Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 329: v2 Chapter 311: The final harvest, the rich reward

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, Global Lord: Start as a Desert Lord

"Ding~ You stand out from millions of people, become the ultimate king, and get the legendary title - the king of gladiatorial fighting."

"Gladiator King, Legend, when fighting with the enemy, if the number of enemy troops exceeds 500, your attributes will increase by 30%, and the attributes of the troops you command will increase by 20%;

When the number of enemy troops exceeds 1000, your attributes will be increased by 40%, and the attributes of troops will be increased by 30%;

When the number of enemy troops exceeds 3000, your attributes will be increased by 50%, and the attributes of troops will be increased by 40%, and the morale of the army will be high. "

"Ding~ Your legendary deeds are widely spread, and you have gained 3 legendary points."

"Ding~ You got a colorful treasure chest*1"

"Ding~ You get 10 gold points, current gold points: 330 points."

"Ding~ You get 10 gladiatorial points, the current gladiatorial points: 235 points."

"Ding~ You get a reward: level +1, and the level is upgraded to: level 12."

A series of system prompts made the smile on Li Cha's face bright to the extreme.

The title of domineering attributes - the king of gladiators, a legendary colorful treasure chest, 3 legendary degrees, plus two points and level +1.

This time, the harvest is comfortable...

Not to mention other things, the title of the Gladiator King, which can greatly improve the attributes, is enough to be called invaluable.

The more enemies you face, the more your own attributes and unit attribute bonuses will be.

Coupled with the 5-star treasure - Death Elegy Medal + 50% of the attributes of the undead armies, the combat effectiveness of the army in the city of dusk is going to the sky! !

What's more meaningful is that the stronger the troops recruited by Dusk City in the future, the greater their attributes will be improved after these characteristics are blessed.

The potential is limitless.


After the prompt sounded, the colorful treasure chest was put into the system space, and he did not rush to open it.

What makes him more interested now is that this time the level has been directly raised to level 12.

The rewards for level-up seem to be incomparable to other gains, but this means—

He was imprisoned in the statue of the ancient gods of the past, and the dark Valkyrie, whose combat power was unparalleled, could finally make a contract.

Thinking of that domineering and unparalleled level 15 boss, I felt a burst of excitement in my heart.

This level of top combat power is completely unattainable.

No, even if you encounter it, it won't help you if you don't have enough strength, and there is no such a powerful treasure as the dark contract.

The time and place are right and the people are indispensable.

"Ding~ All lords participating in death gladiatories, please note that the exchange of gladiatorial points has been opened."

"Each lord can freely exchange treasures."

"Exchange will close in ten minutes, please hurry up."

The prompt that the system suddenly sounded made Li Cha recover from his excitement.

Taking a look, his final gladiatorial points were 235 points.

Starting from entering the death arena, hunting special bosses, ranking first in two consecutive games, then completing the Great Demon King Challenge, and finally slaughtering hundreds of players in the Battle of the Furnace... Finally, this data was accumulated.

He doesn't know the specific data of the gladiatorial points obtained by other players, but after a little calculation, he can roughly guess that even the top players should not get more than 50 points.

The battle of the death arena of other players is incomparable with the city of dusk.

While thinking, a new panel appeared in Li Cha's mind.

He originally thought it would be a shopping mall with many treasures to choose from.

But unexpectedly, there are only 5 items on the gladiatorial points exchange page.

Three are strategic treasures, the other two are a 3-star treasure chest, and one is a 4-star treasure chest.

Is that too little?

Li Cha was quite astonished, couldn't he be a little more aggressive?

Shaking his head, not bothered about it, looking from left to right.

The first is a pure black magic wand.

There are countless magic inscriptions on it. Although you can't feel the breath of the staff, you can feel the extraordinaryness of this staff just by looking at it with the naked eye.

Richard suddenly looked forward to it.

In the final exchange, there can be no garbage, right?

Open the properties panel.

Staff of the Night, Level: Legendary, Gladiator Points Required for Exchange: 200 Points.

legend? !

Li Cha's mood instantly rose.

But after he read it twice to make sure he read it correctly, his brows furrowed again.

This staff only has a simple level and how many points can be exchanged, and does not show detailed attributes.

Although the level is as high as legendary, but...this thing also has to draw blind boxes?

Put your emotions down and look at the second item.

It was a necklace that shone with the radiance of the stars. It looked beautiful, as if there were really galaxies flowing on the necklace, and it was full of heart-throbbing charm.

If this thing is used to give objects, it is definitely a gesture unlocker.

Shining Star Necklace, level: Legendary, redeem 200 points.

It's still a legend...but the introduction is also pitiful, with no superfluous attribute descriptions.

Both treasures need to be exchanged for 200 points? This time the exchange is probably open according to the number of points.

Li Cha's thoughts returned to the necklace, and after a few glances, he felt helpless.

The word legend is not bad.

But the problem is, he doesn't know if it is suitable for Dusk City.

If you get a treasure that enhances the demon or the devil's arms, isn't it for nothing?

Turn to look at the last one.

Hope this treasure can give some strength.

The last item is a rather special piece of equipment - a cloak.

The overall appearance of this cloak is black, with a simple pattern of dark gold engraved on it.

He looks handsome from the outside and fits his aesthetic.

When I opened the properties panel, my eyes lit up.

Dark King's Cloak, Level: Legendary, Redeem Points for 200 Points

Dark King...cloak?

Looking at the name, Li Cha instantly thought of the Death Elegy Medal on his chest.

This 5-star treasure was exchanged for 3 million points from the black-robed merchant.

He clearly remembered that among the five strategic treasures sold by the black-robed merchants, there was a legendary treasure—the Crown of the Dark King.

And that treasure is a three-piece suit.

There are two attributes he remembers very clearly...

First, when commanding the undead army, it is immune to the damage bonus of the light and natural camps to the evil camp.

In the process of fighting other players in the death arena, he suffered a few losses from the bright camp. The characteristics of the opponent's killing the undead were too annoying, so he was obsessed with this attribute.

The other is - collect all three pieces of equipment, this set will evolve into a demigod.

His eyes narrowed instantly.

Did not look at the other two treasures.

Although the other two have the level of legend, they will not be much worse.

But in contrast, the cloak of the dark king obviously has greater potential.

"Exchange the cloak of the Dark King."

The moment the choice was made, the points on the panel instantly dropped to 35 points.

Then, the cloak of the dark king appeared in the system space.

Another legendary strategic treasure is in hand.

Moreover, there is still a legend with the potential to become a semi-artifact.

Li Cha was in a good mood, and he was not in a hurry to check the attributes. He looked at the items that could be exchanged - 3-star and 4-star treasure chests.

A 3-star treasure chest is worth 5 points, and a 4-star treasure chest is worth 10 points.

There is no limit to the number of treasure chests that can be exchanged.

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Gladiator points are out of date, and it's useless to keep them.

After taking a look at the remaining two legendary items with a pity, I chose to exchange 3 4-star treasure chests and 1 3-star treasure chest.

Spent all the points clean.

At this point, the event of this death fighting has completely come to an end.

For Richard, the harvest of this death arena is exaggerated.

Saying it out will definitely make all players' eyes turn red with envy.

The first is the first harvest, and it is also the most important harvest that Li Cha thinks - a hidden boss with a level of up to 15 and a potential A-level: Dark Valkyrie.

This is a boss unit, and the combat power of the one-person first army like the ancient tree of God's Evil is the same level.

Its fighting power is so strong that even Renee, the divine soul, has been killed several times. If there is no resurrection ability, it may not be able to eat the opponent.

Even if there are no other benefits this time, this boss alone has already made a lot of money for Li Cha.

The second harvest - the heart of the sun, this treasure can convert an ordinary life into a potential A-level fire element life.

Simply domineering.

Although it is not as good as the Dark Valkyrie, this thing was picked up by pure white without paying any price.

The third harvest - the title of the king of gladiatorial fighting.

The attributes of this title are so powerful that there is no need to say much.

What makes Li Cha most satisfied is that this title can improve the attributes of all arms.

Although the Death Elegy Medal is strong, it is only for undead arms, heavy sword warriors, dark gargoyles and other non-undead arm attributes, and cannot be blessed.

The fourth harvest - 14 5-star treasures that can improve a certain characteristic of the troops - psionic gems.

These are all opened from crystal treasure chests.

Two special bosses were hunted and two, and 12 in the Great Demon Challenge, a total of 14.

Although I haven't had time to use it yet, the 5-star level of the psionic gem is enough to explain everything.

And this thing is obviously a reward unique to the death arena.

After passing this village, it is very likely that this shop will never be found again in the future.

The exaggerated number of 14 pieces can fully enhance the combat effectiveness of three or four arms to the extreme.

This is a treasure that can enhance the heritage of Dusk City. Although the value has not been directly reflected, he is full of expectations.

The fifth harvest - the friendship of the fire element lords.

Picking up thousands of lava hearts from the giant's furnace is enough to make this boss extraordinary.

Once the opponent is successfully promoted, it means that he has a powerful hole card in his hand.

A super-level boss, he can summon the opponent to fight.

This is simply heaven.

In the future, he can also use this as an opportunity to let Dusk City trade with the Fire Elemental Plane to earn long-term benefits.

More importantly, thousands of lava hearts are not given for nothing, and he can also exchange 200,000 fire element cores from the fire element lord.

This is a rare treasure that can enchant the troops and strengthen the skills of the troops.

The flaming iron pincers of the scorpion warrior and the blazing axe shattering of the Axe of the Dead are all strengthened with the fire element core.

Although it may not be as precious as psionic gems, they are all treasures that can enhance their heritage.


The sixth harvest... A colorful legendary treasure chest is still waiting to be opened.

This is the first time he has obtained a legendary treasure chest, and this thing has a high probability of being able to open top treasures.


The last thing to harvest is the legendary treasure that was just exchanged - the cloak of the dark king.

If you can exchange it from the black robe merchant to get the crown of the king of darkness, one of the three-piece sets.

Three are gathered into two.

In the future, if you have the opportunity to get the last remaining piece, you can directly own the semi-artifact.

What would a demi-artifact look like? Really looking forward to it.....

Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be suppressed.

It's so comfortable, this time the copy, he just came to buy.

A bit of wickedness arose in my heart.

If he read the harvest out loud in the live broadcast room at this moment, would those sand sculptures be so sour that they formed dozens of anti-Qingqiu alliances to **** him.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Ding~ Points redemption is closed, Death Arena is closed, and live broadcast is closed."

Li Cha has not regained his senses, but only feels a flower in front of him.

Outside the furnace, the huge giant set ablaze, and the scene of the endless sea of ​​magma tumbling disappeared without a trace.

There were rows of houses of different heights in front of them, and the busy crowd was hurriedly carrying various materials in and out.

A familiar image flashed into his pupils.

City of Twilight...he's back again.

"Lord Lord, good day..."

"grown ups......"

The surrounding residents were shocked when they saw Li Cha who suddenly appeared in the square, and then immediately held their chest and saluted.

Respectful gesture, eyes full of admiration.

Li Cha's tense heart suddenly relaxed at this moment.

It's like a heavy load has been lifted.

The gravel that covered his face quietly disappeared without a trace.

A handsome face appeared in the air.

With a smile in the eyes.

He nodded slightly to the saluting residents.

back home...

This city that belongs to him completely has already become his most secure belonging.

That feeling was never there before.

After calming down, he seemed to think of something and looked at the girl beside him.

The tone softened.

"Xina, you've worked hard these days."

"You go to rest first, the battle has not subsided, and then you need to carry the banner."

Several other heroes are undead and don't need the boring act of sleeping.

Hina Lu, who was very tired in her eyes, nodded with a smile, didn't say anything, turned around and left after saluting her chest.

This brave and fearless warrior has been charging in the front line in the battle of the death arena for several days, and has never retreated half a point.

The spirit is already exhausted.

This is the characteristic of normal life. Even demons need to rest. Only the undead and mechanical puppets have no sense of this.

Not long after the other party left, the gray-haired Karoo rushed over with excitement and excitement.

After seeing the intact Li Cha, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and quickly supported his chest.

"Lord Richard, good day."

"No need to be polite, is there anything unexpected these days?"

Carew shook his head.

"No, Dusk City is preparing for production step by step, and everything is planned."

As he spoke, he seemed to think of something, and his tone sank.

"But Lord Treebeard seems to be in some trouble."

The ancient tree of gods?

Li Cha frowned, what happened to that boss?

"What's the trouble with Treebeard?"

Carew hesitated.

"Lord Treebeard said that he planted a seed in the dark plane through the space gap of the dark spar..."

"Moreover, the seed is still growing rapidly, and he has established a connection with the seed."

Li Cha's eyes suddenly sharpened.

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