, they did not know about Richard's amazing record in the arena of death.

But this does not prevent them from being afraid of this ID.

That was Qingqiu, a well-known super player on the forum.

Before entering the dungeon, even the players formed an anti-Qingqiu alliance specifically for him because he was too strong...

And in the previous stage of the Great Demon King Challenge, these challengers were in the same square, so they knew that Qingqiu fought 30 players alone and won the Nightmare difficulty three times in a row.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound.

I saw a phantom of an angel suddenly rising in that direction, emitting a pure white light.

Standing in mid-air.

The players who were irradiated by the angel's rays instantly felt as if they were soaked in warm water, and their physical fatigue was quickly recovering.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha raised his brows.

This is the angel phantom recruited by the Cardinal Archbishop of the Sun Sect in the Demon King Challenge in the last round... That guy advanced?

"In the Great Demon King Challenge, Qingqiu turned on Nightmare difficulty and faced 30 players alone... He won three consecutive victories!"

"Three games!"

"In this death gladiatorial fight, if I want to estimate who is most likely to win the title of Gladiator King, then I have only one choice - Qingqiu!"

The voice fell, and the two-winged angel phantom in the sky exuding a holy light pointed to the location of Li Cha.

The sound that spread throughout the audience immediately made the player follow the guidance of the angel's phantom and look at Richard, who was very eye-catching while riding on Alves' back.

The moment he saw the dragon hero with a wingspan of more than 30 meters, the player's expression suddenly became solemn.

"Death Arena, the ultimate winner, there is only one."

"If Qingqiu is not dealt with, then once the melee is started and Qingqiu secretly preserves his strength, he will surely win the final victory in this battle."

"All of us will be his skeletons on the throne, an inconspicuous foil!"

These words made the eyes of all players cold.

If this is aimed at another person, they are afraid that they will ignore it.

But, the other party is Qingqiu.

No need for extra nonsense, just relying on this ID, who dares to ignore it?

"So, we need to join forces to clear Qingqiu out! Remember, everyone joined forces! Thirty to fifty people can't help each other!"

"Get rid of the strongest, and we will fight for the final winner. This is the fairest way for all of us!"

"If you want to win, you can only kill Qingqiu!"

The audience in the live broadcast room became interested when they saw this sudden turning point.

Good guy, Qingqiu was directly targeted.

So interesting.

There were more than 150 players who finally boarded the plaza at the top of the Scarlet Mountain.

If these players all attack Qingqiu.

Then this pervert who is most likely to win the king of gladiators is very likely to be eliminated.

The strength of Qingqiu has made everyone vigilant.

The ultimate victor of this battle is now confusing again.

"Blessed by the sun!"

Before waiting for any reaction from the players in the square, the red-clothed archbishop who had not shown his figure suddenly cast a blessing magic that affected everyone.

The angel phantom in the sky slowly opened his eyes, waved his hand, and the holy light scattered like rain.

All non-evil faction armies instantly feel their power has been improved.

At the same time, the weapon in his hand also carries a holy power.

The church knights and priests in white armor, after blessing, marched in the direction of Richard in a uniform manner.

When the players around saw this scene, they also aimed at the existence they thought was the most threatening.


No one who can enter the final battle is an idiot.

The words of the sect player just now are indeed true.

Only by eliminating Qingqiu can they have a chance.

If Qingqiu survived, the Gladiator King would have nothing to do with them.

The other party is too strong.

More than 150 players, carrying nearly 30,000 troops.

Intimidation comes.

Although most people are wary of each other.

But at this moment, their enemy is Qingqiu!

Even if they don't trust each other again, under such an exaggerated number advantage.

Qingqiu could not escape.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they all stared at Richard, wanting to see how he would deal with an enemy a hundred times his own.

But until the player army gathered, the big devil who was targeted by everyone did not speak.

"Qingqiu doesn't know how to fight for it? If he opens his mouth to accept some people, I think many people will definitely stand by and watch the battle, and even help him."

"Although these players have damaged a lot of troops in the previous battle, the number on the field is at least more than 20,000, and it is not far from 30,000.

"It's already a miracle to resist 9,000 with 300. Could it be that Qingqiu still intends to use the 300 troops in his hand to force the player's army of nearly 30,000? What a joke..."

Many viewers were in a conflicted mood at the moment. Seeing that Richard was being targeted by everyone, they both expected him to come back from the wind and hoped that he would be defeated and fall to the altar.

But if there is no miracle, and it is targeted by everyone, I am afraid that there will be no accident.

When everyone is on their nerves.

Li Cha suddenly let out a chuckle, the corners of his mouth gradually turned up, and he hung up an arc that was arrogant to the extreme.

"The whole army obeys the order, and all the enemies in front will not be left behind!"

Indifferent voices resounded through the sky.

Although the words were bland, they instantly made the audience in the live broadcast room feel numb.

fuck! That is tens of thousands of troops, Qingqiu this guy actually boldly issued the order to attack directly? !

What is he trying to do? !

Do you really want to fight a thousand troops alone?

Can 300 troops beat nearly 30,000 troops? ?

How to make up for the 100-fold difference in quantity?

All the audience were going crazy, and the barrage was so dense that the screen could not be seen clearly.

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But at the same time, there are countless audiences rushing up!

In the face of an enemy a hundred times his own, he will not show weakness, or even contempt for the enemy.

This arrogant and domineering attitude made them wish they would immediately rush into the battlefield on their war horses and replace the other party!

This is what they were looking forward to seeing!

It should be so arrogant.


In the square, there were originally some hesitant players.

Hearing this, he was about to explode.

What's the meaning?

Hundreds of them, tens of thousands of troops gathered.

How dare this guy give an attack order? !

What is this trying to do?

With such contempt for them, who gave him the courage?

Even if you are Qingqiu, can you be invincible?

Could it be that if they joined forces with hundreds of people, they were not worth the threat he felt?

Anger burns in his chest.

You are lofty, you are amazing, then today, I will let you know the pain of being trampled under your feet!

Players who have participated in the Great Demon King's challenge to Richard before are even more angry. You can beat 30 people, and you can beat hundreds of people this time? ?

My heart is full of strength to be ashamed!

The originally scattered military hearts condensed into a battle line at this moment.

Everyone has only one goal... Qingqiu!

Looking at the surging army, Li Cha flashed a bit of wanton and madness in his eyes.

In a death fight, there is only one final winner.

There is no second place in this fight.

This time, let you witness the rise of the City of Twilight.

"Gaunt, Sheena, Alves, Renee."

"You don't need to keep your hands in this battle."

4 top combat units, plus he, the desert master with a legendary career.

5 top combat powers.

The army in hand may not be able to defeat a hundred with one.

However, he will let everyone remember how the edge of Dusk City shines in the sky!

The voice fell.

Under the watchful eyes of tens of billions of spectators, Richard led the army and launched a charge against the enemy a hundred times his own.

The final battle begins.

Richard, who was riding on Alves' back, shone with light of yellow sand.


The earth instantly turned into a desert.

Countless yellow sands floated up into the air, condensing into yellow sand armors on all arms.

Then, the next second.

The yellow sand land is like a floor that has been lifted, and a giant sand wave more than 30 meters high suddenly rises.

The coalition forces of the players who were rushing towards the front quickly rolled away.

Those who were charging troops suddenly felt dark in front of their eyes, and the monstrous sand waves were reflected in their pupils.


When you want to avoid it, it's too late.

Only some flying units flew off the ground and escaped.

The remaining ground troops were directly submerged by the giant sand waves.

The scene with great visual impact is comparable to a natural disaster.

Super A skill, manipulating yellow sand, is the core skill of this legendary profession. .

Although this skill has no kill attribute bonus, just like the ability to control steel in some film and television works, it can control gravel to make various powerful and terrifying attacks.

This wave destroyed at least two brigades of arms.

Richard's moment.

The body flashed to the center of the enemy with a somewhat illusory Renee.

An endless dark light radiated from the body wantonly.

She seemed to be a black hole at the moment.

In an instant.

With her as the center, dark rays of light enveloped within a hundred meters.

The lighted army felt only the soul being thrown into the meat grinder.

instantly into pieces.

Magic, soul shock.

Haven't waited for the enemy to react.

Renee waved.

hundreds of meters away.

The most densely populated area.


A pure black flame rose up.

Immediately enveloped the surroundings, all the troops had expressions of extreme pain on their faces, and hysterical roars erupted from their throats.

After a while, although the appearance of those troops was unscathed, they suddenly fell to the ground one by one, and their breath was extinct.

If you pay attention, you can find that their souls have turned to ashes.

Magic, the flame of the soul.

Hina's figure flashed out like lightning.

The long sword in his hand burst into a thousand rays of light, slashing the sky in anger.

The world was instantly silent.

The coalition forces that came in densely only saw a bright light flashing in front of them, and the next moment they lost consciousness.

A large area was emptied in front of him.

Gaunt rode on a skeletal blood dragon.

The ball of corrosion in his hand pulled a long tail flame and smashed into the most densely populated area of ​​​​the enemy.


The popping sound exploded.

With strong corrosive magic, it devours all enemies within 50 meters.

Even if those arms are wearing armor, they can't resist the erosion of this A-level magic.

Large areas of decay appeared on the body, and he died in pain.

But at the moment they fell.


Their bodies seemed to be stuffed with high explosives and burst open.

A terrifying air wave swept all around.

The surrounding army that had just escaped was immediately torn apart by the explosion.

This group of troops killed by the explosion exploded again while breathing.

The scene is like the collapse of dominoes, one after another, more exaggerated than being infected with the plague.

The terrifying lethality has left players heartbroken.

Many people didn't even have time to react, and found that none of the troops in their hands were left.


A loud whistling sound came.

The players in the back turned their heads and saw a huge sandstorm swept all around.

Then, the dust storm burst into flames like gasoline was poured over it.

The shrouded army was immediately attacked by the most terrifying attack.

The tens of billions of viewers in the live broadcast room watched as the city of dusk suddenly erupted with attacks comparable to natural disasters again and again.

Heart shock. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

My heart was hit like never before.

Set off tens of meters of sand waves;

The fiery sandstorm that swept the heavens and the earth;

The black flame that burns the soul;

Cut off the sword light of heaven and earth;

The magic that makes corpses explode in series...

Which skill is not the most powerful? !

But now, it's all in the hands of one person! !

Unbelievable, incredible, shocking, all kinds of unspeakable emotions emerged in my heart.

In the end, all eyes were focused on the figure whose face was shrouded in yellow sand.


At this moment, he is the center of the world.

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