Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 490: v2 Chapter 466: The statue is broken, the heart of the living god

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Li Cha forcibly suppressed the ups and downs in his heart, and looked directly at the vague figure of the spider queen.

Word by word.

"How can you know the plan of my god?"

"Do you really think that conspiracy is your mission, and you can control everything?"

"My dungeon **** system, this time, I want to be the master of this world!"

"The spider queen, no matter how strong you are and how much you plan, it will only come to nothing when the new era arrives."

"The ship of the new era cannot carry the soul of the old era."

The voice was with certainty and absolute confidence, and that attitude seemed to be standing behind countless big men who had planned for thousands of years.

The fuzzy figure of the spider queen condensed on the gate of the void also fell into silence at this moment.

He seemed to be struck by this remark.

But after two breaths, it was like a long-suppressed volcanic eruption.

Endless spider power surged out from the other end of the space gate.

Condensing the phantom on the gate of the void, the coercion of shattering the world suddenly erupted.

"Dungeon pantheon? Who gave you the courage to participate?"

The dual voices of the ancient Elvish language and the abyss blasphemous language carried a cold murderous intent.

Li Cha only felt a rumbling in his mind, and the pressure he was under soared a hundredfold. At this moment, his soul seemed to be grasped by a giant hand, clucking.

Under the endless divine might, he seemed to have become a tiny ant, and there was even an impulse in his heart to immediately bow down and surrender.

That is the coercion of higher beings on lower beings.

The existence of the main **** level has already stood at the highest point of this world, and can destroy the stars with a wave.

Death is watching.


Resisting the pressure that almost crushed his soul, he let out a low roar from his throat.

The endless power of yellow sand enters the statue of the ancient gods of the past.

The next moment, the dark light directly enveloped his body, forcibly blocking the appalling pressure.

At this moment, the evil statue of the ancient **** statue with damaged wings on its back and countless octopus tentacles growing on its head seems to be alive.

Those dark eyes stared at the door of space, revealing the spider queen with a vague figure.

The wolf smelled blood. Prey.

In the next second, the dark light emitted by the statue of the ancient **** soared out, ignoring the coercion that could sink the heavens, and forcibly swept up, wrapping the phantom of the spider queen.

"Ancient God."

The phantom resounded through the sky with a resentful voice.

The evil spider's divine power suddenly soared, directly resisting the dim light of the ancient statue of the ancient god.

Under the natural resistance, the ancient statues of the ancient gods could not devour the other's spider power.

Li Cha's eyes widened sharply.

This is the first time he has seen a **** who can compete with the statue of the ancient gods.

Is this the spider queen who made the abyss tremble? ! This power is simply terrifying.

After resisting for more than a dozen breaths, the illusory spider queen gave Li Cha a deep look.

"Whether you are a follower of the kobold god, or a servant of the dungeon pantheon, tell the people behind you. Wait, my judgment."

"No one is qualified to intervene in the plans of the New Era."


The phantom condensed by the spider queen suddenly shattered.

Only Old Elvish and Abyssal blasphemies echoed in the Spider Temple with contempt and pride.

The gate of space has returned to its previous state.

That terrifying divine coercion disappeared without a trace at this moment.

The other party left.

Li Cha's hanging heart only fell to the ground at this moment.

Suddenly, sweat dripped on his forehead.

Facing the pressure of the spider queen, it was like being pressed against the throat by a war knife, and he might lose his life at any time.

It is hard for outsiders to imagine how exaggerated that sense of oppression is.

What he faced was Rose who made the abyss tremble.

After taking a deep breath and calming down, he looked at the door of space again.

At this time, the statue of the ancient gods eroded the gate of space with a bit of anger after it could not search for the enemy.

After a few breaths, the divine power attached to it was swallowed up.

The door of space, which is immune to the attack of the flaming sandstorm, lost the maintenance of its divine power, and there were countless tiny cracks.

In the blink of an eye, it collapsed on the void and turned into countless fragments.

A splash of dust.

Seeing this, Li Cha rubbed the statue of the ancient **** for a while, and then took it back into his arms.

It's not that the statues of the old gods are not strong, it's just that Rose is too perverted.

Looking in front of the spider queen statue, he still turned into the **** of deceit and lies in a state of nothingness.

The mantra that the other party was chanting stopped abruptly after Rose appeared.

The spider queen's attention was attracted by him, and she didn't pay attention to the side at all.

The God of Lies did not resume until the other party left.

It is also in line with the posture of this guy who can stretch and bend.

Li Cha felt a lot more at ease, and glanced around.

The fiery sandstorm is still going on at this moment.

The terrifying heatwave is surprisingly destructive.

The majestic power of yellow sand and the magic power raised to 50,000 points after being promoted to level 15 have greatly improved the battery life of this skill.

It can last as long as he wants.

Looking at the abyss spiders still surviving in the temple, he no longer hesitated, and immediately took the flames and sandstorms to kill.

The abyss spider man and the giant spider fell into extreme madness after the spider queen was driven away.

No spider cared about life and death, and rushed into the fiery sandstorm, vowing to kill Richard, the blasphemer.

But these spiders are just doing useless work. The moment they rush into the flaming sandstorm, they will be smothered by the high temperature and then turned into scorching fireballs.

Seen from a distance, the endless yellow sand covers a diameter of 200 meters with Richard as the center.

In the central area, a tornado condensed with gravel and flames is full of fury and fierceness.

As long as the enemy hits, they will be hit by the red gravel immediately, leaving holes like bullets.

Then, they will be directly ignited, and in the wailing sound, they will turn into fireballs.

This scene looks as if the ancient abyss molten flame demon was born, death, darkness, destruction

Great visual impact.

With the power of the yellow sand that devoured the Lord of the Dunes and the two transformations of being promoted to level 15, Richard forcibly emptied the enemies in the Spider Temple.

When the blazing sandstorm gradually dissipated, the huge spider temple was left with only dry and charred broken corpses and a strong stench.

He floated above the sky, lingering around in the sand that had turned from red to black.

On the ceiling, living spider statues were smoked black.

Against all the backgrounds, Li Cha now gives people the feeling of a great devil after the world is destroyed.

Seeing the situation under control, no one can disturb the **** of lies who is constantly chanting that obscure incantation.

He felt a lot more settled and flew to the gate of the Spider Temple.

Look out.

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The spiders in the temple were emptied, but outside the temple, there were still groups of enemies.

His battle time in the temple was long, but it only took three or five minutes from the time he appeared to the time he emptied everyone.

The enemy who was dragged by the army of Dusk City came back to his senses after the raging sandstorm.

The base camp was raided, and immediately the spider army fell into a frenzy, rushing to kill in the roar.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha's expression did not fluctuate at all.

The yellow sand re-condensed into a sword.

Forcibly keep the enemy out.

The meat grinder reappears.

At this moment, he also has time to observe the battle outside.

Under the leadership of Alves, the flying troops of Dusk City were fighting against the dense void weavers in midair.

Skeleton and blood dragons, stone statues of the dead, mummy guards, sandstorm controllers, and several armies of the king of the forbidden army joined forces to fight against the enemy, and every second, Void Weavers fell from the sky.

But in the face of at least two brigades of Void Weavers, Dusk City also suffered a lot of casualties.

There are constantly stone statues of the dead or mummified guards being killed, and even the skeletal blood dragon following Alves has damaged several squads.

In this kind of head-to-head war, no matter how strong the army is, it is impossible to have no losses.

The battles in the sky are crazy, and the battles on the ground are even better.

Hundreds of descendants of the Ta tribe, under the leadership of Popov, the 19th-level leader of the Ta tribe, rushed to kill recklessly.

After a **** battle, the remaining descendants of the Ta tribe were already less than fifty.

Popov's body is covered with dense scars.

While killing the enemy, the price he paid is also not small.

On the other side, the little centaur, Emerida, the level 14 boss has already started a fighting stance.

The body has soared to a height of 10 meters.

Every time the long-handled battle axe was swung, it was like a battering ram bombarding the city wall.

The army of spiders on the ground was directly smashed, and no one could stop the charge of this centaur.

Centaurs are born to be warriors, not to mention that they are bosses!

The most eye-catching is the battle in the central area. The wax melting demon.

The body re-condensed like a melted candle, the scarlet one eye stood above the head, occupying most of the face, and more than a dozen octopus-like white tentacles on the body continued to beat the void.

Ferocious, terrifying, evil It is no exaggeration to use all negative adjectives on each other.

This life created by Rose is floating in the void at the moment, and in an absolutely domineering manner, shakes the Dark Soul Eater-Kritos, the level 19, no, level 20 boss.

After summoning the tower clan heroic spirit to possess him, the level of Kratos was forcibly raised to extraordinary.

The body made of rock exudes a metallic luster at this moment, and the terrifying power can smash the city wall with one punch.

The dark servants around him cooperate closely with Kritos, but the number of 32 at this moment has dropped to less than 20.

In an extraordinary level battle, ordinary arms could not get close at all. Looking at the battlefield, a huge vacuum appeared in the central area.

Only the huge figure of the ancient tree of gods and evil stood in it, participating in this epic battle without fear.

As a top-level boss with the power of the gods and the authority of decay, the power of the ancient tree of the gods has surpassed the limit of this level.

Every time the branch with endless rotten power is waved, the wax melting demon must give in.

The power of authority, even the extraordinary can't bear it.


After Kritos was knocked off by a tentacle of the melted wax demon, he roared up again.

His extraordinary strength gave him the ability to fight in the air.

With a body as high as 6 meters, holding a heavy war hammer, the explosive force of the muscular body can even twist the void.

This boss with powerful skills likes melee combat the most.

His enemies are covered in wax-melting demons that resemble octopus tentacles, and their attack methods are very strange.

With every wave of the tentacles, large swathes of wax splattered out.

Once contaminated with those white wax that exudes evil aura, the body will be quickly assimilated.

Directly into the body of the candle.

Some spiders affected by the aftermath of the battle turned into wax figures in the blink of an eye after being dripped with white wax.

Even the soul is sealed inside.

What's even more terrifying is that the wax melting demon has no fatal flaw. Every time Kritos attacks the opponent, he cannot cause fatal damage.

After the body is hit by the hammer, it will explode directly, and large cracks will appear, but in the blink of an eye, the cracks are like melting candles and re-healing.

Even if the opponent's head is hammered and the one-eyed burst, it will return to normal at the first time.


This terrifying feature made this already difficult extraordinary monster even more difficult.

Li Cha watched the battle of the three top combat powers, and his mood became solemn.

The idea of ​​forcibly killing the wax-melting demon after wanting to give Kratos extraordinary power disappeared directly after seeing the monster being smashed again and again and then recovering immediately.

Plans can't keep up with changes.

A monster of this level, without the participation of more powerful forces, is simply impossible to kill.

Rose's darling. Sure enough, it can't be inferred by normal logic.

Fortunately, his main purpose this time was not to fight this wax melting demon.

God's heart, as long as you can get the God's heart, the God of Lies can restore a certain amount of power.

At that time, the three-party siege will definitely make the other party hate it.

The key to everything now is to guard the entrance to the temple and not allow anyone to disturb the God of Lies.

Just when the thought arises.


A low and obscure incantation came from the spider temple behind, and the sound penetrated the temple and resounded throughout the sky.

Before Li Cha could regain his senses, there was a sound of glass breaking.

Next second, bang bang~ bang bang~

Everyone heard a heartbeat.

Accompanied by this is a strong **** smell and majestic fluctuations of divine power.

That god's heart, broke the seal? !

Richard turned his head sharply to the center of the temple.

At this moment, the huge statue of the spider queen cracked open countless cracks, and large pieces of debris were falling off.

The heart part was even more broken, and a hollow appeared.

Looking intently, I could faintly see a bright red heart beating inside.

With every beat, the surrounding magic will follow the ups and downs, blowing the tide.

Even if we are far apart, we can feel the extraordinaryness of that heart.

His eyes suddenly became hot.

At this moment, the wax-melting demon who was fighting with Kritos also sensed the aura, and turned his head sharply, his scarlet one eye directly saw through the temple.

The crack in the spider queen statue was like a slap in the face.

He raised his head sharply and let out a shrill roar, his figure streaked across the sky like lightning, and rushed directly to the Spider Temple at a speed that was unseen by the naked eye.

That desperate attitude, brutal and tyrannical, and the violent breath made everyone around feel that their souls were frozen.

Li Cha's pupils shrank, only to feel a strong sense of danger coming from every cell in his body.

death is approaching

When the wax melting demon rushed to the temple, the body of the **** of lies appeared in front of the statue of the spider queen.

Slowly reaching out and holding the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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