Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 438: v2 Chapter 416: ↑There is a big dry tree in the desert to the north which is energy...

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A heart-piercing roar became the main theme on the battlefield.

The terrifying sound could be heard tens of kilometers away.

In the rear, the two sand sculptures, Pheasant and Haonan, were inexplicably silent as they watched the fierce battle.

They thought that they were under the siege of two top forces, the Lord of the Dunes and the God of Kobolds.

The city in front of them would be easily captured.

But the results far exceeded their expectations.

In the frenzied attack of tens of thousands of troops, the opponent actually resisted for 3 hours... and there was no tendency to fall.

This scene made them unbelievable.

The fat black pheasant looked very complicated. Looking at the giant iron pincers on the city wall, it looked like a poisonous scorpion warrior with a heavy armored tank rampaging, and sighed.

"Where did Qingqiu get so many fierce troops?"

"These poisonous scorpion warriors who are not even level 10 can easily beat the kobold warriors of the tenth level, and even the 15th-level Mummy Guards can hard steel."

"I just can't figure it out..."

Not even just being crushed and beaten, those 11th-level kobold warriors would be torn to shreds in a few face-to-face encounters.

That kind of feeling is like an 80-kilogram strong man seeing an eight or nine-year-old child and trying to bully the other party.

But in the end, it was overturned by the child with a slap.

The contrast is huge.

Obviously it should not be such a development trend, but the end has become like this.

bang~ bang~

Another series of gunfire roared.

With the splash of yellow sand dozens of meters high, the fierce offensive of the coalition forces was once again repelled.

The player who is thin into a hemp stick - Hao Nan shook his head.

"Fuck, who knows how that pervert developed."

"However, I think the most incredible thing is the opponent's alchemy cannon!"

"This **** has been bombing for several hours? The shells haven't finished yet!!"

"I'm really tired of the barrel, how much ammo did he produce?"

"Is such a large-caliber and powerful weapon so cheap?"

A three-star alchemy cannon doesn't use a low level of ammo, right?

But why don't you fight like crazy with money... simply.

The two did not know that Dusk City had an entire underground world, let alone that the accumulation of hundreds of years of gray dwarfs was moved into the warehouse of Dusk City after the war.

"However... I always feel that the Lord of the Dunes has some plans. Look at those heroes, they haven't made a move until now."

"If they do it, they can't be stuck on the city wall and can't push in."

The fat black pheasant pouted.

"What else could be the reason for this... Fishing, didn't you see that Qingqiu hasn't appeared yet?"

"The main thing about the dunes is the power of yellow sand, not this territory."

"Didn't that boss say that Qingqiu hid in Solan City, the ghost knows if the other party is afraid!"

"No one can tell when the other party will come out. If they don't come out, isn't it nonsense? I don't think the Lord of the Dunes would dare to attack Solan City."

"At this time, it is reasonable to use the other party's territory to fish."

Hao Nan touched his chin with his thin bamboo stick, and said suddenly.

"No wonder they haven't captured each other's territory. That's why."

The pheasant sneered.

"It's not necessarily. Without these top heroes, it's really not necessarily possible to fight."

"The army defending the city has an impeccable geographical advantage, which is beyond the reach of the siege army."

"Playing at the opponent's home court is at a disadvantage no matter what."

"What's even more abnormal is that Qingqiu's firepower network is too fierce."

"Especially those alchemy cannons. In front of the cannons, all living beings are equal... The number of alchemy artillery at least three or five hundred completely makes up for the gap in the number of troops."

"The other party's artillery fire makes us a little bit constrained. Once we invest too much troops, those alchemy artillery can arbitrarily harvest the army. If we invest too little, it will not work..."

"So the other party seems to have a huge gap with us, but the other party is fighting according to the city, and the heavy weapons in their hands have forcibly leveled the gap."

Hearing this analysis, the skinny player couldn't help sighing.

"Fuck, I thought I could push down the city of Qingqiu in one wave. Now, it seems that this guy's territory is really tough."

"I can't figure it out, where did he get so many good things?"

Just as the two were talking, they suddenly found two bone dragons flying from behind.

The other party came directly to the side of the level 19 mummy hero and talked.

After a while, the two skull dragons returned.

The next moment, the low war horn sounded again.

The morale, which had been slightly low due to the long-term attack, began to soar with the sound of the horn.


This time, in addition to the three top heroes, the guard troops who stayed behind stopped staying behind and began to press heavily.

When the two players saw this, their spirits were lifted.

"The Lord of the Dunes has stopped pretending?"

"The fish they're going to catch... Hooked?"

"Why didn't I see Qingqiu?"

The actions of the two coalition forces immediately ushered in a counterattack.

bang~ bang~

The alchemy cannon with exaggerated caliber spewed flames, and every flash of light represented the harvest of a large number of souls.

In the shooting hole of the arrow tower, arrows are like rain, piercing the sky with the call of the **** of death.

The ferocious heavy crossbow, the dragon-hunting crossbow, was also under the control of the sand-frozen archer, aiming at the two-footed flying dragon.

Although the counterattack is sharp, this time is different from the past, and the pressure on Dusk City has skyrocketed tenfold!

After the kobold warriors and the Mummy Praetorian Guards suffered heavy casualties under the artillery fire, they rushed under the city wall and climbed up the siege ladder.

The bipedal dragons and bone dragons in the sky wantonly attack the defense line of the stone statues of the dead...

The opponent, launched a general attack!

After three hours of fierce battle, the city of Twilight, where more than half of the troops were killed, gradually could no longer support it.

The fierce scorpion warriors collapsed one by one, the bandages of the mummy were scattered all over the floor, the head of the mummy guardian was trampled, the axe of the dead shattered the battle axe, the wings of the dark gargoyle were broken, the cursed pharaoh was drained of mana, the sand mage The speed of the staff in his hand is getting slower and slower. . . . . .

Even at the end, even the rear reserve cavalry, the Giant Axe Death Knight, rushed to the city wall guard.

The situation got worse and worse.

Three hours after Dusk City was attacked frantically, it was about to reach its limit.

And just when the situation gradually collapsed, and even irreversible.

To the north of Dusk City ↑, there was a dull sound of footsteps.

That is the sound that tens of thousands of people can only make when they run.

Many people turned their heads to look subconsciously.

I saw that on the yellow sand, fierce warriors in full-body armor were running wildly.

The opponent held a battle axe, and his body was generally more than two meters. The muscles propped up the armor high, and it was full of strength.

Above the heads of these warriors, the two-legged flying dragons wearing heavy armor and armed to the teeth are roaring.

Not only that, in these armies, there are also a large number of mechanical puppets, each of which has a striking mark of the gray dwarf.

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"Is that... dungeon army?"

The fat black pheasant's eyes widened, a little incredible.

"What's the situation? When did Qingqiu mix with the dungeon?"

The opponent was wiped out with just one kick from Lingmen, but now it was abruptly interrupted.

That uncomfortable feeling made him feel badly.

The appearance of the dungeon army immediately attracted the attention of the 19th-level mummy hero. Looking at the city of Twilight, which was still stubbornly resisting, he snorted coldly.

Although he was unwilling, he had to mobilize a part of the army to block those dungeon reinforcements.

Let it attack, I am afraid that the entire army will be affected.

At the time of the mobilization of the coalition forces, Sel Bloodhoof, the ruler of Bloodhoof City who had been upgraded to level 17, wielded his battle axe with madness and tyranny.

The first soldiers launched a charge.


In the roar, killing intent raged.

It will be the courage of the soldiers, the leader is crazy, and the troops in the rear naturally have no scruples, and come together wildly.

After a few months of recuperation, coupled with the wealth obtained by the slaughter of other forces, Bloodhoof City has already returned to its peak.

And because of the sufficient resources that Dusk City fully supports and obtains, the dungeon barbarians are now stronger than before.

The sturdy armor on them is the best proof.

Looking down from the sky, the dungeon reinforcements from the north were like a sharp knife piercing the army of kobolds and mummies from the west.

Even though the coalition forces dispatched troops to respond quickly enough, there was still a shortage of response forces.

Dungeon life is not a kind existence. When you are sick, seize this fleeting gap and start frantically killing.

People turn their backs.

Seeing this, the two sand sculpture players widened their eyes, feeling absurd.

Could this be Qingqiu's true power?

When the two were in shock and wanted to see how the level 19 mummy hero would respond.

Suddenly, I felt the earth under my feet vibrate rumbled, like an earth dragon turning over.

Both of them were stunned, what is this?

It's not yet time to react.


Fifty meters ahead, the earth burst open violently, and countless yellow sand splashed out, covering most of the sky.

In the dim light, they vaguely saw that a creature with a terrifying and desperate size jumped out of the ground.

The huge mouth of the behemoth opened like a petal, and it was covered with serrated fangs. Between the opening and closing, the rock crumbled and the steel broke...

The original dozens of mummy guards in that area were all swallowed up by the entrance at this moment.

These ferocious armies don't even have the strength to struggle...


Like a fish jumping out of the water, the vaguely terrifying giant smashed heavily on the ground after it lifted off dozens of meters into the air.

The gravel exploded a hundred meters high.

The earth seemed to be smashed by a ten-thousand-zhang-high mountain peak, and the violent vibration made their feet numb, and they could even stand unsteadily.

After the giant beast fell into the yellow sand, it slammed into the ground.

In a breath, the other party disappeared from sight, leaving only a hole with a diameter of more than 20 meters that was still collapsing...

This terrifying picture made the two suffer an unprecedented psychological impact.

No one could imagine how terrifying the impact of this ancient giant being drilled out of the ground under his own eyes.

bang~ bang~

And what makes the power scalp numb is that there is more than one terrifying beast! !

The continuous sound was like the roar of the **** of death, and each time it took away a lot of souls.

Looking down from the sky, you can see those giant beasts constantly drilling out of the ground, devouring the kobold and mummy army on the surface with the most domineering attitude...

Every time you jump out of the yellow sand, the ground will always be cleared of a large area.

When they fell, those who were hit would be crushed into flesh immediately.

Sandworm, the behemoth that Richard got from the first instance.

These beings with a body length of more than 100 meters after adulthood are not comparable to the Mummy Guard at this moment, but the advantages brought by their size are enough to wipe out all this.

With the participation of the dungeon reinforcements and the rampage of 10 sandworms, the shaky place gradually stabilized.

Dusk City gained breathing room.

The two sand sculpture players suddenly discovered that in order to better command, the mummy hero took the two kobold heroes and flew into the air only twenty or thirty meters away from them.

Looking up from the side, seeing the two kobold heroes seems a little anxious.

"Fuck, haven't these guys started yet? If it drags on, it's not necessarily who can win."

"Let your mother-in-law pretend, now you know you're in a hurry? Why did you go earlier!!"

The two hate that iron cannot become steel.

At this moment, a messenger riding a flying dragon flew quickly from the direction where the dungeon reinforcements appeared.

"The great Lord White Claw has already found out the origins of those dungeon troops!!"

The headed kobold hero's eyes narrowed.


"Those dungeon barbarians and gray dwarves appeared from a space gate about ten kilometers away from the north"

"There is a large dry tree near the gate of space, which is very easy to identify... But the tree is in a strange state, it seems that it has not withered, and its roots have spread to the gate of space."

The messenger added one last sentence.

"I suspect that the big tree is providing energy for the space gate..."

The kobold hero couldn't help being a little excited when he heard this.

"Go down and explore."

Said and looked to the side.

The 19th-level mummy hero looked at the kobold hero's inquiring gaze, turned his head slightly, and his empty eyes looked towards the north, where the dungeon reinforcements appeared.

"The Lord of Divine Grace has not returned yet... We have to wait."

The kobold hero frowned, a little dissatisfied.

"What about these dungeon barbarians and gray dwarf armies?"

As he spoke, his eyes became extremely cruel.

"The blasphemer's companions, they should all be damned! No one can provoke my god!"

The mummy hero said indifferently.

"First cut off the opponent's reinforcements, and then capture the city."

Saying that, he drove the seated bone dragon to turn around.

"The two of you are here to supervise the battle. I will close the space door to the underground world, cut off the retreat of the reinforcements in the dungeon, and by the way, check whether the Lord of Divine Grace has other backers."

The kobold hero's expression softened a little, and before the other party left, he said one more sentence.

"That big tree is the energy source of the gate of space..."

The 19th-level mummy hero didn't care about it, and his tone was indifferent.

"What kind of power does a big dry tree have? Just cut it down."

Saying that, he drove the bone dragon that sat down to gallop northward.


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