Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 470: v2 Chapter 447: Harvest - Spider Statue (5,400 words)

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After the 19th-level Void Weaver hero turned into fragments of stumps on the ground, the battle to capture the Spider Church came to an end under the shocking gaze of the players.

As the army of Dusk City emptied the last stubbornly resisting spider army and officially entered the Spider Church, the battlefield that had just shouted and killed suddenly became quiet.

Looking around, countless spider corpses piled up on the yellow sand, and the green blood caused the sand to condense into large pieces of hard blocks.

The cobwebs that were originally stacked in the sky, only a few fragments were left hanging in place.

Hundreds of players widened their eyes, feeling that a fire was burning in their chests.

In the pupils, the figure haunted by the yellow sand is reflected.

The other party wore a crown on his head, and the cloak behind him rattled, but the gravel obscured everything and added countless mysteries.

The other party was silent, but it was like a stone tablet that crushed the world.

That is Qingqiu, the king among the tens of billions of players, a stalwart existence who slaughtered level 19 heroes with one hand.

The power displayed by the other party has exceeded their cognition.

Is this the power of the first person among the players?

Mind swaying.

What shocked them the most was that the other party came with them from "Era of Radiance".

In just over half a year, an insurmountable gap has been opened with them.

The gap is so large that they cannot even be described in words.

Perhaps, this is the difference between ordinary people and top bosses.

At the moment when the Dusk City army invaded the Spider Church, a familiar reminder sounded in Richard's ear.

"Ding~ You commanded the army to successfully capture the spider church and annihilated the guarded army - level 19 Void Weaver Hero, Void Weaver (723 heads, Huiyue 1 star), Abyss Spider Man (1254, Crown 2 stars), A glorious victory, you get 100,000 experience, you get Necronomicon: 1987."

"Ding~ You hunted down a Void Weaver hero and obtained a golden undead crystal."

"Ding~ Sandstorm Master killed a large number of enemies in battle, and all levels were raised to level 12."

"Ding~ The statue of the dead killed a large number of enemies in the battle, and all levels were raised to level 13."

Seeing this series of information, Li Cha instantly became happy.

Not bad, very good.

Although the war is hard, the harvest is sweet and delicious.

Not only have the levels of the two powerful armies been improved, but the level 19 Void Weaver hero has also exploded with a new thing - the golden undead crystal.

It's a good thing to hear the name.

It is a pity that the level of the Bone Blood Dragon, which has already been raised to level 14 in the previous battle, has no sign of improvement for the time being.

These crown 1-star units have always been the main force of Dusk City, but level 14 to 15 is a hurdle. For those with high potential, their primary level can be above level 15. For those with lower potential, they can only climb slowly.

Soon after the system prompt sounded, a green mist slowly appeared on the ground.

The corpses and stumps of the troops that were killed just now slowly turned into energy and began to gather towards a certain point.

After a few minutes, the mist gradually shrank, and green undead crystals condensed and formed.

Seeing this familiar scene, Li Cha was in a good mood.

With a wave of his hand, the yellow sand surged, and the green crystals the size of a thumb were gathered together, and then they were all in the bag.

In addition to what was obtained in the previous battle, the number of these undead crystals that do not know their purpose has exceeded 3,000.

After doing all this, Li Cha turned his gaze to the stump of the Void Weaver hero. At this moment, the green mist was still flowing and not condensed.

After waiting for three or five minutes, I saw the closing.

Looking intently, a pale golden green bead was placed in the yellow sand, and the surrounding magic power was flowing rapidly, setting it off quite extraordinary.

The gravel rolled up the beads and delivered them directly to him.

The moment he reached out to take it, Li Cha only felt a sharp roar resounding in his mind.

It was as if the soul of the Voidweaver hero was roaring at him.

Spiritual power escaped, forcibly dispelling the breath.

I sensed the beads carefully, and immediately found that the energy contained in them was a hundred and a thousand times stronger than ordinary undead crystals.

As if there is a galloping river surging.

With a little curiosity, Li Cha opened the properties panel.

golden undead crystal

Grade: Special

Features: Contains majestic negative energy.

Introduction: Only when a powerful evil hero dies, can he unite.

This introduction. Is it the same as ordinary crystals?

Richard shook his head, completely unable to see where this thing could be used.

After thinking about it, I turned on the black gold system again, and the same information was displayed on it.

It seems that there is nothing special about this thing, it is a simple bead containing negative energy

However, this thing can become a reward for side quests, and there must be something extraordinary, but I don't know it yet.

Li Cha is no longer tangled too much, and if he continues to explore, he will always know.

Recovering his mind, he looked at the tall building, the Spider Church, on the long sandy land ahead.

The goal of this battle.

There are no layers of spider webs blocking the line of sight, and the appearance of the church is clearly reflected in the pupils at this moment.

Looking at it, the most eye-catching thing is the giant spider statue entrenched above the church.

The statue's posture is lifelike, and the fluff on it is clearly visible, as if the spider poured magma directly when it was alive, and it solidified after cooling.

Move away from the statue and look down.

The spider church, which is more than 30 meters high, has intricate patterns carved on the flat outer wall.

The twisted and weird patterns, like the patterns on the abdomen of spiders, are full of weird and evil atmosphere.

You don't need to enter it, you only need to take a look outside to know that this must be the church of some evil god.

Makes people feel physically and psychologically uncomfortable.

"Father, no danger was found inside."

As Richard looked at it, Amelida walked out of the church, and a charming voice sounded.

Although the centaur boss was brave in the battle just now, Richard's move to kill a level 19 hero in one move was too outrageous, preventing him from becoming the protagonist of this war.

But the green blood all over her body still showed her achievements in the battle just now.

Richard nodded slightly, fell straight from the sky, and stood in the middle of the open doors on the left and right of the Spider Church.

The towering arched gate makes ordinary people of normal size very small.

Inside the dark church, it seemed like the **** mouth of a giant beast could devour everything.

Li Cha stretched out his hand to help Amy Ruida, who came to his side with a small step, stroked the somewhat messy bangs, gave the other party a warm smile, and stepped inside.

The moment he crossed the gate, his pupils could not help shrinking.

From the outside, the church is already very large, and it is unexpected that the space inside is more than ten times larger than the outside.

Space magic.

This church is obviously extraordinary.

Concentrated, he turned his head to look around.

I saw spider statues of different shapes and sizes erected on both sides of the church.

Some roared up to the sky, some lay on the ground, and some fell to the ceiling.

Each spider statue comes alive as if it will come back to life in the next second.

But the most eye-catching is in the center of the church, a statue with a spider in the lower body and an elf in the upper body.

The height of more than ten meters is unusually eye-catching.

The moment Li Cha saw the statue, a name that seemed taboo in the abyss popped up in his mind - Spider Queen Rose.

God of intrigue and evil.

The terrifying evil **** who once provoked the war of the gods and made countless people tremble.

Sure enough, this taboo is enshrined here.

Forcibly suppress your emotions.

He looked at the long black altar in front of the statue.

It is two meters high, ten meters long and five or six meters wide.

There are more than 20 shriveled corpses on it. Looking at the messy equipment on the corpses, the identity of the player is ready to be revealed.

After taking a look around, his eyes narrowed.

In the center of the altar, a miniature statue of the spider queen Rose is enshrined among the corpses.

Unlike other statues that exude the icy coldness of rock, this statue has a sinister aura that sends chills down your spine.

It seems to be a very evil thing flowing out of the abyss.

Thinking of the system's side quests, I moved in my heart and opened the system panel.

Spider Statue (1/12)

Grade: Special

Features: Gather twelve statues, which can be combined into a special unit.

Introduction: An evil thing from the abyss, tainted with the breath of a certain evil god.

Li Cha was certain.

The reward for capturing the church was no accident.

While pondering, he stepped forward.

After coming to the front of the long altar, after close inspection, I can feel the extraordinaryness of the evil **** statue more and more.

But just when he was about to reach out to take it, his whole body suddenly stiffened.

At this moment, it seemed as if there were a pair of cold eyes staring at him through time and space.

Every pore in his body was a warning to him.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous!

My heart was beating wildly, and I immediately stepped back a certain distance. I stopped when the terrifying danger disappeared.

That breath god?

The taboo existence in the abyss is watching here? ?

Countless doubts arose in his mind.

Turning to look at the little centaur behind him.

"Amelida, you scattered with the army and searched the church carefully."

"In addition. The statue in the center, don't move rashly, it is extremely dangerous there."

The little man got Li Cha's order, and immediately raised his chest and saluted enthusiastically.

"Yes, my father!"

The crisp tone is incompatible with the chilling atmosphere of this spider church.

Looking at those smart eyes, the tension in Li Cha's heart was greatly relieved.

The army, led by Amelida, immediately began searching.

All corners have been turned over except the central area.

But to Li Cha's surprise, the huge church had nothing but the spider statues carved from the rock.

The Void Weaver and Abyss Spider-Man units he had been looking forward to had no shadows.

After confirming again and again, Li Cha couldn't help frowning.

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In this way, the army stationed at the church was not recruited for self-sufficiency, but more like it was dispatched.

The goal of this time suddenly appeared in my mind—

Spider Temple.

The core map with extraordinary garrison.

This made him feel dignified.

Although the troop lair is important, it does not affect the overall situation if it is not obtained. What is more important is what it represents. If the troops are all dispatched from the Spider Temple, the final decisive battle will be more difficult than the initial estimate.

Thinking about this, Li Cha couldn't help but take a deep breath.

S-level tasks are not that easy to complete.

Without further thinking, he directly ordered Emerida to evacuate the Spider Temple with all the troops.

After the army left 100 meters away, he saw that the statue of the evil **** on the altar did not change, and he slowly retreated.

The moment he left the church.

On the sandy land, a sand man gradually condensed into shape.

Richard stretched out his hand, and the statue of the ancient **** fell into the sand man.

The next moment, the sand man holding the statue of the ancient **** stepped into the church.

Be careful.

His cautious personality allows him to avoid a lot of risks in such expeditions.

After also staying 100 meters away, Li Cha was immersed in the sand man, and controlled this alternative body to the front of the altar.

Looking at the miniature version of the statue of Rose Queen, I calmed down and slowly reached out to hold it.

Layers of gravel wrapped the statue, and with a violent force, the head-sized statue was lifted up.

At this moment, Li Cha only felt an indescribable dangerous breath like a volcanic eruption, surging out.

In a trance, he seemed to see the gaze of death.

Before he could make a move, he saw behind the altar, the more than ten meters tall statue of the evil **** suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the sky and the earth are bleak, and the void is frozen.

The whole world seems to have come to a standstill.


The sand figurine shattered like glass, shattering inch by inch, and turned into nothingness.

Li Cha's heart trembled, and across the sand man, he felt the pressure of being unable to breathe in the terrifying breath he heard.

He only had this feeling when he faced the kobold god.

No, he felt ten times more ferocious than the kobold **** emanated.

The taboo of the abyss, staring at the sand man.

Li Chaqiang endured the thought of quitting immediately, and with a sudden movement of his mental power, he attached himself to the statue of the ancient gods of the past.

Statues floating in the void, like sharks smelling blood.

The gloomy rays of light shot out in an instant, surging out directly, forcibly covering the giant statue in front.


That terrifying aura was forcibly isolated.

In the next second, the dim light directly penetrated into the inside of the statue, and the Cthulhu statue fell to the ground and shattered directly.

Large swathes of rubble splashed up.

At this time, the great terror that suddenly erupted has disappeared.

This fierce confrontation is in the blink of an eye, and the collision between the planets is silent.

The army outside only felt a coercion attack, and then disappeared without a trace.

Li Cha's face didn't change much, but he also let out a sigh of relief.


Fortunately, there is a statue of the ancient gods in the past, otherwise the big one will come this time.

That is to make the abyss tremble, and the current city of dusk is far from being able to deal with it.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, the sand people at the door condensed again.

This time, after the sand man stepped into the church, he neatly took away the statue of the ancient **** and the small spider statue.

There were no more accidents.

After the Sandman returns.

Li Cha waved his hand and turned it into yellow sand.

At the same time, immediately use the statue of the ancient **** to suppress the statue of the spider queen Rose.

After a series of operations, it was relieved.

A bit of a wry smile appeared on his face.

S-level task difficulty is definitely not for nothing.

Accidentally flipping over.

"Evacuate immediately."

When the words fell, Li Cha suddenly seemed to think of something and looked up at the sky.

Alves, who was imprisoned in the void spider web, was reflected in his pupils.

At this time, the figure of the other party is becoming blurred.

It seems to be separated by a layer of translucent film, so that it is no longer eye-catching.

If it goes on like this, it may not be long before the other party will completely dissolve into the void.

At that time, it must be the time when Alves fell.

Li Cha covered his forehead, enjoying himself to harvest the spoils, and almost forgot about this guy.

The cobwebs of the void are contaminated with the strategic treasures of the **** Rose.

This was obviously what the big spider used to deal with him. The other party didn't expect that he would be able to hold his breath, and he was forced to make Alves a target.

The void spider web has a powerful suppressing effect on the bound hero, and this super A Grade dragon hero has become extremely weak at this moment.

The crimson power burning on his body was as small as a flame, and it was no longer the same as before.

After Li Cha took a few glances, his interest immediately rose.

Void spider web, this treasure is contaminated with Rose's power. The spider hero has been solved. Isn't this thing his?

Others may be afraid of the evil god's power, but in his hands, there is a statue of the ancient god.

Conquer the gods.

Mind a move.

His body suddenly rose up and flew to Alves.

Looking at Alves, who was still struggling, but his aura was so weak that he couldn't see it, it was a little funny.

This guy is on the front line every time he fights, but every time he gets hurt first.

Last time in the dark dungeon, the imprisoned extraordinary existence, the dark monarch, killed him in seconds with a tentacle, giving the hero altar the first resurrected hero.

Then in the dungeon, when facing the dark Valkyrie who had not yet been subdued, she was slashed by the opponent and killed directly.

The charge ahead is too dangerous.

Li Cha silently took precautions in his heart.

This should definitely not be something that a lord should do.


Alves felt the familiar aura and couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

So embarrassing.

After he broke through to level 15, he had such a powerful power, and he wanted to show his edge to prove that Richard didn't cultivate him in vain.

Unexpectedly, he was overthrown at the beginning of this battle.

And it was still imprisoned in a net, hanging in the sky, and being seen by everyone.


He is Alves, the most powerful dragon in the city of dusk!

It's a shame to the owner!

Li Cha didn't say anything.

This spider web was baptized by the spider queen's divine power. If it was so easy to break free, the other party would not be the one who made the abyss tremble.

"I'll let you out, end the battle, and let those spiders see your dragon breath."

"You will never be disappointed again!"

Alves' tone was firm.

Richard didn't talk nonsense any more, he stepped forward, and the light of the ancient **** statue in his hand surged again.

In an instant, the power of darkness directly enveloped the void spider web, and the imprint originally branded in it was directly erased.

The breath left by the spider queen was also emptied.

turned into a wreck again.

Moreover, the statue of the ancient gods only wiped out the breath of the other party, and did not damage the void spider web.

Li Cha felt this, and his spiritual power spread out.

directly control this treasure.

Put your own imprint on it.

The next second, Alves, who originally felt that he was being forcibly restrained, suddenly loosened.

Break free from the chains that bind him.

The majestic power surged in the body again, and the fierce dragon might once again enveloped the sky.

Alves flapped his wings and flew around the sky before returning to Richard.

In the empty eye sockets, the fire of the soul flickered, staring at the cobweb of the void in Li Cha's hand.

The treasure that has no body and can't break free makes it have strong malice.

Richard ignored the guy who was lying on the gun, and looked at the void spider web in his hand with satisfaction.

This thing is a treasure that has been baptized by divine power.

Although there is no level, you can feel how majestic the surging power is when you hold it in your hand.

It is no worse than the crown of the king of darkness and the cloak of the king of darkness behind him.

And what makes him value more is that this is a treasure that can imprison the enemy. From a functional point of view, it is much more prominent than the offensive strategic treasure.

What kind of powerful hero will you meet in the future, do you still worry that the opponent will not surrender and fight to the death?

Is it possible to forcibly capture them first, and then seize the opportunity to capture them? ?

After this thought arose, Li Cha thought of the assimilation brought about by Gao Minxin in the city of dusk.

This thing may have a great future.

Li Cha was in a high mood.

In the hands of the enemy, this is a huge danger, but in the hands of oneself, it is a powerful help.

So count down.

A lot of experience, spider statues, undead crystals plus this special void spider web, this wave of attacks is not bad.

Turning his head and looking in the other direction, the next enemy, there are eleven churches and the spider temple in the central area.

The difficulty of this S-rank mission is exaggerated, but once completed, the benefits will definitely satisfy him.

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