Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 370: v2 Chapter 352: Five-Star Treasure - Ice and Snow Elf Statue (Thank you, Nuanyang Boss…

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Li Cha looked at Andel who blinked at Nuzui, and was inexplicably stabbed in the cute spot, this girl......

After thinking for a moment, he fixed his eyes on Rebecca.

"Ms. Rebecca, your chips are very sincere, but... not enough."

"The Ice and Snow Empire is too far away from the desert. It is very difficult for us to travel tens of thousands of miles to mine a vein."

"Also, frost ore is not necessary for us. Even if we get it, it is just the icing on the cake."

This is not true.

He had never seen the Frost Mine, and from what Andel said, although it was precious, it was not indispensable to the current City of Twilight.

The units of Dusk City, from the time they are recruited, all have their own weapons, and he does not need additional forging.

Only races like elves, orcs, and humans need extra care, because in addition to recruiting troops from the troop lair, these races can also train the aborigines into an army.

This is racial talent.

Barracks are used to transfer jobs for ordinary residents, but the development path of Dusk City is obviously different, and there is no need to convert ordinary residents into soldiers.

Weapons obtained from the underground world are all sold for resources.

Rebecca frowned subconsciously.

Looking straight into the deep eyes in front of him, his tone was serious.

"Your Excellency Richard, trust me, you will agree with this decision when you have seen the frost ore."

Her original bargaining chip was not this very precious mineral vein, but when she came to Dusk City, she saw that the total was extraordinary, forcing her to change her bargaining chip.

The original exchange is obviously not qualified to take it to the negotiating table.

This territory full of mystery is not as simple as she imagined.

But now, after changing the chips, a new problem has arisen-she found embarrassingly that she did not carry frost ore, so she could not show the extraordinaryness of this ore.

At the moment, a little embarrassed.

Andel's eyes were so anxious at this time that if it wasn't that she couldn't be the master, she would have agreed on the spot.

Richard pondered for a moment, and just about to speak again, Rebecca suddenly took out a treasure and placed it on the table.

"Your Excellency Richard, how about I add this treasure as a bargaining chip?"

Li Cha looked at it intently, it was a statue of a girl in a long skirt carved out of ice and snow. It was crystal clear and exuded a hint of coldness. The statue was alive and alive, as if it could come to life at any time.

Reaching out to take the statue, I felt the huge magic power contained in it, and immediately raised a little interest.

In no hurry to respond, open the properties panel first.

After taking a look, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Ice Elf Statue

Rating: 5 stars

Features: 1. Placed in the territory, the temperature of the territory can be adjusted freely, the highest cannot exceed 27 degrees, and the lowest cannot be lower than -20 degrees, which can be maintained all year round.

2. It can summon 100 ice and snow elves. The ice and snow elves have normal intelligence. When fighting, they can add magic to the army, causing negative effects such as freezing, cold, stiffness, and tremors to the enemy.

3. Can release the skill - Frozen Shield, protect the entire territory, duration: 1 hour, cooling time: 24 hours, can input magic power to the statue to extend the shield time.

Introduction: A treasure made of the coldest ice, with great power.

Good guy, 5 star treasure!

And the properties are still so good...

Three skills, one is more practical than the other.

The first skill can be called a large air conditioner, which may not be useful in other territories, but this is a desert... The dry and hot weather is a torture for ordinary people.

A treasure that can adjust the temperature in a wide range, absolutely.

The second skill, summoning ice and snow spirits, is not bad for fighting.

What he valued most was the ability to summon the Frozen Shield.

This skill makes up for the defensive weakness of Dusk City.

You can also enter mana to increase the duration of the shield.

This undoubtedly directly hit the point that his heart longed for the most... the safety of the city of dusk.

Li Cha was heartbroken.

This chip is obviously more fragrant than the flat cake drawn by the other party.

"This treasure can be exchanged for the Fire Dragon Rabbit output of Dusk City for half a year. The rest of the deal... I need to see the Frost Mine before signing it."

The moment the words fell, Andel's eyes curved into crescents, and she smiled extremely happily, and the joy seemed to overflow from the bottom of her heart.

That contented expression was pleasing to the eyes.

Rebecca also had a smile on her face.

Although this treasure is precious, it is nothing compared to mastering the Frostwolf family.

"Happy cooperation, Your Excellency Richard, may the goddess of ice and snow bless our cooperation."

This transaction is not complicated, it is a simple barter. After the general direction is negotiated, the remaining details are quickly negotiated.

When both parties reached an agreement, Richard asked about the key.

"Ms. Rebecca, after we cooperate, how can we ensure the interests of both parties?"

This collaboration will last a few years.

Rebecca glanced at him with a stunned expression, and said with a subtle expression.

"You don't know the ice and snow contract?"

Seeing Richard shaking his head, Rebecca explained with a smile.

"The contract of ice and snow is the brilliance that the goddess of ice and snow spreads on the main plane... As long as the terms are signed on the contract of ice and snow, the goddess will become the notary of the contract."

"Once anyone violates the terms of the contract, they will be punished by the goddess."

Said with a bit of pride in his eyes.

"In the entire main plane, there are less than 10 gods who can notarize contracts, and our great ice and snow goddess is the most just one."

"So there are a large number of merchants from other empires who will deliberately come to buy the ice and snow contract and let the goddess witness..."

Richard nodded thoughtfully.

This ice and snow goddess is a bit tricky, doing this not only earns fame and money, but also spreads her beliefs and expands her influence. It is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Saying that, Rebecca took out the translucent ice and snow contract.

After Li Cha opened the attribute panel and made sure that the effect was as the other party said, it would really be witnessed by the gods, and he was relieved.

After writing the terms, both parties sign.

At the moment when the signing was completed, he faintly felt that he was being watched by the goddess of ice and snow.

A pair of indifferent eyes seemed to glance in this direction.

Although he turned around and passed away, the divine aura still made him amazed.

Compared to the goddess of ice and snow, the **** of kobolds is not even a fart...

The contract stipulates that the flame dragon rabbit fur produced by Dusk City within 5 years will be owned by Rebecca, and within half a year, at least 10,000 units will be provided per month. After half a year, Dusk City cannot retain more than 10%, and the retained It also cannot be sold to the Ice and Snow Empire.

And Rebecca needs to pay for the ice and snow elf statue, and a frost ore vein located in the eternal land of frost.

The two parties agreed that if Dusk City does not accept the frost ore vein, it will only provide the output of flame dragon rabbit fur for half a year. .

The terms are simple and clear, and there is no unnecessary nonsense, but because of the existence of the gods, the restraint effect is almost full.

No one will risk being punished by the gods to violate the terms.

Of course, if you want to kill yourself, that's another story.

After the transaction is completed.

Richard took the ice and snow elf statue in his hand and ground it carefully, and was very satisfied.

This is a 5-star treasure. Normally, except that it can be a little easier in the dungeon and can be exchanged with points.

On the main plane, only by taking a huge risk and capturing some high-level maps can you get the chance.

Moreover, this treasure also made up for the vacancy in the defense of Dusk City.

In the future, there is no need to worry about the enemy directly crossing the city wall and attacking the city.

After the business was over, Richard took Rebecca to the breeding base for a walk.

Seeing the lively flame dragons and rabbits walking around, and the goblins taking the opportunity to gather the other's fur, Rebecca was extremely satisfied.

This is hope for the future...

Not long after, two goblins appeared in Rebecca's sight, and they came out with some unknown magic plant roots.

Those rhizomes exuded thick magic power fluctuations, looking at the teeth marks, it seemed that they had just been eaten.

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Are these the food that Dusk City uses to feed the Fire Dragon Rabbit?

Rebecca and Klei took a few more glances.

The goblin was sharp-eyed, and immediately covered those roots with something to prevent them from seeing more.

In this regard, Rebecca and Klee looked at each other with a little regret.

But it didn't go into depth. It was a secret to be able to feed the Flame Dragon Rabbit that everyone didn't know how to raise. Naturally, it was impossible for them to know.

However, Klei quietly took the shapes of those plants in his heart, thinking about going back and asking people to find them to see if they could find similar ones...

Li Cha turned a blind eye to the eyes of the two, and solemnly introduced how difficult it was to raise them.

After the flame dragon and rabbit visited, they took the two to the sand jujube forest and tasted the fresh desert crown honey.

The wonderful taste made both hearts fly...

The sun sinks on the earth, and the moon hangs high in the sky.

In the evening, wash up Rebecca with a hearty dinner.

At the tea party after dinner, Richard curiously asked the question that had been bothering him.

"Ms. Rebecca, the Ice and Snow Empire is so cold, how do you grow food? How do you prevent those food from being destroyed by wild monsters?"

This question made Rebecca a little stunned. After thinking about it, she didn't hide it and said directly.

"Our food is a plant called ice fruit, which likes the cold and takes root in the ice."

"The Frostwolf Territory has a piece of land within an iceberg dedicated to the production of food that can feed millions of people."

"As for resisting danger... the enemy outside cannot get in unless they attack."

Li Cha was a little disappointed, this experience has no meaning for Dusk City.

He wanted to find a safe place, but the desert terrain was too difficult for him.

I didn't give a **** at the moment, I talked about the agricultural problem in the city of dusk, and finally asked.

"Is there any way to prevent the agriculture of Dusk City from being destroyed by the war?"

Rebecca shook her head decisively without thinking about it.

"The desert is too barren and the terrain is too monolithic. It is not suitable for agricultural development at all, and it is not even suitable for developing territories."

"Your Excellency Richard, with your ability, you can develop better if you leave the desert."

Li Cha could not laugh or cry.

I'm here for you to give me advice, not to pour cold water on you.

The disadvantages of the desert are numerous, but the advantages are also obvious - this vast desert is a natural shield.

There are no enemies around that can threaten Dusk City.

Give him plenty of time to develop.

After thinking about it, still unwilling to continue.

"How do human cities deal with this?"

Rebecca thought for a moment before speaking.

"The geographical conditions of each territory are different, and it is difficult to summarize."

"But in general, it is still appropriate to adapt to local conditions, and there is always a way that suits your own territory."

"As far as I know, some powerful forces will distribute production tasks, buy land around dozens of cities, and share risks."

"Some have signed long-term contracts with some lords who own manor, targeted acquisitions... What's more, they even occupy a plane for production..."

Hearing other ways, Li Cha didn't feel much.

But the last sentence made him suddenly think of the plane stone that has been idle in his hand...

In addition, he even has world tree seeds that can support a medium plane.

Thinking of this, his brows furrowed again.

He felt that the safe production environment he was looking for might be able to start from these two treasures.

But the biggest question is, how can we make use of these two top treasures?

Richard's thoughts began to turn...

But after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of a good way.

Brain pain.

The plane stone is too high-end, and I don't know how to use it at all.

The world tree seed needs 100 drops of divinity to activate, and now Renee will input a drop of divinity into it every week.

At the current rate, it will take more than a year to bring it back to life.

"Perhaps, you may have to wait until you step into the extraordinary before you can use the two treasures..."

Li Cha showed a bit of a wry smile.


At present, the most powerful boss in Dusk City, the Dark Valkyrie, is still level 5 away from this level.

The higher the level, the more difficult it is to level up.

Not to mention the extraordinary, it will take a long time for him to reach level 15.

Some headaches rubbed his temples, but he didn't bother anymore.

Anyway, the treasure is in hand, and it will come in handy sooner or later.

After skipping this topic, Li Cha's thoughts suddenly jumped, thinking of the blood coffin still buried under the roots of the ancient tree of gods.

This blood coffin was snatched by the orcs from the vampire castle near the ice empire.

There is also an extraordinary vampire grand duke sleeping inside... If you can get this grand duke, will you be able to use these two treasures in advance?

With a bit of deep meaning at the moment.

"Ms. Rebecca, I heard from friends that there seem to be a lot of vampires in the Ice and Snow Empire. I wonder if you have heard about those evil races?"

His subordinates are all undead, saying that others are evil races... Klei couldn't help but smile.


Rebecca raised her brows, wondering why Richard suddenly asked about this.

Li Cha nodded slightly.

"Yes, there are traces of vampires near my friend's territory, so I want to hear more about this race."

Only then did the girl's face relax, and she turned to look at the level 19 hero beside her.

"Grandpa Klei knows vampires better than I do... He participated in the **** battle 30 years ago."

"Battle of blood? Can you tell me more about it?"

Hearing this unfamiliar word, Li Cha's interest surged. UU Reading

Is there a hidden secret?

Klei looked at Richard who was in high spirits, but he couldn't refuse, and there were some memories in his eyes.

"Lord Richard, there were countless vampires living on the land of the Ice and Snow Empire 30 years ago."

"Those evil beings rule a huge territory and have been taxing a certain amount of blood."

"In the beginning, because the vampires were so powerful, the Ice and Snow Empire was still in a cooperative relationship with them."

"But until a major earthquake caused an ancient ruin to be integrated into the main plane, the situation changed."

"That relic, which we call the Land of Frost Eternity, the Frost Ore, is its specialty."

"Vampires want to occupy the territory that breeds countless precious mineral veins, and the Ice and Snow Empire broke out an unprecedented conflict with it."

"Under the shocking wealth, the anger continued to accumulate, and the two sides finally broke up completely."

"In the end, in the Land of Frost Eternal, the two sides launched a shocking battle."

"The extraordinary, the legendary, and even the demigods fell on the ice, and the blood flowed into a river, soaking the earth."

"In this battle, the Ice and Snow Empire won the final victory. The high-level vampires were beheaded, and their patron, a demigod-level blood prince, was beheaded on the spot."

"Since then, the number of vampires has become less and less, and even gradually disappeared from sight. Only some remote areas can occasionally hear the traces of vampires."

Li Cha was thoughtful.

Did the sleeping vampire grand duke in the blood coffin survive the battle 30 years ago?

Eyes narrowed slightly.

With a bit of deep meaning.

"Ms. Rebecca, to be honest, I captured a sleeping vampire before. The other party is not weak. I want to enslave the other party. I wonder if you can do anything?"

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