Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 394: v2 Chapter 376: The players were shocked, Qingqiu, the daring madman, actually...

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With a loud bang, the two floating islands were closely connected.

"Ding~ You encountered a chess piece - the elephant, the attributes of all the troops under your command are increased by 60%, and the attributes of the elephant's troops are reduced by 60%."

When Li Cha heard the system prompt, his eyes were half-smiling.

After this round of strengthening, the ordinary rat can already gain the upper hand against the elephant, not to mention the rat under his command.

The players of the sect camp felt the aura of the troops descending, and their expressions changed again and again.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said viciously.

"I don't believe it anymore, this mouse can really defy the sky!"

"Kill me!"

A head of holy light elephants charged forward with heavy steps.

But the speed is like an ordinary person carrying a few hundred pounds of things on his back, which is extremely slow.

And after several enhancements, the half-rat mummy has become extraordinarily flexible.

Without a word of nonsense, the war kicked off directly.

The Holy Light Elephant holds a heavy warhammer, and even the city walls can be shattered.

But at this moment, after the speed was forced to slow down several times, facing the flexible half-rat mummies, their attacks seemed to be hitting the air.

Can't hit the target at all.

On the contrary, the strengthened half-rat mummy, with this dexterity, ran directly to the holy light like man.

The fangs began to frantically gnaw at the unarmored areas...

More ants kill elephants, let alone Junkrats?

With few casualties, the Holy Light Elephant fell head to head, smashed on the sand, and splashed dust all over the sky.

After ten minutes.

On the field, no one stood, only the crazy half-rat mummy.

The players of the sect camp looked pale as the army in their hands was eaten up by a strong force.

His lips moved a few times to say something, but nothing came out.

The heart full of self-confidence is quietly collapsing at this moment.

Finally, he let out a long breath and silently accepted the fate of failure...

The moment the lion was eaten by the rat, they couldn't play. They wanted to fight to the death, but now it seems that it is just in vain.

When the half-rat mummies swarmed up and sent the sect faction players away.

On the other hand, the hyena elephant also won the battle against the tiger.

"Ding~ At the end of the second round, you ate the elephant and gained 10 points and 50 rotten heads."

"The remaining chess pieces from the desert camp are elephants, lions, and rats."

"The sect camp chess pieces are all destroyed, the desert camp enters the second round of chess, and all the fallen lords will be resurrected."

"All lords get points: 10 points."

"Ding~ In this round of battle, you have captured two pieces in total, and gained +20 points. The current points are 60."

"The first round of the battle is over, and the faction dungeon points rankings are opened—

1st place: Qingqiu (desert camp, mouse): 60

Second place: Collison (elf camp · lion): 40

Third place: Madman Zhang San (Fortress camp · Elephant): 40


As the prompt sound fell, the bald head and the third chess pieces that had just been killed were automatically reorganized, and they were revived on it.

After the two learned of the victory, they were overjoyed.

Chat version.

The hyena was very flattering: "Boss Qingqiu (poyin) is awesome!! Since I followed you, my waist doesn't hurt anymore, my legs don't get sore, and my bowel movements are smooth..."

Bald head: "Lick the dog, I look down on you... Boss Qingqiu, do you still need a younger brother? Look at me? I'm good at running errands and warming the bed..."

Boss: "Shameless, boss Qingqiu is the one we met first."

Third child: "That's right!"

Li Cha watched a few people play tricks with some amusing, but he didn't pay much attention to it, and silently waited for the next round to start.

He didn't take winning seriously, but the players from the other factions blew up.

Looking at the ID number one in the standings, his eyes widened.

"Am I **** blind? Qingqiu?!"

"Fuck! What kind of evil did I do? Just enter a copy and you can encounter this pervert!"

"I said why is it restrained by the sect camp, the desert camp can still win... It turns out that the desert camp has Qingqiu."

"I just wondered how the mouse eats the lion. The mouse is Qingqiu, which makes sense. This pervert, even if the ghost of the gods above our heads is killed, I feel that I can accept it..."


With his two performances in the dungeons, Li Cha already has an exclusive term in the eyes of players - dead pervert!

It is impossible to describe him in ordinary words.

I can only hate and envy, using this extreme word to express my inner feelings.

"Ding~ The second round of battle begins - the desert camp against the dungeon camp."

"Please arrange the order of battle."


Hearing this familiar word, Li Cha subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Sure enough, the phantom of the **** who held great hostility to him rippled wave after wave at this moment.

Even if they were far apart, they could feel the repressed anger.

If it is not limited by the rules, I am afraid that the other party has already erupted.

Several players felt the power of the gods again and again, and also noticed that something was wrong.

Hyena asked hesitantly.

"Boss Qingqiu, why do I feel that the ghosts of the gods in the sky are not very friendly to us, are they the gods of the sect camp?"

Boss: "No, isn't this **** so immature? Isn't it just to destroy their camp? It's not a big deal..."

The third child: "I also feel that this coercion seems to be very uncomfortable for us... Boss Qingqiu, what do you think?"

Li Cha responded directly: "That is the **** of the dungeon clan... the **** of kobolds."

Hyena: "God of kobolds? Boss Qingqiu, how did you know."

"I once had a festival with the kobold god."

Hyena: "Hahaha, you are really joking."

There is a festival with the gods, which can only be explained as a joke...

Boss: "I didn't expect you to have a humorous side, boss, but it's just too cold."

The third child: "Laugh, why don't you laugh and cooperate with me!"

Li Cha didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and didn't say anything.

From the perspective of ordinary players, the gods are indeed far away from them.

Moreover, ordinary people offend the gods, and there is a high probability that they will not be alive and kicking.

"Ding~ Xiang has arranged the order of battle, and the battle starts."

Didn't give him much time to think.

The second round of the battle against the dungeon camp started directly.

Looking ahead, a chess piece with a dog imprinted on it came swiftly.

"Ding~ Your opponent is a chess piece-dog, and the opponent's attributes are increased by 40%."

The dungeon player also heard the system prompt in his ear at this moment, but his face turned green when he saw that his opponent was a rat.

Although dogs have attributes to suppress mice, but the opponent is Qingqiu who can eat lions... This attribute can be used for eggs.

"Dog Day's matching mechanism, which design is this? I'm your immortal board!"

Bang~ With the loud noise, the two floating islands were directly connected together.

Looking at the vast army of half-rat mummies on the opposite island, dozens of rotting humanoids and hundreds of rotting lion knights standing behind, the dungeon players wanted to cry without tears.

Play with a hammer.

There are no additional episodes, and the battle breaks out right away...

Li Cha watched the dungeon kobold in front of him being trampled flat, without the slightest fluctuation in his eyes.

too weak......

Although the opponent has tried his best to resist.

However, under the leadership of the Rotten Elephant Man and the Rotten Lion Knight, the Half-Rat Mummy still annihilated the opponent at the fastest speed.

Seeing the collapse of the situation, the phantom in the sky became more and more angry, and the divine might, which was like waves of wrathful waves, pressed towards Li Cha without reservation.

Li Cha frowned, and his eyes became cold.

This old dog really doesn't know what to do!

Withdrawing his gaze, he stepped forward to the floating island in front of him.

The huge kobold statue in the central area was immediately discovered.

A bit of sarcasm hung on the corner of his mouth.

He walked under the statue alone, waved his hand, and a large amount of yellow sand floated from his floating island.

In the blink of an eye, Huangsha condensed into a huge warhammer, suspended above the head of the kobold statue.

The phantom of the gods in the sky was completely ignited by this action.

In the illusory body composed of darkness and dark clouds, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly appeared, as if two suns made people tremble.

"Despicable desert lord! You are seeking your own death!!"

The words of the gods containing endless majesty and cold exploded.

All players were shocked.

Incredibly looking up at the phantom in the sky...

The gods... opened their mouths? !

Desert lord, could it be Qingqiu? Yes, only that dead pervert can anger the gods...

But what happened over there? ?

The players were shocked and surprised, and their curiosity was raised to the extreme.

Li Cha looked up at the phantom overlooking the heaven and earth, and a cold arc hung on the corner of his mouth.

The endless yellow sand light surging on his body.

Under the blessing of magic, the indifferent tone resounded throughout the sky.

"God of kobolds, isn't it bad to be a dog in your kennel? Come and bark here!"

Hearing this fluttering sound, all the players in the faction dungeon widened their eyes and even held their breath subconsciously.

Full of shock, he turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

The whole person is directly messy.

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WDNM, what is Qingqiu talking about? !

God of kobolds? ?

The **** who spoke was the **** of kobolds?

Is this guy trying to go against the sky?

How dare you so brazenly scold a stalwart god!

That **** is God!

Dog **** talented!

One by one, the scalp was numb, the back was cold, and the heart was shaking.

Many people are dizzy, and even feel that they have auditory hallucinations.

No words can express the emotions at this moment...

Although they know that Qingqiu is fierce, you can't be so fierce that you point at a god's nose and call him a dog, right?

Now that the dungeon has restricted the other party, what about when you leave the dungeon?

To face the revenge of a god!

Thinking of that picture, they felt a burst of suffocation.

Being hated by the gods, this Nima is hell, no, it is a world-class difficulty.


When he whispered this ID again in his mouth, he didn't know what language to use to describe this daring and reckless madman.

Of course, there are also a few lawless players. At this moment, a numbness comes into the mind from the spine. The whole person is more refreshing than the **** ten times... Pointing at the nose of the **** and calling the other party a dog, TMD, this is What operation? ! Too much fun from his grandma...

The players of the dungeon camp couldn't help being surprised when they saw this scene.

When they heard that they were facing the desert camp, they felt that they were going to follow in the footsteps of the sect camp.

Unexpectedly, their patron, the great **** of kobolds, actually stood up to stop Qingqiu.

What they didn't expect was that Qingqiu, a thug, was so arrogant that he didn't even care about the gods.

This wave is simply God helping them!

Offending the gods, I see what else are you doing, Qingqiu!

The hyena, the bald head, the eldest, and the third and fourth all felt numb at the moment.

Richard said that the phantom of the **** who was hostile to him was the **** of kobolds, and they hadn't taken it to heart yet.

I don't think it's true now...

The other party really had a festival with the gods! It's not a holiday, how can it be impossible to scold each other like crazy, right?

So **** crazy.

that is god...

Why did the big brother Qingqiu form a relationship with the gods?

After regaining his senses, he had to sigh in horror again.

Qingqiu boss is worthy of being a Qingqiu boss, this kind of fierce man can't be dismissed with common sense!

He has offended the gods outside, and it seems that the offense is not light, and he can still live well.

If it was them, I'm afraid there won't even be ashes left.

And now the gesture of pointing at the gods and scolding is a move they dare not even think about...

Qingqiu boss, bull nose!

The phantoms of the rest of the gods in the sky also swayed.

All eyes turned to Li Cha.

It seems that I did not expect a mortal person to be so courageous, daring to point at the gods and curse.

As the **** of the kobolds involved, that illusory figure seemed to be making waves at this moment.

The violent fluctuations make people wonder if the sky will collapse in the next moment.

" Blasphemer! I will imprison your soul for a million years! Let you, this vile bastard, live in pain forever!!"

The pressure of the gods' words with endless anger seems to be able to collapse the world.

"A dog with a broken spine, dare to bark?!"

Li Cha suddenly waved his hand.

The warhammer condensed on the kobold statue fell directly.


The dog's head was smashed.

This time, it was equivalent to Li Cha slapped the face of the kobold **** in front of other gods.

The evil deity of this dungeon pantheon can no longer hold back the anger in his heart.

A divine might that was a hundred times more ferocious than before surged out.


Above the sky, there are cracks like spider webs.

The other party obviously wants to break through the rules and restrictions regardless of everything and pour out his anger!

The kobold **** moves too fast.

When the other 9 phantoms wanted to stop it, it was too late to act.

And at this moment, all the phantoms of the gods are just a ray of divine power supporting them, not their real bodies.

The **** of kobolds invested the most divine power, and the rest of the gods and phantoms were unable to deal with them even if they wanted to stop them.


The cracks in the sky burst.

Pieces of regular shards are like smashed glass, scattered all over the sky.

The terrifying phantom landed directly.

When other players saw this scene, they suddenly felt that the whole person was going to be bad.

Qingqiu of the dog days, is this to destroy them together? !

It's just a copy, as for such a big scene? ?

The gods do it themselves... Who the **** can stop this!


After the rules were broken, the copy began to crumble from the edge.

Everyone's heart is tight, this place is going to collapse.

At the moment when the rules were broken, the other 9 gods phantoms collapsed like a bubble and disappeared without a trace.

In the end, the power to stop the kobold **** was gone.

The terrifying phantom has no rules and restrictions, and the divine might radiated at this moment is like a mountain collapsed and slammed down.

The player fell to the ground like wheat blown by a hurricane, and no one could stand.

At this moment, let alone standing up, even breathing became extremely difficult.

No one is immune to the coercion that penetrates deep into the soul.

But the virtual shadow was not satisfied, and sensing these obstructing pieces, the words of the gods rang again.


The moment the voice fell.

Endless divine power erupted. Except for the mouse in the center where Li Cha was located, the rest of the pieces were like glass being hit by a heavy hammer and shattered directly into dust.

The player above was blacked out, and then found himself out of the dungeon.

After they turned on the system in fear, they saw several prompts that made them speechless.

"Warning - The faction copy was destroyed by the existence of force majeure, and this exploration is over."




Thinking of the culprit who caused all this, his teeth almost gnawed.

Even the gods dare to despise, this pervert...

The hyena, the bald head, the eldest, the third and the fourth players also appeared in the open violet meadow at the same time.

After the four fell to the ground, they got up in panic.

Looking at each other, they could see the fear in each other's eyes.

Facing the majesty of the gods, that feeling can make people crazy.

At this moment, Chris and Will, who happened to be humming a light song, passed by the grass while talking and laughing.

Seeing the four players who suddenly appeared, they were all a little surprised.

What are these lords of divine grace doing? Why so embarrassed?

After Wil looked carefully and didn't notice Li Cha's figure, his eyes immediately became extremely cold.

She knew that Li Cha left with a few people.

He hurried to the front of a few people and said repeatedly.

"Why did you all come back suddenly? What about Mr. Li Cha?!"

The hyena was awakened by the sound, looked at the anxious expression of the girl, and said in a somewhat frightened tone.

"The **** of kobolds, the **** of kobolds has shot at us! Qingqiu... Mr. Richard has not left the dungeon..."

The voice fell, and Chris outside the grass shrank suddenly... God of kobolds? !

What are these grace lords doing? Did you touch the gods? !

He quickly approached, his eyes fixed on the two, and he said solemnly.

"Tell me the information you know in detail right away! Immediately!"

The majestic lion head of the hyena looked like a husky at the moment. Under the majesty of the other party, he stammered about the situation of the copy, and finally admired and exclaimed.

"Lord Li Cha said that he had a grudge with the kobold **** before, and then the kobold **** continued to provoke him, so the lord scolded the kobold **** in front of the phantoms of other gods."

Chris heard everything that happened in the copy, and her eyes lit up again and again.

At this moment, his hands were clenched tightly, and he said with a bit of excitement.

"How did you reprimand?"

The eldest brother, who has recovered, rushes to speak with a bit of admiration at this moment.

"God of kobolds, wouldn't it be good to be a dog in your kennel? Come and bark here?"

"A dog with a broken spine, it dares to bark..."

Learning from Li Cha's tone, UU's reading is also nine points similar.

"In the end, the **** of kobolds was completely furious, tore the rules of the dungeon, and strangled us all. At this moment, Mr. Richard is still inside... But don't worry, we will be resurrected outside when the dungeon is killed. of."

They didn't notice at the moment, Chris's face was flushed a little at this moment, and her eyes were already extremely excited.

To reprimand the gods face to face? !

The dog with the broken spine dares to bark...

Thinking of that picture, she can't help herself.

Is this Your Excellency Richard?

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