Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 449: v2 Chapter 427: Artifact news, the origin of the crystal coffin

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Deep in the blood, the power that has been sleeping for a long time is awakening.

The endless power of yellow sand surged around Li Cha.

With him as the center, it gradually spread to thousands of meters away.

The endless gravel seemed to have lost its gravity and floated straight up.

Then slowly revolved around him.

Everyone can feel that the desert is cheering at this moment, celebrating its master.

The ancient tree of the gods, Emerald, Sel Bloodhoof. All the heroes looked at Richard.

They could feel a shuddering aura brewing in Li Cha's body.

It seems that an ancient dragon is about to break out of its shell.

Five minutes, ten minutes, one hour, two hours

Time flies fast.

The gravel floating in the air has spread to ten kilometers away.

The sky was covered with gravel.

Looking around, the floating yellow sand has formed a new sea.

All of them have become underwater life living in the sea of ​​yellow sand.

This picture, like a fresco inscribed on a church, has great visual impact.

The huge body of the ancient tree of the gods took root not far away, staring at all directions, guarding its master with the most fierce attitude.

Thousands of dark tree people have formed a forbidden forest at this moment, surrounding Richard layer by layer.

In the sky, the stone statues of the dead, the skeletons and blood dragons intensified the poisonous wasps to form an airtight defensive formation.

As long as there is an enemy raid, the fangs of these troops must be faced at the first time.

In the distance, the black and fat pheasant and the skinny Haonan hadn't had time to run away. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but be silent.

Why does Qingqiu always have such an exaggerated big scene when he comes on stage?

In comparison, they are simply horses among horses.

It's a pity that there is no live broadcast, all this can only be suffered by themselves, and others can't share this shock.

City of Twilight.

In a dark dungeon.

The Lord of the Dunes, who has an aging breath on his body, is now lingering on the icy walls of the dungeon.

After being extracted from the power of yellow sand, the body that had been weakened because of the seal for a long time became even more rotten.

It seems that the old man who is about to end his life has no tomorrow.

In the silence, he suddenly seemed to sense something, and slowly turned his head to look in a certain direction.

The eyes became extremely complicated.

The power of sand

He heard the desert cheering.

That human lord was once again blessed by the desert.

After a long time, he sighed.

Feeling the weakness of the body, the face is full of entanglement and unwillingness.

After a long ideological struggle, a decision was finally made.

He dragged his weak body to the front of the prison door, and looked through the steel cage the thickness of his wrist to the soldiers who were staring at him outside.

"Your Mightiness."

It sounded like he had been hungry for ten days without eating.

There is unspeakable weakness.

The soldiers at the door immediately stepped forward.

Watching him warily.

"What's the matter?"

In the face of this dangerous person, no one dared to take it lightly.

The Lord of the Dunes said in a vain voice.

"Please help me tell your master, I know where the other power of dusk is"

The soldier's face froze, his tone lowered.

"Any more?"

The Lord of the Dunes raised his eyelids and barely raised his voice.

"If he finds the crystal coffin in my city, he can come to me and answer it."

"Remember, is there anything else?"

"For the time being, that's all, trouble your Excellency."

After the sand dune master said the words, he felt inexplicably ashamed.

He was once the ruler of the desert of death!

With a wave of hands, the fate of countless people can be decided!

Now, he has to humiliate the human lord underground guarding the dungeon soldier.

Watching the other party leave, he let out a long sigh.

Death, before today, was his most disdainful word.

With so much power in his hand, who can grant him death? !

But after being imprisoned in the dungeon, all his pride and glory were trampled, and his power was stripped.

He was horrified to discover that the moment death was really possible, his disdain for death was severely smashed, and there was no room for survival.

It turned out that the fear of death was so ferocious and brutal that he could hardly breathe.

The moment he was imprisoned in a narrow and dark dungeon, he suddenly realized that in this world, being alive is everything.

When you die, there is nothing left.

People gather by likes, and things are divided into groups. If the Lord of the Dunes is a character who would rather bend and bend, maybe he will not be mixed with the **** of kobolds. The kobolds are famous for their greed for life and fear of death.

After the cell keeper left, the Dune Lord felt that time seemed to freeze.

It's like a long queue outside a public toilet for people who are in a hurry to urinate. Every minute and every second is like a torment.

one hour, two hours

Suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted.

Huhu~ The whistling sound of the endless sandstorm resounds through the heavens and the earth, even in the dungeon, it can be clearly heard at this moment,

The Lord of the Dunes raised his head, and the emotions in his eyes became more and more complicated.

The power of yellow sand in the second stage!

A lord of divine grace, mastering power beyond the supernatural and even legendary

The future of the other party is simply limitless.

Where did that human lord come from? Really, just been in this world for less than a year?

Thinking of the information obtained from the player before, the Dune Lord suddenly slumped.

He lived for so many years, and finally fell into the hands of a human from another world, and the other party was still so weak half a year ago.

This blows him even less than the power of the yellow sand being extracted.

And the opponent also has an extremely terrifying hole card - the blood-red moon.

Thinking of the **** moon that made his soul tremble and the **** of kobolds whose soul was extracted, the Lord of Dune's eyes darkened.

Who would have thought that the background of this lord of divine grace was exaggerated to such an extent?

I don't know how long it took.

The aura that was like a sandstorm sweeping the world finally dissipated.

The Lord of the Dunes raised his heart.

Like a sinner waiting for a judge to judge, for fear of hearing a word from the guard, the master is not interested in seeing you or pulling it out to kill.

Between life and death, there is great terror.

The feeling that his life could be deprived at any time was tormenting his soul.

Right at this moment, Tada~ Tada~

The sound of leather boots stepping on the slate sounded from far to near, and the dune master turned his head sharply, used all his strength to sit up straight, and looked at the source of the sound.

Approach slowly.

The first thing that caught my eye was a pair of high riding boots made of a special material. The faint blood stains on them made people feel a bit cold and fierce.

Looking up, his eyes followed the snow-white robe with dark patterns and saw his head.

It is a handsome and extraordinary face, and the facial features are like a masterpiece crafted by the sculptor. With its unique temperament, it is unforgettable at a glance.

Those eyes as deep as a starry sky attract all eyes like black holes.

Some people seem to be the protagonists of the stage by birth.

"I heard that you begged to see me?"

The indifferent voice was like the tone of the judge when he recited the final verdict, and the Lord of the Dunes was instantly jolted and came back to his senses.

He looked at the figure who stepped on his feet in front of him with complicated eyes.

In the end, he lowered his high head and said in a humble tone that surprised the figure outside the cage.

"Dear Your Excellency, I apologize to you for my recklessness. The loss of Dusk City is all my fault."

Li Cha looked at the dune master who bowed his head, and he was in shock.

Hearing the Lord of the Dunes begging to see him, he rushed over as soon as he woke up.

The sleeping existence in the crystal coffin really made him unable to take it lightly.

But at the moment he was full of puzzlement.

The process of meeting between the two sides was very different from what he thought.

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Why has the attitude of the other party changed so much?

Feeling that the other party seems to have disappeared even the look of hatred, and the emotions in his heart are a little ups and downs.

No matter what the reason, a transcendent who was once aloof is now bowing his head to him.

The shock of begging for mercy from the victor is always extraordinary.

Once upon a time, even the 15th-level desert dragon in Dusk City was regarded as an invincible top boss.

Now, the transcendent, who can destroy a city, knelt down to him. Although the Lord of the Dunes was sitting, he knelt down.

The actions of the Dune Lord made Richard realize the city of dusk and his growth once again.

That feeling fascinated him.

Take a few deep breaths and suppress the subtle emotions in your heart.

Slowly speaking.

"Lord of the Dunes, I don't know your name yet."

Hearing the somewhat softened tone, the Dune Lord was greatly relieved.

"Your Excellency, Matilda, I send you my best regards."

Li Cha narrowed his eyes.

"Matilda, I need to know why you changed your attitude."

The Dune Lord raised his head and looked up at the figure outside the cage.

When fate is no longer under his control, the other party looks extraordinarily tall.

"Your Excellency, I am afraid of death."

It was said very candidly, without the slightest concealment.

Li Cha looked at the other party's eyes and narrowed his eyes.

"I agree with your explanation. I"

"I can spare your life, but do you know how tragic the city of Dusk has suffered in this war?"

"So, what are you going to use to buy your life? What are you going to use to resolve our hatred?"

Said to look indifferently at this ageing figure.

The Dune Lord took a deep breath and began tossing his chips.

"I know where the power of another yellow sand lies."

Richard shook his head.

"not enough."

The Lord of the Dunes continued.

"If you find the crystal coffin in the treasure trove, I can tell you the origin of the mysterious existence whose energy was extracted, and at the same time, I can also tell you the method of extracting the opponent's power."

Li Cha narrowed his eyes.

"not enough."

The Lord of the Dunes let out a long sigh.

"I know the secret of the kobold **** becoming a god."

Li Cha said lightly.

"not enough."

The Dune Lord gritted his teeth.

"I once hid a lot of treasures in an ancient ruin in order to prevent accidents. I am willing to dedicate all the treasures stored to you."

He added another sentence.

"My treasure house not only has tens of millions of units of rare resources, but also has hundreds of Huiyue-class arms nests, and there is also an artifact."

Li Cha's face finally changed.

Staring straight at him.


Seeing the other party's expression, the Dune Lord breathed a sigh of relief.

The chips at the bottom of the press box are obviously enough.

"That's right, an artifact!"

Li Cha narrowed his eyes.

"Then why don't you carry it on your body, but seal it in the treasure house?"

The Lord of the Dunes said bitterly.

"That's what I accidentally got from the remains of the battle of the gods hundreds of thousands of years ago."

"That artifact has been banned and locked. Although its owner has fallen, it is difficult to open it."

"Outsiders can't use it."

"I was still looking for a way to unlock the ban, when an accident occurred."

Richard was noncommittal.

"Which **** does that artifact belong to?"

"I don't know. When I found out, I only held the battle of the gods on one arm of the gods. There are too many fallen gods, and it is difficult to determine."

Hearing this, Li Cha's face finally softened, and he took a deep look at the dune master.

"Your chips are pretty decent."

"I need to know now, where is that ancient ruin?"

The Lord of the Dunes raised a bit of spirit and said quickly.

"I hid the treasure house in the crystal coffin!"

Li Cha's eyes were a little subtle.

"Crystal coffin?!"

The Lord of the Dunes nodded.

"That's right! Crystal coffin!"

Li Cha's eyes became subtle.

"The crystal coffin is so small, how do you hide it?. Who is sleeping there?!"

This was the biggest question in his heart after returning from the city of the dunes.

The Dune Lord looked directly into Li Cha's eyes and said slowly.

"It's not life that sleeps inside"

Li Cha frowned.

"Not life?!"

The Lord of Dune's eyes became deep.

"Yes, the will of a plane is sleeping in the crystal coffin."

Li Cha was instantly horrified.

The will of a plane?

Isn't the will of the plane an invisible rule? How can it become a life whose chest is still heaving?

Does the other party panic again?

Before the doubts in his heart could be expressed, the Dune Lord opened his mouth again.

"Perhaps, it can also be called plane life."

"Because, the will of the plane, he has the same life as people, orcs, elves, and all intelligent life."

Looking at the serious-looking Dune Lord, Li Cha fell into a long silence.

The will of the plane, has life, and then is imprisoned to extract energy?

What the **** is this turning point?

"So what's your purpose of imprisoning the will of that plane? To occupy that plane? Or simply to provide energy for your city?"

The Lord of Dune's gaze became a little subtle.

"No, that's too common. I'm studying how to turn a plane into my own body."

Said with a look of madness in his eyes.

"If you want to become a god, you must master the power of rules, but I have studied for countless years, but I have not achieved anything."

"The power of rules is too difficult to obtain."

"For this, I thought of another way full of possibilities."

"The plane is the foundation that carries everything. The power of an ordinary plane burst out, and it can easily crush the lower gods."

"If I can replace the will of the plane and become a plane, wouldn't I have more power than the gods?"

Li Cha looked at Dune Lord's hot was very strange.

He never thought that the answer would be so outrageous.

No mechanical, plane soaring? !

This ratio is too thoughtful.

"Did your research come up with anything?"

The Dune Lord nodded and shook his head.

"I only studied how to control the will of the plane, but there is no progress in replacing the opponent and becoming a plane."

Richard let out a long breath.

The mind is back on track.

With a wave of his hand, the crystal coffin obtained from the city of the dunes floated up under the support of the gravel.

"Others say otherwise."

"Now, take out the divine tool inside."

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