Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 362: v2 Chapter 344: Richard appeared, shocking the world (4,000 words)

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Fall in love with, global lord: start as a desert lord

The shrill cry of the gray dwarf chief resounded through the battlefield.

But as the army approached, even the dungeon barbarian warriors who were mad with hatred were powerless to refute.

Once Bloodhoof City is captured, the gray dwarves will inevitably become the masters of the underground world.

Sel Bloodhoof was standing on the arrow tower in the central area of ​​Bloodhoof City, surrounded by two-footed flying dragons wearing heavy armor guarding the sky.

Looking at the scene of the city wall collapsing, his eyes did not fluctuate too much.

"Let the army gradually withdraw into the city and fight in the streets with the gray dwarves."

"You must force out all the cards of the gray dwarf."

"This time, no casualties are counted."

"As long as we can win the final victory, no matter how big the effort is, it will be worth it."

The surrounding high-level heroes of Bloodhoof City immediately responded in unison.

For today's scene, they have deduced it many times.

After the order was issued, the troops in the city wall area immediately retreated into the city in an orderly manner.

He didn't defend the city wall that had already been shattered by more than half.

Naturally, the army of gray dwarves would not hesitate, and immediately went deep into the city.

After the two sides abandoned the city wall, a more intense battle broke out in Bloodhoof City.

Bloodhoof City was originally a military fortress, and the defense facilities in the city could be seen almost every distance.

And after making preparations, the city was built like an iron wall.

Although the gray dwarves are brave and fierce, they have to drop a large number of mechanical puppets and twisted and swollen blood-changing monsters every step of the way.

After the city wall was broken, the two sides fell into a more intense collision.

Outside the city, the life in the dungeon watching the battle in the distance was a little lamented when they saw this scene.

Although the resistance of the dungeon barbarians is fierce, the suspense of the battle has been lost... With the number of people being several times larger, and without the city wall, how can we win?

And when their mood was complicated, a scene that made them even more powerless appeared.

The gray dwarf chief wearing a crown watched the slow progress.

Strong impatience rose in his eyes.

"Damn bastard... Let the great gray dwarf emperor personally crush everything you have!"

The voice fell.

In front of the mechanical platform full of alchemical weapons.

The space was distorted.


An exaggerated fist penetrated through the space, and then bang~ the unknown life leaned forward and slammed forward, and the distorted space shattered like glass.

next moment.

All the dungeon life watching the battle gasped.

Unspeakable horror appeared in his eyes.

The monster summoned by the grey dwarf chieftain was a terrifying thing stitched together with the flesh and blood of machinery and life.

It's so weird that it's as if the celestial cover has been opened, and it's horrifying.

It could be faintly seen that it was originally a mechanical puppet, but at this moment, the appearance of the mechanical puppet was covered with blood-red muscle fibers without skin.

In some places where the muscles cannot cover, gray mechanical parts are exposed.

The connection of each joint is no longer mechanical, but pure flesh.

With an exaggerated body shape, it is a man-made object that is completely different from the aesthetics of this world, and is more terrifying than the most terrifying abyss monster in myths and legends.


What made them tremble even more was that they sensed an irresistible sense of oppression on this monster.

Level 19.

This monster even touched the extraordinary threshold!

The old dwarf who witnessed all this, his lips were trembling at the moment.

Holding the little dwarf's hand tightly, he didn't feel any pain when he hurt him.

"The gray dwarves even created this kind of monster."

"Bloodhoof City... alas..."

A deep sigh explained everything.

After many dungeon races around, they turned around and left without stopping.

At level 19, it has surpassed the original power of the underground world.

The people must be informed of this news, and prepare for the rule of the grey dwarves.

Bloodhoof City, gone.

The gray dwarf chief looked frantically at the terrifying biological machine in front of him.

"Lowly barbarian, have you seen it?! The great gray dwarf is the master of this world!"

"This is the power of the gray dwarves!"

As he spoke, his tone became more and more excited.

"That surface lord, even if he is resurrected, today will be turned into flesh at the feet of my World Destroyer!"

With a wave of his hand, the biological machine in front of him named the World Destroyer by the gray dwarf walked slightly stiffly to the mechanical platform.

Then he lowered his head and aimed his eyes at the platform.


One eye suddenly moved to the side.

The gray dwarf chief smiled and walked from the world destroyer's eyes into the other's head.

next moment.

The originally dull World Destroyer immediately became flexible.

Turning around, he stepped towards Bloodhoof City step by step.



When you step on the ground, you can feel the vibration for several kilometers.

Coming to the front of the broken city wall, the World Destroyer stretched out his hand and grabbed half of the city wall.

The power exploded.


The city wall was directly pulled up.

The boulders splashed into the sky.

He raised it above his head and threw it hard.


The huge air-breaking sound exploded, smashing **** the street.

The surrounding houses were crushed like paper by the constantly rolling megalithic city walls.

The garrisoned dungeon barbarians were even crushed into flesh.

Instantly bloody.

After showing his strength a little, World Destroyer entered the city directly under the control of the gray dwarf chief.

Huge size is the best weapon.

Every step you take can cause huge damage to the dungeon barbarians.

But the soldiers defending the city did not stop resisting.

The Arrow Tower in Bloodhoof City had already aimed at the World Destroyer.

But the bow and arrow that can easily kill ordinary troops, after hitting the world destroyer, it is like a tickling.

The blood-colored muscles can directly knock arrows into the air, not to mention damage the mechanical parts wrapped by the muscles.

"Siege crossbow!"

The barbarian commander is still trying his best.

But those crossbow arrows that can shatter the city wall are also smashed into the sand on the World Destroyer at this moment.

The terrifying attack can pierce the muscles, but it cannot cause damage to the mechanical body inside...

The heavy weapon of defending the city is almost ineffective.

Under the pressure of the dungeon's barbarian fire, the Worldbreaker rushed into the streets where the gray dwarf army had not yet captured.

The next moment, the muscle fibers on the feet spread out all around.

It grows like wild grass.

In a few breaths, the surrounding area covered a hundred meters.

The dungeon barbarians within this range are directly like bugs caught by cobwebs, entangled by muscle fibers.

Then a more terrifying picture appeared. In the blink of an eye, the corpse suddenly melted, and the flesh and blood were swallowed up by the muscle fibers.

When the muscle fibers in the 100-meter range were re-captured, the barbarians in the nearby dungeons were only left with a white withered bone.

This scene is very impactful.

This monster's attack method is too strange...

Feel the fear from the surrounding dungeon barbarians.

The gray dwarf chief became more and more excited.

"Quack quack~"

"No one can stop the gray dwarves from advancing... No one!!"

"Death tastes so good."

"Let your corpses weave my crown!"

The shrill voice carried a neurotic madness.

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With the terrifying body of the World Destroyer, it gives people an indescribable shock.

This monster!

outside the city.

No one on the hill spoke any more, just stared blankly at the terrifying monster that was wanton in Bloodhoof City.

No one can tell exactly what the mood in my heart is at the moment...

They witnessed the history of the underground world.

But then, no one can tell whether being ruled by the gray dwarves is good or bad.

Those greedy and arrogant lunatics may kill them all one day, and maybe use them to create monsters...

Serge Bloodhoof, watching the World Destroyer who broke through Bloodhoof City's defense line step by step, tightly clenched the sword in his hand.

His aura rose to the sky.

In an instant.

The gray dwarf chief who drove World Destroyer turned his direction sharply, and his scarlet eyes looked at Searle's location.

The other party walked towards Searle step by step.

Every step he took, the muscle fibers on his feet instantly filled the surroundings, leaving only a pale skeleton wherever he passed.

It seems to have become the spokesperson of death in the mortal world...

World Destroyer stopped 30 meters after stepping into the arrow tower where Searle was.

Looking at the arrow tower that is a lot higher than World Destroyer, the muscles under his feet burst out instantly.



The arrow tower fell violently.

Naturally, this height will not cause any danger to the upper floors of Searle and Bloodhoof City.

But after landing, they can only look up to the destroyer.

The contented grey dwarf chief looked down at them.

"The humble Lord of Bloodhoof City, Sel Bloodhoof."

"You guys don't have a chance anymore, even if that disgusting surface lord appears, he will be torn to shreds by my own hands!"

"Now, the great master of grey dwarves, gives you a chance to swear allegiance."

"As long as you kneel down, be loyal to me, and surrender to the gray dwarves with the dungeon barbarians forever."

"Then, I will forgive your sins and spare you the death penalty!"

"All dungeon barbarians will receive my forgiveness."

The sound reached every corner of Bloodhoof City.

Immediately, the two sides who were fighting fiercely stopped abruptly.

All of them looked inexplicably waiting for Searle's response.

Chief Grey Dwarf, his heart almost overflowed with excitement at this moment.

Excited to the point of madness.

How long? How long!

Today, he finally did it, let the ruler of Bloodhoof City crawl to the ground and call him a minister!

Outside the city, those dungeon races looked at each other and sighed.

The former king has fallen.

But fortunately, as long as you surrender, you can survive, and the race will not be exterminated.

In the underground world, there is no backbone.

Even if the opponent is the ruler of Bloodhoof City, no one will feel strange to surrender.

Survival always comes first on this land, and everything else can be discarded.

in silence.

Sayre Bloodhoof, the dungeon barbarian controller suddenly seemed to sense something and looked up at the sky.

Then he stared at the World Destroyer, and under the gaze of the gray dwarf, he showed an extremely mocking smile.

"A group of greedy and lowly **** are also qualified to make Bloodhoof City surrender?"

"You're right. From today onwards, there will only be one master in the underground world, but not your gray dwarves, but... dungeon barbarians."

Saying that, his eyes became extremely hot.

"Our savior, has returned!"

The voice fell, and the gray dwarf chief raised his head sharply, only to see the sky.

A group of undead dragons inciting broken dragon wings suddenly appeared high in the sky.

The other party seems to have been waiting here for a long time.

Feel those breaths.

The anger in his chest was instantly ignited.

"Surface Lord! Damn bastard, you are not dead!!"

These words changed the atmosphere on the battlefield.

The dungeon barbarian warrior, his eyes are full of surprises.

The great human lord is still alive!

There were riots in the gray dwarf army.

Thinking of that terrifying existence that made them have to shrink their strength with only one person, a strong unease arose in my heart.

The onlookers outside the city were in an uproar at the moment.

The surface lord who was assassinated by the gray dwarves with an alchemy bomb that leveled several blocks did not die!

They suddenly thought of the last time, when the gray dwarves attacked Bloodhoof City and smashed half of the city down, the other party came in the same way...

There was a strong expectation in his eyes, this time, will the other party still be able to turn the tide and repel the gray dwarf?

At the moment when this thought arose, it was as if a small flame had been poured into a large pot of water, and it went out.

In sight, the terrifying World Destroyer suddenly slowly floated into the air.

The aura emanating from one of the opponent's combat units was able to shake with hundreds of undead giant dragons above the sky.

They almost forgot that the current gray dwarf is not the gray dwarf of a few months ago.

They have already researched this monster that touches the supernatural...level 19!

"Grandpa... that human lord from the surface, can you win?"

The little dwarf immediately asked curiously when he heard the lively discussions around him.

The old dwarf's hands trembled unnaturally.

At this moment, he was extremely contradictory, and he hoped that the opponent could win, but his reason told him that the gray dwarf was driving a level 19 monster, and the opponent had almost no chance of winning...

The gray dwarf chief floating in the air, his eyes are flooding at this moment.

He thought that the dead were resurrected, which was originally a scary thing.

But now, he is driving the World Destroyer, which took all the background of the gray dwarves to create.

Escape? No, not anymore!

He was going to slaughter the surface **** who used to frighten him away!

"Quack quack!"

"I didn't expect that I could crush you myself! Bastard!"

"Surface human, do you still think that your presence can save Bloodhoof City? Do you still think that the great gray dwarves possess power as weak as they were a few months ago?"

"Summon out your broken super machine."

"I want to tear it into pieces little by little, and finally, UU reading will ravage your body and your soul into flesh!"

Before the words fell, the aura of the World Destroyer began to soar.

The world seems to have dimmed.

At the sight, only the ferocious body of the world destroyer is revealed.

Even hundreds of bone and blood dragons were suppressed.

"Have you felt this power?"

"This is the crystallization of the wisdom of the gray dwarves, and this is the power to slaughter gods in the future!"

"Tremble, fear!"

"I, in the name of the 19th-level world destroyer, will judge your sins!"

Richard, who was riding behind Alves, didn't change his face at all when he heard this almost crazy voice.

After the gray dwarf chief's voice stopped, he glanced at it lightly.

"Your nonsense is too much."

"Also, it's not rubbish, it's all qualified to let me do it."

"Fey, cut off his head."

The next second when the indifferent words resounding through the sky fell.

Under the gaze of the gray dwarves, the expectations of the dungeon barbarians, and the consternation of the outside audience.

The Dark Valkyrie came out with a sword.

next moment.

A dazzling blade like a meteor streaks across the sky.

The level is as high as level 19, and in the eyes of everyone, he is an almost invincible destroyer.


slashed by the sword.

A huge head flew up.


It hit the ground hard.

The scene fell into a deadly silence...

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