Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 385: v2 Chapter 367: Windsor: What did you say? Your Excellency Richard is Qingqiu? ! …

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After pondering for a moment, Li Cha asked the most concerned question.

"Where is that area?"

Mo Lishou didn't hide it, opened the system map and directly shared the location with him.

"It was originally an ancient ruin, but it collapsed a long time ago."

"We've been looking in there for two months and haven't gotten anything good."

Speaking of which, I can't help but feel a little sorry.

Finally found a ruin, but there is no treasure in it, which is really disappointing.

Richard opened the map to take a closer look, and there was a prominent marker on it.

About 500 kilometers away from Solan City, it is located in the desert.

I made up my mind to explore before returning to Dusk City to see what happened to that rotten tree...

The breath it emits is more evil than the ancient tree of gods, shouldn't it die so easily? Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

While thinking about it, I looked at the properties of the dry branches again.

dry branches

Features: With an evil aura.

Description: A branch broken from a tree.

There is no difference at all from this, he dares to bet that if these players have not seen the rotten tree, I am afraid that they will ignore this branch on the road.

After closing the system panel, I didn't just give up and directly opened the black gold system.

A more detailed prompt appears above.

"The dry branches of the rotten tree hide a faint vitality, which can consume 100 points of divinity to reactivate the vitality."

Is this branch still alive? ?

Li Cha was greatly surprised.

It's all done like this...

Although, like the seeds of the World Tree, it takes 100 points of divinity to activate, but that's not the point.

The point is, even the branches that have dried up like this ghost have life. Is that dried up rotten tree really dead?

There was great interest in my heart.

He doesn't mind digging another ancient tree of gods and evil to return to Dusk City.

The desert is so big that it is absolutely possible to plant trees.

Taking back the scattered thoughts, continue to inquire about the situation of the ruins.

Mo Lishou also pointed to Richard to buy his goods at a high price, and he was not ambiguous at the moment, and told all the information he knew.

Anyway, they have been looking for two months, and there is nothing good in it.

Li Cha asked in great detail.

Know everything.

Finally, I have a clearer concept of the ruins... The rotten tree is just an inconspicuous corner of the ruins.

Now, after the ruins collapsed, most of the area has been buried by gravel.

The only dangerous place is the center of the ruins, where there is still a group of terrifying monsters - the tomb keepers.

Levels are above level 15, with more than 5 squadrons.

They even met a level 19 hero leader.

However, there are no treasures in it, and they used special means to explore more than once.

After the chat, Li Cha had a spectrum in his heart.

This ruin is definitely a high-level map, and for players at this stage, it is definitely a nightmare difficulty.

But with the current strength of Dusk City, it can be eaten.

He keenly felt that the collapsed ruins were far less simple than a few players said.

There is also a central area with tomb keepers, and perhaps the real starting point may also be here.

And most of the ruins are buried in the desert, which is not a problem for him, he is a professional digging sand...

If you go to explore, as long as you can get that rotten tree, you will earn blood.

To others, it may be a dead tree, but to him it is different.

There is no ambiguity at the moment.

At half a percent higher price than the Solan Chamber of Commerce, I bought 10 pieces of legendary equipment that were not damaged so exaggeratedly.

In total it cost him 1 million units of resources.

Keeping his word, this is the bottom line of his life. He has obtained the information he wants and doesn't mind giving the other party something in return.

The value of this news is far from what this resource can compare to him.

Looking at the hundreds of millions of resources stored on the panel, when Li Cha paid the bill, he didn't feel it at all.

Before plundering the underground world, but making a fortune, the only pity is that this method of obtaining resources is unsustainable.

After the resources were obtained, several players were also very excited.

1 million units, which is definitely a huge sum of money for them.

For players who have lost their territories, the channels for earning resources are very limited.

They can no longer let the inhabitants of the territory mine mine veins like normal lords.

The speed at which a person can earn resources can never be compared to a territory with thousands of inhabitants.

After the deal was reached, Li Cha told the four players that he was looking for a soul contract, and asked them to help find out the news.

When they heard that there were 3-star treasures, several people immediately slapped their chests.

Players are a group of profit-driven people. As long as they have interests, they are guaranteed to care more than anyone else.

After they leave.

Li Cha took a few pieces of tattered legendary equipment into the system space without looking at it, leaving only the branch to study carefully.

It is impossible to activate nature with divinity, and the seeds of the world tree have already taken up Renee's output.

Now I just look forward to the dry and rotten tree, and there is also a trace of vitality in the body.

When Rebecca came out with a somewhat excited expression, she was watching Richard playing with dry branches, and she said something strange.

"Your Excellency Richard... Are you?"

Li Cha laughed.

"Found something interesting."

As he said that, he put away the branches and looked at her with interest.

"How is the research on the Victory Gem?"

The level 19 hero Klei behind him smiled wryly.

"The Victory Gem is too advanced, and we can only faintly sense the special imprint contained in it, which cannot be activated."

"You can only go back to the Frostwolf Territory, please let the Grand Duke take action."

Richard asked curiously.

"The Archduke Frostwolf is a follower of the Victory Goddess Sect?"

"No, the Grand Duke is a close friend with a believer of a goddess who happens to be a legend..."

Li Cha's mouth twitched.

Is the circle of bosses so unpretentious?

Rebecca suddenly seemed to think of something, looked at Richard and said solemnly.

"Your Excellency Richard, please come back to the Frostwolf Territory with me."

"I will definitely bring out the treasure that will satisfy you."

Li Cha looked at the girl's serious expression and smiled.

"When I'm free, I must go to the Ice and Snow Empire, not for your treasure, I'm going to see my frost ore."

When the two sides traded flame dragon rabbit fur, Rebecca directly exchanged a mineral vein.

He was also a little curious about the frost veins that made Andelle extremely excited.

In addition, the vampire castle can also take time to clean up... Go back and ask the steamed bread lovers if you have any more news.

The orcs snatched the blood coffin of the sleeping Vampire Archduke from the vampire castle.

Not sure what else is good.

Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce.

In the living room, Windsor smiled at the curious girl in front of her.

"Didn't your Excellency Richard go to your Solan Chamber of Commerce? Why are you still asking me?"

The girl looked bewildered.

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"Ah? When did you go? Why didn't I know..."

Onik, who was standing beside him, said.

"His Royal Highness Chris, this morning, Lord Richard left us and went to the black market. Our people met them at the entrance of the Solan Chamber of Commerce."

Wearing a pure white long dress, Chris, who has a smart temperament and an almost perfect appearance, shook her head.

"I didn't go to the black market today."

Said curiously.

"That Mr. Richard came to Solan City, shouldn't you be accompanying him?"

Thinking of the situation this morning, Onik said with a bit of emotion.

"It was Miss Rebecca who brought His Excellency Richard there."

Chris frowned slightly.

"Rebecca is back? Why didn't she see me... Also, how good is their relationship? Isn't it just to buy the rabbit fur of the Flame Dragon Rabbit."

Windsor, who was holding a teacup, slowly took a sip of the hot tea in the cup and put it down gracefully with a playful look in his eyes.

"That Mr. Richard is extraordinary."

"You don't know it yet, Miss Rebecca has already planned to give him the Violet Manor."

Chris's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Impossible? How could Rebecca give the Violet Manor to a lord of divine grace? Even if she asks the other party, it won't be like this, right?"

Onik said softly.

"This is what Miss Rebecca said this morning. It shouldn't be fake."

He was also a little confused by Rebecca's attitude.

It stands to reason that the relationship between the two should not reach any stage, but the other party just did it.

He couldn't figure it out, but it could only be attributed to the extraordinaryness of Dusk City and the infinite personal charm of Richard.

Hasn't he been chasing that magical territory since he left the City of Twilight?

Maybe in the eyes of others, he is also a bit unreasonable...

Chris couldn't sit still.

He got up in a hurry and walked outside.

"No, I have to go see Rebecca, this guy mustn't be deceived by that lord of grace..."

"His Royal Highness Chris, this is not so, you..."

Before the words were finished, the girl waved her hand and hurried away, disappearing from sight.

Onik couldn't help laughing, he turned his head and glanced at Windsor, whose expression had not changed.


"Master President, do you want me to take a look..."

Windsor said slowly.

"It's just a small matter, don't worry about it."

He seemed to think of something, and his eyes showed a bit of thought.

"Has the people who went to the Red Dragon grocery store come back?"

"Not yet, but it should be soon."

Windsor narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a complicated tone.

"I don't know, Mr. Richard, can he get the teacher's approval... Time is running out."

Onik thought of some secrets, and suddenly fell silent.

When the room fell silent, a strange sound came slowly from outside the door.

From far to near.

When Windsor heard the voice, there was a bit of joy in her eyes, and she stood up and came to the door.

In the blink of an eye, a figure sitting in a mechanical wheelchair appeared.


Pym looked up at the eye-catching figure in front of him with a kind smile.

"Little girl, push me in."

In the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, the president, who even the ordinary staff dared not look directly in the eyes, came to the mechanical wheelchair with a smile like a little girl, and pushed Pim into the house.

When Onik saw Pym, his face flushed with excitement, as if a believer had seen his own god.

Bow your head and salute in the most humble manner.

"Good day, Your Majesty Pym, Onik sends you the highest regards."

Pym waved his hand in surprise, but said nothing.

After pushing the mechanical wheelchair to the coffee table, the graceful Windsor poured a cup of hot tea for the old man who had lived without a heart for a long time.

Pym drank it carelessly, smothered the taste, and smiled.

"Yes, the tea of ​​the Southern Griffin Empire is still so refreshing..."

"I'll send it back to you."

Pym shook his head.

"It's not necessary, no matter how good things are drunk all day long, they will lose their taste."

Windsor smiled and made no comment.

Changed the subject.

"Teacher, why are you here?"

Pym grinned.

"Why, I still need to ask you for instructions if I come to the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce."

Windsor smile

"I hope you can come every day... By the way, teacher, Your Excellency Richard, have you visited the Red Dragon grocery store?"

Speaking of this topic, Pym immediately became interested.

"The Lord of Divine Grace is not bad. In the past few months, he is the only one I can see... Maybe he can create miracles."

As he said that, his eyes narrowed, looking inexplicable.

Hearing this evaluation, Windsor was a little surprised.

Her teacher used to be the top powerhouse in the world, with a very high vision and never praised others too much.

The person who can get his praise is not a very outstanding big man.

That Mr. Richard can be recognized by the other party in such a short period of time is really incredible.

A compliment from Pym, in her eyes, is stronger than a month of praise from Onik.

With different status, the gold content of words is vastly different.

Quite curious at the moment.

"Teacher, is there anything special about your Excellency Richard? Why can you get your approval so easily?"

Pym looked at Windsor oddly.

"Don't you know who you recommended to me?"

Windsor froze for a moment.

"I don't know much about Your Excellency Richard. Is he... special?"

All she knew about Richard was from Onik's mouth, but most of what Onik said was about the magic of that territory.

As for Richard's own strength and what are his strengths in other areas, O'Neill is also unclear.

Judging from the contact this morning, although the conversational temperament of the other party was the best among the outstanding people she had ever met, but when it came to understanding, it was really impossible to talk about.

Pym frowned.

"Special? The other party can stand out from the 20 billion lords of divine grace and become the strongest. This can be considered special."

Windsor was stunned.

"The strongest of the 20 billion Divine Grace Lords? Isn't this the Divine Grace Lord named Qingqiu?"

Pym nodded.

"That's right, the Li Cha from UU Reading is the Qingqiu mentioned by the Lord of Divine Grace..."

Looking at her a little puzzled.

"You do not know?"

Windsor fell silent.

"What did you say?! Your Excellency Li Qingqiu?!"

His eyes were full of disbelief, as if he had heard something unacceptable.

This morning, she was praising Qingqiu in front of the other party.

The Qingqiu who made her full of praise was actually the person in front of her...

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