Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 464: v2 Chapter 441: The beginning of the S-class mission

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Li Cha didn't pay attention to the gazes of the servants around him. He stared at the handsome figure in front of him, and said slowly.

"This time, the original intention is to complete your commission from Lord Pym and President Windsor."

As he said that, he looked at Emerida and Chris who entered the house hand in hand.

"The City of Dusk is ready."

Even the ancient tree of gods and evil that guards the city of dusk has taken root outside the city of Solan, and he can be said to have come with all his strength this time.

After completing this S-level task, you will immediately get the contract scroll and get an extraordinary.

The vampire archduke in the blood coffin tempted him all the time.

Turbulence is coming, an extraordinary person can give the City of Twilight a lot of confidence.

He needs this hole card.

Not to mention that the follow-up of this quest can bring additional benefits. Whether it is Windsor in front of him, or the old man who has lost his heart and still survived for 10 years and controls high-level artifacts, they are all top figures.

The benefits of getting closer to them cannot be explained in a few words.

This is most evident in the fire element lord he invested in.

After receiving an affirmative answer from Li Cha, Windsor's eyes softened in vain.

Although it has not yet been determined whether Richard can complete the commission and retrieve the sealed heart of the gods.

However, getting the promise from his mouth made her inexplicably trust her.

Because the other party is Qingqiu, the strongest among the lords of divine grace.

His past achievements prove his skill and strength.

Not to mention. He has now risen to level 15, stepping into the starting point of a strong man.

She could feel that inside Li Cha's body, there was energy like the sun at this moment.

Once it erupts, it can destroy everything in an instant.

A few months ago, when she saw the other side for the first time, she was still in her early 10th grade.

Although there are extraordinary things, but that's all.

But in just a few months, the other party has grown to a height that she can't ignore.

She was amazed by the potential that Li Cha showed.

According to this growth rate, it may not be long before the other party can go to another level.

Strength is the only passport in this world, and no one can despise Richard's edge.

Windsor took a deep breath.

"All that is left to Your Excellency Richard."

Serious eyes.

"During this time, if you need any help, the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce will do its best."

Li Cha looked at the other party's serious eyes, and his heart moved.

"I don't know how long it will take to go to the ancient ruins this time."

"I hope President Windsor can take care of Dusk City one or two."

Said with meaning.

"There are not many enemies in the city of dusk."

Although the **** of kobolds has been drained of his soul, his enemies have not disappeared.

The authority of decay has been grasped by the ancient tree of gods and sins, and he must have a place in the hunting list dominated by the abyss.

Now, the other party has not discovered the city of dusk, but the future is inevitable.

Windsor nodded decisively without any hesitation.

"no problem."

"As long as the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce still exists, no one can destroy your territory."

He seemed to be worried that his words were not powerful enough, so he added a sentence.

"I'll go there myself."

Guarding a small town deep in the desert is not even a problem for her.

Li Cha was relieved, with the boss's promise, the security of Dusk City instantly broke the table.

After returning to God, thoughts flowed in my heart.

The attitude of Windsor from the beginning to the present shows that the old man at the Red Dragon grocery store is extremely important.

Not only to her, but also to Crimson Moon.

The old man's status may be more extraordinary than he imagined.

The eyes are solemn.

"President Windsor, no matter what the danger is in that ancient ruin, the City of Twilight will not let you take a half step back and face the gods."

"I will try my best to get that heart back. This is my promise to you."

High risk comes with high reward.

The battle of iron and blood created the current city of dusk.

No matter how difficult the S-rank mission was, it couldn't stop his will.

The resolute tone revealed a heroic temperament at this moment, and Will beside him was full of colors, and his eyes seemed to overflow with water.

At this moment, Li Cha was dazzling like the scorching sun, full of indescribable personal charm, and she could even hear the thumping sound of her heart at this moment.

Sir Richard

Windsor looked at the handsome and tough figure in front of him, feeling a little dry mouth for some reason.

How can this guy have a magic power that makes people unable to take their eyes off.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The two little girls who were still giggling and laughing after entering the room also noticed that the atmosphere was a little subtle.

Chris turned her head, curiously.

"Sister Windsor, what are you talking about?"

As he said that, he introduced the little man and horse around him.

"Let me introduce you, this is the daughter of Your Excellency Richard, Amelida."

Sad to say that.


He blinked his eyes with a look of pride.

"Now, Amelida has called me sister~"

Windsor suppressed the subtle emotions in her heart, moved away from the figure she couldn't help but look at, and glanced at Chris with some amusing.

This silly girl.

His eyes turned to Emerida, and his brows couldn't help frowning when he saw the little centaurs.

"Your Excellency Richard, Miss Amelida's soul seems to be missing a piece."

Li Cha's eyes narrowed.

Missing a piece of soul?

In an instant, I thought of Amelida's lost memory.

After organizing the language, he said slowly.

"President Windsor, Amelida was valued by a **** when she was young, and the other party gave her the power of a demigod."

"Since then, she was asked to guard a place where the rules were broken by the battle of the gods for hundreds of thousands of years."

"When I found her, the area had collapsed."

"While gaining freedom, he also lost his original memory and power."


Windsor's eyes turned cold.

It's those worms who mess with the rules again.

"The missing soul fragment of this Miss Emerida has not disappeared."

He turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

"If you want her to recover, can you re-explore the place where the rules she once guarded were broken?"

Li Cha suddenly thought.

Before Amelida came, she said that something in her dream had been calling her. Is that her soul fragment?

While he was thinking, Windsor continued.

"But that shard can only reactivate the bloodline power deep in her body. Once the memory is lost, the possibility of wanting to recover is almost zero."

"You have to be mentally prepared."

Li Cha was somewhat relieved when he heard the words.

"Amelida was forced to guard the place where the rules were broken for hundreds of thousands of years. Her memory is not so good, only a long period of loneliness."

Sheena once had Amelida's memory.

When the female warrior of the Krina tribe told him, her tone was filled with unbearable sadness and pain.

To carry out a mission that never ends within that narrow confines, and endure the silent loneliness with no end in sight.

Can drive people crazy.

What's more, when Amelida entered it, she was only a few years old.

Looking at the little centaurs who listened to them with a bewildered face, he said slowly.

"Returning to a child is not a bad thing for her. Those memories are gone."

Isn't this a new life for Amelida?

She has her own home, a safe haven that she can protect her entire life.

Hearing this, Windsor's gaze softened towards Li Cha.

She could feel Richard's sincerity towards the little centaurs.

Looking at Amelida's innocent appearance, she felt a little envious in her heart.

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Richard didn't get too entangled on this topic.

The place where the rules are broken, he must explore, the resurrected **** is already among his hunting goals.

Now it's just one more reason.

Being able to replenish the power of the soul is of great significance to Emerida.

The opponent is a boss unit, and their attributes are already overbearing. If they can be completely restored, how much improvement can they get?

This is something to look forward to.

Li Cha regained his mind and put the topic back on the main purpose of this time.

"President Windsor, do you have more information about the ancient ruins that sealed the heart of the gods?"

So far, his only information is these four S-level missions, to retrieve the heart of the gods, and he doesn't know anything else.

This undoubtedly adds a great deal of uncertainty to the mission.

Windsor shook her head slowly, her eyes dimmed.

"The lords of divine grace who entered it exceeded a thousand people, but no one returned."

Trying something a thousand times and not getting anywhere, not even knowing what the problem is, is a devastating blow to confidence.

What's more, she has no time.

Richard's expression was subtle.

S-class mission, how is it so easy to complete?

People live for money and birds are killed for food. Those sand sculptures really don't have a B count, and they dare to take a step in any task.

"Can I see Lord Pym again?"

Windsor said hoarsely.

"Teacher, have fallen into a deep sleep"

Chris was a little confused when she heard this.

"What are you guys talking about? Doesn't Mr. Pym like to sleep? He can sleep for a few days at a time, and he can't wake up when he screams."

Looking at the heartless little girl, Windsor showed a somewhat complicated look on her face.

"It's okay, the teacher's old injury has relapsed, just rest for a while."

Little girl, doesn't know everything behind this.

She also wants the other party to continue to maintain this innocence.

The taste of maturity is not pleasant.

Chris tilted her head.

"So Sister Windsor wants Lord Richard to find a magical plant that can heal Mr. Pym?"

Saying that, his big eyes rolled.

"Your Excellency Richard, you have to work harder~ Mr. Pym is so precious. If you cure him, you will be able to make a fortune~"

Looking at those eyes with no shrewdness, Li Cha was a little amused.

This little guy is so well protected.

No wonder I can play with Amelida

I didn't pay much attention to this broken mouth, and his eyes became solemn.

"President Windsor, my army has been stationed outside the city. The city of dusk will be taken care of by you."

Windsor took a deep breath.

"May the desert bless you."

Speaking of this queen-like figure of extraordinary origin, he solemnly saluted Li Cha's chest.

"Everything, please."

Half an hour later, Will stared blankly at the carriage that disappeared on the street corner.

Emotions are hard to understand.

Although Li Cha did not explain the purpose of this time to her, from Windsor's attitude, it was extremely dangerous to know what he was going to do.

Chris pouted and muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Damn Richard! Take Amelida away too!"

As he said that, he turned his eyes, looked at Will, and smiled.

"Sister Will, aren't you worried about Lord Richard? The task entrusted by Sister Windsor and the teacher is not that simple~"

Saying that, his eyes showed a bit of cunning.

Will stared at the girl for a moment, then hesitated.

"Your Highness Chris, didn't President Windsor tell you the reason?"

Chris' smart eyes were a little indignant.

"They all think I'm a kid like Amelida! Actually, I know it!"

Will said softly.

"Then why didn't you ask?"

Chris smiled a little.

"This will make them feel more at ease, right?"

Looking at the street, his tone became inexplicably mature at this moment.

"When you have no power, taking part in things you can't control will only cause a burden to your friends."

After speaking, he raised his head, his bright eyes looked up to the sky, and said proudly.

"But, I'm Chris Solan. I won't let this go on forever!"

As soon as the voice fell, he turned around and walked towards a luxurious carriage parked outside.

Will shouted subconsciously.

"Your Highness Chris, where are you going?"

Chris waved her hand without looking back.

"Become stronger."

When Chris' figure disappeared on the street corner, Will's mood became a little subtle.

It was only after a long time that he came back to his senses, and his eyes showed a determined light.

Mr. Richard is personally taking risks for the city of dusk, and Chris has also found her own direction. She can't be weaker than others!

Turning to look at the silver goblin beside him.

"How many resources are there on the books? Immediately dispatch them. We can invest more in the business route we studied last time."

She wants to be the strongest backing behind Mr. Richard, and no one can stop her!

Solan City is a hundred miles away.

Windsor, who was suspended in mid-air, looked at the silent mummy army in front of him, his eyes dazzling.

After a long time, he turned his head to look to the side, the voice riding behind the undead dragon.

The tone was a little surprised.

"Your Excellency Richard, if not all the lords of divine grace came to the main plane at the same time, I would really doubt whether you have been in business for decades."

The minimum potential of these arms is brilliant, and even Huiyue arms have it.

If this army is placed in the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, it can serve as the backbone.

How long has the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce developed?

And how long was the city of dusk established?

The Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce has recruited many lords of divine grace, but the most powerful one of those lords of divine grace has two squadrons of 1-star crown troops, and they are recruited from the dens of troops in the wild.

That's it, according to the Lord of Divine Grace, they can already be ranked among the tens of billions of Lords of Divine Grace.

But compared with the established Twilight City army, it is like a joke.

She couldn't imagine how Li Cha did all this?

The other party came to the main plane, and it was also a poor and white start and development.

How can you open such a big gap with other lords of divine grace?

When she went to Dusk City, all her attention was on the **** of kobolds, and she only had a glimpse of Dusk City, and didn't pay much attention.

Only by savoring it carefully at this moment can we discover the representative things behind it.

It is no exaggeration to describe the growth rate of the other party as infinite potential.

She saw a rising star.

As long as there is no fall in the middle, there will inevitably be a place for the other party in the future death desert.

Li Cha smiled, noncommittal.

"Behind all the brilliance, there are countless blood."

"I think we don't have time to talk about these boring things."

After that, UU reads www.'s eyes condensed, and the momentum suddenly rose.

"Let the whole army go."

Indifferent voices resounded through the sky.

The voice fell, and Alves sat down and fluttered his wings and galloped away.

Bone and blood dragon, stone statue of the dead, sandstorm controller, mummy guard army, king of the forbidden army. All the armies are deployed at the same time.

On the earth, the ancient trees of the gods covered the sky and the sun, and the killing wasps buzzed.

Seeing this, Windsor's eyes moved slightly.

His eyes stared at the body of the ancient tree of gods and evil for a long time. Finally, he sighed faintly.

The power of authority.

Teacher, we have finally compromised.

(End of this chapter)

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