Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 355: v2 Chapter 337: Brewmaster

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The army scattered around.

Start a carpet search for the trail of the white-tailed cat family.

The speed of the flying units is extremely fast, plus the surrounding plains and no complicated bottom line, Li Cha originally thought that he would soon be able to find the other party's traces.

But unexpectedly, the search range expanded from 10 kilometers around to 20 kilometers and 30 kilometers in the last 50 kilometers.

The white-tailed cat family seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and no trace was found.

Li Cha, who was waiting for news at the White-tailed Cat Clan's residence, heard the news, and his thoughts flew in his heart.

Did the fat to the mouth really fly away?

Since the other party left in a hurry, and the old, weak, sick and disabled were transferred together, how could there be no trace left?

While thinking about it, I started to search this village for the second time.

After looking through most of the buildings, a detail made his heart move -

Many brewing tools were found in the village, but no brewed wine was found, not even a wine jar.

"Those white-tailed cats left in a hurry, how can they move the brewed wine so quickly? It's impossible to do it under normal circumstances..."

"The other party is either a treasure that has space to store, or... he didn't go far at all, or hid it on the spot."

"The white-tailed cat family is a vassal of the orcs. The space storage treasures are so precious. The probability of having them is not high. It is more likely that the other party has hidden the wine."

rice ball reading

After ripping off the cocoon, Li Cha's thoughts gradually became clear.

"Since you can hide wine, can you hide people too?"

"No matter how fast the white-tailed cat family is, it is impossible for them to escape under the search of flying troops, and they have not left the slightest trace... The undead are not searched with eyes."

While thinking about it, Li Cha went around the village where people might be hiding again, and finally walked slowly to the side of the spring.

The spring pool is about 30 meters wide, and the surrounding area is very neatly built.

Seeing this scene, his heart moved, and the yellow sand light surged out from his body, escaping towards the bottom of the pool.

But as soon as the perception penetrated a few meters above the water, I felt a special energy bar ahead.

His eyes lit up immediately.

There is indeed a problem!

After noticing the strangeness, Li Cha did not rush into the water, but stepped back a distance.

Seeing this, Alves, who had been following silently, spoke in a deep voice.

"Master, do you need me to go underwater?"

Turning his head to look at the behemoth, he shook his head in disbelief.

You go down, this small pool can hold it?

He waved his hand and asked him to wait beside him.

Then he stretched out his hand and waved, and the gravel on both sides of the stream flowing down from the spring suddenly surfaced.

In a short time, it condensed into a sand man with a body size of more than 8 meters.


After the sand man was formed, he stepped on the water step by step, and finally jumped under the spring water.


The water was splashing all over the sky.

The sand man did not sink, but just stood in the lake.

As if stepping on transparent glass.

When Li Cha thought about it, Sha Renmeng bent down, and his arm squirmed for a while, condensing into a sharp awl.

Then he stabbed directly into the water.


The waves on the water splashed even more.

The sand man is like a perpetual motion machine, attacking hundreds of times in a row.

Finally, after reaching a certain limit.


A crisp cracking sound of porcelain pierced through the water.

Li Cha's eyes lit up, and he immediately controlled the sand man to increase his strength.

The next second, a panicked voice sounded.

"Respected powerhouse, stop attacking, we'll come out..."

Sure enough, it's in there!

Richard is so happy.

With a wave of his hand, the sand man floated out of the air and out of the water.

After a while, hula la~

A burst of bubbles appeared on the surface of the water, and a transparent ball slowly rose from the bottom.

What surprised him was that the ball could see through, and there seemed to be no one inside.

However, when the side of the cracked gap turned around, it was faintly visible through the crack that there was light and shadow inside.

The transparent ball is only 10 meters in diameter. Can this thing hold so many people?

Richard was curious, the ball rolled from the water to the shore, and then a gap slowly opened.

From inside came an old-faced cat clan with furry ears and a long white tail.

The moment the other party appeared, he subconsciously glanced at the eight-meter-tall Sandman and the more terrifying Alves behind him.

The body stiffened on the spot, and a few deep breaths could not suppress the horror inside.

Finally, shaking his body, he stepped forward and saluted Li Cha with the most respectful gesture.

"Respect, respected powerhouse... Brooke Whitetail, I send you my most respectful greetings."

Li Cha nodded slightly.

"Your clansmen are hiding inside? It's quite clever."

The old-faced Brooke Whitetail smiled bitterly. If he was really smart, he would never have been found.

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But he didn't dare to talk nonsense, and responded cautiously.

"Yes, my lord."

Richard looked at him curiously.

"It took me less than half an hour to level the orcs. You are separated by dozens of kilometers. How did you get the news?"

Brooke Whitetail's face turned pale.

Orcs trampled?

I became more and more uneasy.

Look carefully.

"Lord Chief has given us a magic item, and once they input magic power, the color of that magic item will change..."

Li Cha understood this.

It's a good thing to use as a warning.

Brooke asked in a low voice after taking a deep breath.

"Dear Sir, Lord Chief he..."

Li Cha smiled.

"Your patron, it's me now."

"As for the orc chief, maybe you can go back with me now and see his body."

Although he had already guessed that there was something wrong with the orc city, he said it himself, which still shocked Brook.

Such a powerful force, how long does it take? Say it's gone?

Seeing that the other party couldn't recover for a long time, Li Cha was not interested in explaining anything.

He looked at the transparent ball.

"Let your clan come out."

Brook's heart trembled, but he didn't dare to refuse. The old face cheered up, turned around slowly, and then whispered a few words to the opened door.

After a while, the restless white-tailed cat clan came out of it.

Before long, the number of people at the spring exceeded 200.

This made Richard tsk tsk amazed. Could that ball be the legendary artifact - the motorcycle of the third brother in India?

Open the properties panel and check them one by one.

These white-tailed cats have similar attributes, but their racial characteristics are very special - Brewmaster.

Brewmasters have special treatment methods for brewing materials. They can brew top-quality wines, increase the taste by 50%, and reduce the negative effects of alcohol by 50%.

This made Li Cha quite excited.

Sure enough, as steamed bread lovers say, this race is proficient in winemaking.

Even the racial talent is like this, can you not be proficient?

"Brook, what about the wine you brewed before?"

As the patriarch of the white-tailed cat clan, the aging Brook knows better than anyone that the most important thing to survive in this world is to master power.

The white-tailed cat family does not have a strong power, so they can only rely on other forces.

Now that the orcs have been annihilated by this terrifying being with the dragon before them, they have no other choice.

As for allegiance to the orcs...sorry, between genocide and inheritance, there is no such thing.

The white-tailed cat family has long been accustomed to relying on the strong...

Immediately adjusted his attitude and respectfully said.

" there are still 50 jars of 100 kilograms stored in it. It has been brewed before, and it is not yet time to send it to the orcs."

"I'll have someone fetch it for you right away."

Noticing the subtle change in the other party's attitude, Li Cha gave him one more look with interest.

"Take a jar of the best."


After a while, two young white-tailed cats came out with a half-human-high fat wooden barrel and placed them in front of Li Cha.

After obtaining consent, skillfully open the barrel lid.

In an instant, a mellow scent of fine wine rushed to the face.

Different from the pungent smell of ordinary alcohol, this smell is like the wind blowing in the wilderness, fresh and comfortable.


With some anticipation, I opened the system panel, and the properties of the wine appeared immediately.

Whitetail Brew

Rating: 4 stars

Taste: 90

Intensity: 52

Fragrance: 92

Features: 1. After drinking, increase the speed of life recovery by 50%, duration: 30 minutes;

2. Excessive consumption, without any sequelae and negative effects.

Introduction: The specialty of the white-tailed cat family, other than that, there is no semicolon.

Good guy, it turned out to be a 4 star wine.

Li Cha's eyes lit up.

The attributes of wine are different from weapons and equipment, and there are several more data.

But the numbers look pretty good.

And what satisfies him the most is the introduction at the back - Shirao Jue Brewing, the only one that has no branches.

In a good mood, he glanced at the anxious white-tailed cat clan.

This time I finally found a big baby for him.

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