Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 379: v2 Chapter 361: Red Dragon grocery store

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After the two players left the Violet Manor, they came to a dragon and snake mixed hotel.

Players are everywhere here.

The boss reached out and stopped a maid whose chest burst.

"Is Brother Sir there?"

The maid glanced at them, looked at the messy clothes, and said angrily.

"On the second floor."

After saying disgust, he turned and left.

The two looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

This year, if you don't get along well, you are not welcome anywhere.

I went up to the second floor of the tavern with a different mood, and immediately saw a figure sitting by the window, the other party's bald head was particularly conspicuous.

"Brother Sir..."

The bald head heard the call and turned to look at the two of them.


"Mr. Li, Mr. Li, I haven't seen you for a few days."

"Did you gain anything from that Violet Manor?"

There is nothing special about the two of them among the many players in the tavern, and naturally they will not be valued.

Strength determines status, this sentence is never false.

The boss stepped forward and sat directly opposite the bald head.

With a bit of mystery on his face.

"Brother Sir, brother, I took a high-level mission from a big man. I wonder if you are interested."

Bald eyes narrowed.

"Tell me."

The third child interjected.

"The Violet Manor is the property of the Frostwolf family, and its owner, Rebecca, the eldest daughter of the Grand Duke of Frostwolf, has returned."

The bald eyes lit up.

"You have received the task from the eldest daughter of the Frostwolf Grand Duke? Yes, brother."

The boss shook his head.

"Not that npc."

The excited look of the bald head froze.

"Is that the butler of Violet Manor?"

"Not the housekeeper either..."

The veins on the bald face gradually bulged.

"Who the **** is that?"

The third child smiled.

"When the eldest daughter of the Archduke Frostwolf returned, there was a powerful and mysterious being by his side... Do you know what the first thing to do when the eldest daughter of the Archduke Frostwolf returned?"

"What? Pout your butt? Take off your skirt? Or kneel?"

"We can't see this kind of show, but the excitement is not bad at all... The other party gave the Violet Manor to the big man."

The bald-headed irritable mood disappeared immediately, and his face was full of surprise.

"Give away the Violet Manor? Just kidding, how much is this manor worth? Give it away?"

"We heard this with our own ears!"

The bald head asked enthusiastically, "So, did you receive the task from that mysterious man?"

The boss nodded.

"Yes, the reward for this task is extremely rich. If you complete it, you can get two 3-star treasures."

The bald eyes widened sharply.

"Two 3-star treasures?"

At this stage, 3-star treasures are definitely top treasures.

4 stars, 5 stars, it is too difficult to obtain, it is basically impossible to rely on doing tasks, the difficulty of tasks has overflowed, and they cannot be completed.

Only some lucky people can get away with opening the treasure chest.

"Tell me what the mission is."

Looking at the bald head full of interest, the two of them didn't give up any further, they repeated the task explained by Li Cha, and finally said.

"As long as you provide accurate information, you can get rewards, and we don't need to get it."

"The big man also said that no matter who gets the news, he can go to him to receive the reward."

That's what they said, but apart from the two of them, who knows who the big man is, as long as there is news, it must pass through their hands.

The bald head also noticed this.

I can't help but feel that there are no idiots who can be mixed up to now.

"I hope your words are true, otherwise, I will let you know what it is..."

"Come on, Sir Brother, you are not an outsider. Don't use this trick. I came to you to make a fortune together. This task is just the beginning. Holding the big man's thigh, there will be many benefits in the future."

They don't want to be under the player's command, but if the other party is the first of the two copies, the strongest among the players, that's another story.

Who doesn't want to be the richest man in the world with his thigh...

"I want to meet that big man."

"No problem, let's go together when there is news."

The bald head asked for some details, and after confirming that the words of the two were true, he immediately disseminated the news of the treasure that could contract the heroes of the evil camp.

This tavern is the distribution center for players in this area. It didn't take long for a large number of players to know the news.

As long as you know the news of the contract scroll, you can go directly to the tavern to get a 2-star treasure...

2-star treasures are already rare for most players, and not many people care about them.

After the player's power is activated, it is like a large net extending towards all corners of Solan City.

After leaving the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, Richard and Rebecca took a carriage and headed in another direction - the black market.

Black markets are special locations in most games.

With Windsor's suggestion, he was also intrigued.

Red Dragon General Store, after repeating the word a few times, he turned to look at the girl beside him.

"Rebecca, have you heard of the Red Dragon grocery store?"

Rebecca shook her head.

"I'm not familiar with Solan City. If it wasn't for the Flame Dragon Rabbit, I wouldn't come in person this time."

After all, the desert is still too far away from the Ice and Snow Empire.

Li Cha nodded and didn't get into it.

What's in there, just go and see.

The speed of the convoy was very fast, and in less than half an hour, it stopped in a wide square.

Looking around, the black market is not built in a shadowy area as imagined, but a quaint castle occupying a large area of ​​land.

Dome-shaped buildings more than ten or twenty meters high are closely arranged in the castle and look quite delicate.

In the very center of the square, a statue of a griffin is located here, and 100 meters behind the griffin is the entrance to the castle.

A large number of soldiers guard here.

From time to time, the sky also flew over a group of Pegasus, casting a shadow under the sun.

As long as there is an accident, the army will come to support at any time.

At the entrance to the castle, a huge sign gleams in the sun.

Solan city black market.

The above is a special high-level text, even the illiterate can know its meaning at a glance.

Such a bright recruitment has nothing to do with the name of the black market.

Seeing this, Li Cha could only sigh that the urban routine was deep.

Co-authored with the official management of the black market capital Solan City, can this still be called a black market?

Kent's butler, whose hair was meticulously combed, had been waiting in the square long ago. When he saw the carriage with the Frostwolf family's logo, he immediately brought someone to greet him.

After Rebecca and Richard got out of the car, they immediately saluted.

"Miss Rebecca, Mr. Richard."

"I've made arrangements to go in directly..."

Rebecca glanced at Li Cha and nodded slightly after confirming that he did not intend to wander around.

"Take us in."

"Yes, ma'am."

Butler Kent didn't talk nonsense, turned around, and signaled the two squads of level 15 troops around him to spread out the escort.

Push the crowds away and leave plenty of space.

Richard and Rebecca walked towards the front entrance with ease.

Dark Valkyrie and Sheena followed.

Along the way, the soldiers guarding all around did not block the group in the slightest, and it was unobstructed.

On the contrary, many players watched eagerly, and some wanted to find a chance to sneak in.

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But they were all stopped by sharp-eyed soldiers, and the scolding was endless.

Richard ignored the sand sculpture player, and after passing through the gate of the castle, he looked around enthusiastically.

Inside the castle, it is no exaggeration to describe it as a commercial street, surrounded by shops with various goods.

Different from the shops in the outside world, the shops here sell something special.

Bloody wolf heads, rotting corpses, ore with magical power fluctuations, talking water, flying leaves... Strange things are everywhere.

This also made Richard feel very addicted.

After staying in Dusk City for a long time, this is the first time I have seen such a scene.

On the way, I found a lot of good things, such as 2-star and 3-star resource treasures are rare, but the price is also ridiculously high.

There is absolutely no such thing as the artifact selling for 10 gold coins.

This made his original idea of ​​picking up leaks stillborn.

The aboriginal people have been living in this land for many years. Anyone who can eat in the black market is not an idiot. Generally, it is a good thing, and you can tell with a few glances.

If I really want to find out, I can only find those vendors who set up their own stalls, but most of those people are professionals.

Maybe the items sold are still from the same workshop.

After the Kent housekeeper introduced the basic rules here, Richard immediately lost interest.

Sure enough, it's too unreliable to miss such a thing when shopping.

Without the idea of ​​utilitarianism, with the mentality of playing, I am quite happy.

I have to say that shopping in the fantasy world is really interesting.

You can see anything weird.

Half an hour later, when his curiosity was satisfied, Richard asked Kent's housekeeper where the Red Dragon grocery store was.

Butler Kent was not ambiguous, and immediately took the group to the Red Dragon grocery store.

This ancient castle covers an exaggerated area, and it took about 20 minutes to finally reach the most central area from the crowded crowd.

Red Dragon grocery store.

When Butler Kent talked about the place, Richard still couldn't imagine it.

Such a prosperous place where every inch of land is so precious, and such dilapidated shops.

Looking at the door, the floor of the grocery store was covered with black stains, as if no one had cleaned it for several years.

The various shelves and furniture in the house are even more shabby, and the messy things are scattered everywhere. Anyone who sees this scene will frown.

Look inside along the shelf.

A gray-haired old man covering one eye with a black cloth was half-lying on a mechanical rocking chair exuding magical power fluctuations.

His eyes narrowed slightly, as if sleeping.

It looks so laid back.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha became somewhat interested.

How could this one look like a Fire Cloud Evil God?

Another big boss?

Open the properties panel.


Level: Level 3

? ? ?

? ? ?

Covered by special energy, it cannot be probed.

After reading it, Li Cha was stunned for a moment.

Level 3? ?

Co-authoring this uncle is a real dish...

Recovering his thoughts, he took two steps forward, stepped into the grocery store, stood in the messy container, and said softly.

"Hello, can I disturb you?"

This politeness is beyond fault.

Hearing the sound, the old man lying on the rocking chair slowly opened his eyes, subconsciously touched his heart with his right hand, and then looked up at Li Cha.

After seeing his figure clearly, he was displeased.

"Who asked you to disturb my sleep? Take what you want to buy yourself, and pay for it quickly, don't disturb me..."

Saying that, he plans to lie down again.

Li Cha can't laugh or cry, co-authoring, you also know that you own a grocery store.

"Mr. Pym, President Windsor asked me to come to the black market for your help."

Windsor just told him about the grocery store, but it didn't prevent him from making a big flag.

Although the opponent's level is low, there must be something extraordinary in being able to be introduced by Windsor.

Sure enough, hearing the word Windsor, the old man who was going to lie down slowly sat up again.

He looked at him up and down a few times, and finally pouted.

"This little girl Windsor, it's time to go out and learn more. A 13th-level little lord, how can I help me... And she's a lord of divine grace who doesn't understand anything."

Little... girl?

How can the powerful person in power of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce be described like this?

Li Cha's eyes narrowed slightly.

The old man had a close relationship with Windsor.

And one more thing, he has been covering his whole body with the power of the desert.

But the other party saw his strength at a glance. This seemingly old figure is not that simple.

"Lord of Divine Grace, it may not be able to help you."

The old man sneered.

"Then you look up to yourself."

After thinking about it, tsk tsk.

"One of your lords of divine grace named Qingqiu is not bad. It's not that I despise you. Unless you are as strong as that Qingqiu, then leave quickly and don't disturb my sleep."

Li Cha smiled and said casually.

"Mr. Pym, let me introduce myself, the Lord of Dusk City, Richard, and also the Lord of Divine Grace - Qingqiu."

The voice fell.

A majestic breath rushed out.

In an instant, it was like a dust storm swept the world.

Everything is blurry.

The old man who was about to lie down for the second time immediately sat up straight and widened his eyes that were not entangled by the black cloth.

"Are you Qingqiu?!"

Under such a majestic coercion, this level only exists at level 3, and UU reading has not been affected in the slightest.

Li Cha immediately noticed this, and his mind was spinning, and he slowly restrained his breath.

At this time, Rebecca also walked into the grocery store, looking at the old man's somewhat surprised appearance, a little proud.

Responded first.

"If the Qingqiu you are talking about is the one who won the crown after competing with the 20 billion lords of divine grace in the last divine mission, that is Your Excellency Richard."

Like a child showing off his beloved gift, his tone was full of pride.

The one-eyed old man finally took some interest.

"Yes, this little girl from Windsor has a good eye, and finally helped me find a good lord of divine grace."

"Although the lords of divine grace are all garbage, you are not bad for being the strongest among 20 billion people..."

Li Cha could not laugh or cry.

Are you complimenting me?

"What's your purpose in coming to me?"

Richard was also unambiguous, and repeated the requirements for finding the hero treasures of the contract evil camp.

After the old man heard this, his expression was a little weird.

"The soul contract of the Snow Goddess, this little guy with the blood of the Frostwolf family can get it, why did you come to me?"

"There is still a soul contract in the Frostwolf family?" The girl beside her was a little stunned.

Seeing this, the old man shook his head.

"It seems that you haven't become the heir."

Said and looked at Li Cha.

"I can get you a contract, but I also need you to do one thing for me."

There was a strong joy in Li Cha's heart.

really have? !

"You say!"

The old man looked at him and said word by word.

"I want you to help find a god's heart."

Li Cha's expression instantly became very exciting.

Does this old man really know what he is talking about? ?

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