Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 434: v2 Chapter 412: Do 1 vote and make the world tremble

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Richard felt a little regret, because Windsor finally failed to agree to his proposal to sacrifice the **** of kobolds to the sky first.

The death of a **** is too much involved.

If the follow-up is not handled well, it is likely to have a great negative impact, and if the plan is destroyed in the end, all the gains will outweigh the losses.

If the proposal failed, Li Cha didn't bother about it.

Just let the kobold **** live for a while longer, and sooner or later will peel off the other's dog skin and use it as a cushion.

After questioning, Richard took out the statue of the ancient **** of the past, and imprisoned the avatar of the dog-headed **** in the prison according to Windsor's instructions.

The steel cage in front of the faceless statue seems to have a very loose gap, but it can firmly imprison the soul.

Indistinct, like a foggy kobold **** clone, without the suppression of the old statue of the ancient god, he immediately woke up.

The dense fog body turned around and found that after he was imprisoned, he couldn't help but madly attacked outwards.

After discovering Li Cha's figure halfway through, he fell into a rage and seemed to be constantly scolding something.

But the voices in it are all cut off, and it looks like a silent pantomime.

Richard's expression was calm, and there were no mood swings. He was just a clone. If it wasn't to kill the main body, he would have fed it to the statue of the ancient gods.

After Windsor glanced at the back cage, he ignored it and focused his attention on the statue of the ancient **** in Richard's hands.

There is some subtlety in his eyes.

"Your Excellency Li Cha, I didn't expect you to be recognized by the ancient god's relic."

"Every life that comes into contact with a sacred object must endure the erosion of the will of the ancient gods. That is the power of the rules, and there is no escape. Only by blocking the erosion can the power in it be mastered."

He frowned as he spoke, as if thinking of some bad memory.

Li Cha was thoughtful.

He thought of the terrifying twisted existence that suddenly appeared in his mind when he first came into contact with the statue of the ancient god.

If it weren't for the talent of rebirth from broken sand, he would have been swallowed up.

The things of the ancient gods are definitely not so easy to touch.

After pondering for a while, he looked up at the faceless statue in front of him and said slowly.

"President Windsor, why is the statue of the ancient **** so strange?"

He wanted to say that it was ferocious and terrifying. Including the statue of the ancient **** in his hand, it was also very strange.

Windsor smiled.

"The world is always foolish, and only judges the heart from the outside."

"The ancient gods are not lives, they have no worldly desires, and the formation of their bodies is also related to their own rules."

"So it seems that the shape is so special, even beyond the understanding of ordinary people."

Li Cha was stunned.

I had no idea there was such a secret.

However, he also seems to know why the ancient gods were wiped out so quickly. Apart from the power being stolen by the gods, could it have something to do with being ugly?

Beauty is justice, and this sentence is obviously applicable to "Glorious Era".

No one likes to see a life that is incomprehensible or even physically uncomfortable.

Compared with the gods who are in control now, the image of the ancient gods is too unfavorable to spread.

Thinking of this, a bold idea suddenly popped up in my mind.

If that's the case, can we change the image?

After pondering for a moment, he spoke slowly.

"President Windsor, the ancient gods don't need believers. What is the main purpose for us to make the Crimson Moon appear in the eyes of the world?"

"Strike the faith of the gods, shake their foundations."

Windsor's tone was firm.

"Without the power of faith, the gods will be weakened."

"It will be less difficult for the ancient gods to recover."

Li Cha nodded, looked at the faceless statue in front of him, hesitated for a moment and then said.

"President Windsor, the image of the ancient gods is not conducive to us spreading their deeds."

Said he looked at her with burning eyes.

"Perhaps, we can transform the image of the ancient **** to make it more in line with the aesthetics of most people."

"In this way, when spreading the majesty of the ancient gods, it can have a faster effect."

"Remodeling? Aesthetic?"

Windsor was shocked by Richard's words.

The ancient **** has a very high status in her heart, and its image has long been deeply rooted in her heart.

Richard nodded affirmatively.

"The ancient gods have no desire for intelligent life, and they don't care about their image, so why can't they be replaced with an image that is more suitable for the public and recognized by everyone?"

"President Windsor, if it were you, would you prefer a **** who looks like an angel who saves the world, or a **** that is twisted and weird and looks full of terror?"

After speaking, she paused for a few seconds, and after she digested it, she continued.

"Although the ancient gods don't need belief and don't care what ordinary people think, our purpose is to shake the foundation of the gods."

"The body of the ancient **** does not need to be changed. When we promote it, we can promote the image after the change as the clone of the ancient **** as a god. Is it normal to have several clones?"

This bold proposal made Windsor fall into a long silence.

The ancient **** is the incarnation of the rules. The most essential pursuit of the crimson moon to revive the ancient **** is to eradicate the gods who have selfish desires and cause all kinds of natural and man-made disasters.

Let the whole world return to its original order.

Therefore, Windsor's attitude towards the ancient gods is not the worship of the gods by believers, but more of the ancient gods as a rule.

It is respected, but not worshipped, and even vaguely regarded as a tool for managing the world.

So for Li Cha's proposal, at first glance, it seems bizarre and bold, but after thinking about it, it also feels that there is room for manipulation.

At least, the heart does not think this proposal is not feasible.

After pondering for a long time, Windsor said slowly.

"Your Excellency Richard, this proposal is too special. I need to think about it before making a decision."

As he spoke, he stared at him with a slightly subtle tone.

"Before, someone always told me that the Lord of Divine Grace had no reverence for everything."

"I didn't really believe it, but now... Your Excellency has opened my eyes."

When Li Cha thought of those sand sculptures, he couldn't help but smile.

Player, this is the so-called fourth natural disaster.

It's a pity that they don't have the ability to resurrect, so they keep a lot of protection, otherwise if you dare to show your blood, God will kill you.

"Maybe, that's why we can be friends."

Richard shrugged.

"Normal people will not discuss with you how to slaughter the gods here."

Windsor smiled.

This is not bad, normal people, who dares to blaspheme?

That is, the lord of divine grace, who is not afraid of the earth, has the courage to do so.

"Your Excellency Richard, the time when the crimson moon shines on the world is the last day of December."

"At that time, you are welcome to come and watch the ceremony."

Hearing this, Li Cha could not help but frown slightly.

He'd heard the crimson moon lift off more than once.

I thought it was just a description, but how do you feel now that this is a specific action?

He immediately asked the doubts in his heart.

Windsor was stunned for a moment, then smiled brightly.

"Because, the crimson moon is the body of an ancient god, and his body is the blood-colored moon."

"He, symbolizes the era when the ancient gods controlled the rules."

"Once the crimson moon reappears, it means that the ancient gods are back!"

Li Cha's pupils shrank.

The crimson moon, is the body of an ancient god?

So where does the name of this new expansion come from? !

There was a huge uproar in my heart.

This news is so exciting.

No wonder the system prompts that the crimson moon will cause changes in the world pattern.

Suddenly there was a **** moon in the sky, and all the gods knew what it meant.

I'm afraid the whole world will fall into panic.

Next, the gods will not sit still, and no one will tolerate the loss of the power that has been in charge for countless years.

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Cataclysm. Imminent.

He took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the ups and downs in his heart.

This information must be passed on to Dusk City immediately.

The original plan must be revised immediately.

He can already imagine how turbulent the whole world will be after the crimson moon is lifted into the sky.

After regaining his senses, Li Cha seriously looked at the graceful figure in front of him, his voice a little hoarse.

"President Windsor, what do I need to do now?"

Windsor shook her head.

"The layout of countless years has already taken shape."

"Even if you are extraordinary or even legendary, you can't change anything in this short period of time."

"The rise of the crimson moon, the gods can't stop it if they find it."

Speaking in a low voice.

"Now, what we need most is for you to help the teacher get back that heart."

Talking about this topic, Li Cha frowned slightly.

S-class mission

"President Windsor, you know how difficult it is."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, he said solemnly.

"But there is also a solution. If I can get a contract scroll that can enslave life at the extraordinary level, I am 60% sure."

The Vampire Grand Duke in the blood coffin is still sleeping, and he has been thinking about that extraordinary existence for a long time.

The last time he came, he failed to achieve his goal. This time, if he can get what he wants.

Then many of the problems plaguing the City of Twilight can now be solved.

Extraordinary, in this world is a symbol of the strong.

Windsor shook her head.

"Sorry, Your Excellency Richard, it's not that I'm stingy, but that the extraordinary-level contract scroll is too precious."

"The Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce has only dealt with it once thirty years ago from its inception to the present. We don't have treasures of this level now."

Richard needs to be true, but in this world, who doesn't want a contract scroll that can enslave extraordinary power?

It is no exaggeration to describe this thing as priceless, as long as it appears, it will definitely cause huge waves.

Richard wasn't disappointed. Given the importance Windsor placed on the old man, he wouldn't have waited until now.

However, his purpose was not to get it from the Luanwei Flower Merchant Association.

After organizing the language, he said slowly.

"President Windsor, perhaps, Mr. Pym has a solution."

"I know that he has a special treasure, which can be exchanged for what he wants."

High Artifact - Wishing Scales.

The top treasure in the hands of the old man.

Before, he felt that the wishing balance was of average value, and it was not worthy of the name of a high-level artifact.

But now that I think about it carefully, this thing is absolutely priceless.

If you can't find it in the outside world, you can exchange it for the equivalent treasure. Niu Dafa.

Windsor's eyes dimmed a little.

"If it was before, there was no problem, but now, the teacher's strength has been exhausted to the freezing point, and the wishing balance can no longer be used."

"I only heard that the Ice and Snow Empire has such treasures, but the Luanwei Flower Merchant Association has no influence in the Ice and Snow Empire."

Li Cha couldn't help sighing.

There really isn't any way to get it right.

Xiao Bingxue Empire has this thing, but it is a treasure of the royal family, and it is a bit unrealistic to get it.

Rebecca, the eldest daughter of the Frostwolf Grand Duke, has expressed the difficulty to him, one can imagine it.

"It's okay, I'll think of other ways."

Richard didn't worry too much about this.

When I go back, I will take someone to destroy the vampire castle and see if there are such treasures in the castle that hides the blood coffin.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly seemed to think of something and continued.

"President Windsor, a powerful force has recently appeared in the Desert of Death. Its ruler is called the Lord of the Dunes. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

Windsor nodded.

"I heard that many caravans have been attacked recently."

Richard came to be interested.

"Does President Windsor know anything about the Lord of the Dunes?"

Windsor shook her head.

"It's just a small force, I didn't pay attention."

Richard was speechless for a moment.

Judging from what the other party planned and his boss panel, the super-level Dune Lord is really a small force.

After thinking for a while, he said slowly.

"Then President Windsor, have you heard of the power of yellow sand?"

This is the source of the excitement that drives the Dune Lord to madness.

Windsor raised some spirits and looked at him with interest.

"The power of yellow sand? Your Excellency Richard, where did you hear it?"

"I had a collision with the clone of the Dune Lord before and overheard it."

This made Windsor's face a little dignified.

"It seems that the Lord of the Dunes has an extraordinary origin..."

"How to say?"

"The power of yellow sand is the power of the desert."

"The pan-will of the desert will give some of its own power to those closest to the desert, so that they can control part of the desert's characteristics."

Windsor's tone was serious.

"Once you have the power of yellow sand, you are the ruler of the desert. In the desert, you have the combat power ten times and one hundred times that of life at the same level."

"What's more, if you can control all the power of the yellow sand, you can even touch the rules of the desert."

"Equal to it, there is the power of the ocean and the power of the grassland"

"The Lord of the Dunes, who can be favored by the pan-consciousness of the desert, must have a lot of origin."

Li Cha just felt an eye-opener.

His talent, the master of the desert, is the power of yellow sand bestowed by pan-consciousness?

In the end, you can even touch the power of the rules.

"The power of yellow sand. Will there be a lot of points?"

"This is natural. The pan-consciousness of the desert will give power to those who are close to the desert, but there is no limit to the number."

"This gift may be for one person, maybe ten people."

As he said that, he glanced at Li Cha meaningfully.

"If you can kill someone who possesses the power of yellow sand and gain the power in the opponent's body, then the power of the **** of yellow sand will be supplemented."

"Get stronger."

Li Cha was heartbroken.

No wonder the Lord of the Dunes was so excited after seeing him.

"President Windsor, thank you for the news."

Windsor chuckled.

"We're friends, aren't we? There's no need to be so Li Cha looked at each other's eyes and smiled generously.

"Yes, we are friends."

After this understanding, the relationship between the two parties has now deepened a lot.

Of course, the main thing is that now they are naturally allies on the same front.

Not to mention that he has an old relic in his hands, but the act of uniting the Crimson Moon to kill the kobold god.

Can't go back.

Blasphemer, felony, not to mention the Crimson Moon.

However, he will not look back.

After knowing the secrets of the Crimson Moon, Li Cha had more ideas.

This time, it's a big deal.

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